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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by greytz

  1. greytz

    Gained 30 lbs a little over 3 years out

    I would be scared too. Do you have any money you can set aside to save for a fill? Can you check with your surgeon and see if they will take payments? Do you have a credit card you could possibly use for the fill? Save the money you are spending each time for McDonads and use it toward your fill. Put a jar on your night stand or dresser and everytime you get extra change or a dollar or two put it in the jar. Save and save some more until you get money for that fill.
  2. I am so sorry. I meant to say you can lose as much as you want with the band. I am sure you can with the sleeve too, I just made a typo.
  3. You definitely need to consider doing more research since you are on the fence still. I think you do have more options than just band vs. bypass. I didn't want to cut my stomach in any way but I had a lower BMI and I wanted portion control. It really has to do with what your eating habits are in my opinion and also if you have a strong emotional attachment to food. Go to lots of seminars and research and research some more before you make a decision. You can lose as much as you want with the sleeve but I don't believe it is as helpful for emotional eaters and eaters who have serious problems with food unless they get a lot of professional help along with the band.
  4. greytz

    Depression post surgery

    I felt my first bout of depression yesterday as a matter of fact. I am out of town at my Mother's as my stepfather had surgery and I came to help. He is home and recovering very well and getting around etc. On Saturday, my nephew came over and spent the night. My mother and I took him to a local fair here and we bought a funnel cake. I ate a little bit of it. Then, later that night, we were playing cards and my Mother popped popcorn. It was the all natural kind but it was really late and I ate some of it. Not to mention eating regular meals throughout the day. I gained two pounds just like that. I don't know what came over me and I got depressed about it. I had been doing so well and hadn't cheated even once since I had my band and I was so proud of myself. I knew at some point I would probably cheat, but I wasn't expecting how it would make me feel. So guilty. I have now lost the two pounds back but I felt like that is two pounds extra I could have lost instead of two pounds I had to get back. I am out of my funk but I was suprised at how that small incident made me feel.
  5. Hopefully they will operate on you anyway. I came out of the hospital with stomach flu. It was no fun at all!
  6. greytz

    Why Lap Band?

    There are good and bad reasons with all WLS. I chose the band because I personally did not want to cut my stomach in any way. That is not to say that other more invasive forms of WLS are bad just that the band was best for me. My situation is that my BMI was fairly low and my eating issues are mainly with the amount of food I ate and not what I ate. The band for me was the perfect choice. However, there are others that love the sleeve due to the amount of weight they need to lose and their own individual eating issues. It is so very personal and so different for each person. I went to a lot of seminars and did a lot of research. I also researched my surgeon and her staff because I wanted to ensure I had the very best follow up care. I was and still am extremely satisfied. The important thing is whatever you choose you need to be as happy with your choice as possible. A good thing to do might be to talk to your PCP as they have to support you with whatever surgery you choose anyway. He/she may be able to help you with your decision. Good Luck!
  7. You will always be able to feel your port. I have the A/P lapband and the port is a little higher than the Realize. I like that because it is so easy for my surgeon to find for the fills.
  8. greytz

    Someone please help

    I am having the same problem. I am 51 and the wrinkles on my face look like a roadmap! I was out running errands the other day and pulled the mirror down to put lipstick on and when I looked at my face in the sun it was horrifying. I actually cried. I am planning on facial surgery when I reach goal but until then, I use Estee Lauder Resilliance Lift. It is really good. But, it only keeps you hydrated as with any other facial cream expensive or not. Nothing but surgery will take away the unwanted skin and wrinkles.
  9. greytz

    RNY or Lap Band

    You will get varying opinions on here. My suggestion would be to do your research. Visit free seminars in your area for both procedures and visit the websites for both as well. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. Make an appointment to see your Primary Care Physician and talk to them about it because you will need their support anyway in order to have any procedure done. They know your health history and co-morbidies that may make a difference in your decision making process.
  10. greytz

    Hi I am a newbie

    Go back to read the older posts on here. There was a Doctor offering free lapband procedure. I don't know the specifics but he had a phone number listed that you can call.
  11. My stomach seems to be going back to its original size so far but it was always really tight. My problem is worse as it is on my face. I am 51 and even with my weight loss so far my facial skin is really starting to wrinkle. It has been terrifying! I am definitely planning on getting some facial work done but I am going to wait till goal even though my face looks like a roadmap and I know it will get worse, I don't want to have to do it twice.
  12. It is quite normal. You should have lost enough to do fine. It will happen after you are banded too. You may even gain a little. Be patient as your body will be healing. Give it time to heal and do exactly what your surgeon recommends post-surgery.
  13. greytz

    need advice

    It seems I have read a few posts like yours where we question ourselves just before the first fill. I did as well. Then two days before my fill, I felt like I could eat the moon. When you go to the doctor, tell them exactly what is happening to you. They may talk to you about what you are eating when you are eating it, etc. and help you figure out why this is happening. (Knock on wood) so far I have not had any of that. It could be something you are doing during your day that you can change to help that. You and your surgeon can then determine whether or not you need a fill.
  14. greytz

