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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by nawlinzlady

  1. Ok guys, What gives with the awful shoulder pain I'm getting after being banded tuesday. Is it gas in my shoulder? I am taking gasX , it helps the gas pain in my tummy but does nothing for my shoulder. I'm trying not to take the liquid pain killer, I'm afraid it will make me Constipation :)

    I am working three times a day. Not very far but it is helping me with all the gas pains. I think the gas is worse than the incisions.

    Any suggestions from those already banded?

  2. Banded yesterday..ALL went well, tons of nausea medicene. Now I am home and the soreness had gradually increased, especially when I get up or down. They gave me liquid percoset, but thats not really helping. At the hospital on was on a morphine pump, so maybe the liquid perk is just not holding the same ground as the pump. I am supposed to stay on a clear liquid diet for two days and then move on back to the plain liquid diet including oatmeal/cream of wheat, etc.. Im glad to hear everyone else is doing well and good luck to the rest of the "to be banded" !

    I was banded yesterday also. My liquid pain killer isn't doing much either, no planning on taking anymore after today. I don't want to have the Constipation that comes from taking pain meds. I wont be on oatmeal etc until my next doctor appt on wednesay..I been walking, walking walking and it helps way more than the meds.

  3. I am shocked, but i want to be added to the September banding list. I got my insurance approval on Friday and I called to schedule my surgery. My doctor’s office called me back on Tuesday of this week and asked how does Friday sound. I am shocked. I have not had my results appointment yet so that is tomorrow as well as my pre op appointment at the hospital. I have been trying to get insurance approval for a year and bam…here it is. I don’t have time to get nervous. I will find out tomorrow from my doctor what I need to do after the surgery and I will have to shop for liquids I am aloud. This is happening so quickly, anyone have advice on what they were ate after surgery? I feel like I am on Mr. Toad’s wild ride. My head is spinning but I have been waiting for this for so long.

    Seems every surgeon has their own preferences on pre op and post op diets. I had surgery yesterday and on Clear Liquids today, add Protein Shakes tomorrow up till I see my doctor next weekl. Then i can add mushies and then Protein and veggies Mine has forbidden carbs until my fill. But thats ok with me, i always lose weight faster when i do not eat carbs :tt1:

  4. Hi everyone, I got banded yesterday, very sore atm, but know I have made the right decision.

    Great to know that there is somewhere we can all come to and join other people who know what we are all going through.

    John did your surgeon leave two small tubes attached to a little external pouch with anesthetic in it? They are telling me that I have to pull them out myself one the pouch is full..

    its wierd.

  5. Janet, my sisters (two of them) and I are going to San Diego. The sisters are quilters and there is a quilt show going on this weekend. I don't quilt, but I do like looking at them. Since I'll be in San Diego already, I'm going to slip down to Tijuana for another fill. This is the first time the three of us have ever tried to do anything together. It should be an interesting weekend. Interesting calorie break down.

    Sharon, ah so much fun with laundry...gee, I'm doing a load now too. Keeping my fingers crossed for you, your daughter and Eli.

    Wow, it's sort of quite on the thread today. I bet you all catch up over the weekend when I'm gone and it will take days to catch up! LOL.

    I'm the proud momma of 3 baby tortoises. I separated the parents early this year, but it looks like not early enough. I saw them tonight when I got home from work. Mom torttise (Delila) lays the eggs in her burrow and I can't see in there, so it's a surprise. I have a separate screened in enclosure for them because the road runners will eat them. Oh boy, more critters to care for.

    Hope everyone has a great night!!


    Eva did you have your surgery in Mexico? Just curious.

  6. I had my last supper last Saturday...well, actually it was lunch..and my second year Anniversary. We had prime rib and twice bakes...was very good.

    Just drank my Citrate of Magnesia...probably should have drank it earlier...lol

    Hmmmm....one more full day till surgery.


    Well i had my surgery today, but don't remember much lol..woke up in recovery they gave me lots of pain meds and i had no trouble sipping Water so they sent me home. My surgery was @ 11a and i was out by 230p.

    I had a hernia too that was repaired. Isn't it weird that so many of us had hernia and not know about it? I guess doctors don't check for it. Anyway I am having trouble sleeping now, due to gas in my shoulder and the pain meds keep me awake. They always did. but i'd rather be kept awake than in pain.

    Good luck to everyone who is scheduled for tomorrow!

  7. Gen,

    I think you will keep your 15 lb loss as long as you continue to make good choices. You are very lucky to be getting a fill end of Sept. My surgeon is very strict ...no fills before 6 wks, plus I will be out of town on my sixth week so I will actually be 7 wks before a fill..uuughh


  8. Hello! My surgery is also tomorrow on the 14th! It's 2:00 and i just drank my Magnesium Citrate. A nice colon cleance before surgery! I've had my last meal and am nervous and excited! good luck to You!


