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Posts posted by nawlinzlady

  1. Thanks for your response and your encouragement. I wasn't going to do a video but there is so many LAP-BAND® patients on youtube that have inspired me, I just wanted to inspire other people. Going to keep it up for now. Will see how it goes.!

    Oh Amanda, without a doubt you are huge inspiration to me! I am a bigtime youtubie and I loved yours! When I lose 1/2 my goal weight, I intend to shout it to world as well. But you will need to get a little thick-skinned about the kooks, they are everywhere. Don't let crazy peeps rain on your victory, you have so much to be proud of and you never know, your youtube may be just the thing to encourage someone to get banded that are in the same place we were in the beginning. How kewl would that be!

  2. Hi everyone!

    I just found this site and I am sooooo thankful I did! I am a 29yr old single mom of 2 amazing kids. Alexis will be 9 in March and Dylan will be 7 in June! I have a small daycare in my home and I'm VERY involved in my children's school and extracirricular activities. We stay super busy but I love it! :tongue:

    I had my surgery on 9/17 and I'm down 22 pounds....I've had 2 fills (up to 3 cc's in a 10 cc band).....3rd one is scheduled for 2/5. I feel like I have stalled out! I really expected to be further along by now. BUT I suppose after so many years of the scale constantly going up, I should just be happy that I am not gaining! I'm still trying to figure out how all of this works. I know that sounds ridiculous. I researched the band for a year before I ever went to the seminar, and I feel like I know all of the stuff I'm supposed to know but actually living it and making the right choices is coming MUCH harder than I expected it to. I don't feel like I have restriction...actually to be honest, I don't really know what that should feel like. I do know that if I eat too fast or don't chew well enough, I get that "stuck" feeling, but it doesn't last long...a few minutes maybe. So I guess I'm looking for some input from you guys about what I should be doing, what the right way to travel this journey is and what exactly does restriction feel like? Will I know??

    Also, I have a tendency to sleep on my stomach and sometimes when I wake up in the morning, I have to move out of that position very slowly, because it feels like the port area is tearing. It stings....I asked the doctor about it and he assured me that it has not torn and it's probably just pulling on the muscle??? Has anyone else experienced this?

    I am so excited to have found this thread!!!!! :smile2:



    Welcome Melissa,

    I am at 6.7cc in my 10cc band. My restriction keeps me full longer with less food. I eat 1/2 c. meals and it will usually keep me full with no hunger pains for 4 hours. This week my restriction has started to fade, I am sometimes having to eat a whole cup of food and it is lasting more like 3 hours. This is my idea of restriction, staying full longer with less food. I am being very cautious with my fills, I want to be able eat foods, just slowly. I didn't feel any restriction until my last fill. Hope this helps.

  3. Gosh - so nice to finally hear stories... I've gone from 39.4 to a BMI of 31.3, but I've always been really fit and muscular, so I didn't look or feel as obese as the number say. I've lost 50 lbs exactly as of today, and probably only about 6 lbs in the last 3 months. Things are slow and I've really got to work hard to take off every single pound. My newest secret that seems to be working is consistent snacking on Brazil nuts... I eat about 20 over the course of the day, but I think part of my problem is that I'm really tight in the mornings, so Breakfast is really really hard... then my body thinks that I'm starving myself and holds onto every pound. It's been a difficult journey just figuring out how not to PB too -- there was a period where I was throwing up almost every day, but now I've got it down to about once every 2 weeks. Usually when I'm stressed.

    More stories please! they're so motivational.

    I have PBd very little, and when I did, it was from eating too fast. I actually have to get up from the table between bites. I throw a load of laundry in, or pick up around the house. I only eat 1/2 cup of food at a time now, but it still takes me about 30 mins to eat it. I stay full 3-4 hrs on 1/2 cup most of the time.

    As far as being tight in the mornings, I have started embracing and taking advantage of it. I used to be a huge breakfast eater, I would eat a weeks worth of calories in one breakfast before being banded. Now I sip Isopure in the mornings and wait to have my breakfast around 10:30- 11. As long as I get the calories in by the end of the day, I don't think my body cares when I actually ate it :confused:

  4. Just got my 2nd fill today and boy am I tight. 4cc in 10 cc band. Hopefully it doesn't disappear. When I went in to get a fill today I was by the the "smallest person" there and people think I've had gastric a while back instead of just starting this process.

