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Everything posted by llkb4me

  1. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Jodi, I can remember having those same feelings when I had my eval. Was the first thing I asked the nurse when I had my final consult before surg date was set. Ask them if they were sure that was the result. lol Laura K
  2. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Way to go Janet, gotta let lose every once in a while. I need to go out and do that. Happy B-day Melissa.
  3. llkb4me

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    Good job ladies on your losses this week. I found some steel cut oats, made them this am. Boy do they fill you up and keep you a lot fuller than reg oats. I put some nuts and peanut butter in them. I didn't even eat lunch because I was still full. Hey Lori, we have a Ann Taylor Loft in our area. Just found it but didn't have time to go in. Have a great night Laura K
  4. llkb4me

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    Deb, Congrats on the 51 lbs. Way to go girl. You are doing wonderful. Laura K
  5. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Eva, I mix the quick crete to a medium thickness, to thin and it breaks real easy when dry. Make a mound of sand bigger than the leaf you have, lay it face down, (the more veins on the backside the better design) use a trowel to cover the leaf almost to the edge. You want it on there thick enough so it will harden and not break. I wait a couple of days or a week turn it over, peel the leaf out, brush it out with a wire brush. I have used samples of indoor paint, or even craft paint. You make a "white wash" with the paint and water. If you use just straight paint it will peel off. It will be real running so use a rag and just keep going over until you get the color you want. You can dry brush on other colors after that. I do use straight paint to paint in the veins first. After it is dry I use Thompson waterseal to coat both sides. Depending on the leaf size they can be birdbaths, feeders or just decorative. Laura K
  6. llkb4me

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    Thank you all for the compliments. I don't see the difference until I looked at that pic. For those of you who asked, the leaves are made out of cement, formed over the leaves. Pretty easy and cheap to make. I seen one in Petosky MI in a store smaller than the ones I made for $100.00. Are those people crazy or what? NY I found out I have sleep apenea when I did my study too. Like Laura said when you start your cpap it is like you are living in a different world. I felt so much better right away. Laura K
  7. llkb4me

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    Julie, thank you I will try that again. My hobby late summer early fall. Pic of me sometime last year not sure was at my top weight. Laura K
  8. llkb4me

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    Laura hope Nels is feeling better. Have a good time in Miami, you are right you can hang there just as good as home. Once again I am trying to add the pic to here, it's in the signature line. Can't figure out how to get it in the pic form you guys do. Help Laura K
  9. llkb4me

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    Yep Apples you won. woohoo we have a winner. monopolize away. You do a great job and are a great example. I love reading what you have to say just like I love everyone elses. Laura K
  10. llkb4me

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    Apples, I believe you are trying to win the last post contest or you have Janet tied up somewhere and have hi jacked her thread. lol
  11. llkb4me

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    oops guess it didn't work. I'll have to try again.
  12. llkb4me

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    Hi All, I tried to attach a pic of a project that I worked on in the late summer early fall. The leaves are molded cement then painted. I use real leaves in the process. That's the Master Gardner in me trying to keep my gardens growing all year long. I am so jealous, wish I could be able to go to Fl with you all. Larua K
  13. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Phyl, lovely, lovely, lovely you look wonderful!!! Janet, you are going to have to pry me out of here with a crowbar to get me to leave. lol Sparkle, welcome and ask these ladies any question you can think of. They are very helpful. Apples, I too read everyday and always right before I go to sleep. Keep my book and glasses right in the bed. I have a reading light attached to bed so I don't even have to move to turn it off before I go to sleep. I sure you's with DH have to keep space for them. lol I looked for steel cut oats in Walmart and didn't find them. I will keep looking, Krogers is not to far away. Laura K
  14. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Wow you ladies are busy on this thread. I went to see the movie "It's complicated" tonight. It's a cute movie, different than what I thought but a good movie just the same. You guys all are an inspriation to me, everyone of you have been banded longer than me, so I look up to you when I need help. I remember what you have said when I run into a situation. Laura K
  15. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    My treadmill is in my DD room, that's why I had to wait for her to go back to school to get it back out. I have a tv in there so watch the news in the am for 15 mins then put on my ipod for 15 mins. Then it's off to get ready for work. I am still doing zumba on thurs too. My gf & I are going to start walking at nights once we get rid of this cold snap. Laura K
  16. llkb4me

