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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by llkb4me

  1. Apples, I already jumped on that band wagon and did the B & W about cold weather and Joyce climbed right aboard with me. So Linda climb on we will be a trio of B & W's . lol Glad you are in the warmth and sunshine,

    Great, I love Born shoes, nothing better to lift the spirits than retail therapy.

    Got to get ready to head to the post office for the mail. This means, coat, boots, gloves and only to walk a block and a half.


  2. ok posted earlier but the delete monster got it.

    Mr Filet Mignon did not come to the party on Saturday. I am finding that he likes to gamble a bit much for my liking. I did meet someone at the the party. I enjoyed talking with him so we'll see.

    Kelly, go for it you can do or be what ever you want.

    Meridith, wtg you are right in the game again.

    Great, a big ditto from me on the MIL issue for your DD.

    I'll do the northern whine while Apples is gone, I am so sick of this cold weather........

    Ok got that out of my system for a bit.


  3. Kelly, wtg on your exercise and the lbs gone. What are you going to go to school for?

    Chris, that is a cool program you guys are doing. Sure helps on the expenses. They used to do that here for the schools at the Lions games. WTG on standing and working that long.

    I read a bit about that shooting. It just makes me sick. Where is the value on life any more. Not to far from my area they have shootings and killings all the time. Flint MI is horrible they had 62 deaths last year and Saginaw makes the list for killings per capita. We live in the boonies and this crap should not be happening the way it does.

    Hugs and prayers for your Moms that are not doing well and for Katie and Aylah.

    Went to a singles party last night so my exercise was dancing the night away. lol


  4. Apples, Have a safe trip in the morning. As you tell us "watch the crossroads"

    Great, May see Mr Filet Mignon on Saturday at the singles party. lol

    Arlene, hope you Mom is feeling better.

    Janet, hugs and prayers for your friend.

    Joyce, love you description of your Ex. too funny.

    Julie, How are you doing?

    Kelly, MIA

    Meridith, I had one of those moments the other day in the candy aisle. Almost sent the bird flying. It does feel very impowering to talk back to the crap.

    Cheri, What a great story. Those kids are great.


  5. Apples, You are far from rude and crude. I knew you were just kidding. It would take a lot more than that to get thru my thick skin. lol

    I know what you mean though that the written words lack a lot of the meaning. I know when I sometimes write stuff it is sarcastic, snarky or kidding but if you don't know me than you may not always know that. That is my fault for forgetting.

    There is not one person on here that I would be mean to because you are all great.


  6. Oh come on Apples, I was just joshing her since she started it. (Sounded just like one of the kids didn't I)

    On one of Miranda Lamberts' songs she talks about being a southern girl and she can just say "bless your heart" and she doesn't have to be mean. Might have to remember that one with your "friend".

    Great, see above. lol I think it is wonderful you can travel the way you do.

    Jodi, Date was a lot of fun. He sure can cook a great filet mignon. We also had a salad and steamed broccoli and Cailflower. He must have been listening to me at one time, told him "white ain't right" so no starchy foods. lol

    He invited some of his friends over also, so I got to make some new friends. Then we all went to the casino.

    Breakfast was filet mignon omelets.

    Janet, I do walk on my treadmill on an incline always. Outside we walk at a faster pace. I was just wondering which one is the way to go.

    Meridith, thanks for that break down. I never knew the formula to figure that out. I know on my treadmill it has the numbers for what you are looking to do. Like fat burn, aerobic, and another catagory.


  7. Linda,

    No I am not 122 that 104 was the total of lbs I want/will lose when I'm at my goal. Good thing we all like the color orange with all the junking up of the thread. lol I agree with everyone else you are so tiny.

    Janet, The exercise guru. Is it better to walk for a longer amount of time or to walk multiple times for a shorter amount of time? I've been finding it easier to walk multiple times for about 15 mins each time. Which will give me the most benefit?

    Kelly, Where are you? You doing ok?

