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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by llkb4me

  1. Great, wtg on the shopping. When I grow up I want to be just like you and Janet on the shopping. lol

    No grays coming out here, just colored my hair, waiting to rinse.

    Arlene, new friend is doing just fine. He called me when he got out of work. We have plans for next thurs. and hopefully this weekend. I like him and we do a lot of talking. Which is good.

    Apples, you are the most unlazy person I have ever heard of.

    Meridith, my doc requires 2 days of liquids after a fill. I did three this time just to be safe, it also helped jump start things. I can feel a difference in my jeans already. I don't get the reflux like you though.


  2. Arlene, Happy Birthday to you. Enjoy.

    Great, my DD was jaundiced also, it passes fairly quickly.

    Joyce, I missed what happened to your hand? Hope it heals fast, but then again, someone helping with the house isn't a bad thing. lol

    I tried to keep up but wasn't on much this weekend. I am doing a lot better, the lbs I put on are coming back off. Talked with the dietician a week or so ago, got a slight fill last Friday. I did the liquids for 3 days to really get a jump start. The weather is breaking, for a day or two, so I will get out there and do some walking. And I do mean a day or two, supposed to snow and freezing rain again starting tomorrow. oh yeah. not.


  3. Cheri, Kelley, Laura, Hugs and prayers for you and your families.

    We seen dead grass here in Michigan for about 2 days last month when it melted. Now back under about 4" of snow. Can't wait to mow the grass. I know sounds sick of me. lol

    Date night was great we had a lot of fun and did a lot of talking. Have more plans for the future. He is so nice, down to earth, and a gentleman.

    Well better get to work, have a great day all.


  4. Cheri, Hugs, Prayers, and good juju sent your way for you and your family. You are one strong lady with all you are dealing with. Love ya, take care of yourself.

    Kristi, WTG you are doing so good. It's very cold here in Michigan also. Talking snow again for this weekend. yuk yuk yuk

    Janet, new man is still going good. We are having fun together and learning more about each other. He seems more like me, down to earth and not all flash. Going out again tomorrow night.

    Phyl, go to the Dr. I went, have a sinus infection, on antibiotics, now feeling great.

    Linda, you need to quit sending me your snow, I've had enough. lol Got to love the Chiro...........

    Apples, you sure are having fun. love it for you and yours.

    Arlene, glad your Mom is back in her apt. You are so good to help her all you do. How's the G-kids doing?

    Joyce, How are you?

    Chris, miss hearing from you. How is work?

    Laura, how is vacation going?

    Meridith, have heard thru friends that we have a lot more snow than they do north of us. I see you are going to be getting hit again this weekend, bummer.

    Hello to the Kelly's. How are you doing?

    Lori, What's the baby report:?

    Have a great weekend everyone.


  5. Well we ended up with 8" of snow last night. I am so sick of it, just when we had a thaw and could see the ground finally. yuk yuk.

    Cheri, bummer about your date night being spoiled. Glad you had a fun time with the G-kids.

    Melissa, one does forget that baby stage. I know I could never go back to that full time.

    Laura, Happy belated B-day. Have fun with your boys.

    Eva, I would love to come garden with you. I am so ready for it.

    Julie, you sound like you feel better. To bad about the girls hair, but it will grow back.

    Janet, you don't have time to garden, you are always on the go.

    Arlene, WTG on your walking.

    Ok I caught Julies, CRS so take care to all.


  6. Lori, I also did the Kohl's thing this week. I got two tops for $8 a piece, a pair of earrings, a purse and a flexi all for $68. plus the $10 in Kohl's cash for next time.

    Eva, The dahlia bulbs here are annuals unless you dig them up and store them for the winter. I can't wait to get out there and start working in my gardens. Not happening anytime soon, supposed to get 5-8 inches of snow tomorrow. yuk and it was all just melting.

    Arlene, this weather sure screws with the sinuses, I have been going between stuffed up to nose running like a faucet.

    Joyce, lucky you having a cleaning lady. I'm like Lori, cleaning lady, tax lady, lawn care and everything else in between. lol

    Laura, great job with that young man. You have made a difference in his life.

    Kristi, and Kelley , keep up the good job. Stay on this thread and these ladies will help you all they can.

    Phyl, hope you get to feeling better.

    Melissa, have a great time with that baby. Love him up.

    I went to the dr last week, yep I'm up just as I knew. I am going to see the Dietition next week have to pay for it myself but I am doing it. Then after that he is going to check my band to see if it is streched and see if I need a fill. I am not a carb person at all so that is not it. I have just been making bad choices in the calorie dept. I have got to start measuring and weighing and journaling to get the pic back in my head for portions.