    Bread substitute

    I don't eat white starch at all but I wanted to tell you in case you hadn't seen them that there are low carb tortillas. When I want bread which isn't very often, I use those. I usually grill them with chicken or tuna. My surgeon told me that if I want bread to be sure and toast it. You have done a fabulous job and since you are under goal I can understand why you would be wanting to add the bread back in, I just don't miss it and decided it isn't for me anymore.
  15. greytz

    Gonna die

    I know it is so difficult in this stage. You feel like you are never going to be normal again and in some ways you won't be. You will need to change your mindset and not think about what you can't have but enjoy what you can have. This is your healing time and so important to do what your surgeon says. Six days is very soon. I agree with the others to call your surgeon and see what they say.
  16. greytz


    Hi Celestine, Congratulations! I am so happy for you and glad you are doing so well. It is good to hear the success stories.
  17. Jenn, I am on Nexium and it seems to be doing the trick for me. I haven't had any side effects from it so far.
  18. greytz

    Hi, I'm a newbie

    Good Luck on getting everything apporved. Here is how to do your ticker. Since you already have it ready, you will go to it and right click on copy. Then come to this site and go to user CP up at the top lefthand side of the page. God to edit signature and at the bottom you will see a box. Put your cursor in the box and right click paste. Your ticker should show in the box. Then go all the way to the bottom of the screen and hit save and you are done.
  19. greytz

    flying: will I fit.

    You should fit at that weight. I had to suck it in, but I could click without and extender at that weight. I agree not to buy one. You will be losing weight and won't need one. I went on a plane last week up to visit my Mom and got to pull six inches on the belt! It felt so good I let out a little woohoo and people looked at me like I was crazy. I didn't care. You will get there too.
  20. Thanks. I guess I just want it so bad that I don't even consider breaking the rules. I'm visiting my Mom right now and she made crockpot stew last night with all the fixin's. Boy did it smell good. I didn't even taste it. I went right on and ate my steamed fish and veggie. Still got full and didn't feel guilty this morning.
  21. greytz


    The problem with rice is no matter how mushy you make it, it will still expand in your stomach causing your newly made pouch to stretch. Not to mention the fact it is a white starch. Just don't eat it. You will be much better off in the long run. If you feel like you must eat a white starch, mashed potatoes are a much better choice.
  22. Jenn, I think taking the first step with your daughter is the couch to 5K. It will make her feel like she is part of what you are doing and that she is doing something for herself at the same time. She is probably feeling a little left out, confused also about your image and feeling a little self-doubt about her own image. Getting her involved with what you are doing and making her feel like she is doing something for herself is I think the best thing you can possibly do for her. Also, it will probably bring you both even closer together on another level entirely. I am a little confused about why you want an unfill though. Maybe it is because I haven't had any of those symptoms yet, but it sounds like you just are going way to hard at life right now. I was like you. It was before I was banded and I was working 110+ hours a week seven days and was on call 24/7. All of the sudden one night on the way home from work, I had a car accident. I didn't know anything. I woke up in the hospital and for the next few months they were desperately trying to figure out what happened to me. Finally, I found out I had developed a heart condition due to all the stress and wearing my body down and not eating properly, etc. You know the drill. I was forced to retire. I was on the early list anyway but it was the last thing on my mind. It has been a very difficult adjustment. My life has been a true adjustment. Boy did my prioirities change. I realized how truly badly I had neglected my family and my friends and my life in general. I now have a diseased heart that cannot be fixed and one day I will black out and just not wake up. I hope you find balance. It is a very difficult thing to do. You have done a fantastic job with your weight loss and it sounds like your daughter is wonderful. Good Luck and talking to your surgeon is the best thing to do. Maybe you an both figure out what is going on and you can get your issues with your eating straightened out.
  23. I'm 5'9" and weigh 205 and as if yesterday fit into a size 16 XL top and bottom
  24. I haven't broken the rules. I want it too bad.
  25. It is so weird I was just reading this thread today and this post because this just happened to me yesterday. I am up visiting my Mom and we were at Kohl's and I headed straight for the Plus section and she keep steering me away. We went to the regular section for stuff for her and she picked up a XL blouse and said "Why don't you try this on?" I said Oh that won't fit me Mom and she convinced me to try it and it fit! I about fell over. I also bought a new pair of jeans 3 sizes smaller than I used to be. I can't explain it but I was almost panicky because I was out of my comfort zone. It did feel good though. Today, I get to wear them. I anxious to see how I feel about that.

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