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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by greytz

  1. Hi Art, Congrats on taking the first step. I know the wait is difficult but it will be worth it and it will fly by. Before you know it your day will be here. There are several steps to the process but honestly, it depends on a lot of factors, like your insurance, your specific health problems, your surgeon's schedule, etc. There are some people who have to go through pre-op diets and then for me there was pre testing such as, blood work up, chest x-ray and I had to have Cardio clearance due to a heart condition. It is different depending on your specific needs and doctor. Good Luck and keep us posted!
  2. greytz

    Here is one for you ladies

    Good job Bill! I love that you had that moment of deep feeling all over again. I have been married for 20 wonderful years and I am so blessed. Sometimes I do that too. Look at my husband and get that deep I love you feeling over and over again.
  3. I weigh every morning and when I gain a pound or two, I don't eat the same thing I ate the night before. I put that food on my do not eat list until I reach my goal. Just my personal choice to do that. But, keep in mind that water weight, medication and other personal health factors will cause the scale to creep up and down at any given time of the month.
  4. Congratulations! That is soooo cool! Way to go!!!! I have 12 lbs until then.
  5. I ate yogurt also. It was a good choice. My surgeon suggested I put a teaspoon of my protein mix in it and that is what I did with the vanilla flavor. That way, I got my protein in easier. How are you feeling Erin? Did you get rid of the nausea?
  6. greytz

    Nasty Thing People Say

    I don't believe in confronting someone you don't know either. Unless they get physical and you are attempting to defend yourself, it is not wise. Ms. Manners or not, you do not know what the other person is capable of and not a good idea to start a confrontation. Why invest in someone who matters not to you? They are not worth the trouble. Ignore as I said before and move on.
  7. greytz

    What is the deal? *rant*

    Think there are just a lot of people on here that are passionate about their experience and you should take it for what it is. When most people post a thread, they are usually asking a question about how someone else feels about a certain issue. I have seen a lot of threads on here where someone asks "has anyone been banded in Mexico". Obviously, they are asking for anyone who has been banded there to give there opinion about it. I don't see all good things. I have also read some very bad experiences about there and everywhere in between. I just take it for what it is worth. I have my own experience and my own feelings and nothing I read on here will diminish or take away from that. It is good to read about other experiences and share mine though.
  8. greytz

    Im fed up

    I have had cardiac problems for a long time now and almost lost my life and could at anytime. It is SO very important to ensure you are "heart" ready before you have WLS. You will go under general anesthesia for this procedure and even though it has become a common procedure and is a shorter recovery time, general anesthesia is no small matter. Fortunately, I already had a heart surgeon that I had been established with for awhile and it was no problem for me, however, I did have to have a cardio standing by for my surgery. Actually, for every procedure I have done. It is nothing to mess with and I believe they are being cautious as well they should be. The band won't do you any good if your six feet under.
  9. greytz

    Working Out/Sports

    I agree with Plain. Do what your doctor says. I was on the treadmill within 2 weeks and weight training within 3.
  10. greytz

    Approved Today 8/5/09!!!!

    Congrats on your approval! Hang in there and keep us posted.
  11. greytz

    First office visit today!

    Hi CeeCee and welcome to bandworld. Good Luck and keep us posted.
  12. greytz

    A set back ! ! ! !

    I know it is difficult but it will be worth the wait. And, maybe you should think of it in a positive way and make the most of the therapy sessions. I found it very cathartic to talk out my apprehensions about the band and my feelings about food. It really made me even that much more sure I wanted the band. But, it has also helped me through the difficult periods of the band and kept me on track.
  13. greytz

    Today is the day!

    Congrats Amanda! Please let us know how you are doing when you feel up to it. Good Luck!
  14. greytz

    To Fill or Not to Fill?

    I think it is really up to you and your surgeon. I was banded 06-17 and did not have my first fill until 08-04 but I can tell you that the last week of that was torture. Particularly around two days before. I was hungry as a bear. Once I had the first fill it was so different. I am so suprised at how full I stay and how little I really eat. I have already lost 3 lbs since the 4th. I thought I was eating very little before my first fill but comparing what I eat now opposed to what I ate just before is nothing short of amazing. Good Luck.
  15. greytz

    Never Again...

    Good Luck you guys! Let us know how your surgeries go. I will never again shop in the big girls store. I already quit them. I get the advertising emails and hit delete!
  16. greytz

    1st fill since reband!

    Good for you! Glad you are back on the band and filled. I wasn't rebanded but had my first fill on 08-04. I have a 10cc band and at first she filled me with 5cc's but water wouldn't go down so she took some out and I am at 4.6cc's which apparently is a little aggressive but I am glad I am feeling the restriction. Good Luck!
  17. greytz


    Hi Tish, You are in what is known as "Bandster Hell" which I just got out of thank goodness. I had my first fill on 08-04-09 and it feels so good. I didn't have hardly any restriction until my first fill and it was so hard to stay focused and be careful about how much and what I ate. Don't give up and hang in there. It is a very normal part of your journey and will pass. Just keep focused on that first fill. It may not give you complete restriction and probably won't but I do have great restriction right now and I am hoping that doesn't change for awhile. Good Luck and keep us posted.
  18. Will one of you post a thread when you find out the answer? I am so curious also. Restless, I felt the earthquake here in Florida LOL. I was filled on 08-04 with 4.6 but I feel the restriction. It may kick in even more but I am so full feeling all the time and I love it. I found myself thinking about food all day yesterday though (LOL) even though I knew I was full and didn't want to eat so I didn't. Just a couple of tablespoons for lunch and a couple of tablespoons for dinner. It was awesome.
  19. greytz

    Yay! They Fit! :)

    WooHoo to you! Yeah! It is such a great feeling when you can fit into something you couldn't before. Congrats!
  20. Yes. It is for nausea. But ask your doctor and see what he says.
  21. Good. Let me know what he says. He may be able to call you in something at the pharmacy like liquid phenergan.
  22. greytz

    First Fill today!!

    Diva, that sounds really drastic. I got my first fill yesterday and am on 24 hour liquids, 24 hour mushies and then solids. I am burping some too. I am having to be very careful not to gulp. A whole new learning experience.
  23. greytz

    Discouraged - aftercare?

    I think if you don't have a good idea of what to eat and what not to eat, you should seek out a dietician, nutritionist or someone that can help you with that. And they can tell you the proper calorie intake for your specific needs.
  24. greytz

    Who measures food?

    I do measure my food but I guess it is because I am insecure about figuring out how much to put on my plate right now. Maybe, after I am a veteran at this I will be better at it but right now it keeps me focused and paying attention to not only how much I am eating but what I am eating also.
  25. greytz

    Introducing myself

    Hi Chellz. Welcome in! This is a great forum to learn about other bandsters experiences. Be sure to go to a seminar and talk to a surgeon to learn firsthand what to expect. It is so different for everyone that you can get dizzy thinking about it in those terms. Your doctor will know your specific health conditions and risks and will be able to better prepare you for you upcoming journey. Boy, it would be tough to be around models and the like all the time. I also love make up, hair, accessories, etc. A girly girl. Good Luck and keep us updated.

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