    My surgeon does not require the Magnesium Citrate and OMG I am sooo glad, i hate that stuff! Besides, I have been on liquids for 2 wks, not sure it would do much of anything :tongue2:

  9. Hi everyone,

    My surgery is scheduled for Monday morning (Sept 14) at 8am and I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I have been on my pre-op diet for about 2 1/2 weeks which consists of 2 Protein Shakes, 1 cup of fruit, and 1 meal of lean meat and green veggies a day and have lost 10 pounds....I am worried though because in the last couple of days I have gained 3 pounds (I was down 13lbs). I am hoping it is because I started my period on Tuesday, but tomorrow is my last day, so hopefully by surgery on Monday I will be back down. Thanks for all the great tips about the heating pad, and mini bowls/silverware. Congrats to all of you who have already been banded as well as those of you who are yet to be banded.

    Welcome to our group! Your surgery is day before mine, I started weighing myself everyday and it just gets me frustrated with the ups and downs so I changed to once a week. I will weigh before going into surgery and then my first post op appt and then once a week afterwards.

    Gem and Pam, I am sooo happy for you, You both seem to have done really well. I hope my own surgery goes as smoothly! Keep us posted on how you do, it is so wonderful to share our experiences.

  10. The pic’s are gone – but it is what it is - I got a click it disk and have all my computer pics now backed up..

    Janet, When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, I evacuated with a overnight bag expecting to come back in a few days after power was restored. Of course we ended up with my entire house emerged in Water for 2 wks. All my immediate family lived in the same area and also lost everything. I lost every single photo I had. Both my parents are deceased and my sisters and brother have no photos of them at all. My daughter is 30 and I have no photographs of her life before 25, no baby pics, no school pics. Before Katrina, I had started scanning pictures into my computer to help clear up and clutter and also to keep older one's from fading. It was huge job and I had only scratched the surface. Of course I didn't take my computer hard drive with me when we evacuated. A company in Florida graciously offered to try to recover them from my drive for free. They said even though a hard drive gets wet there is still hope. Mine was underwater 2 wks, I think that was more than wet.

    Today, I scan every single photo, I back them up on 2 external harddrives that I rotate AND I back them up on DVD. Overkill now...but I learned the value of photographs and will never evacuate again without taking every single one of them with me! :wink:

    So keep up with your photos! It's a good thing!

  11. Hey 10 lbs is great! Good for you. I am totally done with the shoulder pain, almost all gas pains are gone now. I am feeling good. Actually looking forward to being able to exercise, because I know that will help during the hungry Bandster Hell stage. I am really sick of the liquid thing. Soup soup soup, Protein Shakes, enough already! Hope you are feeling well!

    Soco, What is your doctors recommendation on exercise? Did he give you any do's and dont's or when's? What about earlier banders?

  12. Congrats on the banding next week and welcome to c25k!

    Thanks Brandy, congrats on starting your running!

    I am definately going to have to go into running differently this time. Last time I would run the organized races so i could drink the beer at the end. Now with the banding, I will have to find another way to congratulate myself at the end :w00t:

  13. I also had Dr. Snow. He also gave me the suppositories for nausea which were a wast eof money because I never had use them. He did the single incision on me, I don't know why he does it on some and not on others. How are you feeling? We should get together sometime? I am in Burleson.:w00t:

    Did you have prior surgeries? My doctors says sometimes he has to do the single incision to get around scar tissue from prior surgeries. I had 2 surgeries so he told me not to be surprised if i wake up with the single incision.

  14. Hi everyone,

    I'm Dee and I used to run 5k/10k even did a 1/2 marathon and then.......i stopped......bad move, gain all sorts of weight. I'm getting banded next week and then I plan to get back to my running. Right now I have been walking 60-90 mins a day.

    Reading your posts really inspire me! I plan continue reading your posts until I'm healed and ready to run! lol

  15. HEY LADIES (and gentlemen, not sure if any guys are in the group) I was banded today at 9:45am!!!! Feeling good just sore, shoulder pain from gas minimal but still annoying. Sorest spot is my port site but I feel like in a week I will feel much better. They gave me liquid hydrocodone for pain. Goodluck to all of you that have surgeries coming up!!!!!!!!!!

    Ready, add yourself to our list! Congrats!

  16. Hey Gang Quick ck in

    Laura - Nelson getting an incident report - how cute - at this age that is kind of silly imho - how did school go today

    Congrats on the 2 lbs !!!

    Melissa - Glad you are feeling better.. food cop in my says the pepperment coffee s/b just a once of the month if not every 2 - 3 month treat ... That's alot of calories - I rather have food than a drink..

    Meredith -OMW child you are one busy girl - don't know how you do it..

    Apples - that much food for that many pple - omw - that a lot of tatoes - hugs on DS & your kidney stones ..

    Julie - Hope mimi is feeling better today...

    Ok gang that's all I can remember...

    Charlene - have you gone back to the nutrisitionist..

    Great - Shopping I guess

    Nawlines - I don't have a smart phone - google is - I just kept a 3x3 note book and jotted down my food in it...

    well back to work



    I noticed your photo's from a cruise. I am leaving on a 2 week cruise 6wks after being banded. I won't have my fill till I get back. I would wondering if you have some hints on how you handled it. Cruises seem to have food & alcohol everywhere you turn.

    I would appreciate input from anyone who did a cruise after being banded .

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