Hi Paige59. This is a great place to come for help. I used to weigh over 300 and when I did I could hardly get out of bed every day, I hurt so bad. I was also very depressed. My doctor started me on antidepressants and they really helped me to feel better and that made me a little more motivated to start moving. I started out on a stationary bike. I found one with a large seat, (actually at an estate auction for $1). I just started doing 5 minutes a day, then when it felt like I wasn't going to die after 5 minutes, I did 10 minutes, etc. until I got up to 30 minutes a day. My legs would go to sleep if I stayed on any longer than that but it helped me to get started. Then I would do it twice a day. I lost the first 25 pounds that way. When I exercise I am less hungry. Some say that when you exercise you don't want to screw it up by eating wrong right after but I find that I feel soooooo good after exercising that I don't want to eat as much as I did. Now, if I get lazy or get sick or depressed and quit then I'm right back where I was. I know it is hard to start but you just have to be like Nike and "DO IT!". I won't say it is easy. The sweat runs freely when you start and you may feel even more sore but whatever you do don't stop. If you take one day off because you hurt too much, it is easy to let it become 2 and 3 and 4, etc. Just keep at it and take it easy. You don't have to push yourself to the point that you are about to pass out, just start slowly. Your body will tell you when you can do more. You will be surprised at how fast your body will acclimate to moving and then you won't want to miss a day. The pool is a good choice if you have access to one but if you are like me I'm too shy to go anywhere to a pool, even if it belongs to friends and going to a gym where people can see me is actually still out of the question for me. I'm down to 250 and still have over 100 pounds to go and hoping to get the lap band to help me get over the hump. I know you can lose those 40 pounds. I recently found out I am allergic to wheat and gluten in breads, etc. and I feel a whole lot better if I don't eat it. If I have a day of eating bread I wake up the next day 5 pounds heavier. I wouldn't be surprised if at least half of the overweight people in this world are sensitive to gluten as well. When I eat bread or wheat I just can't stop eating but when I don't I feel satisfied with less. Believe me, I have tested it to the hilt and I know it is better if I never touch the stuff again. You might want to check out Kay Shepard on the web. She has a food plan for people with food addiction that really has helped me a lot, and you don't starve on it. I'll send you my email if you want it. I would be happy to help you in any way I can. I'm still waiting for my band but I believe it is near. Just "Never Give Up".