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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ready2bthin

  1. Okay everyone, time to evaluate if we are "working with our bands" to achieve the 1-2 lb. a week weightloss that is expected with the band. Now, I know that some have lost more, especially at first. But, we did not get "the other" surgery and the band is a tool for losing and keeping it off. I like what Barbara (pt. advocate) always says, "The band is not around our heads"....lol!!! Here's a list that I found in my information and I think it would be worth it to go through and be honest with ourselves whether we are eating/drinking like bandsters or going back to old ways (I know that I've been guilty of this over the past month or so)

    1. Are you eating 60 grams of Protein a day or the correct amount for YOUR body?

    2. Are you eating 25 grams of Fiber?

    3. Are you avoiding all liquid non nourishing calories

    a. Soup can be a sign of "soft calorie syndrome"

    b. alcohol contains a lot of empty calories...7 per gram (also a stomach irritant and can contribute to erosion)

    c. fruit juice is sugar water

    4. Are you making healthy food choices from a wide variety of foods?

    a. are you avoiding soft foods...can't eat just what's easy (I think I do that sometimes)

    b. cheese is glorified fat (Yeah, I like cheese too)

    5. Are you drinking 6-8 glasses of Water a day BETWEEN meals?

    6. Are you eating 3 meals a day (with maybe 1-2 snacks)

    7. Are you sitting down when you eat?

    8. Are you eating consciously? (No distractions like t.v., books, newspapers...pay attention to the food and your companion(s).

    9. Are you eating slowly?

    a. putting the fork down between bites

    b. 20-30 minutes to eat the meal (longer and your pouch may begin emptying)

    10. Are you taking small bites? (Okay, I know that I don't at times and have suffered the consequences, along with eating too fast, etc.)

    11. Are you chewing well?

    12. Are you drinking with your meals? If you are well hydrated from drinking water between meals, you won't be thirsty during the meal.

    a. Wait at least 90 minutes after a meal to begin drinking again.

    13. Are you stopping at the first sign of fullness? Sometimes that's just a whisper that you aren't hungry, had enough...do not looked for a "stuffed" feeling or pain.

    14. Do not eat between meals...stop grazing (I admit it...I've been grazing)

    15. Don't eat when you're not hungry!!

    16. Last but not least, do you need an activity adjustment, like exercise or adding more steps into your day, more activity, etc.?

    Okay, this is a long post I know, but I hope that it will help those of us who have begun to struggle a bit. WE CAN DO THIS JULY BANDSTERS!! But, for me, it starts with HONEST SELF EVALUATION!!


  2. There is a gal that posts on the dfwbandsters (it's a yahoo group opened to anyone/anywhere) who lives in India. Her name is Heather. That's all I know. Didn't get to meet her when she was here (they met for a lunch), but if you post I'm sure she will respond or her mom-in-law will. Hope this helps.

  3. At the time I had surgery, there was an internet special of $7,000, which included the two nights of hotel stays, travel from San Antonio and back, surgery, night in hospital, medications, etc. This special did require having surgery on certain days of the week, from what I remember. My husband and I were able to get flights on Southwest for around $100 each, roundtrip, from Dallas. So, with our air travel, about $7,200.00. We stayed in Del Rio, TX the night before surgery, then in the morning, Dr. Rod's assistant drove us over the border to the hospital. We then spent a night at the hospital (fold out sofa like bed for my husband). The next day, Barbara drove us back to San Antonio, where we stayed in a hotel. The following day, we took a shuttle to the airport and flew home to the Dallas area. Oh, the night before surgery, we went into Mexico and had our "last supper" (at least for awhile since we would be on liquids for 2 weeks...lol). Dr. Rod prefers that one does not travel too far the day after surgery, and that's why it is set up to stay in San Antonio another night.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Tired old man:

    I was commenting on the hearings from a couple years ago when she was being confirmed. (can't seem to remember why she was put in front of this "committee" but in this case, it was one particular dem senator that was trying to beat her down....she won) I didn't see the recent hearings, so I can't comment on that. I will still state my opinion that she is an intelligent, classy woman.