    On the love life, I had my second date with a really nice guy and we are going out again next weekend. He is a lot of fun and we seem to have a lot in common. Not the traditional dates, 1st was the casino last night was arenea football (my choice, I love foot ball) . I did tell him about the band so he knows eating out is not my thing to do for dates, that it is just a sideline option.

    Take care everyone and have a great weekend.


  7. Hi All,

    When I went to see the plastic surgeon they said I had to have rashes and treatment documented with my reg Dr. He was talking about the TT with the muscles being taken care of also. They knew I wanted my ins. to pay so that was some of the things they talked about. Did not tell me that there was a difference.

    Well the falls must be going around. My foot fell asleep last night and I got up to walk and twisted my ankle, tried to recover and it flopped again and I fell right on my hip. Man am I sore today, foot and whole back. Go see the Chiro tomorrow.

    Sandy Happy Birthday to you.


  8. Ok my turn to b!tch about this site. Posted a long response and click boom gone. Ticked me off so bad I shut the computer down and went out in the frigid cold.

    Lets see if I can remember what I said.

    Linda and Cheri, thank you both so much for all the information you two put on here of us. I really appreciate all the knowledge and help. My problem was not the carbs, I have hardly eaten any in the last 1 1/2 year. I was getting a great big container of almonds and eating them instead of meals. Then a couple of hours later I was back into them because they weren't keeping me full. I knew they had Protein so I thought I was ok, didn't compute all the fats in that thought. Now I am back to solid Protein, making meals, no Snacks and doing a lot better.

    Before my band I was kind of doing a test on people. I would look right at everyone and acknowledge them, most people would look, turn away and not look at a fat person. So after I lost a lot of the weight I continued it and the results are very different. Kind of pissed me off that people do that. It's like if you are fat you are not worth seeing or acknowledging as a person. I have tried to make sure I do not do this to anyone regardless of what they look like.

    I can't say I had an "ah" moment just everything put together. Living it up now!

    Laura K

  9. Linda,

    I haven't been saying to much about me because i have been stuck. I am reading everything you all say and taking it in. Using what I can. I am getting back on track. As Cheri said us UP NORTH are trying to deal with the lack of light and cold. I was letting that be an excuse for not eating right. I am up a few pounds, less than 5. I have been working on eating solid Proteins and it is working. I haven't ever eaten much carbs but not watching the calories either and snacking on lots of nuts. That is what has gotten me. I also haven't been exercising like I was. Now I am going to yoga 2x a week and walking on my treadmill at least 4x a week. It is helping take that weight back off and with my moods. I needed more than the yoga to do it. I am going to look for another class to get some cardio in.

    For Sandy (and myself) I am looking into running a 5k in March for St Patricks day as a warm up so that I can finish one with her and others in Chicago.

    I have met a few guys that I am talking with, one I seen last Friday night and have talked with him on the phone. I am meeting another one this Friday for the evening, we will see how that goes. He seems to be more down to earth than the other one, more like me. I have been going out with friends that I met thru the dating site, guys and girls that have become good friends. So just having fun without the pressure, it'll happen when it happens and it will be right for me. I am using the "no thanks" when I feel that way and not letting it bother me. So enough about me.

    Eva and Apples, have a great time with Phyl and Janet. What a hoot you all will have.

    Apples, only want to kick butt when someone messes with our group. We are all just fine and they need to leave us alone.

    Chris, seen on FB you are going back to work. Happy for you..

    Well better get to work, and I can't remember anything else.


  10. Hi All,

    Snowed in here in MI we have about 12" since last night. The wind is blowing so the drifts are getting up there. Took and 1 1/2 hours to get the drive way shoveled only to start at the top because 3" fell in that time and had to clear it again. I decided to go to work which is only 2 miles but the roads were so horrible I made the executive decesion to close the place and took my co-worker home and came back home myself.

    Cheri, hope you are doing ok since your accident.

    Sandy, I will do that 5k with you and I will finish it. I think it would be great if everyone that wants to that is does this together, running or walking.

    Very envious of you that are in warmer climates, I so hate winter and can't wait for the next 3 months to speed by. I miss the warmth, greenery and sunshine. I know waaaa waaa waaa.


  11. Sandy, I love yoga. I have been going 2 or 3 x per week. I now need to find another zumba class because I miss it and I need the cardio. I have been walking on my treadmill but not much of a work out like I can get on the trail in the summer time.

    I am not sure if I can do a 5K. I have that as my goal for the year. I think a lot of it is because it scares me. Maybe by June I can get thru this fear and be able to do it.


  12. Eva, I have a recipe for Breakfast sausage that uses ground turkey. You can't even tell that it''s not pork. Well you can certainly tell by the price difference. Thanks for reminding me about making sausage.

