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Everything posted by llkb4me

  1. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Have you had a fill recently? You may be to tight. One of the seasoned ladies here will get back with you. They are all getting ready or have left for Vegas to meet each other. Glad you posted, come back again. LauraK
  2. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Safe travels to all, have a blast. I think they have a Western Union if you need bail $$$ Kids tend to ignore calls from parents as needed. lol LauraK
  3. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Lucky Dogs, Garth is there Oct 1,2,3. Friday at 8:00 p.m. I just looked up Wynn/Encore. Have a great time and take lots of pics of him. LauraK
  4. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Phyl, In the homes that my com. manages all that is required is a shot/vac record. Our residents sound like the people you are looking to visit. The residents love animals and a lot of the homes have either a cat or a dog. Well I'm not the deciding voice in LV but it sounds like you called save seat already in the limo. lol LauraK
  5. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Great, It wasn't me using your card. lol. (Lansing is only about 1 hr away from me). Glad to hear that creep got 44 yrs for what he did to your DH. Have fun in NO. Julie, hope you continue feeling better. Laura, little boys just have to get in some trouble. This is minor. Tell DH to have a great time on his trip. Karen, how many sets of tires do you burn off in a year? lol Sounds like you had a "coming to jesus meeting" with your DS, just like I did this week. It all has a way of working itself out. Joyce, are things getting better with your kids? No plans for any more dates yet. Man this dating thing is confusing/different, not sure how to handle this. Oh well it will either be or not. LauraK
  6. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Great, I'll send you some cold from MI. Only in the 50's all week again. LauraK
  7. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Great, those mushrooms sound great to me. I love hot sauce and blue cheese combo. Julie, you sound like you are doing a bit better. Janet, stay strong, kick butt. Melissa, stick with it, it'll get better for you. Well had my date today. Wow is he nice. We set there for over 2 1/2 hours just talking about everything. Both said we would like to see each other again. Yeah so wish I was coming to Vegas. Post lots of pics for us. LauraK Phyl, is Earl feeling better?
  8. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Julie, so glad to see you post. You did a great job catching up on everyone. Hope the pain gets better for you each day. You are amazing with all you do through all of your medical problems. DD is doing good in NV. She is even volunteering this weekend. yeah! Making some friends at work but her weekends are lonely. Keep pushing her to find stuff to do. It's working. Yes I am single again, he pushed me one time to many. His problems are not my problems and I can't fix him. But, good news I have a date on Saturday. Someone I'll be meeting for the first time. Taking my own advice and getting out of my box/comfort zone. The answer to all of my big sisters here is "yes I'll be very careful, stay in a public place, let someone know where I'm at" LauraK
  9. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Jodi, you go girl! I totally understand your thinking on this issue, been there done that. On with my life. Joyce, hugs on kid (adult) issues. Melissa, I forgot to congrat you on your new job. Hope you like it and the fit is good. You'll do great. Janet, I be the dogs love going for a walk. I was able to run 2 miles the night before last. Farthest I have run all together. I think I can make that 5k. I wish I had some one to run with that knows what they are doing. You gym rats are right it does get addicting. Have a great day LauraK
  10. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Laura, so glad your Dad got good news. Sndy, I think it's wonderful you ran the whole 5k. I've started running but only up to a mile, then walk. Love the idea of the charm, you should have something, it's an accomplishment. Have a great day all. Laurak
  11. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Hi All, I just laid low this weekend. Did some projects around the house. Great so glad the fire didn't reach your new house. Linda, My DD always got the "crud' in her eyes always started being sick there. Learned a trick that helped a lot, Steep a tea bag in very warm Water, squeeze just a bit and place over eye, making sure to get some into the eyes. Learned it has the same type of acid as in the $$ meds that you get. Worked like a charm. They would send her home from school saying she had pink eye, did the tea bag and sent her back the next day. Jessica, now that you have diag from Dr for Jake the school has to have an IEP meeting within 30 days per Federal law. Make sure you tell them about that fact. IEP stands for Individual Education Plan usually they attach a "C" which stands for committee. Which consists of principle, teacher, special educ rep, parents and any others the parents want there. 504 is about the same thing. All his goals and objectives are put on paper for the school year that are to be followed, extra time is only one of the things he can get help with. Janet, you didn't stop loving Andrew just aren't living with him. Julie, good juju your way. Laura hope your Dad got good news today. LauraK
  12. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Janet, the smoke or seeing people hasn't bothered me. I am surprised how well this Chantix is working. Yesterday was the 25th yr of my Dad's passing. Two days after I got married. LauraK
  13. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Sandy, you belong. MarW, welcome and keep posting your questions. Call Dr Ringley. Janet, I am a mushie one too. Seems like that is all I have been doing lately. If I could go on a cruise I would room with you smoking or not. and it is still not. Smell doesn't bother me now or never has. Eva, got to be getting close now, under 10. Great, did Dh make it home? Have a great day all. lauraK
  14. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Joyce, I started on Chantix 3 weeks ago to quit smoking and it is working haven't smoked in 16 days now. Maybe your DD may want to try it. Dr gives you a rx for it. Says to stay on it for 3 mos. I could feel the difference on the first day and you start on a very sm dose and work up. You just gradually stop thinking about smoking and you keep dropping down on the #. I it works on the brain. If they can do that why can't we get our brains banded??? lol LauraK
  15. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Laura, You will get it, it's just a new routine. LauraK
  16. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Apples, I would be on that plane in a heart beat if I could. Direct flight out of Lansing for about $300. Fiscal year at work & guess who that impacts the most? LauraK
  17. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Apples, we must have been posting at the same time. Thanks for the update on Julie. My good JuJu and prayers are on the way to her. Yep speed bump in my path. I know where I am heading and can't control anothers path. LauraK
  18. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Hi All, Laura, sorry your Dad is down again. Prayers. Congrats to Nels on breaking the board. Keep your car troubles in FL please. Great, I am trying to look in a full link mirror often also, I don't see where people are telling me I'm skinny. I don't see it. It's so hard to even think that thought after all this time of being fat. Linda, glad DSS is doing better, I hope she keeps it up and gets herself healthy. You are beautiful looking and in your spirit. Glad you see that in that DVD of the wedding. Wonder what Julie found out today? Apples, you must spin like a top, you are the busiest person I have seen. Ok got CRS again. Hugs to all. On the BF issue, I talked with his sister tonight to give her some heads up on issues he is having and things she needs to know. I hope it helps the family, she is going to keep in touch with me. I told her I would do whatever I could to help. I am trying to take care of myself in this whole process. Doing good with my food, and this is day 15 with no smoking. I have thought about turning to both in all of this mess but I am not going to do it. That is the old way. Laura K
  19. Rose,

