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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by greytz

  1. greytz

    New to 50+ !!!!

    Hi Noura, I am 51 and was at 250lbs. My goal is a lofty 150. I think I can do it though. I would be happy with 160 but 150 is really where I want to be. I am 5'8". In my opinion exercise will help some with the saggy skin but not completely. Plastic Surgery is the only way to eliminate the extra skin. I have chosen not to have plastic surgery except for my face. I am saving for a lifestyle lift when I reach my goal. I don't have a lot of sagging skin so far. I have a little at the top of my arms but other than that, the skin is kind of melting away with my weight loss. I do some light weight training and I am physical therapy for my knees right now which helps also. I also exercise every day. It just really helps with the way the whole pkg looks as far as I am concerned. I was really worried about that because of my age but so far pretty good. Also, I told immediate family and a couple of very close friends only. They are the only ones I am around anyway but I don't explain myself about my eating. So far no one has had the nerve to ask. It isn't anyone's business except the people you choose to tell.
  2. greytz

    Waiting 3months for a fill???

    Its pretty common. You body has to heal before they will fill you.
  3. greytz

    does anyone eat bread or pasta?

    I don't typically eat any starches. I have on very rare occasions but it takes away from the fat burning process. I just don't miss them.
  4. Yes. But they are full of fat. Not what you want to be eating particularly in the beginning of your journey. Also they are dry and when you crumble them they can cause a problem in your throat. I personally chose to stay away from starches and such. It just helps with the fat burning process. Anything that you add on your meal such as condiments, crunchies, etc. is adding calories.
  5. greytz

    New Too!

    Congrats! and good luck!
  6. greytz

    Success rate with "low" BMI

    I started out with a lower BMI but I am taller and had more weight even though my BMI was low. I have had what I consider decent success so far. It does get more difficult to lose as you get closer to your goal. I would check about the meds you are taking. It is possible they will not band you. I was required to take oral steriods for a very bad skin condition and was on them for three years. They would not band me while I was on them.
  7. greytz

    Did I make a mistake?

    You should not have to live like that with the band. If you are having problems, then there is an issue which needs to be resolved. Just my opinion here but it sounds like your doctor is not keeping good records of what he is putting in or taking out and it sounds to me as though it might be time to find another doctor to help you through the process. Just because that doctor put the band in doesn't mean you have to stay with him. My surgeon is very precise about how much she puts in and takes out. She unfills me with every appointment to be sure how much if any has evaporated, etc. and to be sure there isn't a leak, etc. Then she refills me with a little more each time and keeps track of how much I have in. She also talks to me before each adjustment and finds out how I feel and how I have been eating since the last time she saw me. She is very thorough and knock on wood, other than the few stuck episodes and pb's which were my own fault I have had no problems. I would seek a new doctor.
  8. greytz

    Thyroid problem

    I have suffered from thyroid disease for many years now and yes, you should keep it under control which means taking your medicine faithfully every day. I can't say whether or not you will be denied but I know that I was required to have all my comorbidies under control when I had my surgery. It is usually very easy to get your thyroid back under control and within range but it will be very important for the success of your weight loss. Please be sure and take it as directed by your doctor. By a little pill holder and keep it in your purse for the times when you forget the bottle.
  9. greytz

    Getting Food Stuck and Pbing

    Ok. Ok. Sounds hilarious I know but it works. By the way, it was a very small cutting board. It does sound weird like I am a little baby again. Ha Ha. LOL
  10. greytz


    Some pills you must keep in the form they are in. I don't have any problems now but in the beginning I did. I learned this trick a long time ago because I suffer from migraines and needed to get the pill into my bloodstream more quickly. Long story but here is what I learned to do. Get a mortal and pestal (bed bath and beyond or walmart). Crush the pills and place the crushed contents in a juice glass or shot glass and just barely put some hot water with it and mix it together. It should be the consistency of liquidy paste is the only way I can describe it. Then drink it. Not pleasant tasting but works very well. I always chase it with some tea or something I like to drink.
  11. greytz

    Weight loss window

    Never heard of that. Exercise and eating habits are what cause you to lose weight. It is as simple as how many calories you burn versus how many calories you eat. Period.
  12. greytz

    Too much WL?

    I was banded on June 17th and have lost 60 lbs. No one at any time has told me I have lost too much weight. Some months I lose 10 pounds or even sometimes I lose 7 or 8 pounds in a week. There was one month I plateaued and didn't lose anything. My GP actually told me that I hadn't lost enough! My surgeon told me that was ridiculous and I am losing just fine.
  13. greytz

    How has God blessed you lately??

