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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by nawlinzlady

  1. nawlinzlady - Why do you have to discontinue your hormone therapy before surgery? Just asking because I am on hormones as well.....want to be sure, although my surgeon told me to continue all meds before.

    My surgeon says hormone meds lead to increase risk of blood clots. I had to do this for other surgery with different Surgeon as well. I hate it..He does say I can replace it with one the OTC "natural" ones, but they have never done anything for me



    8.2.12-allnewme-dr Alvarez MX

    8.3.12-Made2beme- Dr Garcia MX

    8.6.12-Aug62012-Dr Brengman Richmond VA

    Arukind-Dr. Ross Seattle WA

    Stormwarning-Dr Alvarez Mx

    8.8.12-Futureskinnypants - Dr morris washington Sc

    Forensikchic (*1 YEAR SURGIVERSARY!!!!)

    8.10.12-thetruedream- Dr Almanza MX

    8.13.12-harleymb-Dr Spaw

    Nustartintx-Dr collier TX

    Sabstar22-Dr. Almanza Mx

    Southern Oregon-Dr Ortiz

    Mickey- Dr Arnold- Dallas TX

    8.14.12- strawberrysoul-Dr. Almanza MX

    8.17.12- Beanieandrosiesmom- Dr. Rodriquez MX


    8.20.12- Audrey523- Dr. Yatco NYC

    Shoe_vixen- Dr rosen Chicago

    Skye-Dr. Joyce

    8.23.12 MGM-Dr. Kelly MX

    beanzilla Dr Garcia MX

    msleo64- (*1 year surgiversary!!!)

    8.24.12 Weight_no_longer

    8.30.12 Runner

    Hey all :) Here's the latest list. I'm super excited that the time is flying by! I went yesterday and got a few comfy outfits since im going to the beach for my surgery. It's going to be hot. I'm having a party (a christmas in july, surprise birthday party ) for my best friend whos birthday is on christmas. It's going to be 3 days before my pre op starts! I'm almost to that "month til pre op diet" mark :)

    Hope everyone is doing well. Keep in touch after you start your pre op diet's and we can be eachothers support systems! Please take a minute and hit the little rating star at the top of the thread! I'd like as many other august sleevers to see this as possible.

    Talk to you all soon :)

    PS, what is YOUR pre op diet?

    Mine is 2 weeks Protein shakes....and i believe sugar free Jello.

    my friend is having it and said her doc said she can eat whatever but has to drink Protein Shakes too (that doesnt make sense to me . )

    Another friend on here had it for 3 days (protein shakes)

    and another person had shakes but could eat chicken and steak as well. His diet was basically the Atkins induction phase.

    SeattHi Skinnypants, would you mind putting me down for 08-30-12 until I get my date??...should know the actual date in a few days...he is leaving it up to me. We have a family cruise last week of July...so I want to schedule it soon as we get back home....My surgeon requires 10 days of no carbs preop

  3. Do you have an Iphone? I use an app called loseit! It's convenient since I always have my phone with me, I was even able to setup reminders so my phone will beep to keep me from forgetting to log. I am 14 mos since being banded & it is one of best tools!

  4. Hey everyone, today is my Bandiversary. WOOT WOOT! I am so close to goal now. I have to have knee surgery oct.15th and I think that is going to slow me up from losing those last 8 lbs. Honestly, I am very happy right where I am right now. I have never been able to sustain weightloss for a whole year. Whenever I want to give up and throw in the towel, my band is there. I am very pleased with my decision. :wub::w00t::alien:

  5. Hi everyone! I havent posted in forever! But with our 1 year coming up I thought I would check in to see how everyone was doing. I would LOVE to start getting on here more to keep myself more motivated!

    Ive lots a total of 85 lbs and Im doing fun things again like wakeboarding and I can run several miles and I dont let my weight stop me ANYMORE! I feel like that was what the band was supposed to help me do (get my life back)

    But like all the rest of us its SUCH a struggle! I had NO clue it was going to be this difficult. I exercise everyday I try to not eat bad. But like someone was saying when you know that icecream goes down easy, no chewing and chewing and chewing and it taste delicous it become the easy out!

    I think overall though we are doing what we set out to do and if we keep it up eventually we will all be where we want to be! CONGRATS EVERYONE ON 1 YEAR!!!!!!!!!

    Look how far you have come! -85 lbs, WOW!

    I stepped on the scale today and realized I was 2 lbs under goal. No idea when it happened because I haven't been paying attention.

    I am 173 lbs as of today, 11 months post surgery. :)

    Under your goal? You may even be more since you have another month to go, Congrats to all the Sexy Septembers!