    I started going to new post tab, its 4th from the right at the top. Then I found "I'm here to help" and clicked. Once you post on it you can get to it from the "user CP" tab on the left. Also you start getting emails that there is a new post email.


  20. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Cheri, so sorry about your student, prayers sent your way and to his family. LauraK
  21. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Today is my DS 21st B-day. We are going to dinner to celebrate and I will buy him his 1st legal drink. lol Laura K
  22. Hi Rose,

    I don't think I was writing on the write place sorry. I have not gone to a meeting all year. I am on a Board & we meet on that day, 1st Tues. I may start going again the 1st of the year as I will be done with my commitment. If you ever have any questions those ladies on that thread most likely will have an answer, some are 3 yrs out & all ages. Very supportive group, give tough love when needed, it's a place where you can talk about anything. I have met one of them when I moved my daughter to Nevada, we had dinner together. Wish I could go to Vegas Oct 1 when they are all getting together. Keep up the good work, you look amazing.


  23. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Julie, congrats on becoming a GM again. Wow two in one year. (Bailey) Hope Mayo finds the problem this time, as I say Good JuJu coming your way and to Mayo. I walked over to my Moms today, about 3 miles. I am not getting in as many miles but I am walking on my lunch still and getting some in at night. Well Ya'll warned me. Heart break city again. I think the brain tumor is causing more problems then anything. Told him he can only call me as a friend now and don't tell me you love me. I need to move on and let that all go. I can't fix the world for him. Trying to get back into the swing of things around here, I read every day but don't respond always. Sorry. LauraK
  24. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Melissa, My son is ADD also. He turns 21 on Monday and still takes the concerta. I can tell on the days he doesn't. Compulsivity is a trait of the ADD or ADHD. He does not make good decisions when he doesn't take his meds. I really researched this also and would not have changed the decision for him to take the meds. He went from reading at 2nd grade level in 5th grade to graduating with honors in High School. Jessica, In MI you start with the Dr making the Diag. and then proceed on with the school. ADA laws (which are Federal) give them 30 days to have a meeting and plan in place for your child. The parents are part of the team and any time you think something is not working right you have the right to call a meeting. Laura K
  25. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Arlene, She's beautiful. LauraK

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