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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by greytz

  1. greytz

    Finally under 200

    Congrats! I am so near but so far. I am struggling also. I have nine pounds to go and I am wanting to get there so badly. I was hoping to make it before I go visit my Mom on Sept. 4th but I don't think I am going to. I have an appointment with my surgeon on the 25th of Aug so hopefully I can get some more restriction. You are doing great!
  2. greytz

    stuck feeling - please help

    I am sure people with that experience will post. It hasn't happened to me yet but from what I have read on here from other posters is that it takes time to go down and you will need to wait it out. Then, I believe most of them go back to mushies or liquids depending on what they can tolerate. If it gets really bad, I would page the surgeon or whoever is on call at your surgeon's office.
  3. Great. Yeah, I can understand. I just suggested the cards because it was just easier for me and I was more inclined to do it. But whatever works for you is the best thing. And, the whole point as I am sure you already know is to track the bad as well. It is what really opens up your eyes.
  4. My surgeon directed me not to eat or drink at least 4 hours before a fill. I had my first fill and didn't eat all day before hand. I was afraid my food would not be all the way digested and I wanted the best results possible. I didn't want anything in my pouch when she filled.
  5. greytz

    Reasons to be/not to be banded?

    First of all, I never thought to myself, I may want it out before I ever got it. I did have some fears of course, I think that is natural. I know you are asking the people who wanted it or got it out but I wanted to tell you how I feel now that I am a couple months post op. I have absolutely no regrets at this point and I am thrilled I had the surgery. I was a person who for the last three years couldn't even yo yo diet. I was just heading up the scale period. Oral steriods for a skin condition and thyroid disease made it totally impossible to lose weight or even maintain weight. I am on my way down the scale and wouldn't change my experience so far for anything. Not saying I haven't worked hard for it because I have but at least now I have results which I couldn't get before. I think it is ok to be nervous and have fears but I also believe you have to want it bad enough and be willing to take whatever conseqences come with it (bad or good) and deal with it when it happens. If I have problems down the road then I will handle them when I get there. I hope you find the answers you are looking for and can decide once and for all if the band is right for you. Good Luck!
  6. Never been to him but wanted to wish you the best of luck!
  7. Jim, that is wonderful that you have taken the right steps to help the situation. I would definitely say to make as many appointments as you can as often as they will let you until you can work your way through it. I think you are headed in the right direction for sure. My belief is that the nutritionist is important because even though you know what to eat you aren't eating it at this point. It will just help keep it in your head that much more. Also, when I have had trouble in the past staying on track, I put a postcard on my kitchen counter and everytime I ate something I wrote it down. I also kept one in my purse (for you a pocket LOL) and when I was out would jot it down. I put the postcards together at the end of the day. I was shocked sometimes at what I ate. It might really help you right now. It is kind of a kick in the butt to see it in black and white. It will also help your nutritionist believe it or not. She can see what you are eating and help you make better choices based on the foods you tend to like. Otherwise, she will just be telling you to eat foods you may not be inclined to eat and it does you no good. This way she can substitute better food choices based on what you already like. I hope that made sense. I can sometimes hear things in my head and not put them on paper very well. Anyway, best of luck to you and keep me posted on your progress!
  8. Get a bullet. Most of us wouldn't have done without it. You can get one at Target or Walmart or Bed, Bath and Beyond. Also, sounds like you are going to a lot of work. Most surgeons allow coffee. Check with your surgeon on everything. Also, check with your surgeon about the meds. I did not have to crush mine at all. Just took them with a sip of water. I used and still use chewable vitamins though.
  9. First of all too many carbs. Secondly, you are still healing and weight gain does happen to some people so don't lose faith. Talk to your surgeon and find out what you can do to help with the problem.
  10. greytz

    which protein powder?

