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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Somedayslim:)

  1. Somedayslim:)

    Freedom Fighters Weekly Weigh In

    pre-surgery 270 surgery day 251 7-27 234 8-3 232 8-11 230 14.81% total weight loss
  2. Somedayslim:)

    Check In!

    123 you are probably fine! My Doctor is probably just over cautious, he had told me to hold off lifting more then 10 pounds until 6 weeks after surgery. When you have little ones running around that is really hard to do! Hang in there you are doing great!
  3. Somedayslim:)

    Yay! They Fit! :)

    It is wonderful to start fitting into clothes that you haven't been able to wear and retire some of the fat clothes!! I have had people at work start to comment on my weight loss and they don't know about the surgery - nice to know that it is starting to show:laugh:.
  4. Somedayslim:)

    Check In!

    Ocotillo I love how you put that- "head hunger" - it is exactly what I am going through and I am sure many of us are. Not needing the extra food and not eating the extra food is a learning curve for us all. Looks like you are doing fine with your weight loss! Keep up the good work.
  5. Somedayslim:)

    Check In!

    Hello everyone! It is great to read your stories! I am 4 weeks out from surgery and weight loss has slowed down to a couple pounds a week. I have started exercising at the YMCA and I hope that will help. I feel guilty about eating more then 2oz of food at a time. I can easily eat 1/2 to a whole cup in one sitting. I am trying to get over feeling bad about it and realize that I am still eating a lot less then before I had the band. I still worry about screwing it up and I have picked up my grandson without thinking. I will be glad when I don't have any weight restrictions! Overall I feel pretty good. Still get a little more tired then I used to but am back to pretty much normal life. I do see that I ate out of boredom and am trying to drink water and stay busy instead of eating.That is a tuff one. Especially at work. I have a desk job in a food factory with a bunch of wonderful people who like to bring food in. I go home for lunch to avoid temptation:rolleyes2:. I have lost 18 pounds since my surgery date and 38 pounds altogether. Wishing all of you continued success with your band! Susan
  6. Somedayslim:)

    Scared. Please read.

    I hope you will be ok, I threw up a few days after being banded and it is very scary. I also threw up spit. My band did not slip thank goodness but I know that is all that is going through your mind right now. Try to relax and think positive. Drink some warm liquid to relax your stoma. Good luck, I will say a prayer for you. Please let us know how you are tomorrow. Susan
  7. Somedayslim:)

    results not typical

    WOW! You all are an inspiration to me to get off my fat butt and exercise!! I want to do it and seeing your results is the best motivation. I love the positive outlook all of you have. Keep up the good work and I am going to try and follow in your footsteps:wink:
  8. Somedayslim:)

    I'll be glad when I can........

    - have my husband wrap his arms around me and feel like I am the little women instead of the fat mama! LOL - wear a bathing suit on the boat instead of staying fully dressed... - have more energy because I am not carring around 100 extra pounds. - see an old friend I haven't seen in years and know that they aren't thinking geez she really has put some weight on! - ride my scooter and be able to pick up some speed because it isn't getting bogged down due to my weight - hike without huffing and puffing - feel comfortable on the back of my husbands motorcycle.
  9. Somedayslim:)

    Freedom Fighters Weekly Weigh In

    Hi there - starting weight - 270 pre-surgery- 251 current weight- 234 Lost 36 pounds altogether and 17 pounds since my surgery on July 3rd. I am eating mushy food and can see that the weight loss has really slowed but as long as I don't go up I am not going to worry about it. I know that I can't eat like I used to and that the weight will come off eventually. Is anybody exercising? That is my next goal. It is really a challenge for me to get off my ass.
  10. Somedayslim:)

    Need some encouragement

    Hi Lisa, Hang in there. Give yourself time to heal and let the swelling go down. They say that the weight you lose before your first fill may be gained back once you start eating food. That if you keep the weight off that you lost during the pre and post diet phase then it is a bonus. So don't beat yourself up! I know after going through the surgery you really want the weight to come off but I don't think it is unusual to gain some back. I gained back two pounds and held that weight for four days and then just lost 1 pound. So don't beat yourself up. We all lose at different rates. The most important thing right now is for you to heal and stay healthy! The weight is going to come off, trust me.
  11. Hi Joe! How are you doing? Well I went back to work this week and wish I had taken a little more time off... Oh well, I will make it. My short term disability insurance was denied because Dr. Perez and Ceron didn't get the paperwork filled out completely. Aetna is going to call them and try to get the information they need. I asked then to please have a spanish speaking person talk to the Doctor. They might get further. It was like pulling teeth to get anything filled out once I was back in the states. I have a feeling if all of this hinges on the good Doctor filling the paperwork out that I might be SOL.