    Eva, sure which I could be outside doing all that yard work right now. Oh I hate winter and the cold. My whine for the day.

    Joyce, HI, glad to see you post, how's the knee doing?


    Cheri, You say it right on target. Thank you.

    Arlene, wtg on taking the walk with your dog.

    Lori, thanks for taking one for the team with all that travel. lol

  8. Hi All,

    I've jumped on that train. food for today.

    Breakfast, Carnation instant Breakfast, coffee

    snack, Tomato juice, sf Jello, hot Water with lemon juice

    lunch, Carn instant breakfast

    dinner, roast beef Soup I made yesterday. Lots of meat, carrots, celery, onion, pinto and garbazo Beans, portabella mushrooms. Just kind of thru it together.

    I take a Protein shot (drink), vitamans, & Biotin at night. Walked on lunch and walked on my treadmill tonight. This train is a rollin, rollin, rollin......

  9. I think it's wonderful all the emotional sharing we have been doing. It made me stop and think that I have been feeling some of the same issues and did not even know it. Complacient, cocky and all over the board.

    I haven't lost anything in so long, except the same couple of lbs, it's like I'm on maintenance. This summer I was walking so many miles and lost inches but no pounds so I think I just started that cocky attitude that I can eat how I want. Well I haven't been walking like that and those few lbs aren't as easy to get rid of.

    My DD left yesterday. I came home and started throwing away the crap that has made it's way into this house. Sent a whole bag of stuff with DS to his GF's. I am off today for my holiday so there are no excuses, I have walked on my treadmill and worked with the exercise ball and will be doing yoga tonight.

    The parties over. I will lose these last 18 lbs & I will run that 5k this year.


  10. Hello all, it took me forever to catch up with all these posts.

    First off, Happy New Years to each and everyone of you.

    I too feel I have made some very good friends here. I can't wait to meet you all in Chicago. I can take the train in and have done that before.

    I can't even begin to remember what was said so I can't respond. Except Apples here's an idea for you. Box up the extra clothes you need and mail them to Eva. Your DH will never know. lol

    My evening turned out great. To answer the big question - the extra skin didn't matter in the least. lol

    He made a wonderful dinner, I met some new friends, & lost money at the casino.

    I have to share a text I got last night from my DS. Sorry if it offends any of you, but at least I know he was paying attention when momma was giving him the talk. I about wet myself laughing when I read it this morning. So here it is: "remember wrap it before you let him tap it" It's crude but cracked me up, I guess I'm warpped.

    Tomorrow will be one of those mixed emotion days, my DD flies back to NV in the evening. I will miss her but boy I can't wait to get some order back around here.

    My yoga instructor always says "take what you need from your practice and leave the rest on your mat" so that seems to be our motto here also.


  11. You guys crack me up. I am as giddy as a school girl and I got another whole day to get thru. Geez Louise how am I going to make it. I told my DD I have to go shopping tonight for underwear. lol She's like why Mom? Too funny.

    Totally amusing myself today but I did get some work done too.


  12. Janet, he just listened when I told him I used to be very heavy. Then he cracked a joke, "so I shouldn't ask to see a before pic". All I said was nope and it was dropped. Doesn't seem to be a problem. Now the next thing is all the baggy skin when/if things progress to that. lol

    I am very self conscious about that, I seem to be having body image issues. I am trying to not let it affect me but when I look at myself I see the fat not the good. Don't think I'll ever be anerexic though. Oh well just another thing to work on. Don't want to get bored with myself.


  13. Cheri, A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. You deserve everything wonderful to come your way.

    I just wanted you to know I love your posts. You put it out there and say what you mean. That is how it should be no games.

    I can't believe how close I feel to all of you here. Even though I have only met Linda. We understand each other better than some of our family/friends do. So thank you to all of you for just being you. We can all look for better things to come in the new year as we are all in a better place.

    Meridith so happy they found your sisters dog. Where were they at? I know you said north.

