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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by llkb4me

  1. Hi all, Been doing great, feel wonderful with the weight coming off. It looks like I am going to be one of those that loose nothing then bam 3 to 4 lbs. I go to Dr the end of Oct. for my next fill. I had one in Sept but did not feel any different. I have been able to eat whatever I've wanted to. So it's been will power. Maybe he will leave a bit more in this time. Looks like you all have been very busy as usual. I don't like this cold windy weather we have been having. But I guess we can't stop it. Suppossed to get a hard frost tonight.

    Take care all.

    Laura K

  2. Janet, thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of loss.

    Great, Wonderful pictures, what amazing animals. You are in Colorado, right? Maybe one day I'll visit there as my DD is thinking of going to CO school of mining to further her educ if she dosn't get a job right after graduation.

    Ocot, your turtles are so cute.

    To everyone else have a great weekend.

    Laura K

  3. Janet,

    Sometimes it seems when you are down you just keep getting kicked doesn't it. Well you have all of our best thoughts heading your way. You will get through this. Just as we always do. They want us to fix everything but "don't tell me what to do or interfer"

    Some times life sucks then we get over it.

    Take care of yourself first................

  4. Yah, Janet I didn't know they did it until it was over. what a hoot. I can do a few of the yoga ones, don't do the strength ones much. I laugh so hard at the soccer one I almost pee my pants. I've got most of them open now. It's amazing what you'll do to beat your kids at a game. Keep on practicing until I'm rated # 1. Don't stay there long unless they are gone awhile. lol

  5. Hi All

    Glad to hear most of you are doing well. I got in alot of exercise today. Got up walked on treadmill for 30 mins, varied speed and incline also put on arm weights for a bit. Then went to the Mi Renaissance Festival. Boy was that an experience. Such costumes. Walked around the grounds for about 5 hrs. had to park about a half mile away just to get a space. They have these huge turkey legs to eat, just wrap the bottom and give it to you like that to eat. Ate half tossed the rest... yummo

    Mrs B hope you get the well deserved sleep you need and you pain subsides.

    Laura hope they figure out your Dads problem soon for all of you.

    Everyone have a good weekend.

    Laura K

  6. i was banded on july 31. i had my first fill on 9/10 only 2cc. i dont have any restrictinons i go for my 2nd fill on 9/25. i am loosing weight but it is on sure will power and counting points.:biggrin:

    pre op weight 219

    surgery 206

    first fill 203.

    i cant wait to get to onderland.

    Rope, I am in the same spot as you. I was banded 7-20. My first fill was 9-3, 2cc's. But I can't get a fill until 10-29. Dr is going on 2 vacations so everyone is crammed in until then. I have no restriction that I can tell of. Will power is what I'm hanging on to. I started dieting in April right after my first appt lost 25 lbs before surgery and I'm at 28 lbs after. I do get full when I eat but fighting head hunger not long after.

    Hang in there we can do it!!!

  7. Hello girlies~

    Busy week- glad it's Wednesday! Yesterday was Nelson's first day of Taekwondo! OMW.. so cute in his little white uniform. He was really excited and said he loved it. I wanted him to start last year and he didn't show interest. I am glad I waited.

    Went to the new gyn today. They are going to do an ultrasound on Friday. She thinks I might have fibroids. (to explain the heavy TOM). She thinks the couple months I missed was due to the weight loss that caused me not to ovulate. I then have to have a hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy- just to be on the safe side (and since my mom had Stage 3 edometrial cancer). I had to have that done once when I was going through IVF. Not fun but necessary.

    Hello to everyone. Promise to write more tomorrow- just wanted to update and say hello.

    peasout~ Laura

    Laura, I had endometrious (sp) didn't even know it until I went off the pill to get preg. Then problems started. Same thing happend before both kids. Went thru D & C, lap. lasar treatment for it, then drug therapy and finally a hysto, complete at 29 yrs. Best thing that could of happened after all that, don't miss TOM at all.

    I bet Nelson looked so cute.

    Meridth, great job on all the exercise, you're going to be so buff after this semester.

    Janet, you've inspired me to journal my food and walk on my tread mill everyday.

    Have a great day ladies.

    Laura K

  8. IYSOY - What a great principle. I think everyone can use that. I am going to try to remember.

    Janet & Laura - great that you both made it to the gym today.

    Julie - good job on the reunion eating. We all tend to make it about the food and not the people as it should be.

    Tonight I went to Mt Pleasant, were my son goes to college, and took him, my nephew and his girlfriend to dinner to Celebrate my sons 20th b-day. I did ok. Few bites of salad, 1/2 of chicken breast, couple of scoops of Beans, none of the Pasta 2 pinches of the roll. Brought home chicken and Pasta. Felt real good to not over do it. I tell you I was afraid to eat that roll, read so much about bread getting stuck. Cross my fingers knock on wood I haven't been stuck or pb'd.