    Hope you are adjusting. I haven't been able to contact Kimberly :(. Have you heard from her? Hope she is doing ok.Are you having any problems eating mushy food? I find that I am getting hungry a couple of hours after eating but can't seem to eat much at one time! So I am still losing weight. 35 pounds so far! Yeah! Tell your sweet wife hello for me and let me know how you are doing!

  12. Somedayslim:)

    Pureed/Mushy foods...

    The 15th day I was told I could start mushy food which happens to be today. I found that drinking warm mint tea helped when I was hungry or thought that I needed to eat.Sometimes just getting on here and looking at the success stories made me realize I can do whatever is asked to make this a success. I would try to follow your Doctors advice if possible. There are different kinds of bands and different circumstances that might have caused your Doctor to give you the advice that he did. Good Luck!
  13. Somedayslim:)

    Recent "bandits"

    Wow that is what I would like to be doing - walking 3 or 4 miles at a time...I have really let myself get out of shape! I am up to walking 30 minutes at a time and would like to go hiking this weekend at Garden of the Gods in Southern Illinois. It is really beautiful and hopefully since I will then be on mushy food I will have the energy! I am starting to see a small change in the way my clothes fit and that is very exciting. I hope it will continue to be enough because I do miss my friend -food.
  14. Somedayslim:)

    That Way Lies Death

    Wow! You are in my head and have lived my life.
  15. Hi, hope you are doing better and better each day! I know I am. Still get pretty tired in the late afternoon but doing pretty good otherwise.

    I really miss the pool. I was thinking about getting on the air mattress and just floating, I know I can get on it without soaking myself I just haven't figured out how to get off!LOL

    I scrubbed the glue off because it was making my shirt stick to my skin and it was starting to give me a rash.Not pleasant but it is gone now. I know you can get something at the pharmacy that disolves the glue.


    In answer to your sci-Fi question- I love The black Jewel trilogy by Anne Bishop,everything by Ann Rice, Frank Herbert's Dune, Isaac Asimov- everything I have ever read of his, Orson Scott Card and the list goes on and on...It is so easy to escape reality and get lost in sci-fi!

    I started making 1/2 a protein drink in the morning, the kind you mix. I know exactly what you mean about wanting something besides broth that isn't sweet and missing veggies.

  16. Hi Joe,

    I am feeling a little better everyday, able to do more and having lost a little weight it has made it easier to move around. I have actually lost 32 pounds so far but haven't updated the weight ticker. I don't know how much will actually staly off once I start eating solid foods. I hear some people gain before they get the first fill. I still am not really hungry and am satisfied with little. Hope it stays like that! I guess the band is doing what it is suppose to do.

    Sounds like you are doing good! I hope that continues! Have you gone back to work yet? I go back the 20th.

  17. Somedayslim:)

    Realize or Lap-Band??

    congrats on your weight loss Mom! It is wonderful to be going down instead of up! I chose the allergan band out of the two choices that I had which was allergan or johnson and johnson. I have heard that you can not get the realize band in Mexico - don't know if that is true or not but that is where I was banded. I also have the 4cc band not the 10cc band. The 4cc band is smaller which you can see in the picture I am going to attach (I am going to try to attach LOL). It was my Doctors decision to use that band. It seems like you need fewer fills with this band which makes sense because the inner circle is smaller to begin with. Hope this helps. Allergan AP Lapband.bmp
  18. Somedayslim:)

    Surgery Stories

    Thanks so much Daqui and I know you can do this! You are so close to your date and I know that even though it is very exciting it is also a little scarry. You will do great and in a years time just think how wonderful you will feel. To have your hunger taken away is an amazing feeling. The surgery is worth the slight discomfort! Good Luck!
  19. Somedayslim:)