    God blesses me everyday.
  14. greytz

    Getting Food Stuck and Pbing

    I know everyone probably has a quick cure for getting stuck but I will tell you what has worked for me the few times I have had a stuck episode. It forces you to PB but better to do that than to be miserable. I have my husband slap me real hard on my back right where my chest is on the front side. It works everytime. The food comes right up and I don't have to be miserable until it goes down. There was one time when I didn't have anyone around and I used a cutting board and slapped myself on the back with it and it worked also.
  15. I hope to keep my band for life. Take care of it and hopefully it will take care of me. I never want to be fat again ever. I have imagined how I would be feeling right now with the holidays coming up because it was the same way last year. We have loads of family coming in and last year, I avoided all the picture taking, pretended not to be hungry when I was, embarassed if I took one bite of anything sweet and embarassed standing next to my 120 pound sister in law in the one picture I was forced into by everbody. This year, I am so looking forward to everyone coming and I will not have those problems. I am not at goal but I am close enough that I not be shying away from my life just because it is the holidays.
  16. greytz

    Unfill? Slip?

    I would call the surgeon asap of course but meanwhile, if you have any restriction at all you are probably not slipped. I have 6.2cc's in my 10cc band and I am quite restricted but not completely. Some days I feel like I can eat a ton and others, I can hardly eat anything. The biggest thing I see with you right now is you can't stay on liquids. It defeats the purpose of the band and that is why you are hungry all the time. Liquids will not keep you fill like solids will. It is the first thing you will need to fix. Good Luck and let us know what the surgeon says.
  17. greytz

    People are just Rude!

    I feel bad for people who are so insecure and ridiculously ignorant that they hurt other people. I love the old song called Harper Valley PTA. Anybody know it? I am aging myself but anyway they jump on a mother about how she dresses and lives her life and she comes back with all their skeletons about their affairs and drinking etc. There is NO one on this earth that doesn't have something they need to fix or improve in their life whether it be physical, emotional or mental. In my estimation, the people who don't know any better than to be rude need to work on their mental part. You know you have began a journey that will change your life. You know you will look better than they ever thought about soon. That's all that matters.
  18. greytz

    The Small Victories!!

    Congrats! In my opinion it is the small victories one at a time that count the most. You are doing great! It feels so good when you begin to really notice the weight loss. For you and no one else.
  19. greytz

    I stood strong!

    Yeah for you! That is so very hard. Work is a place that is usually total food fest time particularly around the holidays. Keep your will and you will do great!
  20. greytz

    what's up with gaining?!

    This is actually your time to be healing not worrying so much about losing weight. It is disconcerting in the beginning to gain a little bit but once you start to have fills, that will go away as long as you do the right things by your band. Keep your chin up and you cannot judge your results by what other people are doing. If you do that, you will be worried and upset all the time. Set your personal goal and work toward that. It makes your life much much easier. Everyone loses at a different pace.
  21. greytz

    How do you GAIN weight with a lap-band?

    Like everyone said but also, the band isn't a miracle cure that means you can eat whatever you want and still lose weight. It is as everyone always says on here just a tool to help and guide you along the way which is something you have never had before. It still takes effort and better choices with food. It is possible to eat around the band and defeat the purpose of it as with any type of weight loss surgery or for that matter any type of weight loss plan at all. And as Jachut said, exercise is what burns the fat and builds the muscle. In the beginning, I thought, there was no way I could exercise. I could barely walk much less do anything else. My husband had bought a treadmill many years ago and it was dust laden and I wasn't sure it would even work. I kept seeing Jachut on here talking about exercise and how it much it helps and saw her picture and thought wow look at how great she looks and decided I have to do something. So, with great hesitation I got on the treadmill for the first time. Now, it is second nature. I did my first 5K for breast cancer last month (power walking) and couldn't run it but power walked it and it felt so good, I just can't explain what a personal triumph that was. I believe it is also helping my actual extra skin go away as well. I am not having too much of that problem except my facial skin is wrinkling a lot more. I am saving for a lifestyle lift when I reach my goal.
  22. greytz

    So I was wondering...

    I guess it depends on how you mean that question. I do not feel anything any longer as far as physical pain from surgery but of course I am aware my band is still there. Everytime I open my mouth and put food in it, I am aware. Since I am now in the ranks of banders who have PB'd, it is something you don't forget and don't want to forget. But as far as actual physical pain no, it is gone. It does take a few months to go away though.
  23. greytz

    Weird Pain

    Calll your surgeon asap. I have had that pain off and on since being banded also. It usually means I overate or ate to fast but better safe than sorry and have it checked out.
  24. I think all of us have or have wanted to cheat at one time or another. But, while you are healing, it is so very important to do what your surgeon tells you and follow the eating guidelines to the letter. It avoids complications now and throughout your journey. This isn't easy and you have some difficult times ahead so now is the time to make the decision to follow the guidelines and do what is right for your new band. Good Luck!
  25. I believe you are right with all those categories. For me the key was a healthy balance of all those things. I exercise now where I didn't before, I sought counseling for my overeating which I didn't before, I pay attention to what I eat now and weigh my food which I never ever did before, I really keep up with my medical conditions and see my bariatric surgeon, my cardiologist and my general physician regularly which I never did before either. I have really changed my habits and by negative ways. I made up my mind that I wasn't going to let my band life be wasted by negativity and laziness. It has changed my life. I have gone from a size 24 to now a size 12. It has been a difficult ride but one I wouldn't change for anything.

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