    Laura, I understand about getting Nelson back to school. Love my kids but want to get back to my schedule.

    Well date is still on he is cooking filet mignon is what he asked if I like. I did tell him last time we went to dinner that I had a lap band & don't eat much.

    My dr uses the floroscope to do fills. He does give you the option to numb it but I just feel why get two pokes when I don't need to.


  14. Linda, I actually met him online in a singles chat site. We met in person at a singles party, have gone out to lunch and then went to another singles party.

    Apples, not sure how sparkly I"ll get since this will be casual. We are going to the casino in our area. Cleavage is a given, have to have some draw. lol

    Nah not my way but I'll be looking good.


  15. Arlene, WTG on the 2 lbs.

    Great, wonderful snag on the clothes, I just love when that happens.

    Apples, soon you will be a snowbird. Don't know why DH wouldn't just hitch up that trailer for you.

    Tina, hope it all works out for you.

    As of tonight I have a date for NYE. We'll see how that goes. I don't usually go out on that night, trying something new.

    Both kids have plans so I told them I wouldn't be home either. DS thought I would just hang around and come pick him up when he was ready to go. Nope, he needs to be responsible in his actions and plan accordingly.


  16. Well back to work today for me. Christmas was good. I am enjoying my DD being home, but is different around the house. I guess I am getting used to doing as I please and not having to answer to anyone. lol

    My tree is still up which is iffy for me. I have been taking it down early but this year I am enjoying it up. Keep it plugged in most of the time now. Weird year I guess.

    Can't wait to get back to yoga next week and to be able to get my treadmill set back up when DD leaves. Trying not to eat the crap but have found myself picking because it's there. ugh going in the garbage or told her she is taking it all with her.


  17. Tina, the easiest way I can say it "you have to be comfortable in your skin" I had that down pat for a while now struggling again. Janet you're right "men" ugh

    I didn't over eat but I did eat all the wrong stuff. I can't wait to throw it all away or my DD is going to be taking it back with her. I could tell by the bloat also that I had lots carbs in the form of sugary crap. Now today I a tight, pb'd big time and it is swollen now. I can feel it. So only drinking liquids.

    Jodi, glad you are enjoying all the Christmas stories and experiences. We sure enjoy learning about your traditions.

    Peaches, loved the joke.

    Take care all.


  18. Merry Christmas Everyone....

    First off, I am so glad to hear that Lori's DD and G baby are doing so much better. Will add my prayers to keep it going in that direction.

    I had a great time with my family last night and my kids this morning. Now it is time for peace and quiet while they are gone to their other families.

    Peace and love to all.


  19. Apples, so glad you got good news on DH. Hope you two start feeling better also. Have a good lunch with your DS.

    Jodi, such a cute story on Dassi, I haven't sent any cards out either, going to look for New Years cards. I know they are out there because I have received one before. Just may get those out. WTG on 145......

    Cheri, you are so funny. I hate that passive/aggressive crap. Don't miss that a bit.

    Arlene, sounds like your DGS likes that cake receipe.

    Joyce, a cruise and a massage sounds heavenly right about now. Have a great time with both.

    Kelly, Did you get flooded out? Hope all is well in your area.

    Sandy, How's your Dad doing?

    Melissa, so wonderful when you can go to work and like it. It is torture to know you have to go each day and hate it.

    So excited tonight's the night to pick up DD from the airport. Don't know who is more excited me or her. She text me this morning at 8:00 our time so 5:00 in Vegas. She is awake already and doesn't leave there until 5:00 pm tonight and get here until 11:30 tonight. She's going to be so whipped. lol


  20. Swan,

    I remember all feeling that scared feeling also. Then after thinking what the hell did I do. It will all work out for you. It is the best thing I ever did for myself. You can do this, take the control of your life back from food.

    Laura, hugs for you and your family.

    Better get to work, I'm back again today feeling better a bit.


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