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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by llkb4me

  1. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Sounds familar, last time I met someone for coffee that is all he did too. Talked to him online a bit, should have stayed online. Man was weird.
  2. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Wonderful, that's why your name is great. Noodle detoured from you.
  3. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Janet, I lost 25 lbs between my 1st consult and surgery day, so I got a head start on the process. They told us in a seminar that you had to lose 5% of your weight to show you could. Apparently I was the only one who listened because no one else I have talked to did it. I meant business! Ok you ladies all need a lash with a wet noodle waiting so long. My taxes were done in Feb (heck I think I spent the return well part of it) and I have done 8 other peoples since that time with only 1 more to do when they get me their stuff. I told you ladies I was warped. I took a H & R Block class to learn how, just for fun. Get on it, the relief when it's behind you will be wonderful. lol Janet is the food cop so I'll be the tax cop. Laura K
  4. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Deb, Congrats on the 60 lbs. Way to go. I love going to zumba too, I have been going 2 times a week. That is all that they are offering it here. It does improve your mood. Seems like I hear that lating music and I just start moving and a grooving... Laura K
  5. llkb4me

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    Oh and I don't know about the "successes" I don't feel like it as I am only 7 months out. I feel the hard part is yet to come.
  6. llkb4me

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    Ok I'll throw in my 2 cents on the vehicle. My Mom just bought a chev traverse. I was amazed at all the room. Three rows of seating and the back two rows fold down. It's one of the crossovers too. They love it. Apples I'll get my DS to take another pic soon. Joyce, get out there and shine your light girl. I think we all have to learn to not hide in pics. I love the new pic too. Julie, so good of you to help out with that little girl. We must need to do something bad so Janet will come back and scold us. I had my fill today. The Dr was so happy for me, said I looked great and that I made his day. His nurse told me on the way out, I was one of his successes,that he needed that as the people he has been seeing are not being successful. I gave her the "Janet" speech "they need to remember that the band is a tool and not a magic wand, they have to do the work". cbl Laura K
  7. llkb4me

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    Judy, you go girl.......... Apples, great deal as always on the shopping. Bet you were the belle of the ball in that style show. Well my hair turned out great, but next time my DS Gf is going to color it. She is in school for como lic now and is starting on the floor this week. Well go to run have to work the dr appt. Laura K
  8. llkb4me

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    Ok got to rant.......... Watching the show Bones and they were talking about a women that was killed in a fire. They said something they found was a Lapband remains, checked the serial # traced it. yada yada. Then they all made comments about "oh that's how she lost 100 lbs, so much for will power" That really burned my a$$. When they show that sh!t on tv what kind of message are they sending all over the country. Whew got that off my chest. Julie and Laura, yes green mashed potatos. Something my Mom always did for holidays. We didn't have a lot of $ so she would make the day special by making meatloaf shaped like hearts, clovers, pumpkins and then make mashed potatos colored for the corresponding holiday. I just continued that for my kids, told them they were a special kind of holiday potato. We even have made red, white & blue. Now my kids are 23 & 20 and they still want me to do that well at least my DS does. Took them a long time to figure out that I was putting food coloring in them. I go tomorrow to get a fill, we'll see how much. I can say this is the first time that I have payed enough attention to the hunger and when it starts. Been thinking & I confess even snaking a bit. Ok Laura said confession was good for the soul so there it is. Apples, glad you went to your meeting. Got you out and about so that gargage truck might not be so fascinating. lol Take Care everyone. Laura K
  9. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    phyl, what a beautiful story about the notes. A great idea to remember. I did the car thing last time my DD was home. She met me at work and we went to town, was just jabbering away and left her car there & was all the way home before we remembered. Duh I take the cal. petites (square) with no problem. Have right from the start. Once again Apples is the queen of info, just like posting. lol All this talk about hair made me get my behind in there and colored mine. Few more minutes and I can rinse it out. I made a corn beef for dinner. Had saurkraut, swiss cheese and a bit of thousand island dressing. Rueben on a plate, no bread. DS and GF had sandwiches and fried potatos. He wouldn't let me make them green. I used to make them meat loafs, clover shaped and green mashed potatos every year for St Pats. Told them they were special kind of potatos. They believed it for a lot of years. Every holiday and a different color. Julie I love a massage, have been thinking about scheduling one. And Phyl they don't see your whole body only a bit at a time. At least that has been my experience. You'd love it. ahhhh Laura K
  10. llkb4me

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    Happy B-day Joyce:thumbup:
  11. llkb4me

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    Apples, Most important thing you can do is when you take them out of the plastic pot is to loosen up the roots. Just give them a good pull and squeeze. Some of the soil will fall off but that is ok. Make sure your hole is big enough to spread the roots a bit, water first then plant and water some more. The greenhouses start the plants so early that when we get them the roots are already starting to tangle. Happy growing, I know to early yet for us to put anything in. Laura K
  12. llkb4me

