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Posts posted by llkb4me

  1. We in Michigan call it pop. It's sounds funny when I hear people refer to it as soda. I've heard some places call every kind of pop a coke.

    On the pigs in a blanket that is what we call both kinds. The cabbage rolls sound yummy, may have to make them.

    I'm going to watch state final softball on Sat & Sun leaving for Indian River, only staying there for the night. Mon. we are walking the Mackinaw Bridge. This is the only day for the year that you can walk on it. It's 5 miles long & connects the upper and lower peninsula's. I have been saying for years I want to do this, so this is the year. I can't wait, even though there are thousands of people who do this.

    Janet, To funny on the Andrew issue. Must be an age and male thing. My DS & him sound like twins. Only my DS never says he is moving out. He knows I'll be helping him pack. lol He used to threaten me with moving to his dads when he was younger and I would say not. Now he never says it and I would say go, please go. He is not going to school again so I am making him pay $100 rent. Trying to teach him some responsablity. Can't seem to get past the instant gratification stage.

    Cheri, that is so cool about blessing the kids. Sounds like they need all the help they can get. If that even gives them some peace of mind it's worth it.

    Charlene, You are the best helping your DD in all the ways you do. Since Bethany missed my B-Day I'll vote for Sept 13th, my DS B-Day

    Eva, have a good time "bugging" with your DH. How many days do you have left at work now?

    Have a safe and fun weekend.


  2. Arlene, PS Dr says soft tuck is for some one that is skinny to start with & only has stretched skin from pregnacy. Not an option for some one who has gained and lost a lot of weight.

    Great, my Ds & his Dad have sausage made from goose. They love it. It ends up like a summer sausage roll.


  3. Julie...forgot to wish you luck with your mayo appt. Safe travels....watch the crossroads (My grandfather's fav saying when us kids were travelling to college).

    LauraK...what did I miss??????? I'm disappointed...thought you were included in the Vegas trip. I was so looking forward to meeting you.

    Hope you get the answers your looking for when you meet with PS doc. That soft tuck sounds like a good solution. If I went for anything done it would be that. My muscles are in tact so it would work. I think the one and only thing I would do PS on would be that little armpit slice and pull up the skin on upper arm. I have these little wrinkles when I hold my arms a certain way. I am accepting them more and more as time goes on so don't think I will be even thinking about doing something about it.

    Great...pap smears...fun. Wishing you good results

    Nope I can't make Vegas, it is the beginning of our fiscal year at work and my busy time. I want to go so bad.

    PS Dr said I would have to have the whole Tummy Tuck, says muscles are stretched also. Wanted the "girls" put back where they belong at the same time. Well they say I won't qualify for my insurance to pay. Skin not hanging far enough down, no open sores, not on antibiotics, no history. So I would have to pay for it myself. I can't swing the extra money right now so it's not going to happen now. Two procedures would cost about $9000.00 if I had them done at the same time. If done separtely it would be over $12000.00. I guess I will have to learn to love my body as it is.

    Oh, I also quit smoking. Started Chantix last week, my quit date was my sisters b-day so it has been 2 days without smoking. Trying not to replace it with food. Doing good so far.


  4. Lori, DD is in Vegas only for a week doing training. I keep telling her to get out of her apt. and find things. She used to volunteer a lot but not to many opportunities in Tonopah she says.

    Julie, I told her to pick a church there are many different ones there, but she hasn't. I love her to pieces but am getting tired of being her entertainment. She calls many times a day and just talks. I find myself getting a bit short with her. Oh well she will adjust then I'll complain that I haven't heard from her.

    Too bad she won't be there when you lovelies are going to be she could come for me. lol

    I am going to the PS Dr today. I am checking to see if this is feasible or not. If my ins will pay I want what they are calling the "soft tuck" They don't mess with the muscles only the fat and excess skin. Recovery time is only 1 week, not so intense they say. I'll know more later on & will share the info.


  5. Cheri, congrats on becoming a Gma again.

    Apples, congrats on the new car. What color?

    Jessica, you are the best advocate for your child. Do what you need to do for in his best interest.

    Arlene, that baby will get here soon enough. She's on her own time sched.

    Phyl, wonderful pics. You and your sisters look like you have a great time together.

    Eva, glad you had a good time in Baltimore.

