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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kborchert

  1. kborchert

    I Want My Band Removed Now!!!!!

    First, take a deeeep breath! I too am sorry you're having a difficult time. However, I'm not sure a psych exam would have prevented you from getting this surgery. And I'm not sure it would have been able to determain how you would have reacted once the band was put in. I think we react differently when things are in real time happening to us as opposed to what we daydream will happen. I'm sure you had high hopes before going in. And never thought this reaction would happen. (I know I sure didn't see it coming for me) I am only 5 weeks into this whole thing and I also wanted to rip mine out thinking I had made the worst decision of my life. I even had a panick attack from the stress. Right now I have a loss of appetite because I'm still really scared about my decision. But I'm now on medicine (anti-anxiety) to help settle my mind and soul and to help me keep things in perspective. This anxiety is not something you have to deal with yourself. I've never been on med's for depression, but I wasn't able to overcome the fear and anxiety so I finally called for help (gulp)!! Here's what I'm learning about this band being in my body.... It's about you, it's about life coping skills, it's about making life choices and taking responsibility for it, it's about getting rid of the guilt and shame that's hung onto us for so long that makes us think we're not worthy of making such big (healthy) choices for ourselves and mostly it's about loving and respecting yourself and your body. I don't think (just like me) that we will be completely at peace with our decision unless we are at peace with ourselves. Again, this is where therapy comes into play. Trust me....it's takin' months of therapy and I still have a VERY long way to go. I think for some of us this surgery comes very naturally and for some of us we have to struggle, control & question our decision. Again, these are issues within yourself that you need to work on and figure out your fears. Change is a very real and scary thing. But sometimes (when we look back) change can also be very positive! There was a quote at my church that was very profound and hit VERY close to home with me. I wrote it in my Bible..... "Step out of your comfort zone and you will grow in your knowledge as a person!" Wow! Just think about that statement for awhile. Our comfort zones are hard to leave, but trust me most times it better to leave them behind and never look back. Good luck to you. I will keep you in my prayers. K. Borch
  2. kborchert

    I'm here to help...

    Wow!! Just reading your words gives me great comfort!!! I am trying me best to eat period. When I do eat I make sure it's just protein (chicken, fish, veggies, etc...) I never thought about just be having the band in would give me the restriction I need. And I didn't know fills were not mandatory. I thought I had to go in and get it filled. I know I'm not getting in all the daily protein I need. Sometimes it just hard to eat anything at all. I am keeping up with my water and my body (going #1 & #2) is just fine. (sorry about this much info!!) I guess I just need to relax and enjoy the ride. (easier said than done) But I'm just ready for this stress to let go of me. I hope you have a great day! Thanks again for your words... Kim
  3. kborchert

    I'm here to help...

    Indiogirl~ I'll be banded 5 weeks this Thursday and I don't have much of an appetite AT ALL. I sometimes have to force myself to eat. I know that it's my nerves (when I get nervous I loose my appetite) but I'm scared that I'm not getting in the protein I'm suppose to have. I started on anti-anxiety medicine last week (gulp). I've never had to get on Med's for my nerves!! The thought of having to go on Medicine for my nerves/anxiety is making me more of a ball of nerves (crazy sounding I know) I'm loosing weight (20lbs) and I have not been filled yet. I'm suppose to go in July 22nd. for my first fill, but I think if I can't eat now, what will happen when I get filled. I've been reading that a lot of people are really hungry after the first couple of weeks, but I'm afraid I'm the wierd one for loosing my appetite. Any words of wisdom?? Thanks, Kim
  4. kborchert

    I'm here to help...

    Thanks for welcoming me! I feel really out of place and kind of lost. The quote from the scripture is great. I'm going to tag it in my bible today. I'm realizing that this journey for me is not only a weight loss journey, but a spiritual one too. Any words of advise, any books to read, any encouragement would be greatly appreciated. I don't like feeling this anxious, so I'll be thankful when my mind settles down. Thanks, K.Borch
  5. Hey!

    Thanks for getting back to me about my anxiety. I know I'm not going "crazy" with this worry, but it's sooo comforting to know someone else has had these same feelings!!

    I'm now on Paxil (didn't know anything about it before)

    My PA said to get off it now because I'll gain a lot of weight from it. I'm just so ready to get my old self back!!

    I'd love to hear back from you about your progress. It's nice to have a "buddy" to go through it with.



  6. Hi there! I've never been on a site like this and I've never posted anywhere, so I'm a little out of my element. I'm four weeks post-op and I'm wondering if anyone has experienced any anxiety after surgery. I kind of feel like (what have I done, did I make a mistake, will I ever feel hungry again, etc...) I've never had panic attacks, but after my surgery I had one. Now I'm on an Anti-anxiety/depression pill. (never had to take that either) I know because of my worrying, I'm loosing my appetite. That's not helping either. I'm trying so hard to keep it together, but I'm worried about EVERYTHING! Has anyone else experienced these emotions?!? Thanks
  7. Hi there!

    I saw on one of your posts that you went through TLC Edge and you wouldn't do it again. I too went through them, and feel the same way you do. I wouldn't go through them or recommend them. I chose Dr. Jayseelan at Medical City of Dallas (I live in Plano). I was just curious about how you felt about TLC.



  8. kborchert

    I'm here to help...

    IndioGirl55~ I read from some of your earlier posts that you were willing to be a buddy to some of us newbie's. Are you still able to give encouraging advise?!? I was banded 4 weeks ago and I'm still just nervous and anxious about all this. It would be so nice to have someone I could ask questions to. I will attend a support group next month in Dallas (my hometown) and I think that might calm some of my fears. If you could help me at all, that would be great and much appreciated. Thanks, K.Borch
  9. kborchert


    Thanks for your kind words. I do see a counselor (I would highly recommend that for everyone!) And I'm just trying to figure out the med's (two days on them right now) I'm starting a support group next month. I did talk to my Dr's nurse and she said this was pretty common. I asked her if I was the only "odd ball" that's had to get on Anti-anxiety medicine after this procedure. She said that a lot of their patients do. (that kind of makes me feel better) But truthfully, this anxiety is a killer on the soul!! I certainly don't want to discourage you from doing it. But I hope that you look at all your options and your past eating experiences to see if you can give a diet one more shot!! Although this has been mentally tough on me, I wouldn't say that I regret it...! I'm still so new at it and I've got a long ways to go. I don't know about your situation, but I'm not just excited to loose the weight, but I'm more excited that the band will help me keep it off!! Thanks again and good luck! Let me know what you decide. K.Borch

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