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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by llkb4me

  1. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Hi Everyone, DD's party went great, fun was had by all. A good mix of family and friends. Of course I cooked way to much, have lots of leftovers took some to moms. Good thing though I don't have to cook this week. lol I did ok on the food ate a bit more than normal but made good choices, I did try small bites of cake. Julie, glad you a feeling a bit better. Jodi, I just love reading your posts. Fingers crossed for Dassi. Laura, glad your get away was good, looks like you had fun. Peaches, glad you are joining us. Janet, what concert did you go to? JB, way to go getting back on the band wagon. Joyce, I'm Laura Hensel Keeven on FB. Ok, I guess CRS is catching, don't mean to leave anyone out. Take Care Laura K
  2. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Jessica, what kind of birds were they? You family is beautiful, just like you. Janet, wonderful flowers. Party for DD is tomorrow so I about freaked I can't have naked flower pots. lol so off I went to the store and planted five of my pots. What kind of Master Gardener would have naked pots? Now I have to pray that it doesn't frost/freeze again. Phyl, way to go on the pt. You'll do great when you get that second knee done. Jodi, way to go on the new you. Must be that time, I had my hair colored and highlighted too. Great, glad you found your new house. Julie, if you are reading, you are in my thoughts and prayers. LauraK
  3. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Janet, I've been getting cramps in my right leg. It's in the lower calf and goes under my foot. It almost twists my foot sideways. Can't figure it, out I eat 1/2 a banana every day. Any of you medical people have any ideas for this? LauraK
  4. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Thank you so much I will let you know if it will work out to meet you in our travels. Not sure how far each day we will be traveling but I hope it works out to meet you. Laura K
  5. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Apples, Geez for once in my life I was trying to talk lady like........OK kick ASS. lol I put my money on you. I love to play cards, dice and we had a horse race game we used to bet on. Have a great time. Laura K
  6. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Jodi, way to go on those 7 lbs gone forever. Have fun on FI and take care of yourself. Apples, kick some butt in those cards. Eva, have a great trip. Laura K
  7. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Apples, good luck with your dental and fam issues. We are all behind you. Janet, just wanted to let you know you are missed, but not adding any pressure on you. Eva, yep big move is in June, we are looking on leaving Mich on June 21 driving in 3 or 4 days time, would love to meet anyone along the trail. She is finally geting some stuff accomplished. Mom needed to back off and let her fall or soar on her own. Looks like I can make my plans to fly back now. LauraK
  8. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Jessica, way to go on the small size, you will be breezing by those also. Your grades are great, you will make it in. You got all of us pulling for you. Janet, not the same without you on here. Laura K
  9. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Great, Apples DS was making a decision weather to go back to Iraq for two years. I don't think I heard if he was going to do it or not. Wow you got a lot done today after your long trip home. Laura K
  10. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Wow this thread is sure quiet. Everyone must still be busy. I had a good Mothers day hope you all did too. Jodi, it's so sad when you bond with a pet, but you know it was in boomers best interest to go to that family. He will be happy. Laura K
  11. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Charlene, We have about a month and a half before she moves. So, you know kids, "got lots of time" I'm just going with the flow, throwing in suggestions when the time is right. Julie, keeping you in my thoughts, hope you can get some relief. Laura K
  12. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Happy Mothers Day to everyone. Have a great weekend for all of you going away. Jessica, great job on the "A" Laura K
  13. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Eva, that is amazing. I love them. So cool the lightening in the background too. LauraK
  14. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Charlene, I used to mix my carnation instant breakfast (choc) with banana sf pudding, I even found pistascio, butterscotch in sf. Sometimes I would add pb to them also. The pudding would make it thicker like a milk shake. Apples, I will keep your DS in my prayers and thoughts. He will make to right decision for him. My Isaac, a mini dash, shakes like a baby anytime I take him some where. He acts like a killer beast and home and a big timid baby every where else. Congrats Joyce and Charlene on the loses. Laura K
  15. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Linda, I posted last night but it didnt make it here. All went better than expected with the ex in laws. I survived, did feel like they were all watching me eat, but as my mom said they should have been watching how much they were eating. They are all big people and tend to really shovel it in. It was interesting to watch and know I used to participate in that feeding frenzy. yikes. Last I knew we will be leaving June 21, should take us 3 days at 10 hrs @. I would love to meet you. I will keep you updated, (that's when I'm told what I'm doing) lol Laura K
  16. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Hi All, Just got thru reading all the posts. Even with Apples gone you sure were busy. Well we made it thru grad/packing & moving, barely. I'm trying not to be a "Mother" but dang she needs to learn priorities. Deep breathe ok over that for the minute. Jodi, Happy belated Birthday... Can't remember much else so Hi to everyone and great job to the losers and new undies. Feels great to have new ones. Laura K
  17. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Apples, building grain bins was down the line of jobs. Of course 1st was baby sitting, then picking pickles, hoeing beans & baling hay. Now I sit my hinie at a desk all day & work in my flowers for fun. Your topics are always fun and get you thinking. Oh and those pickled eggs are good. My kids have me boil them up and when they finish off the pickle bologna I throw them in the brine for a week. Jessica, hugs sent your way. Well I'm going MIA for a few days DD grads this weekend. I'm so excited I'm giddy and probably won't sleep tonight. Take care all. Laura K
  18. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Debra, well I'm not to much younger, but I told the people I wanted to know. If someone comes right out and asks I tell them. I haven't been to shy about it and I make sure to tell people that the band is just a tool. I have to watch what I eat, how I eat and it is up to me to do the work. I have had people tell me I don't eat enough or don't eat. It's all about educating them on the way of my life now. You are doing great, keep it up. I did the same thing you did read all the posts and then joined in. These ladies gave me the education and support I needed and still need to be successful. Laura K
  19. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Apples, Already got my clothes picked out for the grad day lol Like minds think alike. hehehehe LauraK
  20. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Glad to have you join us Debra. Laura K
  21. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    All right Julie. I hope they do something for you. Laura K
  22. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Apples, My DS is going but I have made the trip myself, it's not bad. It is 8 hrs to Houghton from here. 3 to the bridge and 5 across the UP. It will be nice my DS & I don't spend a lot of time together lately, GF. The 3 of us will have a night and most of a day before anyone else shows up. My Mom and Step Dad will be there fri afternoon/evening. I know she will appreciate it if her Dad & Step Mom show up for her grad/going away party. I can handle them they have been over before. If I was really good I would invite his family, not sure if I can handle that. They are nasty people. I will ask her what she wants. Hmmm wonder if I should invite the ex-step mom too.? That might cause some problems. I know I'm bad. Her & I get along ok. lol Laura K
  23. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Arlene, sent a prayer up for your mom, hope she continues to improve. Janet, hugs on the work issues. Well I can't say I remember ironing much as a kid, still don't. That's what the timer on the dryer is for. lol DD will start her job on July 6th. I got all the paperwork in the mail yesterday. You certainly can tell it's government, huge envelope. I'm getting so excited to leave on Thurs. I even spoke with her Father today and told him about the sm party I am planning for her. Invited him and his wife. Must be giddy or my mind is spinning with all her going ons. lol Laura K
  24. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Wow Jessica what a difference. You go girl. Laura K
  25. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Linda, I will let you know on the route. The one I did shows us going I-80 for over 1200 miles. Laura K

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