    Laura, you will do great as a room mom and with volunteering at the clinic.

    Linda, hope your hip feels better.

    My DD is in Vegas training this week. She seems to be getting adjusted. Calls me a lot, she needs to find something to fill up here time.

    Julie, mayo is coming soon. Fingers crossed for you.

    Sorry if I missed someone, not meant to be.


  6. Hi Everybody.

    Had a great time with Mom & Sister. Shopped and just hung out. Didn't do much but it was nice to have the time together.

    Phyl, love the pics, family is beautiful.

    Janet, All for one, one for all.

    Linda, Merry looks so chipper and happy. Sorry about kid issues. I feel the same way, am I ever going to stop being "Mommy" and just be Mom. I want to move on.

    Eva, have a good trip.

    Laura, glad you are getting your feet wet again. We need good people in health care.

    Judy, to bad about the "puppy" not working out. I am sure you'll find another one soon. lol

    Cheri, too cool about the new choir. I hope you can go on that trip. It sounds fantastic.

    Ok, need to get to work this morning.


  7. Janet, Love the pics. They will choose you or deal with all of us. lol

    If you were perfect we would be calling you GOD, not Janet.

    We just went up north a bit, quick boat ride, came home finished salsa I started earlier in the day.

    Today I am going with my Mom and Sister for the night. We are celebrating our birthdays, shopping, hot tubbing, pool, & maybe the casino. We have never done this before or in a very very long time. My Sister turns 50 next week. Crazy Mom had 3 kids in 3 yrs all born in August. Busy month for us.

    Take care all I'll catch up later.


  8. Apples, Love the pics before & after. Your DS's look just like your DH in your wedding pic.

    Jodi, glad to read your post. You are one busy lady. Yes you mentioned this very nice man. It sounds like you are bitten. lol

    Melissa, hope you got some sleep and are feeling better.

    Joyce, you are doing great. Keep it up.

    Arlene, A baby yet?

    Great, hope you got caught up on your sleep.< /p>

    Janet, I thought you were saying the temp was 119 or was it your weight like others said?


  9. Janet, it is BF, looks like it's staying that way. Even talking of a future. Having a great time and yes I am still walking. Not as much but walking every day.

    Cheri, in my thoughts on the decision you are making. Just make sure you have some respite care lined up so that you and DH get a break.

    Apples, glad to see that green writing again. Can always count on a few posts when I jump on here. lol

    The other day I seen sugar beets being trucked already. I guess they just opened to take them for that day, not stock piling as they would rot.

    Linda, glad to hear Merry is getting about. That has to be so hard to watch her.

    Great, Sounds like you had a good time in Hawaii. I've always wanted to see that.


  10. Thanks everyone for the b-day wishes. I had a great time, great friends lots of boating & floating. I even went for a walk sat. morn with a little jogging thrown in. Went to church sun. morn at a place called "Cross in the Woods", it was an outside service. So cool, cross is 55' tall in a beautiful landscaped setting.

    Let me see how many posts I can remember.

    Julie, happy bandaversery.

    Cheri, wtg on your new goal.

    Jessica, you are doing great getting a jump start on your classes.

    Melissa, you sound so positive now, you will find the right career for you and getting back on track.

    For those of you with shoe problems, I think it was Charlene & Eva, I just got Asics gel somethings. They were very comfortable right from the start. I think they are the best shoes I've ever had.

    Laura, good luck to Nels & to you on his first day back to school. He will like riding the bus.

    Janet, you deserve some time off from the gym. You work harder than anyone.

    Joyce, wtg on the pool time. It's great exercise I love going to Water arobics.

    Linda, that Dr is right you are beautiful and look so healthy.

    Ok, If I missed someone I'm sorry, trying to wrap my brain around Monday morning. Kind of hard after such a great weekend.


  11. Great, I forgot to tell you PS consult is set for Mon but have to change it because of work. I heard about a procedure they are doing now that is called a "Soft tuck". They only deal with the fat and skin. Lot less invasive and only 1 week recovery time. That is what I would like. I can work to improve on the muscle but can't do nothing about the excess skin. We will see, it will depend on the insurance factor.


  12. Boy have you ladies been busy yesterday.

    Apples, so glad to see you back junking up the thread. It's just not the same without you.

