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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by greytz

  1. greytz

    Banded Oct 30

    Hi Karen. Congrats on being banded! It sounds like you are doing great so far! Just keep in mind that suckers have sugar unless you are getting sugar free and some calories. If you decide to continue eating them, you will want to add the calories to your daily food intake. Right now, the plan is to worry about healing. I have been an insomniac all my life anyway so I didn't notice a difference with the band but maybe someone else can answer that one for you.
  2. greytz

    I'm Scared

    Go to your user cp section at the top left hand corner of this page and click on edit signature. Then, open up a new tab on your internet browser and go to www.tickerfactory.com. Then make your ticker and right click on copy. Go back to your signature tab and go to the open box and right click again and hit paste. Go to the bottom of the page and click on save and your done.:w00t:
  3. greytz

    I'm Scared

    It will be very hard for you I am sure. When you begin to smell all the wonderful smells and see everyone eating. Since you do not have a fill it will be particularly difficult. I would be sure to have foods on hand that won't destroy your progress. You should be into solids by then so that will help you. If you have the traditional turkey that will be good just take the skin off and weigh it before you eat it. Then, I would choose two things that I really love from the menu and eat a very small amount of them. The most important thing of all is to be sure and get back on the horse the very next day. I am having a huge house full of company for Thanksgiving and I have alreay bought the take home containers for my guests. I will be sending all the food home with them so I won't be tempted the next day. That is the most important part of all. Don't keep it in the house for later. It won't hurt to splurge a little for one day. Just be sure it is for one day only. Good Luck!
  4. I wouldn't worry that you put a little cheese on soup. The soup is fine but I would definitely talk to your surgeon. My surgeon never told me to give up dairy especially forever. Are you sure you understood it right. Maybe he just told you to give up dairy until you are on solids. I would check with him and be sure you totally understood. In the beginning there were things I thought I knew that I really didn't understand. Be prepared though. In order to make the band work and do what it is supposed to do you will have to do what you are supposed to do and stick the plan. Good Luck.
  5. I have had no trouble at all and I am exercising like normal and I have to have physical therapy right now and they are placing me in all kinds of weird positions and stretching me every which way and no problems. I also want to say that one my surgeons patients is John Daly who is a professional golfer and has that huge swing and he has had no problems so if he doesn't have problems doing that, you shouldn't either.
  6. greytz

    protein shakes =nasty

    They can definitely be over sweet at times. Are you also getting in your 64 ounces of other liquids? That does help. I always chase my morning shake with a tea. It really helps cut down. You could also make a glass of regular liquid along with the shake and drink them together. In other words take a couple of drinks of the shake then a couple of drinks of water or tea or whatever you choose. It will help that.
  7. greytz

    Exercise Clothing

    Walmart now has danskins at a great price.
  8. Yes. You should go to liquids for a bit however, my surgeon tells me that you shouldn't stay on them too long after a fill. I do 24 hours liquids and 24 hours mushies then back to solids. You want your band to work properly and it was made for solids. That is how you stay fuller longer. Keeping solids in your stoma for as long as possible.
  9. greytz

    Sweet Spot Yet Anyone???

    I am so very close to my sweet spot. I thought I was there this last time but even at 6 cc's I am not there yet. I keep thinking ok when? I am hoping one more time will do the trick. Scheduled for my next fill on 11-10-09. I have PB'd a couple of times since my last fill. Same bitch slap necessary for me. Each time, I was really hungry and took too big a bite and didn't chew well enough. Ugh!
  10. Yeah for you!! I am so happy for you!! I am finally there also. I posted a thread but only two people replied and I was bummed about it so I wanted to be sure and reply to you and tell you how awesome that is! It feels so good to be there. Good Luck!!!
  11. greytz

    I love this band!

