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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nawlinzlady

  1. nawlinzlady

    Hi BMI 36.6 Banded 11/30/09

    I started with a low bmi as well. But I had some complications like depression, sleep apnea and high blood pressure, I also had a family history of diabetes. Was approved my first time. I would do it all over again in a heart beat!
  2. nawlinzlady

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    b-handful of almonds s- 1/2 c oatmeal L - 3 oz salmon s - cranberry juice D- 1 sl pizza s- 2 cookies
  3. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    I am going to proceed slowly with the fills now. I have never PB or slimed. I want to be just tight enough to be able to get rid of between meal hunger. I don't want to problems or complications from overfill. I am very happy to go with very small fills from now on.
  4. nawlinzlady

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning ladies! Today is definitely a WHO DAT day in New Orleans, everyone is very excited to watch the Saints playoff game. Even all the rain is not putting a damper on the mood in my house today.:w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t: Anyway, I went for 4th fill on Wednesday, he gave me a tiny fill .5 and OMG what a difference it has made. I am now at 6.7/10cc band. I believe this is the first time I have had a fill give me relief from being so hungry between meals! I hate to get too excited, it may just be swelling, but I can't help it! I want you all to know I have been listening to all the advice you have given through the months since I was banded. I began a food journal (i only track calories and protein) I do some type of activity everyday. Sometimes its the gym, other days it may just be the wii or exercise video. Sometimes its a walk with my husband or biking with my granddaughters. I do try to change it up. The water has been a challenge, since I can't drink till 45 mins after, i forget sometimes. But I am trying to keep up with it. Thank you ladies for all the valuable information you have shared! I have made some very positive changes in my lifestyle, and it is making a huge difference.:w00t::biggrin::biggrin::eek::biggrin:
  5. nawlinzlady

    2 fills.....no restriction?????

    They can't, its got to be done gradually, overfilling is very painful. I just got my 4th fill, all the weight I have lost so far has been from dieting/exercise. This 4th fill is the first one I actually felt anything. I now have some relief from being so hungry.
  6. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Jes, you seem to be doing very well, we started in almost the same place and look far ahead you are! Hang in there!
  7. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Hi everyone. I had my 4th fill on wednesday (now at 6.7) wow! what a difference! finally a little relief from being hungry all the time. Yesterday I was full almost 4 hours from only a handful of almonds, it has been amazing. Trying not to get too excited since the restriction disappeared in a couple days last time :w00t:
  8. nawlinzlady

    January 2010 Mile Challenge

    Happy TGIF everyone, we're half way through January now and I am up 26 miles, I was hoping to be at 30 by now, guess I will have to work harder to make it up in the next half!:thumbup::w00t::w00t::w00t::woot::w00t:
  9. nawlinzlady

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    tmg, congrats on your weightloss! I just wanted you to know, I came across your blog post about overfills ( it was a while ago). It was very eye opening to me. I have not gotten to point of restriction yet, but am very cautious of being too tight. You should continue your blogging, you had some great posts !
  10. nawlinzlady

    Food Journals

    I don't work behind a desk and I am constantly on the go. I do my journaling on my iphone with an app then I have it post to a food journal (blog) that I setup. Prior to getting my iphone I would text my food to my food journal blog then I could review it from any computer. It works for me. p.s. I only count caloies and Protein
  11. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    I am hoping to take a zumba class next week, it's not offered at my gym, the closest is an hour away. If I like it, I may buy the DVD's.
  12. nawlinzlady


    With Lapband, I found that I still have to do much of the work. It's a lifestyle change. I have to make good food choices and exercise. The band helps take away the hunger, but you can still cheat. It is reversable. My friend who had bypass, lost her weight much more rapidly and never really had to exercise. She does have alot of problems with Vitamin deficiency. It is a permanent procedure. Do your own research, go to a seminar if they are offered in your area. Good Luck!
  13. nawlinzlady