    You and Phyl have a great time today visiting.

    Laura, Nels will do great on the bus. It is harder on Moms than them.

    I can remember putting my 3 yr old on a bus and sending her off to school. She was in a special hearing impaired class about 25 miles away. Me & Gma's were checking out the bus & getting her settled, she had to set in a car seat because of her age. To make a long story short, she told us to get off the bus. lol That girl always was bossy.

    Still walking & talking, goal is 20 miles in 4 days, off to a good start have in 12.5 in 2 days.

    Sorry to not respond to all I've got CRS today.


  13. Melissa, big hugs sent your way. Keep posting, we are all here.

    Phyl, hugs for pain in your leg and with DH. Hope you and Julie get to meet up.

    Jodi, glad you had a good time camping. It's fun, would love to have gone to that concert.

    Janet, good job on your workout. Walked 6.5 miles last night & 1 on lunch.< /p>

    Everything great at Dr. Talked about extra skin issues, he's setting up an appt with PS Dr. I'll see what they say.

    Things still going good with the BF. Working it out. Still on the leary side but talking about everything.

    Cheri, great advise to Melissa.

    Julie, be careful with that sweeping and hosing. Seems like that could agrivate your shoulder.


  14. Janet,

    Well yes I am stilling walking not as much this past week but am kicking it back up again this week. The BF is not EX again. We are together and working things out. Many hours of talking and working out problems. Sure is easier when it is all out in the open. Counseling is on the agenda also. Told him this is the last chance so we better do it right.

    Laura, love the pics, your family looks so happy.

    Thinking about Apples, thanks for the update on her.

    I go to the Dr today for my yr check up even though it's a month past. We see what he has to say. Feel good, can't wait to go.


  15. Great, to funny about the guy. He must have thought you were a cougar. lol

    Joyce, hugs, prayers and good thoughts for you and your family.

    Jessica, so cool on the uniforms. You look just like a nurse.

    Phyl, good thoughts heading your way on the back pain. Hope it gets better for you.


  16. Linda, sorry about your Merry. Hope they can just remove it.

    Janet, love the hair.< /p>

    Great, that's right gotta get what you paid for. lol

    Joyce, Judy & Jodi, I guess you could be called the 3 J's. I want to be a princess too!

    Good juju heading apples way. Hope all turns out ok for her. How is she going to junk up the thread with a bad wing?

    Jessica, you will do wonderful in school and meeting new people.

    Well a good 3 weeks with the ex BF. Ex is the word again. He is so confused, flip flopping back and forth. I think the brain tumor is effecting him more than any one knows. Kind of devastating but I will make it. Walked it off instead of eating it away. So it is a major victory for me.


  17. Went to the Pig Gig last night, walked around a lot not sure how far. The had booths set up and each place sold their version of ribs, brisket, pulled pork with sides available. We shared one meal. It all tasted so good but ate to fast and paid big time for that. Let me tell ya it ain't good to pb in a porta pot. yuk

    Today went to Ludington which is on Lake Michigan. Oh it was so beautiful. So many boats, lots of nice sand and the light house was awesome. Boy does sand give your muscles a work out. Used some muscles I haven't used walking on even ground. That is the work out to do.

    Take care


  18. Jessica, way to go on getting more grant money. You can do anything you set your mind to. You are doing great.

    Phyl, Charlene, Linda & Eva Hugs on the aches and pains you have going on. You are all doing great.

    Laura, I'll keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. Even with the situation, have a great time with your parents.

    Janet, that sucks about the MIA post.

    I walked 4.5 miles last night. Was going to take it easy but walking and talking just kept me going.


  19. Linda, I seen Sylvia Brown at our casino here a couple of years ago. It was intertaining and she is a good speaker.

    Good job on exercise ladies, we just needed "the Commander" to give a a push. lol

    I walked another 6 miles last night. I think I'm up to around 30 miles for the week. I never thought I could do that. Having fun and talking a lot keeps pushing me along.

    Laura, swamp germs, dirt and the works just seem to come with boys. If there was a mud puddle in the area my DS seemed to find it. Always came home with mud and Water splattered up his back from riding his bike through it.

    Joyce, I think the people watching would have been the best thing at the concert and I do like some of her music too.

    Better get to work.


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