  5. Some doctors don't even require a pre-op diet. My doctor required me to go on a low fat/low carb diet 2 weeks prior to surgery to try and shrink some of the fat out of my liver. It makes the surgery easier, so I've been told. I did this in a loose manner and lost about 3 lbs. prior to surgery. All went well and my surgery was fast with no complicatons. Basically, I ate sensibly and cut most of my bread/sweets out...notice...I said "most".

    Doesn't sound like you went overboard, so don't sweat it and continue on. Tomorrow is a new day.

  6. Beth: I find that "junk" like chips, Cookies, and stuff like that are crumbly and go right down. With the meats, etc., I have to take very small bites and chew, chew, chew. I cannot eat scrambled eggs at all anymore. I tried an omlette on the cruise and couldn't do it. I can eat fried, poached, or boiled eggs, just not scrambled. I tend to get lazy and not want to chew up my meat, etc. or I'm hungry (maybe due to eating junk) and eat too fast. Try slowing down and really chewing and be sure you are not trying to eat too much at one sitting. The meat, vegetables and healthy stuff will fill your pouch and not just go through. I can also drink soda, but choose not to. I do think the air affects me. Hope all this makes sense.

  7. I feel the exact same way that Cindy does. I would vote for a woman, whatever color/race she is, or a man, whatever color/race he is, depending on their views. As a matter-of-fact, when I saw Condi Rice take on those Senators in her confirmation hearings (think that's where it was), she intellectually ran circles around those guys. I remember cheering at the t.v. What an intelligent, classy lady! Condi for President!!


    We will be meeting at Jason's Deli on Loop 288 for a support dinner on Thursday, February 1 at from 6:30-8:30. Spouses/Significant others are welcome to come, as well as those who are not banded yet. Jason's is located across from the mall, near Loop 288/35. We will discuss future meeting times/places. They have Soups, mushies and regular food, so all will be able to eat. Any questions, feel free to ask either on here or in a private message.

    Can't wait to meet ya'll!! Pass the word along!!

  9. Richard,

    I actually just inquired again recently, as I would like to get a support dinner/lunch started up here like the ones they already have on dfwbandsters. I've thoroughly enjoyed the dinners/lunch but I have to drive 45 min.-1 hour and thought one near Denton would be nice for those not willing to drive to Dallas, Arlington, or Plano. Please pm me and ask your friend if he/she is interested. Then I will have your information. Also let me know what day and time of day would be good. As soon as I have enough responses, then I'll work on the place to meet. Anyone reading this, please do the same.

  10. I had a great experience with Dr. Rod. I am so thankful that I was banded and would not change a thing. I would be very happy to give you more detail if you have any questions. Don't have the time here to type out all the details. I would also be willing to speak to you on the phone. I did that with 2 other people prior to making my decision and found it helpful. I've had at least one person call me. So, feel free to send me a private message.

  11. It's Friday everyone!! Hurrah!! Even after a tire blow out in pouring rain, I am celebrating! I must say that when I pulled into a gas station, there was a tire place next door and they changed out my tire, so I didn't have to stand in the rain and cold! What a blessing! I'm down another lb. (actually have taken off that pound and maybe a couple that came on over Christmas). I will get my second fill next Thursday at a place that I just found out about here in the DFW area! The price is pretty reasonable (self pay ya know) and they use fluro. I think I'm ready for the fill, although I doubt that I will be able to take too much. I've had restriction all along, even when my band was empty.

    Glad to see you're doing well Leona and what a great attitude, Susan! Have a great weekend everyone!

    Tip for the weekend: Make sure you are eating enough protein!

  12. I was thinking that dfw was closer to Highland Village (it's north of Lewisville) and I'm right. I went to mapquest and DFW is 17.68 miles from Highland Village with a time of 26 minutes. Dallas Love Field is 26.80 miles with a time of 35 minutes. Depending on the time of day, I would much rather be coming in from dfw than Dallas Love Field as around the rushhour in the afternoon, 35 going north can be a mess. Also, Southwest does fly into DFW, too. Since there isn't that much difference, I'd choose on ticket price/time of day. Hope this helps!

  13. Hey everyone,

    I've been attending some dfwbandster dinners/lunch around the dfw area (which are great, by the way), but would like to get something started on a monthly basis in the Denton area. I've spoken with 2 other gals so far who would want to attend one of these support dinners, so please post and let me know if you would want to meet in Denton once a month. It has been said that people with support, are more successful with the band. Let's get together and encourage one another and have some fun!! Oh, and please put what night/day would be best for you. Thanks!

