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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by llkb4me

  1. Janet, thanks for sharing the receipe. I'm going to try it, I love anything spicy.

    Laura, Love the new pic. You are so pretty.

    Jodi, Thinking of you.

    Julie, hope your trip and pt is good.

    Eva, your cards are so cool.

    Apples, bow down to the posting queen, you won the contest again.

    Take care all.

    Laura K

  2. Jody, I got a bullet because my nurse said they were good. It is good for mixing up prot drinks or shakes but I don't think it is good for much else. Plus it was $50.Tried to mix up blk Beans into mush and it took for ever had to keep shaking/pulsing. I just bought a new one a Ninja. So far I love it, chops realy fast, pitcher unit makes wonderful margarita's ( my DS made them). I did taco chicken and made pico so far. It was only $38 at Walmart & bed bath and beyond had it for $49. So I guess I'm saying check them out before you by a bullet.

    I'll be thinking about you, you'll do great.

    Laura K

  3. Charlene, happy birthday to you, hope your rain clears for your special day.

    Julie, you sound so much better glad the pain seems to be gone. x my fingers

    Laura, string him up by his thumbs nails.

    I had a great weekend with the scale. went down to next tenth, hit 75 lbs gone and bought size 10 jeans and wearing them. yee ha

    Ok today is my 1st day of no smoking. Not saying quitting because that gives me an out. Got my patch on and will make it day by day. Keep your fingers crossed.

    Take care all,

    Laura K

  4. Apples, she flew in and out of Minne.when she went to Phoenix. Had her interview there. Her BF dropped her off and picked her up. His family is about an hour north of St Michael but my step sis is in St M. Received at text from her that said she was checking out the city today. She will visit SS for a few days then head back to Houghton to school. Will have about 8 weeks til she grads.

    Silly girl told me when she was in phoenix that she couldn't wait to see snow again. lol

    Laura K

  5. Lady Crism, I too have the same problem and I know for me it is when I eat to fast and it seems to happen most of the time when I am at work. I just stop eating throw away or put away what I was eating and walk. These ladies here know what they are talking about. When I joined them I started reading from their very first thread. It took me months to get up to speed with them. I have learned so much from them, ask them anything some one will answer you.

    Laura, cool pics of the fair, looks like the boys had fun.

    Apples, my DD is in MN I think she is around St Michael or will be there tomorrow seeing my step sister and family. How is the ice problem?

    Laura K

  6. Well, can't sleep.< p>Apples, yes, excellent.......I will get the cleaning totes.

    Julie, we down sized five years ago and now we have three large bedrooms, but one is a study. They will have to make do in the one bedroom. Hey, I moved in this house so my kids would not move in with me. At least they will have their own bathroom. Our family room and kitchen are large. At least my son, wife and his three daughters didn't ask to move in. He lost his job two weeks ago. This house is not big enough for five more.

    Laura, that is pretty low what your friend has done. Want us to fly there and B-slap her? My thirty five year old son said it is Manrule not to date any woman that has dated his friends. Isn't there a woman rule? Well, just give us her email address. We will tell her how the cow ate the cabbage. Oh no, my country is showing!

    Okay, Goodnight, again!

    I just might take you up on the offer. This could be our next get together. lol Not a thing wrong with your country showing. love it.

    thanks, Laura K

  7. LauraK...what a rotten, crappy thing to have to deal with. Ditto what Janet said. Trust in someone is something that just does not come back automatically. She does not deserve to have you as her friend. Let her sit in her own pew.

    Thanks for all the support.:smile2:

  8. I should have trusted my insticts but I waited for proof. We live with on the same street, our kids grad together. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. Was easy to ignore when we always were drinking but now that I'm not & she still is she slips with what she says & I catch it. Dont' care about him, told her so, she made the choice and now she will live with the consequences.

  9. OMG LauraK that's breaking the cardnal girls rule - you don't mess with another girls man even if you are broke up..

    I would kick her to the curb too..

    We all need some quite time from time to time - nothing wrong with that..

    Hugs !!!

    They were meeting for drinks even before we broke up. I dated him for 8 yrs and she is my neighbor.

  10. Hi All,

    I find myself staying home a lot more, maybe not staying home but being alone more often. Trying to separate myself from one of my gf's. That whole thing about not making someone a priority in your life when you are an option in theirs. And the fact that she was sneaking around with my former BF and lying about it. I told her if she was going to continue with him I would not be in her life. I don't trust her any more. I love to be around people and doing things but then need some quiet time. I guess I'm feeling down just like Deb.