  6. It is hard to believe that it's been almost 1 year. The support from this forum has been motivating. In some ways it's been easier than I thought it would be - and in some ways harder. It always strikes me that we will have to deal with our relationship with food every day for the rest of our lives. That said, it sounds like most of us would do it again. I'm loving feeling so much better.:confused:

    I really believe that those of us who continue to blog and check in here, have been odds of keeping it off :scared2:

  7. I too will be banded in September. I am a 27 year old wife and mother of 2. I am also a teacher and grad student.

    My mother and father just got banded, my mom in March and my dad in April. She has lost 55 lbs and he has lost 88 lbs!

    I am very nervous that it isn't going to work, or that try as I may I will not be able to get my mind and my body on the same page. I have been working on loosing weight since I can remember...

    Cala I think you are looking for the September 2010 thread, good luck with your banding!

  8. Hi everyone,

    I haven't had much time for posting here lately. I find it keeps me more aware and accountable when I keep up with you guys. I will try to do better, should be easier now that I have retired.

    September will be one year for me and I must say I am quite pleased with my results. I did start with a lower BMI than most but with the history of diabetes in my family, it is more important than ever that I did take this step for my health. I keep having to remind myself that am I not in a race and there is no finish line,.

    I am going to try read some of the back posts, but I wanted to say HEY :)

  9. Here I am, little over a month away from my Bandiversary and it has been a wonderful ride. I am about 10 lbs away from my goal weight. I hope to reach it before the end of the year. On New Years Eve I want it to be the first year that losing weight will NOT be one of my resolutions. That is my big goal.

    How is everyone else doing now that our Bandiversary is approaching?

  10. I went through UHC, I was a low bmi patient (bmi around 39) with other health problems, hypertension, sleep apnea and a family history of diabetes. I had to take a psych test and provide 5 year history of being obese. They also asked me to list all the diets i had tried. It took 9 months from the day I applied to the day of my surgery. My doctors office has a patient advocate who helped me through the whole process, she knew exactly what they were looking for.

  11. :)

    I know that it's a different amount for everyone. They added a cc to my band today so that now I'm at 6.5ccs in a Realize band. It feels different this time. Previously, right after my fills, I could still eat whatever, right after the fill. Today, after my fill, I felt full after a couple spoons of chili. I need to really start focusing on eating when I'm hungry and not just cause I think it's "time" that I eat. I just needed a little guidance as to what clues to look for when I'm getting close to my sweet spot. Is it like a light bulb moment? Do you just kind of "know"?

    The real answer comes from knowing how long before you get hunger pains. The beauty of the band is that food stays longer hence no hunger pains. You should be able to eat a cup to 1-1/2 cups and stay full 3 1/2-4 hrs. Before you know it you will look up and 4 hours have passed and you felt no hunger....that is sweeet:tongue:

  12. I also agree that low carb is the way to go. My only problem is that I can not stick with it.

    I really give you all credit that do the low carb programs. It really takes some will power to get past that initial stage.

    Keep up the good work!!!

    There are no forbidden foods with my band. I do low carb because I am simply full from my Protein and veggies. If I honestly want to eat a carb, I eat it. When you have good restriction you will only be able to eat small amounts of carbs anyway. In may case I have to be extra EXTRA careful with most carbs because the risk of being stuck is greater than with Proteins and veggies.

  13. well said, and I agree with you.

    My first thoughts on this were. OMG if I could have had this done when I was obese in my senior year of high school, I would have had a much happier life today. I wish I had the lapband back them.

    My second thoughts were of me as a teenager back them...

    ~Part of the lapband lifestyle is exercise and healthier eating habits. Can they handle both of these? If these were my kids I would want to see them begin both of these parts first. Let them eat as much VOLUME of food as them want but the healthier parts and begin some type of exercise regiment. If they do these two things, I would do this for my children rather than let them suffer the life that I lived.

  14. I will ask when I get my fill. I have had steak very tender with no problem. Very small bites and chew chew!! If I need to I will ask for fish good idea!! I eat alot of fish now days and love it!! I guess it's a wait and see! Thanks you folks are awesome.

    Before I answer your question, let me just say that everyone is different with restriction. Some people have trouble with steak and no problems with Pasta and for others it could be both or the opposite. It also depends on whether your doctor believes in aggressive fills are tends to me on the cautious side.

    My doctor is on the cautious side. My first two fills were 1.5cc and I could eat everything until my fourth fill. Even now I can eat steak but do remember to cut very teeny tiny pieces and chew, chew, chew. Since it is a social event, try to pay attention to when you first start feeling full and consider stopping sooner than later. Have fun!:thumbup:

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