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Stacia Renee

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Stacia Renee

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 08/16/1991

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About Me

  • Biography
    I have been struggling with weight issues ever since I was a little kid. I tried all the diets, nothing worked. I had the Lap-Band surgery on March 26th 2007 at age 15, weight: 278 pds. I've lost 123pds so far and am still loosing.
  • Interests
    I read, I write, I think, I paint.
  • Occupation
    currently looking for employment
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  1. Thank you both. Yes it was a big decission to make at such a young age and really a hard battle. It takes a lot of determination and several times I lapsed back into old habits. I also formed a few unhealthy ones along the way... but everything seems to be going steady now and I truly am glad to have had it at the age I did so that now I can enjoy the rest of my young years. Thank you both for the support.



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