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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by bgjon5

  1. I see a lot here who post their X-post op stories so I figured I would go ahead and share mine, I had my RNY on July 26th 2016, at my heaviest weight I toppled the scales at 460, at the day of surgery I was 418 in just 1 short year I'm now around 275 I'm usually not good at writing or sharing stories about myself, since being a big person self esteem issues has, and still is something I have regardless of how much weight I've lost. It's funny after the pounds fall off it was up until a few months ago I would look into the mirror and see no changes regardless of what others told me they saw for take a ways I would say follow what the DR tells you, there will be days that's hard and days you want to give up stick to the plan ! follow advice from forums like these, I rarely posted much here however look at my join date I've done allot of reading and searching others stories here so I would know what to expect before, during and after surgery I hope one day I can offer advice that will help someone along their journey also!.
  2. Thanks Crocodoxie, both my boy's are all I have left now since I've divorced so yea they're proud of me and one of the huge reason's I did the surgery it's still hard to take compliments but I do appreciate the kind words all 3 of you said.
  3. You look great! congrats, I have issues of looking at myself and not noticing weight loss..
  4. Congrats you look great! I'm 4 months out (tomorrow) and down 105lbs so the feeling is great!
  5. So I joined the loser's club on July 26th 2016, my weight going in was 428 since after surgery I was losing a pound (sometimes more) a day...well that was up until probably 4-5 days ago...I lost so far 53pounds (down to 375#) ...I know, this isn't bad for 42 days but it seems that I haven't lost in the past several days...normal?? normal Protein intake is 80 grams a day and Fluid intake is good sugar is very little if any..I'm just not sure where I'm going wrong but I'm about to just go back to basics and stay in Protein shakes only...it's really discouraging that's all I know thanks in advance for any replies. J
  6. Thanks all for the replies and encouragement, I'll check the Embrace the stall topic out, I thought maybe I was too soon out to have stalled already but I guess not...and yea I'll stay off the scale imma throw it if I don't
  7. Djmohr has made some excellent point's here, I don't miss junk food at all, I didn't get to 428#'s by eating healthy foods! I'm to the point where I can handle most all proteins there's creative options to making anything taste great but if you're right out of surgery and you're already missing food's you can't eat that's the mental changes you have to make in order for your surgery to be a success. I also recommend Premier protein shakes, good stuff! best of luck to you!
  8. This is typical, I had mine on 7/26 and for the first 2 weeks I felt no progress until I got on the scale, now 2 days it will be 1 month and I'm down a total of 46 pounds...it will come off as long as you're getting your protein and fluids in..the bloating will eventually subside as well.
  9. Not me, I was too damn excited to have it and told everyone that I know there was no secrets here.
  10. bgjon5


    First and most importantly congrats on your surgery tomorrow. I wasn't nervous until I actually got to the hospital and doing pre op. that's when thoughts started running through my head as the what ifs and what would my kids do? but I came through great...pointers? WALK! you will be full of gas from them inflating your chest, the only way I could get some relief was walking..it hurts yes but the long run you will be thankful also utilize your pain meds mine allowed you to self administer every 8 mins do it..it takes alot of the discomfort away. after surgery you won't have a appetite zero at all I had my last meal around noon the day before surgery (liquid) and really didn't eat until 5 days later and that was a Protein shake. as far as cottage cheese etc are you talking about when you get on the puree stage? normally you're on liquid at least 2 weeks after surgery your doc may be different but at least I was, once I was on puree I pretty much handled most foods on that diet since I'm allowed things like tuna chicken (canned like tuna) scrambled eggs ground beef made like taco style oatmeal (plain they have brown sugar that's sugar free you can add) and also can add some unsweetend almond milk. etc I hate cottage cheese also lol so there's alot of options also keep sugar free Popsicles handy. hope any helps I'm excited for you! I had mine 26th July and i'm down 35# already!! and already noticing my clothes falling off!!
  11. bgjon5

    I am Approved yay!

    Congrats on the approval!! mine took around 3 weeks to approve..company is self insured but still I worried!
  12. Lmao glad it cleared up.
  13. Yep having the pain also, I can really feel it when in a lying position and sit straight up. btw congrats on your 15#'s!
  14. I did actually but more a week out and it was gas pains, I'm two weeks today out and have very little pain anymore. how are you sleeping? are you sleeping in a normal position?
  15. Woohoo down 16#'s in 14 days!

    1. Kari1985


      Amazing!! Keep up the hard work!

    2. bgjon5


      Why thank you!


  16. bgjon5

    Swollen belly

    I'm 2 weeks post RNY and probably 3 days ago my stomach finally is where it's not swollen, so that part is normal however you shouldn't be gaining weight you may want to see if you're retaining water also yes it's normal to have to force your shakes down but make sure you're getting your liquids in also it's hard now but within a week or so you will feel much better.
  17. bgjon5

    Life with CPAP

    When I received my Cpap I wore it the first night and slept like a baby, the next morning I was flying around the office from the ACTUAL solid sleep I received from that 1st day forward I haven't slept without it except for the week I was in the mountains without electricity my compliance at the time of surgery was like 95%
  18. bgjon5


    Congrats on the date, it's not that bad at all had mine done on 26th July and getting around fine now very little pain just a small amount in the abdomen muscles on the right side. after surgery you will see differences pretty quick in 9 days I dropped 11#'s wishing you the best of luck!! J
  19. Protein shakes or on top of some NSA Ice cream, I will caution you though they can irritate the bowels
  20. bgjon5

    I don't feel full after drinking

    I've had the normal gastric bypass and I'm starting to feel the same way, the first few days was tough to get down liquids but it seems that now I'm healing it's getting alot easier to drink and it worries me as I don't want the liquid to stretch the new stomach (can that happen?) I know the liquid enters the stomach but I'm unsure how long it sticks around.I'm only 10 days post and have had zero solid since before surgery. didn't mean to hijack your topic just quite curious myself.
  21. Way too many calories! Go back to basics, also remember that sleeved patients will loose slower than bypass.
  22. bgjon5

    Aflac anyone?

    The reason why I dropped AFLAC lol
  23. I had my bypass June 26th and I'm to return to work on Sept 9th (Dr orders) as far as your work associates I mean it's your call but not sure why it's a secret they will notice the weight coming off and you're doing it for the health of you, congrats on your upcoming surgery, I hope all goes well.
  24. bgjon5

    Surgery yesterday

    Congrats! mine was 7/26 walked the next day around the ward, it hurts but will get better soon welcome to the loser bench now! I'm down 11#'s post op and 21 total so far!!
  25. I've heard that some things you may have liked you may not like after surgery, not sure if that's the case with the chicken. I will encourage you NOT to give up, I had my surgery on the 26th so I'm still on the liquid diet and honestly if I never see another Protein shake I'd be happy lol counting down my days to puree foods! with the chicken did you mix it with a little lowfat mayo to make it a little more creamer that way you may be able to get it down, other than that I know it's hard especially when you don't have a appetite in the first place. keep your chin up

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