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Posts posted by llkb4me

  1. Hi Everyone, WOW so many posts, took forever to read them all, can't even begin to remeber them all. I think I have CRS sydrome. lol I couldn't get online yesterday and was busy.

    So, Happy belated b-day Laura, Happy Annivers Cheri.

    Went shopping got myself some new Nike running shoes, what a bargin too, $29.00. yahoo gotta love a bargin.

    We have a Prime Outlets store about 20 mins away so I was out ratting around there.

    Apples don't leave the south we are supposed to get 4-8" of snow starting tomorrow here. YUK so ready for spring, think I'll join that groundhog and hibernate for a bunch of weeks. Just need to find someone to support me so I don't have to go to work. lol

    Joyce you'll do great tommorrow I'll be thinking about you. I can remember thinking what the He!! am I doing right up til they knocked me out.

    Well that's all I can remember. Take care all.

    Laura K

  2. Linda, yes the steps are hard to catch on to, but the instructor says as long as you are moving you are doing it, "it's all good"

    Cheri, prayers for your family members. There is such a wide range in numbers for your thyroid counts that they never know. It's just a guess. I have 6 noduals that they are just watching. They aren't getting bigger just adding in numbers. Never felt a whole lot better with the meds, that is until I was diag. with sleep apenea, then everything fell into place.

    Laura such beautiful pics. Your smile is so wonderful.

    Great, wonderful snag on the decos. I just love falling into a bargin. I'm making the Walmart trip tomorrow. Got to go get my two weeks worth of Protein Shots.< /p>

    Everyone take care.

    laura K

  3. Hey all, sorry for the pain you are feeling julie & judy. Wow Apples that had to be tough even if you didn't know the people.

    Went to my Zumba class tonight, we have a new instructor and does she kick you a$$, but it sure feels good when we are done. Going to start going twice a week now that they are offering again.

    Take care, Laura K

  4. Laura – I found out about couch25k here on LBT in the exercise section. It was really hard to get started, the first week was brutal, but I am up and running now! Check it out; I would be interested to hear how you are doing. We can help motivate each other.

    Crzytchr – I understand running after kids. LOL. Mine is 22 years old now. Maybe someday I will have a grand baby to run after. How old are yours?

    Ladycusa – walking is great exercise. I do a lot of walking. This was just a new personal goal to strive for. Heck, I couldn’t even run a block when I was a kid, and I am 53 now! Talk about a stretch. I have made a lot of personal changes since starting this process and I am pushing myself to new limits. Like I said, walking is fantastic exercise and I completely believe in it.

    Ljv52 – 10 minute miles…….you are my hero!!!!! I have been at this for approximately 6 weeks now. My first week I started on the treadmill with ½ hour of walking with 3 X 1 minute jogs. It was brutal. I have now taken it outside and have gotten to ½ hour of 0.3 mile jog intervals. You are so right; I absolutely need to increase my endurance. It was so easy yesterday to do it; today, I struggled. I will just have to keep trying. I have a goal of completing my first ever 5K in May and I will do it, even if it means doing a jog/walk combination. You mentioned that it took you a year to get to your current level. I guess I am encouraged by that - meaning there is still hope for me to reach my goal. I can’t believe how far I have come in 6 weeks. When I started, 0.3 miles was an impossible dream. Now I am here.

    Charlene – I am working on strength. I am amazed at how many over 50 jogging newbie’s there are. LOL, and I thought I was unique.

    Great2bthin – congratulations on the new knees. You must be feeling so much better. Take the physical therapy slow. Enjoy the new knees and the mobility they will bring you!

    Cheri – It sounds like you keep very active. That is what really counts.

    I have to say, I don’t know why I am so set on this running thing but I am. It is a huge challenge for me. I am so proud of myself. Since Sept, I have lost 40 pounds and have gone from zero exercise to daily exercise. I recently started reading the Beck book that many of you have talked about and day 4 or 5 says to give yourself credit. I have never been very good at that but I am trying to change. So……. I am giving myself credit for what I have accomplished and for stretching to reach my goals. Thanks to all of you for the inspiration. I have lurked around this thread for several months. I only recently got up the nerve to join. Thanks for having me.

    Thanks I will look it up. I did read some where something on it quite awhile ago. It will be my goal. I do walk on my treadmill almost every day. Some days I walk morning and night. I have been increasing my speed but not near up to what Linda does. Once a week I have been going to a Zumba class and they just added another night, next week I will go both nights. Had to do a tax return this week so I couldn't go. We will both make it to that 5k.

    Take care Laura K

  5. Hey all you FL ladies, i love all the pics and the repics too. Your descriptions make us feel like we were there.

    Update on my Isaac, he is doing better, getting around but still falls over a lot. He's getting his spunk back. (not sure if that is a good thing) I say he has little mans syndrome, he thinks he's a a Great dane instead of a mini dash.

    Had my 6 month check up today. Everything is good, dr says I'm right on track, see you in 6 mos. Scheduled a fill for 1 month away, said I'd cancel if I don't need it. Of course their scale was 3 lbs heavier than mine, so I'm not changing my ticker.

    Seems like I'll lose a lb or 2 and then it jumps back up, my body must not be ready to let go of it yet then it does. So I know when I see a loss to not get to excited yet.

    Linda most companys don't accrue vac days while on FMLA, at least mine don't either.

    Laura, hope Nels is feeling better.

    Meridith congrats on the house.

