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Posts posted by nawlinzlady

  1. I'm greek - on top of grilled veggies like squash or eggplant. I also do allow myself honey (the only time i eat sugar) and also mix in two tbpsns of flax seed meal (omega 3's and texture).

    I like the flaxseed idea, I have tried it as a dip for raw veggies, i never thought to try it on grilled ones...thanks!

  2. I always seem to get stuck eating the same thing over and over and then I start to hate it- so I need all the ideas I can find!

    I think variety is important. There is a thread here that I have gotten some wonderful ideas from. Here is the link~>http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f9/share-ideas-what-did-you-eat-today-36828/

    Hey everyone, just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. I'm 3 weeks post op and feel pretty good. Even though I feel like I can eat anything I've been trying to stay within 1/2 cup.One thing I do know I would do it all over again. I love this band!

    Jes, 33 pounds is awesome! What are you doing for cardio/exercise?

    Just had to report I've lost another 2 lbs so far this week, so I think that is about 3 since my first fill last Wed.

    So excited! 21.4 lbs so far, in 5 weeks.


    Hey Dee, 90 mins of walking is excellent! Good for you.

    I took the plunge and did some sit-ups and a few other exercises. Not easy, but no problems!

    Gen, You are almost to the big 25 ! We have a golden retriever that weighs 25 pounds and I gotta tell you its a struggle to pick him up! thats so kewl!

    Keep me posted on how it goes with your situps and any strength training, I will be at 4 wks on tuesday.

    So far no problems keeping the food portions small. It helps for me to eat every 2 1/2 hours, or 4-5 meals and Snacks a day.

    Thats what I do also, I gotta tell you, trying to fit my Water in between meals (45 min after/15 mins after) its almost impossible to eat ! lol

    OMG Amanda, 41 lbs is unbelievable!

    ***BIG NEWS! As of today, I am only 1/2 pound away from my first goal, THE TURKEY DAY CHALLENGE of 20lbs!!!!!***

    I am very excited. Good luck to everyone on our journeys!

  3. I finally hit 75 pounds! Just yesterday, and today, another pound. The scales seem to have caught up with what I'm doing, and I think I finally hit my sweet spot--I can only eat about 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup of food at a time and stay full for 5 or more hours...so THIS is what it's supposed to feel like! well, it's a DAMN good feeling!!! :) I might actually make my goal...

    You are so gonna hit onederland sooon!!! Good Luck and keep up the good work!:biggrin:

  4. you can make crab cakes, turkey chili, use ground turkey to make tacos, spaghetti sauce...

    I also eat lots of fish - there are a number of great recipes, most often I use cajun spices and blacken the fish.

    Pretty much I eat the same foods, but make substitutions to make it low in both carb and fat.

    Hope this helps.

    I am fortunate to live in an area so near the Water and fresh seafood , so i do eat alot of seafood!

  5. I was 218 @ 5' 3" in Jan. 2009 when my PCP made the referral to the bariatric surgeon. By the time I finished all of the pre-op requirements of my surgeon I was 200 exactly on surgery day Aug. 11, 2009. Since that time I have lost 21 pounds with a band that was completely empty upon installation. Will get my first fill this Thursday Oct. 8, 2009. I have not for one minute regretted doing this. I have had a weight problem since I was a child. I have done weight watchers countless times, beginning at the age of 12. I have weighed as much as 230 and as little as 155 in my adult life. For me, the band will hopefully be just the tool I need to not only lose the weight, but to keep it off for good this time. There is a forum somewhere on here for low BMI bandsters, you might find useful info there as well. Best of luck to you!

    My story is almost the same as yours, I was at my highest weight ever @ 219 and have now lost 18 lbs after being banded only 3 wks. I have rode the diet rollercoaster my whole life and I love my band. I am 50 years old and I did this so that I can be around for my granddaughters.

  6. I had surgery yesterday and everything went well, I went home the same day. I had some Water, sugar free popsicle and little bit of a Protein shake yesterday. Today just Water so far, I am scared to drink too much how will I know when to stop drinking? Also I have pain in my shoulders and neck very uncomfortable, anyone else experience this? Last question is about my chest, it hurts like someone is pushing down on it, lots of pressure, normal??

    Congrats on making it to the banded side! Drinking is good, but just do it in sips, no gulping, no straws. I would not worry about drinking too much. That pain in your shoulders,neck and chest are ALL gas! I know everyone is tell you this but you have got to walk,walk,walk! your body has to absorb all that gas from your surgery. I found gasX helped me alot, take them as often as you need.

