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Everything posted by llkb4me

  1. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Welcome Tina, I think we all have some of the depression you are talking about. Most of us here have other medical issues also but as Janet says "You have to do the work, your head makes the choices" You can do this and it's great that you are coming here before your surgery. That is what helped me the most, I knew what was ahead of me because these lovely ladies talk about it all. YOU CAN DO THIS. Julie, My tree has changed over the years, used to be the kids ornaments now it is kind of on the fancy side as DD requested it be changed. Problem is she wants me to change everything every year like my Mom does. That ain't going to happen. lol I just use whatever paper strikes my fancy at the time. Joyce, hope you get good news on your knee. Did you family comply with "only nice words at dinner"? LauraK
  2. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Happy anniversary Arlene and DH Prayers and juju sent for Keith and Karen too. Lori, My DD will be home on thursday night and yes this is her first trip home since I moved her. I want to go there and see her the end of March. I will need some warmth by then and will have cabin fever. Chris How is your Dad doing? How are you doing? Thanks to all for the Christmas cards, I really appreciate them. Came home sick today, sinus, need some sleep........ LauraK
  3. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Apples, you have been on my mind all weekend. So glad your Christmas went so well. That little boy sounds like a gem. His Momma will have to keep on her toes all the time. Chris, prayers sent for your Father. Trying to remember to keep it simple for Christmas but all the traditions keep popping into my head so I have been making all the usual goodies. Not bad since I haven't been one to eat these ones any way. Now if I had made the sour cream cut out Cookies that may have been a different story. No cookies this year and they don't even care. My DD will be here in 3 days, getting excited now. She has been posting on facebook a count down so I'm not the only one. lol LauraK
  4. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Lori, your dinner will be great. If they don't like anything they don't have to come back again. Apples, have a wonderful time with your get together tomorrow. Fake or real Gma it don't matter all that matters is the love you give. Kelly, you go girl, you are doing so good. Sandy, hugs for your stress with your Dad. On the dating front.... I went to a singles party/dance last night. This is my second one. Had a blast, met a lot of fun people. One guy that I have been talking to and met last time, went to dinner, but I got his number and I think he is a player. Fun to play with for now. Changed my attitude about this whole dating thing, not looking at it as "finding the one" just going with the flow and having fun. LauraK
  5. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Kelly, WTG on getting rid of another lbs... Melissa, you are making great strides, keep it up. Glad you like your new job. Been getting on that train you all are on. Got to get it moving again. Can't remember any more so to all a good night. LauraK
  6. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Oops, forgot, Kelly and Sandy big hugs for your Father troubles.
  7. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Hi All, Holed up in the house as we are getting the snow. Not as much as Apples, but cold and windy. Julie, prayers, hugs and juju your way. Jessica, WTG girl that is awesome. Great, you can do this dinner, it will turn out. Don't stress just think about it as if it was your kids and spouse/gf. It 's the same # of people. Janet and Phyl, bet you are having a great time. Joyce, glad to see you post, you've been scarce. Jodi, Seems like they never change and we just keep hoping they will. bye bye to the trouble. Good job to Dassi.. Seen the pics on FB. Melissa, glad you like your new job, that's half the battle. Can't remember anything else, big Hi to Eva, Arlene, Laura,Meredith, Chris. LauraK
  8. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Everyone, My sincere apologies if you get an email advertising viagra. I did update all virus protections so it should not happen again. Again sorry. LauraK
  9. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    wow every one was busy busy. Eva, I haven't been up to much. Weight has been the same, not moving, but my butt hasn't been moving much either. I still go to yoga 2x a week. I have went on a couple of dates but not moving on that either. Started to get some of my Christmas goodies made, sent some out to my DD so she has some at her place. She will be home on the 23rd. She went to Reno this weekend and to Lake Tahoe. Said is was beautiful and she will be taking me when I visit. Cold and snowy here, yuk.... I finally got caught up on reading but can't remember much. So good juju to all....... LauraK
  10. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Hi all, I have been trying to keep up but not sure if I remember it all. Cheri, hope your rehersal goes good and your kids are coping better. Apples, hang in there less than a month and you get to escape your winter. Linda, no I am not heading west my DD is coming home for a week at Christmas. I am very excited to see her. Phyl, wtg on that mile walk. You go get em at Starbucks. Kelly, How's your walks this week, I bet your weather is wonderful. Meredith, I said a prayer for your doggie nephew. Jessica, your Dad is probably watching and learning from you because your are doing so great. LauraK
  11. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Apples, BEAUTIFUL as ever, nice teeth too. Jessica, wtg on the 5 lbs. Laura, hugs and a get better wish. Kelly, The Christmas Pickle is a German tradition. It has different meanings but the person who finds it will have a year of good luck, get an extra present or be the first to open a present. That seems to be the gist of the pickle as far as I read. Lori, have a wonderful time with your DD, you won't regret it. My mom and I have gone to lunch on fridays for over 20 years. We do miss some times if something comes up for either of us. It didn't matter where I was working she would come and have lunch. She used to work 2nd shift and that was about the only time we would have to catch up with each other, as I have always worked days. LauraK
  12. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Kelly ,, WTG girl on losing 3 lbs. You go girl. So proud. Apples, Yeah I know we just deal with the weather here too. Can't change it just can complain about it. lol Your DH is so lucky to have you. Arlene, sorry about your drama and your aches, You'll get thru it. Chris, keep up the good work. LauraK
  13. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Joyce, Hang in there and remember we are all here for you. Get all the junk out of the house and the choice will be made for you. That was all said in "Janet's" voice. lol Apples, Please don't send that weather Meredith and my way, send it way north. Chris, This fill will be a breeze. LauraK
  14. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Kelly, Way to go on your walking. You are doing great. Just love your spunk. LauraK
  15. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Lori and Charlene, I learned something new in Kohl's this weekend. The head cashier said they "always except expired Kohl's cash just not early ones" So don't throw away those bucks if you can't use them before they expire. Ask at your store if that is their policy also.
  16. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Melissa, Zumba is great for sweating, but so much fun. Glad you like it. I gave my Wii to my daughter before she moved. Wish I had it back to zumba with. LauraK
  17. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Hi all, glad to hear everyone had a great T-day. Laura, hugs and prayers sent your way. Kelly, I can just hear the bubbly coming thru the words when you write. Way to go on "getting" it. Apples, just got to love little kids. to cute. Arlene, Did you get your decorating done? Have fun with the G-kids. Chris, you a such a nice husband. I'm sure you got to carry all the packages. How is Deb's finger today? Cheri, Glad things worked out with your family and dinner. Have a great day. LauraK
  18. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Apples, take a look at the page #, they ripped us off. I want our 1000 pages back. lol Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. LauraK
  19. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Hey everyone, I finally figured out this new system. Took me a while but I just had to take the time. Hope everyone is good and will have a Happy Thanksgiving. Stay safe and enjoy your families and friends. Laurak
  20. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    A great big Happy B-day to Apples...........
  21. ok how do we do this now?

  22. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Kelly, wtg those sweats will be falling off you. I love the pics that is such a pretty place to walk. I'd be out there all the time. I was trying to get Apples to win.
  23. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Hail to the almighty queen... you did it 1st to post on 1000 ok it's lunch time and I should be working.
  24. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    I am making a crustless pumpkin pie that is sugar free. No guilt for me over having a treat.
  25. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    This has got to work, Apples needs this victory, She's or thread junker upper queen. Of course Janet is still the almighty queen.

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