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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nessa259

  1. nessa259


    From the album: Before surgery...

  2. nessa259

    No caption

    From the album: Before surgery...

  3. nessa259

    action shot

    From the album: Before surgery...

  4. nessa259

    My love

    From the album: Before surgery...

  5. nessa259


    From the album: Before surgery...

  6. nessa259

    My two favorites!

    From the album: Before surgery...

  7. nessa259


    From the album: Before surgery...

  8. nessa259

    No caption

    From the album: Before surgery...

  9. nessa259

    Bridesmaid in a wedding

    From the album: Before surgery...

  10. nessa259


    From the album: Before surgery...

  11. nessa259

    No caption

    From the album: Before surgery...

  12. nessa259

    My wonderful Fiance and I!

    From the album: Before surgery...

  13. nessa259

    No caption

    From the album: Before surgery...

  14. nessa259

    My sister and I

    From the album: Before surgery...

  15. nessa259

    Me in the middle

    From the album: Before surgery...

  16. nessa259

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    Hi! I was just banded on Friday 2/26 at 8AM. I am feeling pretty good. My gas pain is more in my chest than my shoulders and I feel like I have to burp, but I just end up hicupping and feeling pain. I am starting full liquids today, per my Dr. instructions. I had some yogurt and I am now trying a protein shake and that's going down ok. I was hoping to be back to work on Tuesday, but I don't know now. I have been trying not to take the pain meds very often, but I have taken just a couple. Can't wait to puree some real food.... 2 weeks from now. LOL Never thought I would be excited to have pureed chicken... LOL I definately went through the "oh my God, did I do the right thing?" in the hospital but I think once we get back to "normal" we will all look back at this with no regrets! Keep up the great work everyone! We will get through this together! :wink2:
  17. nessa259

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    Congrats to everyone who just got banded! I can't wait. I don't know if I can't wait just because of this pre-op diet though...lol. Had a minor breakdown yesterday. Wanted something of substance so badly. DF stepped right in, told me to sit down as he made my my half cup of Soup, a Protein Shake and sf pudding. Then he ate his dinner standing up in the kitchen. Love that man. :wink2: It is so hard to stick to it, but I know that the outcome will be the reward. I am just getting so nervous that I will not be cleared by my dr. for these dam white blood cells. He gave me antibiotics, but I am just so nervous that he is going to tell me that we have to postpone after I have gone through months of fighting and two weeks of liquids. I might just break at that point. I am trying to stay positive, but I am not good at facing the unknown, esp. when there is nothing that I can do about it. :w00t: I am just hoping and praying that whatever it was that made those wbc's jump, is gone now. Good luck to all, best wishes for a speedy recovery!! :thumbup:
  18. nessa259

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    Hey All! I am scheduled for surgery 2/26/10! Hoping all goes well. Went for medical clearance from my Dr. and my white blood cell count was up, which means that they were trying to fight some kind of infection, but I'm not sick, no UTI (which is common when they WBC's are up) and don't feel like I am coming down with anything (knock on wood). So Dr. gave me some antibiotics to knock it out of me and will take blood on Tuesday and then Wed. is decision day. Good lord I am more nervous about them telling me I wil have to postpone than I am about the surgery I think! So keep you fingers crossed for me! And can I just add that this liver reduction diet is killing me? haha... Anyway! Good to meet everyone and "band" together. Man, I am corny sometimes. :confused::confused:
  19. OH I totally hear you! I am on day 2. Surgery 2/26/10. I am not doing well on this. I am cranky and I have already apologized 92372197 times to my family for being so. I can't deal with all of this sweet stuff. My PreOp consists of 4 Protein shakes per day, plus choosing five of the following: 1/2 Cup low fat cream Soup, strained 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce 4 oz sf pudding 6 oz light yogurt w/out fruit 1/2 cup plain cream of wheat UGH. I am a salt craver to begin with, so obviously this is torture. BUT light at the end of the tunnel. Please tell me it gets better....:biggrin:
  20. So, just scheduled my first apt. with the surgeon for October 28th only to find out that my insurance just changed their criteria. :frown: The rep at the surgeon sounded extremely flustered as she told me, and they don't even know what the criteria is. She scheduled the consult anyway to see if I am even a candidate. Now, let's go back to mid-August when I started all of this. Talked it over with my Dr. and she is ALL for it, has had patients that have really benefited from it. So, I get the packet from insurance, get the packet from surgeon, submit the info to the surgeon, get the ok for the psych. exam, go for the psych exam, get the referral from Dr. all paperwork in on my part and then I find this out. Seroiusly? So I call insurance last week after I get off the phone from scheduling my consult. Even their Rep doesn't know of any changes. I call again today, apparenlty I have to be on triple treatment for hypertension (or diabetes) and I have to loose 10% (actually 26%) of my body weight in the past and keep it off for 6-12 months before my surgery. Now, let's think about this. I have lost 10% of my body weight, kept it off for 6 months, only to gain it back and more afterwards. Do you think that I would be doing this if I COULD KEEP IT OFF???? Seriously? And apparently I am ineligible because I only take TWO meds for my hypertension? I am SO frustrated. I just feel like I am going to be this way forever. I understand that you need to make sure people know that this is a lifestyle change, not the easy way out. HOWEVER, since I have struggled with my weight since, oh I don't know, they age of SIX, you would think I need a little more help than skipping a few meals? You don't think that I have tried and failed so many times that maybe I need some fliping help? What the heck do I pay into insurance for anyway? I feel defeted. I don't really know where else to go. They are sending me the criteria in the mail. I guess I will take this to my Dr. and go from there. So hopefuly I will be banded in the next decade. Anyone else have problems like this??? :biggrin:
  21. Wow! I was surprised to find a thread on here just for Buffalonians! I'm in Kenmore and I just started the process. I have Independent Health and I have filled out the application and had my Dr. recommendation for medical neccessity sent over the Synergy in Williamsville. One of my fiance's friends was banded through that office, but I wish I had known about Dr. Hoffman! Either way, I am ready to get started. I have to admit though, I am very nervous about the surgery. I have never had surgery and there is just something very daunting about going to sleep, afraid that I will not wake up again. So, do I have this process right? I filled out the application, sent my Dr. recomendation in, have my psych apt on 9/9/09 (at 9AM, wierd) and then I just wait for the surgeon to schedule a consulation and then they will submit to insurance? I called the insurance company to get the guidelines and they actually said this is becoming more and more common so they have seen shorter approvals. I even saw a comercial for it on TV!!! Do I have this procedure right? Any other advice other than to keep making phone calls to check progress? Any advice would be appreciated!! Oh, and how do I find out when the seminars are available. Is it monthly, couple times a month, once every 2 months? I need to get started!!! So happy to find a local support group!! :blushing:

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