  7. Good Morning to all the Sexy Septembers!

    Mr. scale is still moving down but the losses have slowed quite a bit now that I am 3wks post op. As long as Mr.Scale is going lower I am quite happy. I have been steadily increasing my walking but I am already at 90 mins a day so I am concentrating on increasing the intensity now.

    My doctor says no strength training till six weeks and I agree, last night I woke up with a little sore type pain at my port area from sleeping on my left side.

    I was a left side sleeper before my banding, so I hope this will not become a port area problem.

    How is everyone else doing today? Exercising? I got some some great greek yogurt ideas on a thread I started, you can read some of them here ~http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f9/greek-yogurt-ideas-please-103219/

    Have a great Tuesday everyone!

  8. Thanks MilWif! I was down 2 pounds today so at least I am moving in the right direction!

    Hmarko, bless your heart for mentioning that. I've had very few and to be honest I'm not sure they counted, if you know what I mean LOL.

    I am enjoying a cream Soup for lunch! Best damn thing I've had in a long time. Much better than just Water and broth that I was on since the day before surgery!

    I stayed on full liquids longer than my doctor said I had to, I didn't want to slow down my weightloss, even now, I have a Protein shake for at least one of my meals. You are doing great!

  9. Think I'll dream about the pizza! good Luck everyone!

    LOL and I'll dream about being able to eat the whole pizza instead of just the toppings :eek:

    Hi All,

    I am glad I found this thread :frown:....

    I am new to this whole thing and have been reading for hours learning lots about how each and everyone us have the same dreams and goals. We may experience lots of similarities with our journey's and can support and encourage each other along the way, I see this site is a place to get lots of support and encouragment from like minded people sharing the same experience...

    I was banded on September 28th (1 week ago today) I am doing really well..... up and about walking daily 1.2km today on the treadmill, I plan to walk everyday increasing it steadily I will keep you posted on my progress and watch yours as well goodluck everyone.

    The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it.--Mack R. Douglas

    Mack, you are already on your way with your walking, that's fantastic! Welcome to our group!

    Hi all I am not much of a poster these days but I am going to try and get better.

    It is great to see that I am not alone in this journey and everyone here seems to be having the same amount of wt loss I am down 14.4 as of today .. Wed though is my official wt track day.

    Right now I am frustrated because I still can't use my Realize site like I want to, Another call to dr. office today I suppose.

    Is there any experts out there who can help me get my ticker going.. I can not figure it out for the life of me !!


    Our lil group has been a wonderful source of information and encouragement, welcome!

  10. Funny to hear you bringing up this topic, I just blogged about this exact thing. Going to see Mr.Scale every day is NOT a good thing to do, our bodies change constantly, but...... i have done it every day since surgery, sometimes more than once....its awful..LOL

  11. Just wanted to post real quick. I am feeling a little more restriction than before the fill especially in the morning. Now I know why people have their Protein Shakes in the morning. I only lost a pound this week but I only exercised 3 days this week as well, just haven't felt like it. Next week is a new week though and I will start it off with a bang. Well hope all is well. Take care.

    We are already on low calories so the only thing we can do to keep the weightloss going is to increase our exercise. Way to go Amanda!:smile:

  12. Hi guys,

    I am having a little problem...I am 2 and a half weeks post op and was feeling fine until about three days ago...I started the mushie phase and all of a sudden I started getting nauseous..even the thought of eating anything pureed and i am ready to throw up...matter of fact the thought of eating just about anything makes me very nauseated...i talked to the surgeon on call tonight and he prescribed me some antinausea pills but they arnt working very well...and also now i am having some very mild soreness in the stomach area...anyone else have this or know anything about this...any input would help..thanks guys.:thumbup:

    I still experience a little soreness where the band was placed. Are you sore around where they cut you or just inside? I never experienced any nausea, just gas :)

  13. ive lost 70 pds and still no ones said they noticed.i know its alot weight i had to lose,and i know i feel better,but still waiting for that 1 person who sorta notices.sure will make my day when i hear someone say something,but i do know i can walk 3 miles everyday,and havent missed 1 day of walking in 11 months,rain or shine i go,good luck to u all

    WOW! What an accomplishment! I think people are probably noticing but not sure how to approach it, weight/weightloss are touchy subjects sometimes. Congrats!:thumbup:

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