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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nawlinzlady

  1. nawlinzlady

    Starting over, 5 years after surgery

    Thank you Suzie :-)
  2. nawlinzlady

    Starting over, 5 years after surgery

    What a great thread. I feel like I could have written your posts word for word
  3. nawlinzlady

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    My surgeon says hormone meds lead to increase risk of blood clots. I had to do this for other surgery with different Surgeon as well. I hate it..He does say I can replace it with one the OTC "natural" ones, but they have never done anything for me
  4. nawlinzlady

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    I have to discontinue my hormone therapy until surgery...my poor Hubby !!
  5. nawlinzlady

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    Maybe its a good thing....less time to worry about it. I am sure you will do fine.
  6. nawlinzlady

    Having Trouble Drinking The Protein Shakes

    If you like the taste of the red punch flavored gatorade....isopure alpine punch tastes very similar, i love it very cold.
  7. nawlinzlady

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    Thanks! I did very good on the band at first, lost 50 lbs..until the complications of acid reflux, night coughs and pain. I wanted the sleeve back then but there were no surgeons in my area doing it yet.
  8. nawlinzlady

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    SeattHi Skinnypants, would you mind putting me down for 08-30-12 until I get my date??...should know the actual date in a few days...he is leaving it up to me. We have a family cruise last week of July...so I want to schedule it soon as we get back home....My surgeon requires 10 days of no carbs preop
  9. nawlinzlady

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    Hi everyone, I will be August, just not sure of date yet. I am having revision surgery from Lapband to Sleeve. Never thought I would be doing a 2nd surgery...ugh!
  10. nawlinzlady

    Food Journal

    Do you have an Iphone? I use an app called loseit! It's convenient since I always have my phone with me, I was even able to setup reminders so my phone will beep to keep me from forgetting to log. I am 14 mos since being banded & it is one of best tools!
  11. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Hey everyone, today is my Bandiversary. WOOT WOOT! I am so close to goal now. I have to have knee surgery oct.15th and I think that is going to slow me up from losing those last 8 lbs. Honestly, I am very happy right where I am right now. I have never been able to sustain weightloss for a whole year. Whenever I want to give up and throw in the towel, my band is there. I am very pleased with my decision. :wub::w00t::alien:
  12. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Look how far you have come! -85 lbs, WOW! Under your goal? You may even be more since you have another month to go, Congrats to all the Sexy Septembers!
  13. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    I really believe that those of us who continue to blog and check in here, have been odds of keeping it off :scared2:
  14. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    I am attending a get together in Chicago of several others who are at different levels of this jouney. Have you tried blogging ? I find that keeping a blog/journey of my days is helping me to stay focused. It is difficult to believe our bandiversary is almost here already!
  15. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Cala I think you are looking for the September 2010 thread, good luck with your banding!
  16. nawlinzlady

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone, I haven't had much time for posting here lately. I find it keeps me more aware and accountable when I keep up with you guys. I will try to do better, should be easier now that I have retired. September will be one year for me and I must say I am quite pleased with my results. I did start with a lower BMI than most but with the history of diabetes in my family, it is more important than ever that I did take this step for my health. I keep having to remind myself that am I not in a race and there is no finish line,. I am going to try read some of the back posts, but I wanted to say HEY
  17. This is our lives we are fighting for, do whatever it takes.
  18. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    50 Today is a day of celebration for me. I have lost 50 lbs and now only 9lbs from my goal weight. :w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t:
  19. I had family history of diabetes that my doctors office used to convince my insurance company to cover with my low bmi.
  20. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Here I am, little over a month away from my Bandiversary and it has been a wonderful ride. I am about 10 lbs away from my goal weight. I hope to reach it before the end of the year. On New Years Eve I want it to be the first year that losing weight will NOT be one of my resolutions. That is my big goal. How is everyone else doing now that our Bandiversary is approaching?
  21. nawlinzlady

    United Health care

    I went through UHC, I was a low bmi patient (bmi around 39) with other health problems, hypertension, sleep apnea and a family history of diabetes. I had to take a psych test and provide 5 year history of being obese. They also asked me to list all the diets i had tried. It took 9 months from the day I applied to the day of my surgery. My doctors office has a patient advocate who helped me through the whole process, she knew exactly what they were looking for.
  22. nawlinzlady

    How Do You Know Your Sweet Spot?

    The real answer comes from knowing how long before you get hunger pains. The beauty of the band is that food stays longer hence no hunger pains. You should be able to eat a cup to 1-1/2 cups and stay full 3 1/2-4 hrs. Before you know it you will look up and 4 hours have passed and you felt no hunger....that is sweeet:tongue:
  23. There is a whole network of blogs by fellow banders that will give you wonderful information and tips. Follow sob, it is a blog we started to share stories of those successful banders who have won the battle. here is the blog read their stories ~> S.O.B. Stories

  24. There are no forbidden foods with my band. I do low carb because I am simply full from my Protein and veggies. If I honestly want to eat a carb, I eat it. When you have good restriction you will only be able to eat small amounts of carbs anyway. In may case I have to be extra EXTRA careful with most carbs because the risk of being stuck is greater than with Proteins and veggies.
  25. Michelle, I tried to commenton your blog from home and from my iphone, no luck :(

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