  14. CHRIS: you look awesome!! The weight training class sounds great. Also, let's see a smile out of our lapband "star"!! Keep us informed of how things are going!

    Stephanie: you have also done amazing! Both you and Chris inspire me to get back "on the wagon" and get this weight off. And I definitely can understand the "fat image syndrome" (my words) that I still have. I still have a ways to go, too, but I was holding onto my larger size clothes that no longer fit. Well, the other day, I went through my closet and am taking them to the Goodwill today. I also am going to stick to wearing clothes that fit me. A lot of my stuff was hanging off me and that definitely doesn't help. I guess I will go to the resale shops today and look for some smaller sizes. I WON'T stay at this weight long, so don't want to spend a fortune on a bunch of new winter clothes. Next winter, I hope to be at goal!!

    Have a great day everyone!! Tip for the day: Drink that water!!

  15. JEN: Great to see you back and to have chatted with you last night...or was that early this morning...lol!!

    Olive: Not that you asked for my 2 cents, but I also think you should hold off on the dress. I definitely think you will be smaller and maybe to your goal by your wedding. When I got married (18 years ago) I only had about 2 months to find a dress and I found one right off the rack that was PERFECT and exactly what I wanted. Unless you have some unique type style you are looking for, I would hold off. May even save some $$$ too!!

    Jane: You are doing awesome. I hope that by the end of this week I'll have a couple pounds off at least towards the VDAY challenge!

    I'm going for a nap...up too late chatting with Jen...lol....church this morning. But, it was worth it to catch up with her!! We can continue to really encourage one another for the second half of our first year being banded all!! It will be so much fun when we start reaching goals!! GO JULY BANDSTERS!!

  16. Hey everyone!! I've been reading and catching up on what everyone's been doing. Kari, I can so relate to the "sweet addiction". We just got back from Michigan and it seems that I had to eat everything chocolate in sight. Glad you have lost the small amount that you had gained over the holidays.

    I am going to accept the Valentine's Day challenge and try and lose 10 more lbs. by Feb. 14. This will be a real challenge for me but maybe if I can get in for my second fill that will help.

    I did okay today, but will be more focused on things tomorrow. Missed all of you while I was up in Michigan (with no snow) and leaving a day late due to bad weather here in TX last Friday (tornado at airport...yes...our flight was cancelled along with around 200 others). Then, my luggage didn't arrive until Monday late afternoon. Learned I can survive with one pair of jeans, a couple tops and clean panties...(oh yeah...I did buy new ones to fit my shrinking fanny...lol). Almost forgot the NSV for the trip: I had EXTRA belt after fastening my seatbelt on the plane and I wasn't pouring into the seat next to me!!! YIPPEE!!!

  17. Carlene: Happy Belated birthday!! It's now Christmas day...so have a wonderful Christmas, too!! I always think that Christmas babies are special cuz they share a special birthday with Jesus!!

    Haven't been able to make it to Arlington lately for the dinners, but all is going fine with me. I'm down around 43 lbs. now. Been stalled some due to eating goodies, so I must get back on the wagon!! I hope to go to the next bandster dinner or maybe the Plano lunch to meet some of the dfw bandsters I haven't met, along with Heather who've I read posts from India and her mom. They sound like a lot of fun.

    Anyway, hope to see you soon and hope you enjoyed your birthday!!

  18. Wow Olive!! Congratulations!! I hope to join you in the next month as I'm now at 43.6! You may want to take some type of mylanta or something to help with heartburn if you haven't already. I took Gaviscon when I had my little tummy upset in October on recommendation from my doctor. (You may have already done this but wanted to share what my experience led to)

    Okay, everyone else, let's be GOOD with our choices!! I've done better the past couple days and even saw a loss on the scale again which shocked me. We are on a journey with some twists and turns in the road and some bumps and some bad driving (that would be me). With the better "driving" I get closer to that goal!! We are doing this July group....I'm so proud of all of you and of myself. This was a wonderful "present" even though I had to spend $$$ on it!! We have the new year coming up with many of us reaching our goals or getting very close to reaching them!!! Can't wait for us to see our goal picture next to our start picture!!

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