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Everything posted by llkb4me

  1. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Hi All, One year ago I was in surgery starting the first step of my new life. The best thing I have ever done for myself. Jodi, so sorry about having to put your baby down. Some times we have to let go. I was saved earlier this year about that, but I know it won't be forever. Lori, way to go on the exercise. Janet, your Bella is so cute. She sounds like so much fun. Eva, good job on swimming. I am stilling remodeling my exercise room so the treadmill is still not moving. No excuses just been to lazy. Let myself fall out of the habit when DD was home. It's up to me to get my behind moving. Will walk on my lunch today. LauraK
  2. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Melissa, glad you are hanging.. Lori, Glad you had fun with DD and shopped/looked the baby dept. That's got to be fun. Tapeworms, gross.. LauraK
  3. llkb4me

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    You go girl!!!!!!!! Janet, you are an inspiration. LauraK
  4. llkb4me

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    Cheri, That is so sad. Makes your heart ache, for your friend and your family. Janet, love your new fur baby. So cute. LauraK
  5. llkb4me

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    Julie, Nothing new, his daughter was there so we haven't talked again. Just a few emails. So I don't know anything more. Kind of in limbo Laurak
  6. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Laura, we were posting at the same time. That is wonderful news about your Dad. I'm glad he agreed to help, that will take some pressure off your mom. So funny about xmas in July, I love that. LauraK
  7. llkb4me

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    Linda, have a great time in FL. All spiffed up now and you were already beautiful. Have fun. Jodi, Welcome back, I've missed your posts. Hope it was great. LauraK
  8. llkb4me

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    Yep, just my luck I didn't win. Checked my tickets online when I got back
  9. llkb4me

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    Lori, Love the analogy. I'll take my grass. Utah is in the Mega Millions and Power ball with many other states. I bought tickets there on my way thru. LauraK
  10. llkb4me

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    Judy, So funny the comments on Paris. Loved that story. Have fun with the new BF, who cares how old if you are having a good time together. Laura, Have fun in Paris, love the Halloween pic of Nels. Janet, so sorry on having to give Rider away. Yeah I tend to lead with my heart too. Trying to be cautious. We have a lot of talking to do and I won't be satisfied til it's all out there. That was part of our problem, he is one that thinks it's not a problem if you don't talk about it. Oh is that going to change. Have a great day! Laurak
  11. llkb4me

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    Thanks Ladies for being there. I am trying to be very careful. I told him we can start by being friends first and see where it goes. I was able to ask questions I wanted answers to and he answered. I still have more for him. It just felt so right when we were sitting there talking. Laura K
  12. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Hi All. Lori congrats on the 3 lbs. way to go Apples, sorry about the vertigo. Hope you are enjoying your boys. Phyl, your new baby is so cute. I had a chance to get a golden doodle, but turned it down. I think it would have been to hard on my Isaac. My sister took him. Julie, brush it off, & just keep loving him. Janet, you're not so bad, honest is what I call it. Linda, that is a rough situation to start a new marriage in. I would certainly think twice about moving there. Sorry if I missed anyone, don't mean to. DD is settling good, really seems to be enjoying her job. I've been painting and redoing her old room to make into my exercise room. Finally making some progress. Tonight I'm going to see Grand Funk Railroad. Hope it's a good show. The whole 24 hr thing is really hitting home for me. My old BF called me the other day. He wanted to apologize for what he did. We talked for quite awhile, I told him we could start out being friends and see were it goes, not sure I was ready to jump right back in to the whole thing. The more I think about it brings out all the old feelings, guess I never quit loving him, just very mad and hurt. I also have known he has an inoperable brain tumor not a good prognosis not a lot of time, maybe 5 yrs. They don't know. Seems like drama just keeps tagging along in my life. Ok got that out, not looking for sympathy just getting the feelings out. Thanks for being there for me to do that. LauraK
  13. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    You guys are to funny. Love the bucket lists. I think I would want to sky dive. Family on top of the list. LauraK
  14. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Lori, Congrats on becoming a Grandma. That is so wonderful for all. You are a young hot Gma so my vote is keep coloring. I got the hot summer pink also. This was my first Pedi and I love it. I will continue to get this done as my treat to me. It was only $25. Arlene & Julie , Skeeters are Michigan's state bird. Some days I really believe that too. They do spray but it don't always help. LauraK
  15. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Thanks Joyce, Charlene and Lori. It sure is a relief that she will get settled now. It's hard to listen to her being upset. Life can settle for all of us now. So wonderful for Apples, what a surprise. LauraK
  16. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Cheri, too funny. That discribes my DD to a "T", she is not ADD but the common sense thing. You are still teaching those children something and spending time with them. Thanks for posting your feelings I think I have been doing the same things. I need to get back on the exercise wagon & have no excuse since I have the room for my tread machine. Also the hot weather has broken. Lori, must have been the day for pedicures. I got one after work tonight. yeah, DD just called & the delivery driver is there. She is finally getting her stuff. LauraK
  17. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Linda, My DD is doing ok. She sounds so much better since she started work yesterday. Found out that many of them live in the same apt complex. Still doing paper work kind of stuff yet. Her belongings still have not arrived. The moving co is paying her $100 per day until it gets there. Have moved that date around but nothing confirmed. I'm back to work and stupid me scheduled an audit for today. ugh LauraK
  18. llkb4me