    Sandy, glad your Dad is doing better and you are getting some relief.

    Welcome aboard Kelley.

    Kelly, glad you are enjoying school. Are you still getting your walks in? Miss your cheery posts.

    Arlene, dang you need time to take care of yourself. I guess you will have to be called a "hero Sandwich" for all you do for both ends of your families.


  13. Linda, Happy Bandiversary, you look awesome. You go girl in that Zumba class. I'll have to find another one close by, I miss going.

    Apples, have a great time on your vaca, you all deserve it. So cool about FIL sounds like he's in seventh heaven having you two there and going with him to his club.

    Eva, I to will be making that sauce. Shared it with my co-workers and we are all excited about making it.

    Laura, Nels is such a special soul. So kind and thoughtful. You are doing an excellent job with him.

    Janet, have fun with your family coming. WTG on getting those books balanced.

    Jodi, Janet, Phyl, your pics on FB are so cool. You ladies (Dassi too) are so beautiful. Looked like fun was had by all.


  14. Hi all,

    No dates this weekend but did go to a party down state with 5 other friends. Had an absolute blast, I don't think i left the dance floor for more than one song at a time. I got my exercise in that's for sure. Just call me the dancing machine. lol Extremely tired tonight since we didn't go to bed until 3:30 and i woke up at 7:30, dragging behind now.


  15. Hi All, Thank you for the comps on my new pic. My DS took it for me last week.

    I am struggling right now with the munchies. As you all know I quit smoking Aug 31 with the help of Chantix pills. I have been off them for a couple of weeks and I am about gnawing my fingers off. Which I should be doing instead of grabbing food. So I am up a few pounds which now makes me about 24 lbs from my goal. I was below the goal my DR set but not to my goal. Body imagine issues also. I still see the fat. I know I am also bored and that is fueling the feelings about smoking. Got to get my head wrapped around the fight with both/all issues and get on with it. Back to the basics. I am not eating carbs mostly Protein, a lot of nuts, cheese that adds fat and increases the calorie count. I am not walking as much but doing yoga 2x a week. My plan is to be more consistant with my treadmill until I can get outside. I hate winter.

    Apples, Jessica, Julie, hugs on the medical issues.

    Eva, great for you on taking classes, I think that's what I need to do go learn something to get my mind unbored.

    Arlene and Laura, you guys are so busy with everyone else you don't have time for yourself.

    Cheri, good use of the money getting the whole family involved will keep the kids involved in school and keep them safer.

    Ok back to work.


  16. Linda, hugs and prayers for you and your family. I know this is hard on all of you. Hope she is strong enough to get the help she needs before it is to late.

    Kelly, How is school going?

    Cheri, that is so nice that the people from the church come and pray for you school. It is amazing that they see the need the kids and the staff and they are trying to help.

    Jodi, I met another for coffee last night. Nope not happening. Used one of the lines I told you to use. Thanks but no thanks. Are you on your way to Cali and your Dad's now? Can't remember when you were leaving. Make sure you take lots of pics of Dassi's Bat Mizvah. I think it is so cool to learn about your life.


  17. Great, Yep Seasonal Affective Disorder is very common. My Dr figured I had this a few years ago, while they working on getting my Thyroid under control. I have a "Happy Lite" by Verilux that I sit in front of every morning for about 30 mins. It really helps. Just put it on the table drink my coffee and read for a bit. It has made a big difference for me. About a month ago I could feel that feeling that I wanted to hibernate so out it came.

    Melissa, a great big Happy Birthday to you.

    Jodi, practice saying "I just don't think it will work out for us" "Thanks but no thanks" Isn't it fun though. I'm having a blast. Have fun with Phyl and Janet and with your Dad.

    Linda, when will you hear about your ultrasound?

    Sandy, way to go with Cancun. Glad your Dad is doing better.

    Laura, loved the new pic. What a hottie.

    Chris, How's your Dad doing?

    Julie, hugs.


  18. Great, you post away about those trips. I enjoy hearing about them and I'm sorry I gave you some crap but it was meant in fun and jealousy. Don't apologize we want to hear it, but we might have to give you a hard time along the way.

    Jodi, I am being very careful about these "relationships". I am way to anal to get hooked up in the gambling, outstanding credit card debt crap that is out there. I am not into paying for someone elses stupidity. I have been a loan officer and a colleciton officer so I have seen all the crap these people think.

    Yes I am having a ball, it's so unreal. I never was one to date in my youth. In 27 yrs I was only with 2 different men. My new attitude is bring em on I'll do the picking a choosing this time. Sounds like you are too. Yeah you!!

    Sorry about all the parent issues, it's got to suck getting old and sick. We are all going to be so much better because we are taking care of it now.


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