    Let me know how you like it. You only have to mix one scoop (comes in the jar) to six ounces of either skim milk or Water. I like the skim milk because it makes it so smooth. Most of the shots are 5 oz. so it really isn't that much more. It doesn't take long to drink at all.
  11. I am only 33 lbs down and have already begun to have a problem. I have really lost a lot of inches and the clothes I had that were too tight that I thought I would be able to use are already too big. I just blew right by them. I am still trying to use the pants and tops as long as I can but my my butt has really slimmed and I look like I have a load in there or something. (laughing). I am fortunate in that I am retired and don't have to worry so much about it but it is still embarrassing to have them hanging on me like that. I have a good consignment shop around the corner from me so I think I am going to check it out. I would think consignment and all the places mentioned above will be the way to go for me. Most of those stores are in my area. I do have a question for anyone on this thread. Bras are so expensive and I of course you can't buy them on consignment so where do you all go to buy a good but fairly inexpensive bra? Too bad for me but one of the first things to go was my boobies. On a positive side the wings of skin that pushed the sides of my bra are now gone!
  12. Don't mean to hijack Stacy's thread but wanted to give Courtney an idea that my neighbor uses with her kids. They eat extremely healthy and don't eat fast food. When they are on good behavior at the end of the week she takes them to the dollar store and lets them pick out a toy. They think they have hit the lottery of course. They are six and three. I know you don't have your stepson all the time but maybe you can have an inexpensive toy for him when you fix his home cooked meals or something like that so he still has something to look forward to but is eating good. BTW good for you for changing his habits early. Good for both of you!
  13. greytz

    Just saying HI

    Congrats to you Cookie! You are doing great. Glad you stuck to your decision and did what you wanted to do.
  14. 62 lbs since Sept is fabulous! Don't be so hard on yourself. You could have had a particularly stressful month that brought about this change. The important part is to attempt to recognize what caused the sudden departure from your routine and change it asap. It sounds like maybe emotional eating. Go back to a seminar or check with a nutritionist or maybe go back in and talk to your surgeon again to get yourself back on track. Good Luck.
  15. greytz

    Any Vegetarians?

    I am not as far out as you are but I have begun to feel the same way about meat. I just don't enjoy it like I used to. I have actually started to take meat out of my dinner. I do have chunky tuna or grilled chicken usually for lunch but I find that if I cut out the meat at dinner, I seem to be losing better. I really don't miss it.
  16. I have a suggestion that may help. On foodnetwork.com there is a section from one of the shows on feeding four people for $10.00. I have never tried it but it looks pretty good. The recipies should be on the website. They also have a lot of other healthy meal recipies that are budget friendly too. Hope this helps.
  17. Ok Jennifer, Consider yourself officially kicked! LOL. You know what to do as you are a veteran at this now. Get right back on the wagon. LOL.
  18. Have you considered seeing a psychologist? Someone professional that knows how to deal with your eating issues. From reading some of your threads, I would think it would be well worth it for you. You definitely have the desire but the head thoughts just keep getting in the way. It is so very hard if you are emotionally attached to eating. It doesn't just go away. I think a professional could definitely help you detach yourself from bad choices. A nutritionist also might help. I don't know what kind of insurance you have but if you have a good one, they will help pay for some of the cost of a psychologist.
  19. greytz

    just curious

    Kissy, yeah for you! Glad the fill did the trick.
  20. Good Job! Take each day at a time. You've had great weight loss by the way! Keep it up.
  21. It isn't so much about what got you here in the first place as it is that you can do real physical damage to yourself by not doing what the doctor tells you to do. Clean out your pantry and put some really bad pics of yourself on the fridge. It helped me a lot. Keep remembing why you did this in the first place. There is truly a reason why they tell you to eat they way they do in the beginning. You are embarking on a new way of life not just a diet change. Maybe you can see a nutritionist?
  22. greytz

    Just got banded 8/19, Question?

    Walk, Walk, Walk and use the little breathing machine they gave you to take deep breaths. The shoulder pain is very normal.
  23. I know a lot of people don't like to weigh their food but I think for someone like me it is very important in the beginning. Just for this reason. I had my first fill on 08-04 and I don't have a lot of restriction either even though she put 4.6cc's in my band. I made an appointment with her for 08-25 (can't wait) however, I have been and am being very, very careful until then so I don't make any mistakes. Hang in there and call your surgeon.
  24. Congrats Stacy! You are embarking on a new journey that will change your life and your daughter's life for the better. She is still young so when you reach your goal you will be able to do things with her and play with her like you never thought you could. Good Luck and keep us posted!
  25. greytz

    What are the Bullets?

    Oh. Sorry. I forgot to say go to Syntrax on your search engine and then to Supplement Warehouse. That is where I buy mine. They have the Grab and Go but I have never used that. I am assuming it is in pouches. If you scroll down from that, you will see the 2 lb tubs. They have all kinds of flavors. I mix the truffle with skim milk in the mornings and then mix the roadside lemonade with Water in the afternoon. It only takes six ounces so it is quick to drink and then I continue on with my Crystal Light pink lemonade.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