    Congrats! That is so great! Just keep hanging in there and doing what you are doing. That is a great accomplishment.
  12. You should never be so filled that you have this experience. Call your surgeon asap and get into see them.
  13. greytz

    Hello and Help

    I didn't think my shoulder pain would ever go away but it finally did. I think in some people it just takes a little longer than others.
  14. greytz

    Getting banded 11/19/09

    Yeah. Good for you! Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
  15. I guess my question would be, why are you eating a snickers at all this soon after your surgery date? Not to mention chips. You are sabotaging yourself and will continue to struggle to keep the weight off if you continue with the same habits you had before the band.
  16. greytz

    what is the best diet?

    Your surgeon should have given you a diet plan to stick to. If they didn't call them and ask them what you should be eating. Each surgeon is different and wants different things from their patients.
  17. I really agree with everyone who said you need to seek additional help. I can't imagine going through more fills for the rest of your weight loss journey the way you had to the last time. If your port is positioned correctly, it is so easy and only takes a couple of minutes which is what you should be experiencing. I can understand your frustration at the plateaus. I have had the same experience. I will trade the same 3 lbs our so back and forth for awhile sometimes. It can get very frustrating. But you have done very well and 65 lbs is an accomplishment worth celebrating. (just not with food LOL).
  18. greytz

    Question about rice

    I don't eat rice pasta or much bread. I do eat bread on occasion but I am really careful with it. I have found that as I am getting fills and getting tighter each time that anything that expands as you wet it is not a good time for me. I tend to get stuck on it and it expands which means it will expand in your stomach and that is something I don't want so I have chosen not to eat it.
  19. I was at our semi-annual greyhound rescue picnic at the park. I was watching the merchandise tent and my hubby brought me a plate of food. I took one bite of meat (barbeque pork) and I think I took too big of a bite and it got stuck big time. The bathrooms were quite a ways away and I had to literally sprint to get to them. I was so embarrassed. There were loads of people milling around of course at the different tents with their dogs and I had to work my way around them and the dogs to get to the bathroom. Then, the bathrooms in the park of course weren't the greatest either. It was awful. I had to stick my finger down my throat to make the food come up. Yuck!
  20. I know it is very difficult but it is really important to do what your surgeon says. If your liver doesn't shrink enough, they could actually cancel your surgery until it does and you don't want that. Please prepare yourself because this is just the beginning of your journey and there will be difficult days ahead. However, it is very very much worth it in the long run. Stay strong and keep remembering why you are doing this.
  21. greytz


    Blessed is correct. Also, FMLA has nothing to do with your insurance. You could be a self-pay and he can still get FMLA. They are too completely separate issues. Someone at the company needs to read up or you need to out them for ignorance.
  22. greytz

    Anyone get banded with a BMI below 40?

    I began my weight loss journey with a BMI of 36 and I am now at 31. I was told by my surgeon that I may not be able to lose as fast as someone who may have more to lose as the initial weight loss may show up more on them. When I saw her today she was thrilled with my progress and that made me feel really good.
  23. greytz

    What motivates you?

    What motivates me is watching that scale move down. If Only: My turning point was also a wedding. It was my big brother's wedding and a glitzy affair with a lot of beautiful people there. It was awful and I made a vow I would never again look that way. One of the pics is going to be my before picture. Now I can't wait.
  24. greytz

    Tell me why you love your band.

    I love my band because it is helping me become the person I was. Happy, Healthy and full of self esteem. I love my band because it is my helper and not my prison. My prison was when I wore a size 24. I love my band because it has helped me not be ashamed to fly on an airplane and I get to pull the seat belt over and have a flap left. I love my band because I am now in a size 14/16 soon to be even less and I got to buy jeans for the first time with belt loops, pockets on the butt and a zipper instead of elastic. I love my band because I am finally out of my shell after all these years on the wall playing flower.
  25. I agree with everyone here. You definitely need to think about healing now but for future reference when you begin solids, I would think you will definitely need more calorie intake than that. You need fuel for your body to work properly and good fuel. Check with your surgeon for your dietary needs. Good Luck.

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