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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by llkb4me

  1. Hi All and Happy Thanksgiving........

    I made two pies, pumpkin and mince, oriental chic salad and a pickle/relish tray. Went shopping at 5:00 a.m. & got a new tv. Been to Mom's and back home again. I'm getting realy tired now. Not sure if I will brave the battle tomorrow and go shopping. Thanks and prayers to all.

    Laura K

  2. Hi everyone, Went to my "joint class" today and then had my pre-surgical physical this afternoon then back to work. The surgeon and the hospital I'll have my hip replaced at is about an hour's drive from where I live. I am happy to go there, however, as it is a much better hospital than our local one. Everything appears to be moving ahead as scheduled. Two weeks from right now it will be done and I'll be in my room recovering. Getting ready for Thanksgiving. I think my DS and DDIL may surprise me with a visit. I spoke to him Sunday and he was saying he was "working" because none of his employees would work longer days Mon -- Wednes. so he was having them work Fri instead - doesn't sound right to me. So we'll see. He said before he might visit before my surgery and I just have a "feeling".

    Apples, happy belated Birthday! I know you aren't complaining, but it's good to vent sometimes and you can always do it here.

    Great, have a safe trip and enjoy your visit with Apples.

    I ate at Taco Bell for lunch today - first time in over a year - I had 1 crunchy taco and a side salad (it was a KFC/Taco Bell combo) and was stuffed. So fun getting full on just one taco -- in my past I would have had at least 3 plus a taco bell pizza. I had a bite of the pizza that my DH had.

    I did lose 2 more this morning - so now I'm at 98 - just creeping along but I WILL get to 100! I'm still averaging 1 lb. a week, but it just takes several weeks between losses, which is fine as long as it continues. Thanks for all the congrats on my weight loss.

    CBL. Linda

    Linda Good job on your loss 98 lbs. I am glad you are look forward to your surgery. Just think how much better you will get around. Hope your DS surprises you.

    Laura K

  3. Apples you never cease to amaze me. I wanna be you when I grow up.

    I don't think I could ever work as hard as you, I'm too lazy.

    However, I do love my job. I love teaching. I love the school I teach at. I put in very full hours teaching. On Tuesdays, I have no breaks. My assistant is there and that helps, but its a long day. I have kids in my room before and after school. They love to be in my room. They love to learn. They're safe at our school and they are loved and they know it. Three blocks from our school a young man was beaten to death with a 2 by 4. Footage made it on TV sets around the world. I always feel a sense of urgency to reach these kids and give them the tools to not be seduced by the street culture that destroys so many of these young lives.

    Pray that Roseland Christian School will make it. Finances are precarious. Most people with money just don't see the importance of our work. I'd love to see us expand and keep tuition cheap enough that more children could come here. Places like this are the hope for these urban areas. We make a difference where it counts, one child at a time.

    Thank God for what you've got. In some ways this is like a war zone. A third world country. Inside the USA.

    Pray that I'll be able to keep working here. I've built relationships with these kids over the years I've had them. The relationships are a huge part of why I'm so effective.

    For them, I will work my a$$ off.


    Cheri, Thank God for wonderful people like you! I admire anyone that works with at risk children.

    Laura K:thumbup:

  4. Happy B-day to Apples and Phyl.

    Went to see the movie Blindside last night, what a great movie. It's a must see, even the guys will like it.

    Tonight they are throwing in a extra Zumba class since the one on Thurs is cancelled. So I am going and my daughter is going with me. What a surprise when she said she wanted to.

    I've got my stuff ready for T-day that I am going to make. Now if I could get my game plan ready for Black Friday. Mostly go just for the fun of it and inspriation (sp).

    Have a great day to all....

    Laura K

  5. Janet, No she is not deaf, has a severe to profound loss in both ears. Has worn hearing aids since she was about 2 1/2. She knows some sign language just because she has learned it on her own. Has taken a class, which was considered a foreign language in college. Went to pre-school a couple days a week in a hearing impaired class then main streamed starting in kindergarten. She is a very smart girl, top ten, national honor society, high honors in high school. (not bragging just very proud) I was just teasing her that she has gone to school for almost 20 years. She will be 23 in Jan. I am glad that they are both independent, verdict is still out as they are not really on their own yet. lol

    Wish the cleaning bug would wear off on them when they are home. I just shut the door and don't look. Keeps me sane, well maybe that verdict is still out too.....