    Sorry to go on, and that I didn't catch everyone.

    Take Care

    Laura K

  6. Deb, way to go on that 6 lbs. We all get so down on ourselves with this journey. Sometimes I am my worst enemy, dang head/brain gets in the way.

    Sandy, jump on in I did and they are all great ladies. Ask them any thing someone will give you an answer and it's all done with love. Good job on onederland.

    Laura, great on snagging a coach.

    Take care all.

    Laura K

  7. Great so sorry that you aren't going to make it to FL, I feel so bad for you. Wonderful that Eva and Janet got new flights. Way to go Ladies.

    Thanks for the prays and wishes for my Isaac. He is doing a bit better still a wait and see.

    I will wait for all the great news and pics from you FL peeps.

    Have fun take care.

    Laura K

  8. Apples, if MN is chosen for next year I would drive up. That would give us another car. It is probaly about 9 hrs for me not to much beyond where my daughter is now. I know my Mom loved Duluth when my DB lived there.

    I've been babying my dashound Isaac. Had to take him to the vet, was prepared to put him down but we are trying steriods first. He ruptured a disc in his back and he could not stand or walk. He can stand & walk for about 2 feet today and is finally eating and drinking a bit. I will not see him suffer but am going with this for awhile. First thing vet said was send him a neurologist which would cost $5000-$7000. ugh not going to happen.

    Yes I am envious but so excited for all of you that get to meet. Have a great time and I can't wait to see all your pics.

    Take care all.

    Laura K

  9. Phyl, wonderful pics of you and DH. Kinda sucks about the weather. I would be so upset if it rained on my trip.

    All you ladies heading for FL are getting so excited.

    Linda it will be you and I bumming but we have next year to look forward to.

    I think my fav commercial was the little boy and the doritos. Most were lame. My DS had his GF and buddy over we played euchre and had munchies. Made stuff I could eat also and they had other stuff too.

    Janet glad you had a good time with your sister.

    It is really neat learning about the jewish faith. I don't know anyone that is jewish nor have ever learned anything about it. Keep up the lesssons ladies.

    Julie glad you were able to sleep sounds like the pt is working.

    Take care.

    Laura K

  10. Hi Everyone,

    Janet get out the wet noodle I need a lash or two. When Apples posted she is drinking cappachinos to gain back her pounds it hit me like a ton of bricks. My new addiction has been drinking caps w/coffee. Duh & I wondered why I have not been losing even though I have been exercising like crazy. So I finally checked out the calaries, they are history. Replaced my diet pop with coffee, I have never drank that, I hated the smell. Not a smart trade for me.

    I've started reading my Beck book and like it so far. Makes you set back and ponder a few things.

    Well better get back to work. Thanks for letting me get my stupidity of my chest. Take care & have a great day.

    Laura K

  11. Jessica, thoughts and prayers for you and your family on the best out come for all.

    Melissa, Apples forgot me because she is trying to pretend she doesn't want a CHOC LAB PUPPY. Big brown puppy eyes, soft and cuddly needing a new momma LOL

    I went to the Frankenmuth snowfest today. Wow what beautiful snow and ice sculptures. Down side way to many people, had a hard time seeing some of them. Felt like we were cattle being pushed through a shute. Dang was it cold, had on 3 shirts, coat, 2 prs of socks, boots, ear muffs, cuddle duds & gloves. brrrrrr

    Cheri, congrats on getting to goal.

    Take care.

    Laura K

  12. Hi All, Had a good food day and exercise day. Walked on treadmill this am for 30 min before work, 20 mins after work and went to zumba for 1 hr. Still tight at night, could not eat but a few bites of my dinner. That's ok I'm not hungry. Had some sunflower seeds when I got back from zumba.

    Mrs Bubba, hope the pain stays away tonight and this pt helps. Glad you are making those Cookies for the troops. They will love it.

    Take care.

    Laura K

  13. Lisa, Welcome we were both banded in the same month and year. I'm from MI. Glad to hear you are doing so good, keep it up or Janet will come after you now that you joined us. lol

    While growing up we had horses of our own or I would borrow one for the summer. Was in 4H until I was 19. I love to ride. It's been a long time since I have.

    Jessica, congrats on the wonderful grades, you rock. I bring doggie bags home every time. I think it would look better to bring yours home rather than leave them on your plate. They might think you didn't like it.

    It's amazing the questions people will ask you when they want to know about your band. I think there is a lot of bad & confusing messages being passed around by people who don't know. We are all little ambassadors for this. We can get the right message out there & hopefully it will help at least one person who needs it. So put on your hat & suit and spread the message. Lol

    Everyone take care have a great day.

    Laura K

  14. I'm not a "meany" but DH is so easy to pull one over on. How is your week going, LauraK? Got the urge to just say forget work and hop a plane to FL????

    Apples, I would jump that plane in a heart beat. Tired of the cold, tired of work, need a change of pace. Now if I could only win the Mega Millions tonight I would pay for everyone to be there. Everyone cross their fingers for my numbers to come up.

    DS is is an easy target also. Just love a good joke. We are always doing stuff to each other at work. We have a truce right now, I'll have to think up somethinge it's getting to boring.

    I can sure tell I have restriction now, can only eat 3/4 c for dinner. I seem to be opposite of most I feel tighter at night. Guess I'm weird, no I know I'm weird. lol

    Be safe tomorrow in you travels, I want to be able to meet you all on the next trip.

    Laura K

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