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    oh my gosh Jodi you are so funny lol, I'm at work trying not to snicker out loud. I just love reading your posts. I want to meet you in person I can just imagine my cheeks hurting from laughing so hard. Glad the power is back on I seen all the trees and lines down on the news. Mom's will always want to feed us. Mine hardly cooks any more (doestn't want to) so I ended up making tons of stuff for the holidays. I told them all I wasn't going to make so much anymore. They all survived the holidays without it. Jessica, glad you guys are moving into your own place. It will be good for all of you. Eva, I will try to find a pic of the Heleboras/Lenten Rose I was talking about. Apples, glad you had a great date night with your DH Better get to work. Laura K
  13. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Apples, love the pics of you and your family, Boys are cuties. Looks like DH likes to have as much fun as you do. Loved all the FL pics, it's good to put a face with all the names. Janet, so did you find yourself a cutie at the concert in that hot outfit? Way to go for all the exercisers. I did get in 5 ams, 2 lunch hr walks and 2 pms of Zumba this week. Yahoo all my snow is gone, crossing my fingers that it stays that way. But back to reality this is MI. A lot of my bulbs are popping up, just love to see that means spring is on the way. This year I am going to put in Heleboras (Lenten Roses) so next spring I'll have more coming up and flowers very early. Volunteered this am for Master Gardners at a home show. Got to talk to a lot of people, it was fun. I must be warped or really need to get out and about when I think about that being fun. lol Take care I'll check back in later need to get a tax return completed and mailed out. Laura K
  14. llkb4me

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    Apples. take care of you and yours, that's your #1 priority. As others have said you are loved and in our thoughts. Deal with all this the way you can handle it. No ones place to judge you, they aren't God. Lori, great pics. Janet, I am not dealing with quitting the cigs very well. Can't get beyond the times when I am bored. Wearing patch all day don't have a smoke. At night I don't seem to be able to JUST SAY NO. have cut back majorally. Not sure if I am ready or if these patches will work. It's a head problem I think. Also just found out the guy I was dating for 9 yrs has a brain tumor. Don't know much else he passed out and had a seizure. One of his friends called and told me the other day. Lots of mixed up emotions swirling in my head right now. I will deal. Laura K
  15. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Eva, Beautiful cards. You are so taltented. Great, cool pics.
  16. llkb4me

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    Julie, Mahvaleous job darling. Melissa, Sorry about your baby. I thought I was going to have to do the same. Still not sure yet as he is on his steriods. Laura K
  17. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Janet, thanks for sharing the receipe. I'm going to try it, I love anything spicy. Laura, Love the new pic. You are so pretty. Jodi, Thinking of you. Julie, hope your trip and pt is good. Eva, your cards are so cool. Apples, bow down to the posting queen, you won the contest again. Take care all. Laura K
  18. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Jody, I got a bullet because my nurse said they were good. It is good for mixing up prot drinks or shakes but I don't think it is good for much else. Plus it was $50.Tried to mix up blk beans into mush and it took for ever had to keep shaking/pulsing. I just bought a new one a Ninja. So far I love it, chops realy fast, pitcher unit makes wonderful margarita's ( my DS made them). I did taco chicken and made pico so far. It was only $38 at walmart & bed bath and beyond had it for $49. So I guess I'm saying check them out before you by a bullet. I'll be thinking about you, you'll do great. Laura K
  19. llkb4me

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    Charlene, happy birthday to you, hope your rain clears for your special day. Julie, you sound so much better glad the pain seems to be gone. x my fingers Laura, string him up by his thumbs nails. I had a great weekend with the scale. went down to next tenth, hit 75 lbs gone and bought size 10 jeans and wearing them. yee ha Ok today is my 1st day of no smoking. Not saying quitting because that gives me an out. Got my patch on and will make it day by day. Keep your fingers crossed. Take care all, Laura K
  20. llkb4me

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    Oh Apples/Karen, I am so sorry for your loss my thoughts, love and prayers go out to you and your family. Laura K
  21. llkb4me

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    Apples, she flew in and out of Minne.when she went to Phoenix. Had her interview there. Her BF dropped her off and picked her up. His family is about an hour north of St Michael but my step sis is in St M. Received at text from her that said she was checking out the city today. She will visit SS for a few days then head back to Houghton to school. Will have about 8 weeks til she grads. Silly girl told me when she was in phoenix that she couldn't wait to see snow again. lol Laura K
  22. llkb4me

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    Lady Crism, I too have the same problem and I know for me it is when I eat to fast and it seems to happen most of the time when I am at work. I just stop eating throw away or put away what I was eating and walk. These ladies here know what they are talking about. When I joined them I started reading from their very first thread. It took me months to get up to speed with them. I have learned so much from them, ask them anything some one will answer you. Laura, cool pics of the fair, looks like the boys had fun. Apples, my DD is in MN I think she is around St Michael or will be there tomorrow seeing my step sister and family. How is the ice problem? Laura K
  23. llkb4me

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    I just might take you up on the offer. This could be our next get together. lol Not a thing wrong with your country showing. love it. thanks, Laura K
  24. llkb4me

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    Thanks for all the support.:smile2:
  25. llkb4me

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    I should have trusted my insticts but I waited for proof. We live with on the same street, our kids grad together. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. Was easy to ignore when we always were drinking but now that I'm not & she still is she slips with what she says & I catch it. Dont' care about him, told her so, she made the choice and now she will live with the consequences.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