    Sorry for going on but I guess I just needed to let that out to some one. Thanks.

    Laura K

  11. Apples, welcome back.

    Laura cry your heart out. You are such a good DD to both your parents. You have a lot on your mind.

    My DD did not hear anything on the job. She don't think she got it. Good experience interviewing any way. She is finally on her plane heading back to MN, flight delayed 45 mins. She is staying the weekend at her BF's family then going to my DSS house for a few days before heading back to MI.

    Went to my Zumba class got my butt kicked good tonight.

    Take care all

    Laura K

  12. Hi All,

    Seems like all I have been doing is running in circles too. Did my sisters families taxes and helped with FAFSA forms all day Saturday, of course went shopping Sunday did laundry and discovered by dryer is broke again. So Monday was hair cut came home picked up laundry and off to laundry mat. Monday work, the board meeting that went on for 2 1/2 hrs, tonight greenhouse meeting, Thurs zumba. I can't wait for the weekend. Seems like everything is at the 1st of the month then nothing to do after that.

    I'm getting CRS I think it's catchy.

    Congrats on onederland, bandavarsery and good grades, hope everyones child is feeling better. That's all I can remember now and not even who, sorry.

    Oh my DD had an interview yesterday with the Fed land something or other. Keeping my fingers crossed that she gets this job. Supposed to hear either way by today. Send up good thoughts please.

    Take Care

    Laura K

  13. Julie, no clothes unless you count a bra, but I did buy a new pair of shoes. I think I touched everything in the store though and talked myself out of it. I think I have been shopping just to fill up time. Oh well at least I'm not eating. Next thing to go is I am stopping smoking again. I had quit for 4 yrs then started again for the last year.

    Yes I have been having to sign in again even when there was not time gone by.

    Oh & I forgot to tell you I love your new pic. Way to go girl.

    Laura K

  14. Hi Ladies.

    I've been bumming around shopping today. Besides that not much, laundry night.

    Eva, yes my DD is in Phoenix as of yeasterday. She said is was raining today and overcast. She had to go meet her mentor today and then I'm not sure what else. I think the high light for the kids last night was that they found the brewery. Oh to be young again.

    If Jody, Jewel, Judy or anyone is interested I have a full unopened can of Beneprotein powder that you can have. I bought two back in my first days and did not even finish the first one. Any takers pm me and I'll send it to you.

    Oh well it's back to work tomorrow.

    Take care, Laura K

  15. Janet, nope not chem stuff here is the receipe if you or anyone is interested. My Mom & step-Dad eat it like a salad not with the chips.< /p>

    Texas Caviar

    1 can each, pinto Beans, black eyed peas, and white corn, all drained.

    1 sm can green chillies 1 sm jar pimentos

    1 c green peppers 1 sm onion

    1 c celery

    Chop peppers, onion, and celery quite fine.

    Marinate: Bring to a boil:

    1tsp salt ¾ c cider vinegar

    ½ tsp pepper ½ c oil

    1Tbs Water 1 cup splenda

    Cool completely & pour over bean mixture. Marinate 24 hrs. Drain off most of liquid

    Serve with Frito Scoops they work the best.

    Love this stuff

    Laura K

  16. Laura, great pics, congrats to Nels. Have fun at your party.

    Joyce, I think you were the one asking about Protein. I use Super Whey Protein Shots. This is how I make sure I get all my protein. They have 26 grams in them. Not bad tasting, a fruit punch.

    Lori, congrats on you DH's promotion. Have a wonderful time in Isreal. Can't wait to hear all about it.

    Apples, My daughter is in MN tonight said it was a sunny drive all the way over. She is flying out of Min. airport tomorrow for Phoenix.

    Jodi, great pick on the fruit baskets. I would love to get one as I'm sure your fam/friends will be. Some times we have to start new traditions, since you are about to start your new life.

    Linda, I'm not sure how smart or good I am but I love my plants and flowers so this is a good way to learn. Almost all of the mbrs are much older than me and they have so much more experience and such a great resource.

    Julie, hope you are getting some relief and can sleep tonight.

    You ladies got me thinking about Jerky so I have 2.5 lbs of chicken in a dry brine ready to smoke tomorrow. Also made a big batch of texas cavair. My step dad loves it and he is smoking my jerky so I will take him a big bowl.

    If I missed someone I'm thinking of all of you. Take care.

    Laura K

  17. Jodi, I just love hearing about your traditions, as I know nothing about being Jewish.

    I think each Dr/Hospital has something different they do or want. I didn't have to have blood gasses drawn. The fear of the unknown is the worst the rest is a piece of cake. oops bad word.

