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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by greytz

  1. greytz

    The port

    I can feel my port and know where it is but to me that is a good thing. I don't want my surgeon having to hunt for it. I had my first fill on 08-04 and she found it first try.
  2. It is so difficult when someone close to you isn't supportive of this decision. I have been very fortunate and most everyone in my close circle has been behind me. But recently since I have started to show obvious weight loss one of the people in that circle has decided to turn and be negative. I know it is hard but it is your body, your mind and your spirit. You are the only one that can decide what is right for you. It is so hard to go against family but what is best for you is what counts and it feels soooooo good once you begin to lose the weight and all the doubts go away. Once that happened to me, I knew I had made the right decision no matter what anyone else thinks. And by the way, I was at BMI 34 and had no problems getting approved. Of course, it makes a difference what insurance you are with and what physical problems you have, but just hang in there and don't give up. You are so worth it!
  3. greytz

    I'm hungry

    Ok Good. Just don't worry about it too much right now and eat to make sure your stomach isn't growling.
  4. greytz

    Pay it forward clothing exchange

    I think it is a very good idea. I have some clothes that are hardly worn and could really help someone. I am already looking at having to get new clothes. The one part of the journey that sucks is pulling out money for new clothes.
  5. I meant to say not as restrictive as I hope it would be. Jeez. Typos.
  6. I am at the beginning of my journey and I do weigh my food. Mostly to teach myself how much I should be eating. I don't keep journals or anything like that but my personal concern is that I don't put too much on my plate. I have my first fill but it is as restrictive as I hoped it would be so I made an appointment to go back to my surgeon on 08-25. Until then, I will measure my food and watch myself carefully. Right now, I don't eat anything but meat protein and veggies. Only because I want to lose it as quickly as I can so I don't add anything else to my diet. I think once I reach my goal I will be able to relax a little bit and not be so strict on myself.
  7. greytz

    Loose skin after surgery

    I am 51 and I know I will have some hanging skin. I would rather be healthy and thin that worry about that before I even know how I will look. I guess your perspective changes once you reach a certain age I don't know. My skin has already started to show little wrinkles but I just keep on truckin' and smilin' because I am losing the weight. I do know from all my earlier days of the gym (I used to be an instructor at Elaine Power's) that it does help if you had really good muscle tone and skin before. But, as said above, genetics and your personal exercise will make the difference. That is one of those, I will wait and see how I look and cross that bridge when I meet it.
  8. You may want to try Nectar by Syntax. They have a website under the name Syntax. You can google it. The powder's are called Nectar and they have several different varieties. I love the truffle because it is chocolate of course but they are so smooth and creamy it is amazing. I drink them with skim milk.
  9. greytz

    Indecisive Newbie Here

    I agree with Restless. I wouldn't settle. I really had my mind made up for exactly what I wanted. I personally did not want any cutting to my stomach involved which is required for the sleeve and obviously bypass. I just did not want any part of that. My own personal choice. I have absolutely no regrets and I am so happy with my choice. Please be sure what you really want so you can say you have no regrets later.
  10. greytz

    The "F" word

    It is what it is. I am fat therefore I am what I am. It is just a name to me. But I'll sure be glad when all the fat is gone. Here is the definition of the word Fat: The ester of glycerol and one, two, or three fatty acids. Any of various soft, solid, or semisolid organic compounds constituting the esters of glycerol and fatty acids and their associated organic groups. A mixture of such compounds occurring widely in organic tissue, especially in the adipose tissue of animals and in the seeds, nuts, and fruits of plants. Animal tissue containing such substances. A solidified animal or vegetable oil. Obesity; corpulence. The best or richest part: living off the fat of the land. Unnecessary excess: "would drain the appropriation's fat without cutting into education's muscle" (New York Times
  11. greytz

    Is Hair Loss Normal

    I have heard other posters say they have lost hair also. Are you taking a good multi-vitamin? Also, you may want to have your thyroid checked. I have thyroid disease but had it before I was banded. It causes some hair loss but I keep my thyroid under control and have it checked regularly. If I remember right and someone correct me if I am wrong, when you put more protein in your diet and take out too many carbs, hair loss is one of the side effects. But, I would check with your surgeon just to be sure nothing else is going on that needs to be corrected.
  12. greytz

    Back Pain

    I too had a little bit of back pain in the first couple of weeks. Mine subsided.
  13. Everybody no matter how far they have come or where they are on their journey will have cravings. I cannot imagine going the rest of my life on this journey and never eating an ice cream or my favorite a few peanut M&Ms. It just wouldn't be human. I think it is very natural to do what you did and it is NOT the end of the world. Just climb right back on the wagon and get back into your routine. You are doing well and have lost almost half of your goal weight. Keep going and don't let this slip derail you. You are doing great!
  14. Have you considered making an appointment with your PCP? It may be band related but it may not. I would definitely see both your band surgeon and your PCP.
  15. greytz

    I'm hungry

    Hi Erin, well that is a good thing actually. You have been so sick it is good to hear that you are hungry. Are you still in the liquid stage or are you in the mushies? If I remember right you are in full liquids. You can eat the potatoe soup you were talking about or any kind of broth and probably pudding and yogurt now. You definitely need to start putting something on your stomach now.
  16. Restless, I need your opinion on something. I went for my first fill and she initially put in 5 cc's and told me to gulp water so I did. I thought it got stuck so she extracted .4 cc's and I currently have 4.6 cc's. I was filled on 08-04. I feel like I am able to eat too much. I don't eat too much because I measure. After I eat, I feel full but not overly and reallly feel like I could eat more. I just don't. I called the surgeon and I go back on 08-25. I don't really feel restriction as I think it should be. Since it was my first fill, I am not really sure how it should feel. Your opinion?

  17. greytz

    Lapband 09-07-07 prolapse 08-03-09

    Wow, what a difficult thing to go through. I am so glad you are alright and have a plan to continue on your journey. Good Luck and keep us posted.
  18. Erin, go on line and try the Syntax protein mix called Nectar. It comes in all kinds of flavors. My favorite of course is the truffle. I drink it with skim milk and it is yummy!
  19. greytz

    Doing great!

    Yeah for you and keep going! You are doing great! It is great motivation when you see the scale go down.
  20. Mia, Yeah for you!! Keep us posted.
  21. greytz

    August 29th

    Hi Erin, I know I keep telling you this but you need to check with your surgeon. You have had some problems since your surgery and I think your surgeon would know best if this is something you should do right now. Take Care.
  22. Couldn't have said it better myself viprvenm. God put your friend who is helping you in your life so that you could deal with your sister or ignore her whichever. What a beautiful gift to have a friend like that who is going the extra mile to help you out.
  23. greytz

    Healing time and complications

    I have the LapBand AP and the primer was there but was definitely not pre-filled. Call your surgeon as everyone says. This is not normal as far as I can tell. I did have stomach flu right out of the hospital after my band surgery and I thought I was going to die. It lasted about 4 days. Check with your surgeon.
  24. greytz

    OK so....

    It is perfectly normal to feel the way you do and I think most of us felt the same way. I felt some restriction after the surgery just due to swollen stomach but once it healed boy was it hard! I really had to be careful and watch my intake but I did eat more than a tablespoon and still lost weight. You are being too hard on yourself and need to lighten up a little. LOL. Call your surgeons office and get their advice. They should have given you a guide to go by for this time period. Good Luck!
  25. Yeah for you! Good luck and keep us posted!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
