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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by greytz

  1. It is so hard sometimes to get motivated and I am sure after awhile it is even more difficult. I got a little down a couple of weeks ago and I re-attended one of the seminars my surgeon gave and answered questions and talked to the people who were considering the band. It really made me feel good to help them and helped me remember why I am doing this and how I felt when I first began my journey. Also, have you talked to your surgeon or staff lately? Even though you feel that you don't need a fill, maybe they can help you with nutrition or exercise plans to help you get jump started again. Good Luck.
  2. Yes. That time frame is normal. It is to help give your body time to heal and adjust. I was banded on 06-17 and did not have my first fill until 08-04. Good Luck and keep us posted.
  3. Good Luck and keep us posted. The time goes so fast and just keep sticking to the food plan they gave you.
  4. I kind of had the same situation. I had my first fill on 08-04 and sometimes I feel like that. I have to be very careful right now because of it. I made another appointment with my surgeon for 08-25 just to be sure I don't have a leak or something. You may want to check with them. I kept thinking I would tighten up but I haven't really. I am kind of unsure at this point and that is why I made the appointment.
  5. greytz

    Lap Band versus Bypass

    I personally chose the band because I absolutely did not want my stomach cut in any way! Again, a personal choice but I had not been able to lose weight for a long, long time and others on here have heard me tell it but I will try to give the short version. I was on oral steroids for two years for a skin condition and I have thyroid disease, an irreparable heart condition, etc. The weight came on like gangbusters. My odds of success for losing weight were very minimal. I was finally able to get off of the steroids and once I did, I went for the band. I feel that I have personally had enormus success so far. I don't regret a single minute of it. I think all surgeons who perform one or the other type of surgery are going to be negative about the one they don't perform and won't make money on. Ultimately, you have to decide. They are going to try to sway you. You will want to do the research. Good Luck and keep us posted.
  6. Dr. Tiffany Jessee is great too! She is in St. Pete and even though I am a little further away, I still go to her. I was banded by her on 06-17 and her support and her staff support has been tremendous.
  7. greytz

    Pre-Op Testing

    Blood work, psych eval, chest x-ray, EKG, letter from PCP and I had to get special clearance from my heart doctor due to a heart condition. I also had to have a heart doctor on standby during my surgery. If you have any special conditions, you may have to do something like that and get an extra clearance.
  8. Definitely talk to your surgeon and see what they suggest. Are you using straws to drink? That will cause burping also. I burp if I eat or drink to fast.
  9. greytz

    Gas Pain Now???

    You are doing the right things. You just have to wait it out and walk, walk, walk. Also, be sure to use your breathing machine with deep breaths to help with pain and prevent other illness.
  10. They should tell you at the bariatric class what they want you to be eating pre-op. Each surgeon is a little different in what they want for that. They should give you literature and info about what they are looking for. My surgeon required a protein shake for breakfast (water only) and lunch and then one meat protein and one small green veggie for dinner.
  11. Hi SaZoo, There is a girl on this board that is your age. Her name is Erin. She has had the surgery and would be good for you to talk to since you are the same age. Look for her on the boards and highlight her name and it will give you her profile. Then send her a private message and I am sure she will be glad to talk to you. She is always looking for someone her age to talk to. Good Luck on your impending surgery. Have you been to a seminar yet? That might be a good place to start along with talking to your doctor. Good Luck and keep us posted.
  12. greytz

    anyones insurance cover fills???

    I have to pay my copay which is $20.
  13. greytz

    Can't Stick With It

    I agree with Jachut. It is cheaper to eat healthy but you have to be willing to spend a few minutes to buy it, prepare it and store it. In the time it takes to go through drive through a couple of times a day, you can shop once a week and accomplish much more in the way of healthy eating. My exercise time is in the morning. It's the first thing I do. I don't allow anything else until it is done. I walk on the treadmill and weight train. The treadmill only takes a few minutes and I feel so good afterwards. I incline so I burn more calories. I use 1.5 lb weights on each wrist. Sometimes I use them throughout the day just to help with the arm toning. It may be good for you to get a piece of paper and write down what a day looks like for you and how long it takes you to do each task. Then eliminate some of the things you can do without and input your grocery shopping and some form of exercise. And Plain is right. I take the stairs instead of escalator and park as far away as I can get (and still be safe) when I go somewhere, etc. There are lots of things like that you can do to get in extra workouts.
  14. greytz

    I'm HOME!!!!!

    Congrats Kim! Good Luck! You have a wonderful weight loss journey ahead of you.
  15. greytz

    one day to go!

    I know you are in surgery today but Good Luck and let us know how you are doing when you feel up to it.
  16. You should be able to sip water or liquids all day. If you can't something is wrong in there and you need to call your surgeon.
  17. greytz

    Any last minute advice?

    A comfortable bra with no underwires. The incision is just under the bra line and ouch it hurts if you don't wear something stretchy and soft.
  18. greytz

    post-op Newbie

    Congrats Tina! Good Luck and keep us posted.
  19. I had to stay overnight due to my heart condition. It was fairly uneventul and I was gone by early morning.
  20. greytz

    I'm back!

    Congrats! I really had problems with nausea in the beginning also. I found out I had stomach flu and then I still had nausea for about a week after. It finally went away and it felt so good to be human again. Good Luck!
  21. greytz

    new to site

    My larger incision is there and it is where they did most of the work but my port is much lower on the lefthand side.
  22. Yeah for YOU! You have done excellent!
  23. greytz

    ANyone else thrown up??

    I have never and hopefully will never throw up. Have you considered it may have been bad guac?
  24. Hi Decolady, I am just turning 51 next month. Can't believe it but yep. I was banded on 06-17. Couldn't take it anymore either. It is never too late to start as far as I am concerned. My mother in law has been watching my progress and is now considering it. Good Luck and keep us posted!
  25. You may not feel it right now and may have gotten away with it this time but the next time (heaven forbid there is a next time) you may not be so lucky. Please do what your surgeon tells you and also tell him/her what you ate so they can notate it in case you have problems in the near future they will know why. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself why you went to all the trouble and expense if you are just going to go against what you have been told to do. It could be a very dangerous thing. Also, once you start down that road, if you are like I was and probably a lot of other bandsters out there, one thing leads to the next thing and so on until you cannot quit. Please reconsider what you did and don't do it again for you own health and safety.

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