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Everything posted by greytz

  1. greytz

    new to site

    Don't forget a really comfortable bra. If you were underwires by one that is soft cup. There will be an incision that is right under that spot.
  2. greytz

    First fill and I'm depressed!!

    Don't get depressed. I am sure she is being very cautious and making sure you do not have any problems particularly since you have just had surgery. I was banded on 06-17 and did not have my first fill until 08-04 so it was quite awhile and it does get frustrating but better to be careful than to have regrets. Good Luck!
  3. You may want to look into all new types of WLS. There are other less radical procedures. They are still cuts but a lot less invasive I think. Wasa my be able to tell you more about the sleeve. It may be a better option for you.
  4. greytz

    I can't decide

    My personal opinion only here but I am someone who has dealt with thyroid disease for a very long time. Honestly, I did some research about the correlation between the two and there isn't any. As long as you have your blood work completed routinely and adjust your thyroid medication, it should not have any effects on whichever surgery you choose. I honestly thought because I would be losing weight and my metabolism would change that the thyroid would be effected but it isn't. I will tell one thing about my thyroid experience though for what it will be worth to you. I was on synthroid for awhile and hated it with a passion. I had all kinds of symptoms that were horrible including major hair loss, night sweats, etc. I was reading a book one day about natural hormone therapy because at the time was experimenting with it. I was a lot younger at the time and had to have a total hysterectomy due to cancer. Once I was allowed to consider hormone replacement, I was too young not to do it for awhile. I am old enough now that I don't dabble in hormone replacement for the obvious reasons to my health. But to get back on the path. The book discussed natural thyroid replacement in the form of armour thyroid. I have it compounded at the pharmacy and have been taking it for years. It has worked miracles for me. I weighed just a little less than you when I was making my decision and I did not want to cut my stomach in anyway. But there are good and bad arguments for all of the procedures. Only you can research and make what you feel is the best choice for you.
  5. greytz

    Nsv!!! :)

    I am definitely losing inches. It is showing more than the pounds. I do weigh everyday but don't obsess. It is what it is. That just helps keep me focused for my own personal goals. I cleaned out my closet for the first time the day before yesterday and it felt great! I tried everything on first because I just wasn't sure how some things would fit. Some of the clothes were like a tent on me! It was such a good feeling. My hubby took me to Goodwill the next day and I got rid of them. I didn't even want them around. I was afraid I would keep them as a crutch to lean on. Now, I don't have one.
  6. greytz

    I'm in Onederland

    Yeah! Good for YOU!
  7. greytz

    How long btwn bowel movements ??

    I did not have a bowel movement for 5 days after surgery. I called my surgeon after the third day and she said it was ok to wait it out but if it persisted by the 5th day to call. I had a BM on the 5th day and have been completely regular ever since. I am actually more regular now than I ever was before. I am sure due to eating better.
  8. greytz

    2 months post op

    Wow! Lookin Great!
  9. Yes. It will be a big change but you have a lot to look forward to! I got to clean out my closet the other day for the first time and it felt so good! I had clothes that were swimming on me. Good Luck and keep us posted.
  10. Hi reader, I am 51 and can tell you that I like everyone else who posted here felt the same way. Particularly since I was older I felt like I should know better. But in the end, the result is what counts. How you got there as long as it was healthy isn't what is important. Being there is what counts and staying there. Good Luck on your decision and keep us posted.
  11. Sorry. So I thought I had read on another thread you wrote that you had not had the surgery yet. I can understand why you would not want to cook right now. That is the last thing I wanted to do. Was just trying to help.
  12. Walk, walk, walk and even though it hurts keep deep breathing. Use the machine they gave you. It really helps.
  13. Ok. Saw that you found it. It looks great.
  14. Thanks! Go to www.tickerfactory.com and set up a password. Pick your ticker then your little tracker and save. Then right click copy. Go to your edit signature under cp on the lefthand side of your profile on the lapband forum and in the lower box right click paste. Go to the bottom of the screen and hit save and you are golden.
  15. greytz

    Hint for drinking soda..

