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About nawlinzlady

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  • Birthday 01/01/1959

About Me

  • Biography
    I am 50 years old, married to my soulmate who is an absolute Prince! I have one gorgeous daughter and two equally beautiful granddaughters.
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  • City
    New Orleans
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  1. I am on the liquid diet now, have done the psych test and now awaiting clearance from a cardiologist and i will get definate date....looks like it will be end of July.


    Jazz fest used to be a wonderfully small and inexpensive experience but it has grown so large now, i think they are speaking of expanding it out more days to help with the overcrowding. I lived in New Orleans all my life until Hurricane Katrina, now I live in Diamondhead Ms. it's still on the coast though.




    I hope to lose about 80 lbs. I had to gain 5 lbs to get in the weight/bmi that would be accepted by my insurance company, it took me 5 months to get them to agree to pay for it. It was worth it to save having to self pay though.

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