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    Cheri, It was pretty foreign when I was just there. lol Janet & Phyl, loved the pics on face book. Lori, Way to go on the deals & the seminar. Laurak
  19. llkb4me

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    Lori, Think I seen a Loft store in that Gateway complex. lol Laura K
  20. llkb4me

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    Hi PB I did mix things in with my shakes, stuff like PB, SF & FF pudding mixes, bananas, but follow what you DR told you. You are doing great, keep up the good work. Laura K
  21. llkb4me

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    Way to go Anny, you are doing great and you will make it thru this stage. Don't we always want what we don't have. You will get sick of the mushie stage too. Keep up the good work. LauraK
  22. llkb4me

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    Melissa, We are all here for you. I know it's hard to keep positive when your job sucks. You can do it. LauraK
  23. llkb4me

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    Hi All, Yes I made it back home but not without a lot of drama. DD stuff is still not there but ngetting closer. Vegas was ok did not get rich. DD lost phone x2 in five minutes, lucky she is still alive. Flight delayed 1 hr, all the time I had available between connections. On the bright side they changed flight plans made up a 1/2 hr in the air. Good thing I lost 80+ lbs this year, but had about 50 lbs of bags strapped to my body. I had 20 mins to take tram, run up escaladers, across moving sidewalks,thru tunnel under tarmac, down escaladers and more moving sidewalks. Farthest possible distance in the detroit airport. Found right gate, pounded on the door, they let two of us in had to run down tunnel before they shut the door of the plane. whew made it. Said I felt like I was OJ running through the airport. Best part I even lost a lb on vacation. Felt so good to sleep in my own bed, thought I died and went to heaven. Good luck must have came from all the good juju you guys were sending my way. Thanks I will try to be a better friend to all of you and start replying to your posts now that I am home. Happy 4th and safe traveling to those who are. Laura great news on you Dad. Laura K
  24. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Hi All, Still in NV with DD. We are still roughing it as the moving co. has not delivered her stuff. Moved it back to July 10-11. Can't seem to get anywhere with them. It's like camping indoors. We did bring one blow up bed and not a whole lot more. This town is very sparce with not much to do. Did go to Cali to do a bit of shopping but not all she needed. Leaving for Vegas a day early neither one of us can keep doing this. She does get her internet hooked up tomorrow so she will have that. Right now it is hit or miss, someone in the complex has wireless that works for awhile, or we go to the bar/casino and use it there. I will be happy to head home but, I will miss and worry about DD. She went to her office today and came back in a lot better frame of mind. My DS gave me a flower report last night when I talked to him. Such a sweet boy walked all around the yard describing the plants in bloom for his momma. Actually can't believe he did it. lol Take care I will try to catch up with all of you soon. Laura K
  25. llkb4me

    I'm here to help...

    Hi Everyone, Sitting in a casino bar, using free internet, wanted to catch up with you. Apples, Ever here of Bossy Bingo? Might be a MI thing. They make squares in a fenced area turn a cow lose and where ever she poos that square is the winner. lol I may try Vegas in Oct, got to check finances and work, bummer, would prob stay on strip so DD can come and drive to see you guys. Salt Lake Flats/Bonneville was amazing. This little bumpkin has seen so much on this trip. DD is freaking a bit, town is very small. She will feel better when her stuff gets here and internet is hooked up at her apt. Think she may be appreciating momma now & home. I'll check in when I can. Laura K

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