    It may take the fizz away in the glass but I don't think it stops the swelling in your stomach.
  16. greytz

    Exploring the World of Protein

    There are some wonderful protein powders out there and it seems that everyone's taste is different but I have had no problem returning some I have tried. A lot of people on the forum seems to like Isopure but it made me gag literally. I love Syntrax brand powders called Nectar. I think they taste fabulous. I like the truffle in the morning with skim milk and I drink the lemonade with water in the afternoon. The truffle with 6 oz is about 25 grams of protein and the lemonade is about 15 grams.
  17. She did offer to cook it sounds like by asking her mother what she wanted from the store. Her mother could have also given her a list and helped her cook it or something. I don't think you are being overly sensitive at all. It would have been one thing if you would have been in their home but they were in yours! What you say goes. You will probably need to be more assertive and really put your cards on the table with them. I have had several conversations with my mother about my visit with her on Sept 4th. She keeps wanting to go to the grocery before I get there and I keep telling her to wait that I will go and take her with me when I get there. It will be my Birthday while I am there and she keeps talking about how sad it is that she can't make me a cake. She has Celiac disease (allergic to wheat) so I told her we would make her favorite carrot cake and she can freeze it. That way I won't make her feel bad but I won't have to eat something I don't want to eat. I think it is just the ritual of her and I in the kitchen and baking that she would miss and not really whether I eat or not so this was to me the best alternative. I am not a carrot cake fan so it won't bother me. Good Luck to you and I hope you can find ways around there insensitivity. A lot of it is just ignorance on their part. Maybe you could show them the brochures and information you have gathered? Sit them down together and tell them exactly what you will be going through. There are videos online that actually show the procedure. Maybe it is time to open their eyes.
  18. greytz

    Your 1st goal and reward !!

    Ditto here. I have already given myself a reward at my 30 lbs goal. I bought a handbag. I really nice one. It is kind of a birthday goal bag rolled into one because I didn't want to feel too guilty about it. My next mini goal is on Sept. 4th when I go on a plane to visit my mother. I want to be in onederland! I have 10 lbs to go and I am not sure I am going to make it but I am going to give it my best shot. At least I know the seat belt will fit!
  19. greytz

    How do you tell your friends?

    I think it totally depends on your relationship with your friends and if you feel they will support you. I told only my mother (we are really close), my hubby and one other friend. I decided if someone asks me about my weight, I will decide at the time whether or not to say anything. It depends on the situation and how they ask. So far, I have had a lot of support from the people I chose to tell and don't need support from anyone else. I have had a couple of people say something like "Wow you are losing weight" and I just smiled and said "Yeah, I know" and left it at that.
  20. I think a lot of us had those questions and feelings when we were in the consideration mode. It is a terrifying thing to think of at times. But now, with most of my fears behind me, I am so glad I did it! There is always that little bit of what if something goes wrong but I have decided to put that behind me right now and concentrate on the present and attaining my goals. Good Luck!
  21. greytz

    First Fill Experiences

    Had my first fill on 08-04. I initially got worried because I hardly felt any restriction. Now, I am feeling restriction but I have off days when it seems as though I could eat anything. I don't mind you, but I sure feel like it. I made another appointment on 08-25 just to be sure what I am feeling is right. I have 4.6cc's.
  22. I was banded on 06-17 and I have 4.6cc's right now with one fill. At first, I felt like I could eat anything but now that I have had a fill for awhile, I am feeling the restriction better. I still have days when I seem to be more restricted than others. I figure it maybe because of what I eat is making me full faster and longer. I agree with Restless that it does seem to be really aggresive. I have decided I am actually glad my surgeon is going more slowly and I have time to recover from each event. It has made it much better for me.
  23. Jeremy, sounds like you are well on your way. Good Luck and keep us posted.
  24. greytz

    Yep...Sliming and PB...it happened!

    Thanks for telling your experience. I haven't had that happen yet, but I am sure the day will come. I was banded just before you on 06-17. I have not really introduced breads into my meals yet. I have pretty much decided not to do the white bread starch at this point just for weight loss reasons. I have had some success so far with just meat and veggie so I am sticking with that. It does get boring sometimes though.
  25. greytz

    Brand new scale, broken? Gah.

    Bed, Bath and Beyond should replace the scale receipt or not. Take it in and explain it was a gift. They will usually replace but they won't usually return for cash.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