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    Lori, the dress is beautiful, just as you are. I love the pheasant feather decorations, you are very good at making them. I love doing craft projects, I have also used pheasant feathers. That was back when I was married & he hunted a lot. Laura K
  17. llkb4me

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    Oh and I got my treadmill all set back up ready for the morning. I am ready to get that baby rocking again. Laura K
  18. llkb4me

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    Eva, Not doing anything special with my walls just painting them a tannish color. Got new decor all in browns. I have stone on one wall that is left from when I had a wood stove so I'm working with the browns in those stones also. I was shopping a jc penney's today found two sweaters and a bra got them for $26.00. I was talking to the lady who checked me out telling her how happy I was to find sweaters with some weight to them as I was cold all the time. I told her how much I have lost, she was really great. Surprised me by asking "have you adjusted to your new body image yet?" That made me pause for a bit. Apples you are right so many people tend to be rude about our eating and loss. My sister says a lot " she don't hardly eat anything" when we are talking to our friends. I just blow her off and say "I eat a lot now just in the right portions" She's never been big just average, I don't believe she is trying to be rude to me. We get along most of the time, better now that we are older. Take care all. Laura K
  19. llkb4me

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    Janet, tummy has settled down as of Thurs night, took a while but I gave it a rest watched everything and ate very very slowly. I have noticed that I cannot eat as much as before and that may have been part of the problem. I guess my head had to catch up (or down) to my stomach. My DD went back to her apt today, starts her classes monday. DS is gone snowmobileing for the weekend. Feel like I can get back into a routine again. Went to Hobby Lobby today and bought stuff to redo a wall in my livingroom (got it all for 50% off). Very different for me decore, surprised my friend who is a floral designer. She can decorate and design beautifully, real contemporary. She's one of those that change her entire house around all the time. Now I got to get going on painting walls. I feel like I want to change everything in my life, & to think it all started with a little piece of plastic. Now if I had the cash to keep up with all the changes I want to make. Cheri, hope you are doing ok after that fall. Everyone have a great rest of the weekend. Laura K
  20. llkb4me

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    WOW those pretty cool. Are they mean? We have occasionly have wild boars seen in the state, and they are mean and tear up everything. People can shoot them on site. Laura K
  21. llkb4me

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    Judy, so sorry on your beloved Tinka, it's so hard to let them go even when it is for the best. hugs and prayers. Thanks everyone for the info on the potato incident. Yes it was Wendy's but no I did not eat any of the skin. I ate about 1/4 c of the inards. It was reduced fat sour cream also. I still feel kind of punky today. So I think it was bad food. When I called to tell them to check their sour cream and that I had gotten sick the response was "Oh ok thank you" So I'm being very careful with any food right now. NO MORE BAKED POTATOS. Laura, us northerners would kill for 35, and Mi is not even (as of yet) getting the cold like Apples, Linda and Julie. They can keep it, but think they are sharing their snow with us today. Meredith, so sorry on your friends brother. How sad. Have a great day... Laura K
  22. llkb4me

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    I had an experience last night. I went to dinner after getting my hair cut and had sm chilli and a baked potato, sour cream and chive. Well, ate the chilli, starting eating the potato and felt that stuck feeling. Quit eating and threw it away. Any way went to a meeting, slimed first, had to leave it twice more then when I got in my car it got worse. Slime and vomit, I know tmi, had to stop again on my way home then race in the house. I don't think it was a band problem think it might have been bad food. Any way came home from work early and slept most of the day. I guess my question is has any one had a problem with baked potatos? Could it have been a band problem? All I know is it scared the he!! out of me. Very very tight today. Laura K
  23. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Jessica, You will get thru this phase too, just continue to follow the Dr and take the stages as they say. As Janet says "they banded our stomachs not our brains". Arlene, congrats on the new grand baby. Apples, I too have saved all my kids Little Golden Books, DD reads a lot just like me, DS barely will read the Cereal box. Our pets are our babies, mine is Isaac, a mini daschound. He's going to be 9 this march. Linda, wonderful for you being turned loose from PT. You girls rock with all your progress. Laura K
  24. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Thanks for the web address. I showed it to her. I had the dates wrong she is going there the end of feb beginning of march. "says can't go I do need to be in class sometime" smart mouth kid. lol Laura K

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