    Jessica, you are doing so great. Keep up the good work!

    Eva, that's the thing with MG you get to volunteer to work in someones elses project. I always run out of room at home, well not room, resources. I have been building beds using field stone and I'm out again. The more beds I make the less grass I have to mow is how I think about it.

    Also looking at plants/bulbs that will produce big leaves for my cement leaf projects this year.

    Janet, There are never to many plants. That sounds like a good price. Our MG meeting last night was about roses and Clematis. Growing them together by using the rose as a built in trellis for the clematis. The color/specis combos she used was just amazing.

    Everyone take care, Laura K

  18. Good afternoon, just got home from my volunteer stint at the hospital. They've been giving me more and more to do. Today I visited bypass patients in the hospital, which I have done a lot of, but today I went over a lot of discharge info regarding followups etc.

    Been under a lot of stress lately and well let's just say I have handled like I always have, some how a bag of Fritos found it's way into my house and is now gone. Makes me so mad, why do I do that to myself? The stress is in regards to my Grandma however, it has to do with my mom and I disagreeing on how to handle something. I am the one handling it but she's down there in FL trying to dictate how I do it, I feel somewhat like I need to honor her wishes, but yet I am the one with all the work and also trying to honor Grandma's. We've exchanged some pretty terse words via email, I think the worst is over, I half expect the phone to ring any minute though.

    Jewel, true 4 days would be along time on a bike. And don't forget your 'tush' has a lot less padding now!

    Linda, the shower was great, she got lots of nice things. I think after 25 or 30 yrs of marriage I shoudl get a shower and get all new stuff! And you are never too nosy, I am too then! I will be in Isreal for 8 days, gone from home 10 days, I am going with a group of 17 from my church. I am very anxious.

    Janet, I always get to fly first class if it is available, one of the perks of DH's job. However, goign to Isreal we bought tkts with this group and are not using his flying benefits, it's kiling him to think he has to sit in coach if there is a possibility of 1st class being open. LOL

    LauraK, a master gardener? you must be good, what does that mean?

    Laura, glad your parents are coming to visit. I remember DH's sister (we met in HS) having a "Kiss me Donnie' poster in her room when we were dating. I think the lips were worn off of it! LOL

    I've got American Idol recorded but have been so busy and when I do watch tv watching the Olympics, but I have to disagree, do not like Ellen. I don't so much as miss Paula as I dislike Ellen. I wonder how the show will be without Simon next year. I didn't like Kara at first and she has grown on me, maybe Ellen will too.

    That means I paid to take classes for 13 weeks, did 40 volunteer hours and 5 additional educ hours. I have to also maintain 15 volunteer hours and 5 educ hours each year to stay certified. So you pay to volunteer, but this is how I learn more and more. I am not even close to knowing a lot. Some of our members have volunteer more than 5000 hours. They are good.

    At our meeting last night our association mbrs volunteered almost 11,000 hours last year.

  19. Hi All,

    I went to a DPAN lecture/concert last night. DPAN stands for Deaf Performing Artist Network. That young man was amazing. He is making Videos where they are signing and singing to music.

    It is just amazing to watch all the people signing so fast. It was a fund raiser for the Deaf club at Central Music University. My nephews girlfriend is the treasurer for the group. She is deaf with a cocular implant. My daughter is hearing impaired with two hearing aids. I just was so impressed with the crowd and show.

    Tonight is my Master Gardner meeting, so I have been keeping myself busy.

    You have all been so busy on here I can hardly keep up. No time to respond to all, take care.

    Laura K

  20. Hey gang, just got up from another nap... I take pills and then I sleep for a while and then I get up for awhile...

    Anyway, I'm about winding up the info on those who wanted to be on a personal information list I am compiling.... If anyone else still wants on just PM or e-mail me your infor sometime in the next couple days... Otherwise I'll send it out this way to those on the list....

    Laura K, wtg on the bargain..... I wish you a DL, too, just like Judy!!!!!

    Joyce, thanks for the input.... I've been trying everything.. Was wondering today if I need to consult a neurosurgeon...... It's my neck that is the problem and yes, I sleep in my recliner all the time... not every night, but lots especially when I'm hurting...

    Melissa, how is the new job going??? Are you stressing and that is making your band tight?? Hope you are doing better with the food thing soon.... You'll get back on track..... don't try to do too much at once...

    Well, back to DH... he wants me to sit and watch TV with him.... Julie

    Julie, I want to add my info but don't know how to do the pm. my email is llkb4me@yahoo.com if you can email me and I'll send my info back.

    Laura K

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
