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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by llkb4me

  1. I loved the pics of mnts and snow. I haven't been exposed to too many mnts., it's very flat here in MI. The palm trees and snow are so cool...

    Hope all that are not feeling well continue to improve.

    Been kind of a down day around here. Haven't had much sunlight in the last week.

    Waiting for my Beck book to come, they say it has been shipped. Of course I had to order a few extra books, had to get that free shipping. lol

    Take care all,

    Laura K

  2. Eva, I'm not that coordinated either, go the wrong way all the time. We just laugh and keep going. Nobody gets mad or disgusted. There is getting to be a group of about 9 of us that keep showing up. It's fun.

    Your job sounds so fasinating. At least you get to learn and do different things. I love learning new stuff. Guess I need to start taking some classes again I'm getting bored. Same ole same ole.

    Oh you guys also got me excited about that Beck book so I ordered it and a few others from Amazon today.

    Janet, did you get your fill?

    Everyone else take care have a great Friday. TGIF

    laura K

  3. Janet, you are right it takes two days to recover now. We'd have to start on Friday so I could function on Monday. lol

    I'm not Catholic but guess I'm just bad. Got to amend that not to bad any more, can't drink the beer. Boy do I miss that sometimes.

    Laura K

  4. Good job ladies on your losses this week.

    I found some steel cut oats, made them this am. Boy do they fill you up and keep you a lot fuller than reg oats. I put some nuts and Peanut Butter in them. I didn't even eat lunch because I was still full.

    Hey Lori, we have a Ann Taylor Loft in our area. Just found it but didn't have time to go in.

    Have a great night

    Laura K

  5. Sparkle, welcome....I was back at work 4 days later...but no lifting (supposedly) but I ended up doing a little of that. I was fine. The LAP-BAND® isn't horrible as far as surgery, at least I don't think so. Of course besides my tonsils, it's the only surgery I've ever had and I do not have children. As far as the food, you'll be fine. I cooked a meal for a wedding a week after my surgery (50 people) and really didn't have a problem with it.

    Apples, I understand about the "lost" time. After I graduated from college (1993) I was lost because I didn't have that focus. Now I can't stand having my time taken away from me...I have a really hard time committing to anything over a long time. Weird.

    Linda, you are doing wonderful with your exercise. I'm really impressed.

    Julie, love the tractor. It's really good your DH has interests...beats him sitting around the house watching TV all day. My DH has all kinds of projects too....and most of them are sitting in the back yard...cars, motorcycles, etc.

    Laura K....those leaves are really cool. How thick are they? What do you use to paint them with? Boy have you lost a lot of weight, you are doing great.

    Laura...have fun in Miami! Hope your Dad starts to feel better and Nels stays feverless. If Nelson is donig good, what will you do while DH is at the conference?

    I know I've missed someone, sorry....I'll try and catch up tomorrow. I have FNSC tonight and a hair and nail appointment tomorrow....so I'll me MIA again.

    Last night I was caught up in another audio book and didn't check in....sorry.

    Hope everyone has a great Friday.


    Eva, I mix the quick crete to a medium thickness, to thin and it breaks real easy when dry. Make a mound of sand bigger than the leaf you have, lay it face down, (the more veins on the backside the better design) use a trowel to cover the leaf almost to the edge. You want it on there thick enough so it will harden and not break. I wait a couple of days or a week turn it over, peel the leaf out, brush it out with a wire brush.

    I have used samples of indoor paint, or even craft paint. You make a "white wash" with the paint and Water. If you use just straight paint it will peel off. It will be real running so use a rag and just keep going over until you get the color you want. You can dry brush on other colors after that. I do use straight paint to paint in the veins first. After it is dry I use Thompson waterseal to coat both sides.

    Depending on the leaf size they can be birdbaths, feeders or just decorative.

    Laura K

  6. Thank you all for the compliments. I don't see the difference until I looked at that pic.

    For those of you who asked, the leaves are made out of cement, formed over the leaves. Pretty easy and cheap to make. I seen one in Petosky MI in a store smaller than the ones I made for $100.00. Are those people crazy or what?

    NY I found out I have sleep apenea when I did my study too. Like Laura said when you start your cpap it is like you are living in a different world. I felt so much better right away.

    Laura K

  7. Laura hope Nels is feeling better. Have a good time in Miami, you are right you can hang there just as good as home.

    Once again I am trying to add the pic to here, it's in the signature line. Can't figure out how to get it in the pic form you guys do. Help

    Laura K

  8. Hi All, I tried to attach a pic of a project that I worked on in the late summer early fall. The leaves are molded cement then painted. I use real leaves in the process. That's the Master Gardner in me trying to keep my gardens growing all year long.

    I am so jealous, wish I could be able to go to Fl with you all.

    Laura K

    oops guess it didn't work. I'll have to try again.

  9. Hi All, I tried to attach a pic of a project that I worked on in the late summer early fall. The leaves are molded cement then painted. I use real leaves in the process. That's the Master Gardner in me trying to keep my gardens growing all year long.

    I am so jealous, wish I could be able to go to Fl with you all.

    Larua K

  10. Phyl, lovely, lovely, lovely you look wonderful!!!

    Janet, you are going to have to pry me out of here with a crowbar to get me to leave. lol

    Sparkle, welcome and ask these ladies any question you can think of. They are very helpful.

    Apples, I too read everyday and always right before I go to sleep. Keep my book and glasses right in the bed. I have a reading light attached to bed so I don't even have to move to turn it off before I go to sleep. I sure you's with DH have to keep space for them. lol

    I looked for steel cut oats in Walmart and didn't find them. I will keep looking, Krogers is not to far away.

    Laura K

  11. Wow you ladies are busy on this thread. I went to see the movie "It's complicated" tonight. It's a cute movie, different than what I thought but a good movie just the same.

    You guys all are an inspriation to me, everyone of you have been banded longer than me, so I look up to you when I need help. I remember what you have said when I run into a situation.

    Laura K

  12. My treadmill is in my DD room, that's why I had to wait for her to go back to school to get it back out. I have a tv in there so watch the news in the am for 15 mins then put on my ipod for 15 mins. Then it's off to get ready for work. I am still doing zumba on thurs too. My gf & I are going to start walking at nights once we get rid of this cold snap.

    Laura K

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