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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Teacher2010

  1. Hello, I am sooo glad things are going great for you. Keep being strong and you will make your goal. I know it's hard but try not to eat. I'm almost 2 weeks post op and I'm starving. Also, don't allow individuals to steal your joy. Ignore the negatives and stick with the positives.

  2. I see we were banded on the same day!!! Congrats! How have you been doing?

  3. Thank you for the suggestions. The Lindora drinks have great reviews. I will be doing my last minute shopping tomorrow. I wonder if they sell it in any stores... I am getting nervous. How do you feel? Two more days...have you gotten everything? Are you staying overnight? My insurance allows a one night stay so I will stay until Friday. I am getting nervous..oh I think I said that already. LOL


    I pray that you will have a great surgery with little to no pain and a fast recovery. And just wait, in a few months you will be doing the thang!

  4. Hello!!! I came home late yesterday and now resting at my sister's house. The overall surgery went well. My surgeon's new processes for the surgery is only having one incision were the port is located. This is the only place I'm having pain. It's right by my naval so when I get up or sit down it really hurts. I have intermittent gas pain as well and the dissolvable gas stripes do work. Overall I'm doing ok but I want the pain to stop. L I do know it will get better but when? I guess we can say the hard part is over and we are on our way!!! Are you able to move around?

  5. Hello, thanks for your post. We are both scheduled during the same week & we both live in MD. I live about 30 mins from Laurel. We must keep in contact to encourage each other through this process. Girl I am soooo looking forward to my birthday ~ July 16th. Please keep my posted on your process. Are you doing the pre op liquid diet?

  6. My surgery went great. I experienced really bad gas pains but that has subsided. Now I am ready to move onto mushies. I see you live in Alezandria...I'm across the bridge MD.

  7. I hope you are doing better!

  8. I'm very addicted to it as well. I should be getting ready for my morning courses but look at me...LOL I must admit each day I am feeling better. I got the best sleep last night! I'm trying to find a diet that works but often I'm not able to eat everything then I start feeling dizzy. I'm going to order the Lindora as well. How was your first day back to work?

  9. The workouts are going much better. Your dedication to working out is encouraging me!!! I have committed myself to 30 minutes everyday. Girl, I was running on the treadmill this morning for the 1st time in a long time @ 3.5 with 2 incline. I was tired as ever but I must admit it did feel like an accomplishment. Keep sharing your routines as it encourages me....

  10. It sounds like you are doing great! 45 min on the treadmill ~That is soooo good. The most exercise I have been able to do is the Wii Fit walking for about 10 minutes yesterday. I'm trying to walk everyday because I hear it helps with the gas. Girl I have strong gas pains everywhere; in my shoulder, back, stomach you name it I have it. Other than that I'm doing ok. I can't drink a lot but I'm trying to get my protein in and that's been difficult. How long is your liquid diet & when do you transition to puree? Keep up the good work!

  11. I'm glad you are doing well. I have been thinking of you and wishing you good thoughts. I'm excited and nervous. I'm beginnig to pack (always late) and just reflecting on the changes that are soon to come. We are definitely on our way!!! Do you have any neck or gas pains?

  12. 7 more days to your big day!!! Yah... Please tell me how are you doing with your pre op diet. I need help...

  13. Hey, it has been a long time.... I'm doing well. How are things with you???

  14. You look great!!!!

  15. Hey, how are you doing? I'm trying to stay consistent with the exercising and so far so good. My weight is not dropping like it once was but I do understand this is a slow process. My goal is 2 pounds per week. I started mushies last Thursday and I am sooo happy to have more than liquids. Due to my work schedule I will have my 1st fill on August 14th. I am looking forward to it because I want more to eat now. However, I am restraining myself and try to stay under 900 calories per day. Whoever believes this process is the easy way out is terribly mistaken. On a brighter side I do feel the changes in my body. That was a long update....how have you been doing?

  16. Your pictures are great! I have begun a collage of journey pictures and it's great to look at them and reflect. And to say I am doing it!!!!

  17. Hey, how are you doing? I must say my appetite has picked up but I force myself to stick with the schedule provided by the surgeon. I can't wait for my 1st fill!

  18. You are doing great...keep up the good work!

  19. We are on this journey and it is sooooo exciting to see the changes in our body. Congrats!!!

  20. Congratulations on your journey! You look great. I was just banded on 7/16/09 and your pictures encourage me to look forward to the possibilities. Although my band was inserted with 3 cc's I am still fighting the hunger. I am sticking with the mushy diet plan because I didn't come this far to not to do the work required but I am looking forward to my 1st fill.

  21. Congrats on your accomplishments!!! It is sooo great to see our bodies changing and it feels GOOD!

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