    January 2010 Mile Challenge

    Sue, Snow would slow me down too! lol I feel badly complaining about our 20 degree temps down here, but my flip flops are frozen and we are not used to being this cold :frown:
  14. I dunno, maybe too big of a bite? or not chewing? I can eat bread and peanut butter, but then I can eat everything right now....I hope I will be able to come on here next wednesday and start complaining about not being able to eat something, at least then I will know I really do have a band inside!
  15. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    My next fill is wednesday, I will have to be happy with a small one, because thats all they do after first two fills. He only increases in small increments after that (with all his patients). I'm fine with that.
  16. nawlinzlady

    January 2010 Mile Challenge

    Week 1 I did 17 1/2 of my 50 miles, running, walking, treadmill, Arc,elliptical...whew! I have been a workout maniac this week :tt1: Hope everyone else did well!
  17. Peggi, your story sounds so much like mine except I have 3 granddaughters. I don't have to use my cpap machine anymore, he took me off my blood pressure meds but my PCP put me back on because my was still a little too high. I am going Wednesday for my 4th fill appt, I sure hope my doctor doesn't say the same as yours because I have zero restriction. I see others on here saying that can't eat this or that. I can literally eat everything I did before banding, I just won't let myself. But to honest, I feel the loss I have so far is from me alone, not the band, not yet.
  18. Well I don't have any restriction, I can eat everything that I could before, but I won't let myself. I log everything that goes into my mouth and all my exercise. B ~ oatmeal & boiled egg S ~ isolpure punch protein L ~ 1 c meat sauce /spaghetti s ~ med apple d ~ 4 oz baked pork chop s ~ 100 cal. cake I having been doing the gym everyday so I really need some type of carbs. I know this is TMI but I had alot of probs with constipation from eating so much protein and hardly any fiber, since I added the oatmeal, its all good now I started @ 209 but I had a month vacation, including 3 wk cruise, I wasn't trying to lose, just maintain and I did! That has never happend on a vacation before! lol I am stuck @ 185..one lb from my 25 and Mr. Scale is just being stubborn for 2 wks now also :tt1:
  19. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Geez Amanda, I don't think I want to be so tight that I can only drink liquids. I get tired of the protein shakes so fast! I drink one of the Iospure Alpine Punch each day, it tastes like the punch gaterade, but I don't like the liquid thing. I haven't had any restriction yet, so I don't know how that feels. Now I'm skeered of asking for more fills LOL
  20. Squeezie, it is most probably a gas pocket. I know you probably heard all this before, but are you walking? I started walking my 2nd day and kept increasing it every day. Also, maybe try some extra strength gasX, if it's gas, the only way it will feel better is help your body get rid of it. Good Luck!
  21. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Well I think its a fantastic idea. We have all been through this journey together. I don't think I would have done nearly as well without all of your support and encouragement. Sharing info with other banders who are at the same spot in this journey has been wonderful! I can't access the spreadsheet from work because of our firewall but I will add my info tonight. Great job!:thumbup:
  22. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    What a great NSV that formal was! I love Mardi Gras season and the balls are my very favorite part of it. Congrats on hitting Onederland!
  23. nawlinzlady

    Google cell phone users

    I use two apps on my iphone. One is called Loseit , It does similar to what you are describing. I tell it how much weight I want to lose per week. My weight and few other things. It tells me how many calories I need to get there. I log all my food and exercises and it posts it to my food blogger the next day. I can also view it from their website from a computer . The 2nd one I use is Runkeeper, you can track your fitness activities, including distance, time, speed, pace, calories burned, elevation, and path traveled on a map. Then it uploads it onto your account at their website. I love it. It's good for walking, biking, jogging. I am NOT a techie, but both of the apps were free and they are very easy to use. Especially if I can use it, anyone can. With my job trying to keep up a food journal was hard because I am not near a computer or a desk much, This was perfect for me because my phone is always on my hip :smile2:
  24. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Hey Amanda, In what way does your fill feel different? I was just curious as to the amount of food that keeps you full now, compared to before? I haven't had the hair issues, but you are losing so fast, maybe that is why:confused:
  25. Mine is usually either oatmeal ( i know its not band friendly but I really need the fiber lol) or egg white omlete with some mushrooms,onion and a sprinkle of low fat cheese. I love eggs, I could eat that every morning, but I was concerned of the cholestrol so I switched to egg whites. I can't do the shakes in the mornings, it doesn't keep me full while I am at work :smile2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
