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Posts posted by llkb4me

  1. Hi All, Thanks for the congrats. They wanted her to start on June 7th. She doesn't think she can get everything pulled together by then. She still has 2 weeks of school left before grad day. Also wants to be home for my nieces grad party to see everyone before she leaves. Looking like we will leave after June 20th. She will be in Tonopah NV, north of Vegas about 3 hrs. That's what we figured. We will be driving and I will fly back. Haven't gotten far enough to figure out the route. I will keep all you ladies posted so maybe we can meet. Thanks for all the good thoughts, crossed fingers and wishes. We are amazing when we put our minds to good thoughts. lol

    Laura K

  2. Ok Ladies, got to share...... DD got offered the job. Yeah I'm moving her to NV. She has to respond to them then the ball gets rolling. Will move her home for about a month then they will move her out. I am going to ride out with her and fly back. I don't think either of our feet have touched the ground tonight.

    Laura K

  3. OMG Im so happy to hear that! I never know whether what I do is really helping. When your involved with those babies from the start of program with the kids and families for fulll three years and then they age out....when the connection is strong you keep in touch for several years but then you or the families get busy and "life" happens and they dont need the support any longer. You never really hear about the children you work with many years later. You wonder what ever happened to....(I always wonder). What ever happened to .....that adorable little boy/girl.

    So, I really appreciate the thank you. I must tell you however, that it isnt the teachers or the program its the parents of the children that are with the children 24/7 and remember teachers and therapists are only there several times weekly for several hours. You the parent who follows through and work hard to do all the work after that short half hour or so....Yes, we teach you and give you the tools but its you who actually does the hard work day in and out. SO, let me take this oppurtunity to thank you..the parent for helping us do our job helping your children!

    Your daughter is so lucky to have you and you must be so proud. Give yourself a hug you deserve it.

    Thank you for the kind words.


    Thank you Jodi, the old saying is true "It takes a Village"

    Laura K

  4. LadyK, I got the Citracal calcium citrate + D3. They come in the Petites so they are easy to swallow. Got them at Walmart.

    Great, way to go on the bargins. You are the super shopper of the thread.

    Janet, good choice on putting the candy bar back.

    Eva, Take lots of pic, I just love hearing about all the things you are doing in your yard. I've got most of my flower beds cleaned and ready to go. We got frost the last two nights so still can't plant anything new yet. I have hyacinth Beans started. I am going to make a living fence with them between the neighbors and me. So I will be making a new bed to encompass 4 trellises for them.

    Lori, gotta love cheese cake.


    Laura K

  5. Jodi, You do such wonderful work with the kids. I'll tell you a story. A couple of weeks ago I ran into my DD 1st Consultant. She came to our home to work w/DD as we had just found out she was hearing impaired, DD was only 2 1/2. Worked with her for a yr & 1/2. Any ways I was telling her about DD graduating from college. We chatted for a bit and she told me she was having a moment in church that morning. Feeling down about her DD problems and life in general. She said she was thinking "I wonder if I have touched anyones life". OMG I couldn't get the words out fast enough to tell her my DD wouldn't be where she was today without her early intervention. So the moral of this story is Thank you for all the kids you help.

    Laura K

  6. Apples, my co-worker got a pair of the Fitflops last year. She said the same thing, very comfy right from the start. She could feel the difference in her legs.

    Cheri, it is so frustrating to get your kids/grands the help they need with special needs. Been there.

    Great, that sucks the way they treated you at your vol job.

    thanks for the congrats!


  7. Hi All,

    I wanted to share a ahh moment I've had this week. I can run/jog a whole mile now. It suprised the heck out of me that I made it. Have done it twice now. Our park has a paved path that is a mile around the park. I walk one lap then ran one and walked another.

    I've been busy in my flower beds, when the weather is nice. Got them all in pretty good shape. Almost finished on my bedroom, just have to put up the trim work.

    Julie, glad you are feeling a bit better.

    Laura & Apples love the pics.

    Hotmom, welcome aboard. These ladies will help you out.


    Laura K

  8. Melissa, sometimes I crave choc too. I found Emerald 100 cal packs of cocoa roast almonds. They are not super sweet and have 3g of prot. Takes away the craving for me.

    2+4, You are doing great, don't listen to that brat. Hope you DS is ok. He probably wanted to beat him up for you.

    Eva, love your house and landscaping. It's wonderful. Of course I had to look at the plantings first. Had to go back & look at the bricks Apples mentioned. lol

    Apples, I love your benches they are so cute.