    Everyone have a great day tommorrow, it's back to work for me.

    Laura K

  9. Today was a challenge for me I was shopping at Walmart and stupidly bought a big bag of Pork rinds. Well I let my brain say "there's protien in there." I am happy to say I had a few then threw them away. I so glad I did that, they weren't even good. I did buy gr turkey and made patties and put them in the freezer, so I will have them to just grab for work. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Thank you all for the welcome, it really helps.

    Laura K

  10. Morning........... I was hoping to sleep in today, but woke before 7:00 anyway... Oh, well......... TV is terrible on Saturdays... I finished my book and talked to DH for a bit and now trying to plan my day.. I decided on rhubarb pies to take to the picnic tomorrow.. Got those done last evening... It's not my favorite so not a big temptation for me... Will do a Pasta salad this afternoon and be ready to leave by 8:00 am in the morning.. I asked my mother for rhubarb for 3-4 pies... She has a plant in her backyard...Well, she brought enough for 8-10, so need to deal with the rest today.. Freezer is what I'm thinking!!!!

    My loss held this morning... I usually try not to count on it until the scale says the same thing at least 2 days in a row... So, I'm hoping that much is gone again forever... Janet and Great.......... I think we all worry about regaining... It's a fact that many do gain back after a while. I think it's that feeling of "I'm feeling good, looking good, and I don't have to think about this anymore" that gets us... If we let up our guard this damn sickness (obesity) can jump up and bite us... You both have done so well, and I'm confident you aren't going to be one of those who goes backwards... Like I said before, we all fluctuate on a few pounds and this is just yours.... Keep up the good work......

    Sharon, gosh I feel for you with all your mixed emotions.. Gotta be very hard for you... Just keep praying and trusting the things will be the way they are supposed to be..... I envy you your scrapbooking talent... I'm just not creative that way and don't enjoy it.. My pictures are just on my computer, too... I have them set to slideshow when my computer isn't active.. So I see them all the time.. Works for me.. I try to back up on a disk often...

    Nawlinz, I'm just amazed at how you could relate that story about your pictures without losing it... It must have been so hard for you... But I'm hoping all you lost was possessions and not anyone you loved... The rest can be replaced or remembered......... Are you all back to normal yet.... Bless you.....

    Laura K, welcome.. Yup, we're a busy bunch... But it's a great place to be......... Congrats on your success so far.. How far do you have to go to goal???

    Well, time to get dressed and do something.... You all have a great weekend... TTYL........ Julie


    I would like to be at 130 or less. I am only 5'2". I told them when they said 150 " well that would still make me overweight for my height. So I still have 51 lbs to go. I have been down to 145 but could not maintain it. I feel I have to tool and will power now. Tonight was the first time that I had to talk myself out of eating something because of emotions. Still adjusting to my son moving to college. I need to find something to get me out of the house more besides work. This is my long weekend, I get bored after awhile.

    Janet, sounds like it could be root rot, roses can be fickle and they don't like there "toes" to be to wet. Stick your finger down in a ways first to test if it needs to be watered. This coming from a person who has no luck with roses.

    Laura K

  11. Hello Ladies,

    I found this post in the list a while back. I decided to read every post until I was caught up. WOW it has taken me about a month. You are busy ladies....

    I am going to jump into this group and try to post. I don't have as much activity in my life as you do.

    I feel as if I know all of you so I'll tell you a bit about myself.

    My name is Laura (I guess I'll have to be Laura K. I'm from Michigan. A very small town north of Meridith. I have 2 kids, one of each, both in college. I was banded on 7-20-09 just like Phyls. I'm a Master Gardener, so I enjoy my gardens and volunteering.

    In one of group meetings we were told to lose 5% of our weight before we could have surgery. So the night before my first appt I went back to my weight loss group. The lady that runs it used to be a WW leader for 20+ years. I lost 25 lbs before banding. I have had one fill of 2cc's so far. I'm at 53 lbs lost now. (Don't know how to change ticker) I tend to eat the same thing a lot. I can't seem to figure out how to cook for just me without a lot of leftovers, don't tend to eat the stuff if I freeze it. I am setting up to journel next week I know this helps me keep track of were I'm at each day.

    Take care each and everyone of you, you have made this journey easier for me and you didn't even know it.

  12. I was banded on July 20th also. I am eating at the soft stage. Mostly chicken, fish, lots of black Beans. I use my magic bullet. I put some salsa, black beans and chicken in it and give it a whirl. My dietician said I could bake a taco shell til crispy & eat that. For a treat with my meal I take a taco shell spray it and dash on cinnamon, put it in the micro for about 1 1/2 min til crispy and puffed up. Gives you a sweet taste.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