    Good advice on being prepared and the bite size. And the resting b/t bites. I just would like to get under 200 soon. Exercise here I come!

    My 2nd fill only stayed around for a week, hope yours will be longer, but don't get discouraged if it doesn't, mine took 4 before it stayed around :wink:

  5. It's the beginning of the year, everyone is on a diet right now, new years resolutions and all. I doubt anyone would give it a 2nd thought if you just said you made a resolution to lose weight ;) Weightloss is not rapid with the band like bypass, at least not for a couple months till we get our fills, everyone will see you eating healthy and exercising, they will assume that is why you are losing.

    Another couple of tips that is working for me. I do not eat lunch in the break area. Sometimes I sit in my car with my ipod, if its nice I find someplace outdoors. I bring althletic shoes to work. I walk after eating lunch to make use of the rest of my lunch. My building has a really long hallway, I started walking in circles on my break back and forth, now about 10 of us are doing it. My afternoon break I started going up and down stairs for break.

  6. just had it done on the 19 and no weight loss yet. today im feeling better.

    Congrats on getting banded, I would absolutely do it all over again. How are you feeling?

    I started at BMI of 34 and 195 lbs, I was banded 10/20/09. I have lost 29 lbs and have a BMI of 27.6.

    I wasn't going to tell anyone that I was banded but my sister told everyone. The most common reaction was "your not big enough for that" however I feel obesity is as dangerous as cancer and I never heard anyone say "your tumor wasn't big enough a problem to take care of". I think everyone is different and should make the decision based on what they think. Not what others think you should do.

    I was disappointed with the surgery before my first fill, I thought it didnt work and was just going to be another failed diet. However, after my first and second fills I have been losing between 1 and 3 lbs a week depending on how much exercise I get. I weigh 166 lbs now which is less than I have weighed in the last 5 years. I am happy about the surgery but it is a huge lifestyle change. I have to prepare for what I am going to eat every day. I cant just leave the house and think I'll get something later. Not being prepared creates the worst situations for me. First I don't eat because there is nothing I can have, then I get super hungry, then I get somewhere there is something I can eat and I eat too fast and too much, then I am sick. Don't fall into this trap. Prepare, Prepare, Prepare.

    I also didn't realise how important it was to cut my food into small pieces, and by small I mean like the size of your smallest fingernail, small. Plus I have to eat maybe 3 or 4 bites then rest for a couple of minutes before I can continue.

    I hope these things help you. Good luck.

    I do not have a desk job and used to eat unhealthy fast food. I pack my lunch everyday now. I put it in 1/2 cup containers. I eat one and wait 20 mins, if I am still hungry I will eat some of the other. Most of the time, I don't need the 2nd one. I am so much healthier now :cursing:

  7. :cursing:

    I think it was my body trying to plateau after losing so much weight so fast, and it should be getting back to normal. Bought some new workout videos to change up my exercise routine a bit as well. Seeing some definition in my arms and abs. Going to take and post some new pictures maybe later today after I take a nap. I'm at work right now and it's 2 in the morning, so going to go home and take a nap first.

    Amanda, my plateau lasted a whole month! kept gaining and losing the same couple of pounds. I'm finally moving again since my last fill. It's wonderful, I have to remind myself to eat. I stay full 4 hrs or more on 1/2 c. food. Still journaling my foods, counting calories & Proteins only. exercising 30 mins cardio/15 mins strenth training 5 days a week. I lost 2 lbs this week YAY!

  8. Mrs Bahuna - Good answer 'for health reasons'. I will use that next time someone tells me I did not need to get banded. Hopefully, that will shut them up.

    Nawlinz - I'll try it toasted next time. Would be nice not to be scared of eating bread!

    Amazed I have lost nearly 2 kilos in a week - and I thought I had not felt any restriction.

    Can you guys tell me what you do about alcohol - when you go out - do you drink wine? How does it affect you being banded?

    My doctor says an occasional glass of wine is allowed, I do log it in my food journal calorie count.

  9. My doctor doesn't offer any support type counseling. He is 90 mins away from me. It's a challenge just making my fill appts, I doubt I would go back for the support :biggrin:

    Besides, I get the same information here and from my lapband blogger buddies than I could get from them. People who are actually living with the band.

    Amanda, you are doing the right thing, change your exercise or intensity and maybe change up your diet.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

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