    Laura K

  6. LauraK...I think your daughter would be a lot closer to Meredith in Michigan. It's also about an 8 hour drive for me..depending on her exact location. I love it up there. So beautiful.

    It's difficult having them that far away, isn't it? I handled the empty nest. I missed them but proud they were independent enough to get out and go. My youngest moved to Alaska at 18. Lived there for two years then onto Santa Barbara for a year, to Daytona Beach for 4 and now in Atlanta for 1 year as of today. He makes my head spin. Miss him but with the business he has, it has to be located in or near a larger city.

    Great did zumba for awhile. If I remember right, she enjoyed it. There are days I wish I could join a gym. Too far of a drive for me and I am very active so would most likely be a waste of my money. Glad you enjoyed it....half the battle when it comes to exercise. I thouroughly enjoy the tread mill. I have a Bose system and Bose head phones. Either listen to a book or sing to the top of my lungs. It keeps the guys out of my house!:thumbup:

    Nope she would be about 2hrs beyond home to get to Meredith. Detroit is 2 hours farther. She is in Houghton/Hancock. Which is alot closer to Minn. She loves it up there. I do too, but only in the summer. I hate snow and ice. When she grads in May I'm sure she won't be coming home, hopefully a job if not talking Colorado for more school. She amazes me with her independence. She is hearing impaired but it has never stopped her. Never let her believe she had a handicap.

    I have been using my treadmill every morning for 2 weeks, have to give it up for a week since she is home and it is in her room. Sounds like me watch news for 15 mins then ipod for 15, just singing away. Glad know one is home then. lol

    This fitness center just opened up, I haven't joined yet but went to that class. All feel good music and just dancing around, but a workout. I think it was great that was doing it before.

    Laura K

  7. Well I went to that Zumba class, what a blast & did I feel different muscles. Whole body workout, but fun, I will go again. Sorry to hear about the next stair victim, falling up or down seems to be the curse.

    Girls have fun on your shopping expedition, GO GET EM!

    My daughter made it home from college last night, eight hour drive & she thinks nothing of it. She's home for just over a week. They get the whole week as average commute for the students is eight hours. She is probably closer to Apples than she is to home, way up there in the U.P.

    Have a great day all.........

    Laura K

  8. Hi All,

    Ok, I made the decesion on T-day. Talked to my sister and we decided what each was to make/bring. I can do this now and feel alot better. She is contributing more and I am doing a bit less. Doing chinese chic salad, pickles/olives and such and a crustless pumpkin pie that is sugar free. I can do this without feeling like I'm deprived and they won't say "can you eat this" or "you don't eat enough". I won't feel like I'm doing it all and she's not. Talked it over with mom so she knows what we are all doing.

    Everyone seems to be doing better today also, from reading the posts, must have been funk time. Take care and have a great day.

    Laura K

  9. Great - Hugs - I know that when my son wanted to get a divorce and move in w/me - I said HELL NO... If you want to get divorce then go get your own apt and live like a grown up on your own - (they got in a fight and he was drinking).

    Hugs on GM issues too - sometime you can't make pple happy no matter what you do - they just get in that kind of mood and I don't think they even realize it.

    I am so jealous of you too meeting - but I guess I have been the luckiest so far - I have met my #7 gang - Pam & Kathy from this thread and Eva this weekend..

    Melissa - Thanks for understanding my smoking - so many pple now adays hate smoker :0).. Great on taking up knitting it does help - after I eat lunch I crochet and while I am watching tv too..

    Julie - OMW I would be still pissed about that too...

    Laura - Hugs & Prayer - Enjoy your time with the family.. You will be fine even with the band - just remember eat slowly tiny bites and chew :0)..

    Janet, I understand about the smoking. I started again after quitting for 4 yrs. Got pissed off at boyfriend & had the first one because I was going to teach him a thing or two, he hated my smoking. Bribed me to quit by agreeing to pay for Lasix surgery on my eyes if I quit for 6 months first. Well got rid of him and still smoking.

    Laura K

  10. Oops hit a wrong key. Well to finish that sentence, I had squash earlier as I knew we were not eating til late with them.