    I so enjoy seeing all the cool arts that everyone does. Laura you have great talents too. You always write such neat posts and your pics are great.


    Laura K

    Oh where is Janet?

  9. Eva, Happy Birthday to you.....

    and to Apples DH

    Linda, my DD has had to send them more info, Fed Student loans, transcripts and now they wanted past employers. So she is still in the running. Another student that interviewed with them from her school called to say he wasn't interested but bragged her up. They told him that field office couldn't touch her until the other one made their decision, so she may have another opportunity if they don't hire her for the first area. Same Bureau of Land Mgt but different areas in NV. Hoping they make a decesion soon. Don't want to move her home if they are going to be moving her to NV. Have about 3 weeks til grad day, but we all know that the gov don't move very fast.

    LadyS love the convertible. Hot red..

    Laura, great for you with the Dr.

    Laura K

  10. Eva, you go girl. You and your honey on the bike. Sounds like a good time. What are you doing with all that cement?

    Jodi, Way to go on losing those lbs. You are doing fantastic. Doesn't it feel so good. Boy I would love a Gmach (was that what you called it?) I have been cleaning out the ole closet/dresser and donating them. Last week alone I sent 4 garbage bags. I have been shopping the consignment shops for clothes. I tend to find the tops there mostly. Jeans just seem to fit oddly so I have bought a few new pairs. Mom or my co-worker receive the hand me ups. They are both losing weight also.

    I tried Apples crabcakes yesterday. They are very good. Let me know how you like the other receipes when you make them.

    Laura K

  11. Linda, beautiful pics. you look amazing & your GD is so cute.

    Apples, I made your crab cakes tonight. Wow they are great. Very filling too. So now that I made them and I have 5 left, how do you reheat them? Do they get soggy if you micro them?

    Laura k

  12. Hi All,

    MY all time fav perfume is Black Casmere by Donna Karan, of course they discontinued it but Secret Obsession by Polo is kind of close. I only splurge once a year on one of these kinds. I now have Brilliant White Diamonds by Liz Taylor. It's ok

    Charlene, by DS was born on Sept 13th, even was a Friday.

    Eva, I'm hoping our Meet The LB Ladies vac will be some where warm too. DD hasn't heard anything yet but still optomystic (sp) Oh to be young.

    Going to make Apples Crab Cakes this weekend. Try something new.

    Catch up with you all later.

    Laura K

  13. Apples,

    Thanks for the receipes. They look delish. I will try to come up with one of mine.

    My DD said it was snowing this am in Houghton. We are cold and rainy today again. I want summer back..........

    Jodi, glad you are getting in the gym, it makes you feel so good. If they have a Zumba class try it it is fun.

    Laura K

  14. Hi All, I'm still alive, I have been reading all your posts just not posting much. I have been busy monkeying around the house, my carpet goes down tomorrow. yeah then I can put my bed room back together again. Been living between two rooms.

    Laura hugs to you, I'm sure your Dad feels bad too.

    Julie, prayers for Mimis surgery today.

    I can cry at the drop of a hat also, just depends on the situation. Well better get to work, lots to do today.

    Laura K

  15. Hi All,

    Had an enjoyable day at my Mom's, crazy with everyone there, but had fun.

    Apples, glad you DS is doing good. What a relief for you.

    Laura, sorry about your Dad, prayers for him. Nels sounds like he is having a good time.

    Eva, Loved your "cakes" how fun.

    Janet, new pic is beautiful.

    Julie, congrats for you DD.

    Linda, sounds like you had a great time with your GD, they are so fun at that age.

    Eva, wow you are looking so good. Keep up the good work.

    Welcome aboard to the new peeps. These ladies are great at helping and answering all you questions. They have helped me so much. I have been banded since July.

    If I missed you I'm sorry couldn't remember anything else.

    Laura K

  16. Jessica, have a great time with you bro. Way to go on the 40lbs.

    Apples, wonderful cake, my mom used to make us a bunny cake too. We used to make marshmellow bunnys, lots of them.

    Laura beautiful pic of the sunset.

    Everyone have a great Easter.

    Laura K

  17. Laura, So happy for you and your family. I bet your Dad feels on top of the moon. Tube out and you and Nelson there. Have a great time with your family.

    Melissa, Hang in there you can do this.

    LadyK, thanks for the reminders, it will help me too.

    Laura K

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
