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Everything posted by nawlinzlady

  1. Amanda you are looking so awesome girlie! Your tummy is getting so small! Happy Onederland!

  2. It's the beginning of the year, everyone is on a diet right now, new years resolutions and all. I doubt anyone would give it a 2nd thought if you just said you made a resolution to lose weight Weightloss is not rapid with the band like bypass, at least not for a couple months till we get our fills, everyone will see you eating healthy and exercising, they will assume that is why you are losing. Another couple of tips that is working for me. I do not eat lunch in the break area. Sometimes I sit in my car with my ipod, if its nice I find someplace outdoors. I bring althletic shoes to work. I walk after eating lunch to make use of the rest of my lunch. My building has a really long hallway, I started walking in circles on my break back and forth, now about 10 of us are doing it. My afternoon break I started going up and down stairs for break.
  3. nawlinzlady

    My LapBand progress in the news!

    Congrats on both the article and your weightloss journey. I especially liked the fact that they pointed out how you had to workout and it was not a magic fix!
  4. I am going to try to lose 20 lbs by April 1st. This is much more aggressive than I normally go because I'm on leaving on Vacation the next week.:cursing:
  5. nawlinzlady

    Valentine Day Challenge?

    As of today, and I am one pound away from my goal... I sure hope to be there next week!
  6. nawlinzlady

    January 2010 Mile Challenge

    I've completed 32 miles so far, 18 more to go before the end of the month. I was sick most of last week and it kinda took the wind out of my gym days. I'm back on track again now.
  7. Congrats on getting banded, I would absolutely do it all over again. How are you feeling? I do not have a desk job and used to eat unhealthy fast food. I pack my lunch everyday now. I put it in 1/2 cup containers. I eat one and wait 20 mins, if I am still hungry I will eat some of the other. Most of the time, I don't need the 2nd one. I am so much healthier now :cursing:
  8. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Amanda, my plateau lasted a whole month! kept gaining and losing the same couple of pounds. I'm finally moving again since my last fill. It's wonderful, I have to remind myself to eat. I stay full 4 hrs or more on 1/2 c. food. Still journaling my foods, counting calories & proteins only. exercising 30 mins cardio/15 mins strenth training 5 days a week. I lost 2 lbs this week YAY!
  9. My doctor says an occasional glass of wine is allowed, I do log it in my food journal calorie count.
  10. I would love to join this challenge, I leave on a 3 wk vacation to Hawaii the following week. I cannot post to the spreadsheet from work, Ill add my info from home tonight :biggrin:
  11. nawlinzlady

    January 2010 Mile Challenge

    Geez Willowcat, I am having trouble doing 2 miles a day at the gym and your doing 100? I think I will be able to do more when the weather is a little warmer and the time changes. I will be able to walk/run in the evenings.
  12. I sometimes eat bread, but it has to be toasted and I buy whole wheat. I had cinnamon toast this morning. But I think the more restriction I get, the less I will be able to eat such things :biggrin:
  13. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    My doctor doesn't offer any support type counseling. He is 90 mins away from me. It's a challenge just making my fill appts, I doubt I would go back for the support :biggrin: Besides, I get the same information here and from my lapband blogger buddies than I could get from them. People who are actually living with the band. Amanda, you are doing the right thing, change your exercise or intensity and maybe change up your diet. Hope everyone is doing well!
  14. Amy is our unofficial Cheerleader for the Bander bloggers :mad: She is a wonderful motivator for all of us and is right there when we get discouraged.
  15. I started a blog for the same reason, just to keep a record of this wonderful journey I began. Now I have a great group of band/blogger buddies who I exchange tips, information and ideas. Feel free to follow!
  16. JoJo, I feel the same as you. I was in a 16 but really should have been wearing 18's they were so tight! lol Anyway, I am now in 14. The other day I tried on a pair of 12 jeans I had in back of my closet. I am not quite there yet, I couldn't button them, but I was shocked to discover I could get them over my hips. :thumbup: I agree, I am older (50) but I do plan on keeping my band as well
  17. I was only given Heparin the day of my surgery, None afterwards. Every doctor has a different post op scheduled, Mine allowed me to start adding soft solids after 2 wks. I try to stay under 1200 calories a day, I keep a food log tracking calories and protein. I have only confided in my sister and my husband but I have a whole group of blog buddies who are banded who exchange ideas, recipes, band experiences or questions etc., feel free to read some if you like
  18. Protein shakes every 3 hrs, Jello, Soups pureed in blender, and my saving grace was my SF popsicles and fudgesicles. There is no doubt about it, it was tough!
  19. nawlinzlady

    Anyone else banded with low BMI?

    I am a low BMI'er , I didn't really get hunger for the first two weeks, read the posts at this thread it may answer some of your questions : http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f178/looking-those-who-started-bmi-35-less-106041/
  20. nawlinzlady

    sunflower seeds?

    I would agree with Betsy !
  21. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    That is amazing! You MUST treat yourself to a non food indulgence today, you deserve it!
  22. nawlinzlady

    sunflower seeds?

    I want to caution you on two things. As rhondalou pointed out, sunflower seeds are loaded with fat. 1 cup has 799 calories and 580 of those calories are fat! I don't know what recommendations your doctor has given you, but I tried to stay between 1000-1200 calories. Also, if you happen to accidently swallow a shell, you could be in for some serious pain if it gets stuck . Just wanted to make sure you were aware of the disadvantages of eating those sunflower seeds. There are many other nuts that have less calories, offer great Protein and nutritional advantages.
  23. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Your losses are amazing considering you have only had one fill. Interesting that you are getting stuck with first fill, I never felt anything at all until my last (4th) fill. You are doing the right things, chew chew chew and put your fork down between bites. A blogger buddy of mine suggested getting up and doing something between bites, she puts load of laundry in the washer or picks up around the house between bites. Or you can do like hmarko and use a stop watch.
  24. nawlinzlady

    sunflower seeds?

    I don't know about sunflower seeds, I haven't tried them. However, I sometimes make a meal out of Almonds, I love them!
  25. Are you at 8cc in a 10cc band? wow. I am just curious, do you have alot of pb and sliming? I am really going slow with my fills because I have read so many overfill stories. I was thinking that I did not want to go over 7cc and then I see you with an 8cc and now I'm wondering if 7 will be enough.

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