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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by llkb4me

  1. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Man I love how you think. I can see myself just sun bathing on the front of that baby. yahoo..... I do love a man that can spar back and forth. I guess I was thinking an older one would be more settled but dang any more settled and he may be comatose. My Ex was younger, my last BF was the same age figured they didn't work may try an older one. I don't think that is going to work either. Guess I need to look for that pi$$ and vinegar one. :cursing:
  2. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Apples, You are amazing.
  3. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Janet, Yep had another date. Not sure this will work. He is older, had knee replaced, works many many hours & is kind of old fashion. I guess I would like someone who will be more active, he seems to be one of those that does not take care of himself, just keeps pushing on & can't figure out why he isn't healing. I don't mean to sound negative about him, he seems really nice. I guess since improving my health I want to continue being as active as I can be. He will need to keep up with me.. Julie, glad you are back among us again. Kurby, welcome aboard. Everyone here is very helpful, ask them anything. Joyce, that yoga retreat sounds like a cool experience. I have been thinking about trying yoga. Phyl, hope this helps with the reflux. You can do this.. Eva, I am not a domestic goddess either. When summer comes I want to be outside, my inside gets pushed to the back burner until I have to deal with it. Made a deal with my DS today. I would make him cream puff in a pan to take to his GF bros grad party and buy the ingredients but he has to clean the bathroom. lol Laura K
  4. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Linda, DD just said tonight we may stay in Des Moines the first night, so it may be a possiblity of meeting you. I hope so. No I am flying back on July 2 out of Las Vegas. We are driving from Tonopah to Vegas on July 1 spending the day/night and then she will take me to the airport. Hope your poor baby don't freeze. Laura K
  5. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Linda, We leave on June 21st. Haven't really made any plans yet on how far, stops all that good stuff. Trying to keep my mouth shut and let her run the show. (dang hard to do) I like to plan and she is very laid back. Just found out tonight that she got her apt. Kids!!! Laura K
  6. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Hi All, I was up early today as the dog wanted to go out. My first friday to sleep in. We are on summer hrs now so I get every other one off. So I puttered around the yard all morning getting stuff spiffed up again, still planting and moving them around. Lori, you will make friends in no time. Great job on the unpacking. Jodi, do you go to Fire Island again this weekend? Joyce, you have a lovely yard in your pic, so I bet you do know about plants. LauraK
  7. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Phyl, hope DS follows thru with meds. Great, had my gall bladder out many yrs ago. Didn't know HRT could cause gall stones til many yrs later. Have CRS and don't remember what test they put me thru to diag. it. You are a strong lady and will make it thru this too. Hang in there. Laura K
  8. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Phyl, hope your DS is doing ok tonight. I'll keep him and you in my thoughts and prayers. LauraK
  9. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Janet, sorry about the sis issues. That sucks when they act like that. My Bro did the same thing when my dad died. Keep begging my mom to get things set up and in writing so we don't have to go thru that again. Now that there is steps involved it really needs to be done. Jessica, go to re-sale shops for your clothes right now. So much cheaper since you will be out of them soon also. Eva, we sound like twins. I have been doing lots of weeding and planting this weekend, I guess all week. I built a new bed today, all hostas. I was just about finished and it started to rain super hard. Oh well got my shower in for the day. lol Laura K
  10. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Janet, Nope no plans. Just getting things done around here. Not sure this date thing is going to work out. He says he wants to see me again & to make plans. I do and then he's too busy. Why don't they just say that to begin with? Hate games. Do you have any plans for the weekend? LauraK
  11. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Hi All, Volunteered this am, planting & mulching at the I-75 Rest Stop. Got some sun, a little burn but not bad. Weed whipped at home then set on deck and read the rest of the afternoon. Ahhh relaxed now. Everyone have a great weekend. LauraK
  12. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Cheri, very beautiful... you go girl LauraK
  13. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Jodi, way to go on losing those pounds. Have fun at FI. Jessica, cool tat idea Cheri, wonderful pic, love it. Joyce. you are so funny, love reading your posts. Laura, have a great weekend with your boys. LauraK
  14. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Jodi, Glad you had a good start to your weekend vacations. Too funny about the date. Maybe he was a late developer and is a hottie now. Have fun. Laura K
  15. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Ok Apples, no lavendar or butt bows. I was thinking tiger or leopard print for all you hotties. Janet, not sure of date but we have been emailing about it so it should be soon. Laura K
  16. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Jessica, Way to go on the 50 lbs gone forever. You are awesome.... Laura K
  17. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Jessica, No one said anything about what I ate. I told him befoe that I would probably not be hungry. Besides he didn't know that person before only the now. I also love reading your posts you are so uplifting. I am glad you are taking control now because it gets harder as the years go by. I know since my DD has been home I am not eating the right way. I've got to control it better. I find myself reaching for not good foods and it is my fault for buying them. It was a lot easier when it was just me eating meals. I'd say the thing that is saving me is the exercise I have been doing 5 days a week. Laura K
  18. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    The lunch date went well. Just talked and had lunch. I ordered a shrimp salad & ate about 1/4 to 1/2 and brought the rest home. Was I supposed to do that on a date? lol I did not tell him about LB, I guess I wasn't ready to. I stated emailing with him about a month ago, this was the first meeting. I received an email from him already, he said he would like to go again. We will see how things go. I did have a good time, he's nice. We have the same birth date, how wierd is that. Laura K
  19. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Linda, the date is tomorrow (sat) we are meeting for lunch. This is all pretty scary for me, but I am trying it. This is what I was told buffet stands for... Big Ugly Fat Folks Eat There. I think of the statement everytime I've ever been at a buffet. Reminds me not to go there. Sorry if this offends anyone, not meant to. Had a great day working with the kids on beautification day. Worked a total of 10 hrs from start to finish. I got my exercise in that's for sure, raking, pulling weeds, shoveling, hauling. My butt muscles hurt!! Laura K
  20. Hi Single mom, just jump right in to the "I'm here to help thread" Everyone is so good helping each other. Read the posts and ask away. We all love to have people join us. Janet started the thread and Apples is great but they all can help. Laurak
  21. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    My worse trait I would say is impatience. I won't it done now...
  22. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Apples, the most beautiful rose though...lol
  23. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Janet, Thank you. I'm not sure sweet lady has ever been used with my name. lol I can't wait to meet all of you too. Julie, hope your test goes good today and you find some answers. Well we are in full swing for beautification day here in st charles. The whole High School is let out to plant, landscape & clean up. It's a great day with lots of hard work. Getting my exercise in that's for sure. Oh & Janet I have a kind of date on Sat. meeting for lunch then we will see. Scary after all this time. LauraK
  24. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Apples, way to go on getting those plants in the ground. Now tomorrow I expect the rest of them in, watered good & their pretty little faces looking up to the sun. lol Phyl, I agree you rock. Salute away at the idiots.... Jessica, to bad about your leg. You will make it, just a little speed bump, but watch out for Phyl. As to the question of the day, I'd say I'm a good listener and giver. Laura K
  25. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Lori, Happy Birthday. Hope you have a great time. Laura K

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