    I just don't know how I'm going to handle the cooking and what I am going to take. In the past Aunt Laura made alot of the food but I'm not sure how to go about it this year. Mom makes the basics, my sister, who can't cook, brings a relish tray or dessert and I made the rest. Don't feel it should be me this year because I won't be partaking in it all. Family dynamics will come into play with the holidays but I don't want to hurt my moms feelings either. Well better think this thru a bit. Glad you brought up the topic on dealing with the holidays.

    Laura K

  11. Apples, thanks, the back is doing ok today. Upper arm hurts more as that is where I ended up landing. Didn't know that at the time. Hot shower did wonders.

    Also, thank you for your last post about the holidays. I think I was getting myself into a snit about them coming and how I was going to handle it. Most of my family knows about my LB. They think I don't eat enough. My nephew even said that to me last Friday when we had dinner together. Told him I was fine had squash

  12. Apples, Thanks for finding that thread. It was very informative and scary. She had a lot of good things to say.

    I got into a cleaning mood tonight thanks to all of you talking about organizing. Got rid of a tv that wasn't working right, moved to others around. Cleaned my bathroom fixture, ceiling, sink and toliet. Washed dishes, a load of laundry and took out the trash. Was tired after work & boy am I tired now. Tripped up the stairs after taking out the trash retched my back, dang that will teach me to turn on the lights and pay attention. Off to take a hot shower to see if that helps a bit.

    Have a good night and day tomorrow.

    Laura K

  13. Tinya,

    Glad you are joining this group. They are all very helpful and supportive. Even if I don't post a lot I read this site almost every day.

    I am thankful for my family and friends, my freedom and now my health. Life is only getting better and better. Some times I just have to step back from life and take a look to see I have it all.

    I am a part-time empty nester as my son comes home from college on the weekends but as most kids do I don't see him much. sleep and friends.. So momma doesn't wait around for him either. Daughter will be home for a week at Thanksgiving then gone til Christmas but they do call me every few days.

    Have a great day everyone and Happy Vets day to all.

    Laura K

  14. Janet, I'll take that challange too. Like Octillo I'm going for the 10 lbs. That will fit into my goal I set myself. I wanted to lose 75 lbs by Christmas and I'm at 65 now, by my scale. Which I have to get a new battery since the dumb thing swings by about 6lbs each time I step on it.

    Laura K

  15. Apples, I'm with you dogs are human. lol

    My mini daschound, Isaac, doesn't know that he's not a people nor does he know that he is mini. Loves the veggies, I can't even go to the counter that he isn't right there waiting for fall out. Loves onions, lettuce any veggie but black olives. Crazy dog thinks he is bigger than the neighbors pit bull. Which is the calmest dog I have ever seen contrary (sp) to being that breed.

    One Day, have you tried the yoga on WII, it isn't alot but it would give you some idea on yoga.

    Occt, slowly learning that lesson on chew, chew, chew, and taking smaller bites. This is only my second fill and after the first one I didn't feel it. Now I do so it seems like I am starting at the begining of class.

    Janet, I was going to respond "what is that ice cream doing in the house, get rid of the junk" but you did it first. Good pep talk, way to go on the gym.

    Laura, seems like we both learned a lesson on slowing down this week. Sorry for your troubles.

    Laura K

  16. Hi all, Boy am I learning lessons this week. Had my fill last thurs, more than doubled amount. Well yesterday ate to fast and to big of bites, it was a mcd chic salad. Not sure it was what was called stuck or a spasm, but it hurt for about 20 mins, quit eating and walked around. Tonight I was working in the yard so I ate late. Same thing again, fish this time. I don't think I could stand that pain for 2 hours like I've heard. Hopefully I'll learn soon. I got the journaling down pat, been exercising so I guess now it's time for next lesson.

    Have a great day..

    Laura K

  17. I was out shopping this weekend and came across this saying, bought a tile for my friend, but just loved it. I think it fits us all with the daily trials, life events that we are all dealing with. It goes like this:

    Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain.

    I'm going to try to live with this in mind when things get to me. I hope it helps everyone else.

    Laura K

  18. Hi....I need advise! Had to have gall bladder removed past friday for lapband surgery scheduled for wednesday!!!! Has any of you had this done in this order? Is the lapband as bad as having gall bladder out? Man i am so sore!!!!! HELP!!!

    I had my gall bladder removed years ago and I'd say that was worse than the lapband placement. Port site is irratating the most.

    Laura K

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