    Surgery Stories

    I was banded on July 3rd in Cancun by Dr.Ceron and Dr. Perez. Three other people from the states were getting banded by the same surgical team at the Amerimed Hospital in Cancun on the same day that I was. You definitely feel an immediate friendship towards your fellow bandsters going through the same thing you are! I think we were all impressed with how beautiful the hospital was and how wonderful the staff treated us. It was all in all a much better experience then I expected! I have had 3 surgeries in the states and I have to say I was treated better and not rushed out of the hospital in Mexico. The place was spotlessly clean and very modern. I arrived at the hospital around 7:30am and by 4:40pm it was all over and I was in my private room with my husband waiting for me. I felt pretty good. I did have some gas but it wasn't that bad. I did get up and walk to the rest room and walk the halls about every two hours just to try and get rid of gas. Gas pain in the past after surgery has really been an issue for me - very painful. The next morning Dr.Ceron and Dr. Perez came in and talked to me about the procedure and gave me my medical records and test results, x-rays, the picture of the band and my stomach, the box the band came in with all the information on it including the size and serial number. He explained that he didn't think I would need a fill for two or three months but that I could get one once I started feeling hunger, To give it at least 6 weeks to heal. (I still haven't felt any hunger pains and I am going on day 5!) Around 11 I was released from the hospital and we went back to the resort we were staying at. I spent most of the time lying around and walking about every two hours.The following day I did go to breakfast with my two daughters and husband. I had some caffeine free tea, had a beautiful view of the ocean and had a very relaxing time. Spent the rest of the day relaxing by the pool or in my room in bed. The following day we returned to the states. The flight to Chicago is a 3 1/2 hour flight. It was delayed 1 and 1/2 hours. We had left the resort to go to the airport at 11am and didn't take off until 3:10pm. We hit some turbulence that lasted about 20 minutes and I was really beginning to feel very nauseated....by the time we got to the baggage claim at the airport I couldn't hold on anymore and started throwing up.:wink2: I threw up three times in a row - saliva. I thought great, went through all this and now I have ruined my band or I am going to have to have another surgery. So I called Dr.Perez and asked if I should go to a Doctor here to get it checked out. He asked if I was able to swallow liquids ok and I said yes and he said if the band had slipped I wouldn't even be able to swallow my own saliva. He said I was ok.:wink: So we get to my car and I have a dead battery! We call a tow truck and wait for a jump that takes another 40 minutes and finally get on our way back home to Mattoon which is another 3 hour drive. I start getting car sick. My husband has to stop and let me rest every 20 to 30 minutes or I know I am going to begin throwing up again! We finally get home after midnight! Whew!:smile2: So apart from the trip home and some minor constipation and gas I think it went pretty well. All systems are a go now and I am feeling much better. Best of all I have lost 5 pounds post op. This definitely is the best decision I could have made for my health - to get the band. Any of you out there second guessing yourself stay strong. You can do it! Good luck to all of you already banded and all waiting to be banded. With encouragement from each other we can do this!
  20. Somedayslim:)

    Surgery Stories

    good for you Mary! Sounds like you are recovering nicely and without gas pains!
  21. Hello Tish,


    How are you doing? Did the surgery go ok? How was your trip back to the states? Mine was a little bumpy. Three hour flight back to Chicago and we hit turbulance for about 20 minutes. I felt very nauseated. I held on until we got to the baggage claim and then lost it. I started vomitting...Then got very scared that I had made the band slip or damaged my stomach! I called my Doctor and he told me if it had slipped I wouldn't be able to swallow liquids or saliva. He thought that I would still be ok. Once we got to my car we had a dead battery and I was still facing a 3 hour drive home from the airport. The 3 hours turned into 5 because I kept getting car sick and we would have to wait until my stomach calmed down before we could drive again! Hope your trip was better then mine! Let me know how you are doing.

  22. Joe, Good for you! I am happy you are doing so well. My maiden name is Murphy which pretty much sums it up, if something can go wrong it does! I am optimistic that in the long run I will make it through and that this was still the right thing to do. Yes I have lost 20 pounds already. I followed the pre-op diet and the pounds just fell off. I had told one of my friends if I could just stick to the pre-op diet I wouldn't need the surgery LOL. Keeping it off would have been another story though. Glad to see you joined the forum. There is a wealth of information out there and so much encouragement from lots of people going through the same thing as you. I wish you continued success with your band. Good Luck! Tell Dee Hello.

  23. Somedayslim:)

    Our very own forum!!

    Thank you Bobbie! Hope all goes well with your surgery today! I will be thinking about you and all of the many other bandsters getting their lap bands today. Good luck and hope you have a speedy recovery! PS - make sure you get something for nausea from your Doctor...
  24. Somedayslim:)

    Recent "bandits"

    Thanks Juniper I am going to go get some milk of magnesia today! I am feeling a little better physically today - day 4 of my new banded life. Mentally I don't think I realized how much food played a part in my hapiness and ultimately unhapiness because of the resulting 100+ pounds of extra weight. My husband and kids grilled out last night -chirizo brauts and had bought a store bought reeses cake. Normally I would have cooked supper and a nice dessert and would have helped them eat it! I felt a little depressed not being able to join in as they were telling each other how good it was. I want to lose weight, be a normal size, but I don't want to be excluded from the family. I guess food has always been a form of entertainment for my 5 children, husband and myself. So enough of the pity party for myself. Does anyone out there know what I am talking about? Maybe all of this will change when I can start to eat food again, even so I would not have been able to eat what they were eating....
  25. Somedayslim:)

    Recent "bandits"

    I was banded on the 3rd and only 3 days out from surgery am not feeling that great! I had hoped that recovery would be a little easier. I am tired and still gassy. Constipation is beginning to worry me as well. I am sure it will get better as time passes I just need to be patient. It helps to know that it hasn't been all roses for everyone and there may be a few people who take a little more time to recover. I am so glad I didn't have to go right back to work, my brain is not functioning well enough to really be able to do my job.

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