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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nawlinzlady

  1. I think in my case, low carb is the only way I CAN eat. If I am to get in all the necessary protein in my diet, I have to eat my protein (meat) first, then if i am still not full I do veggies and last is the carbs.....i never make it to the carbs :thumbup:
  2. Michelle, Thanks for leaving the comment on my blog. I have followed yours now also. I was not able to comment on yours yet, I think the firewall at my workplace is preventing me. I will try again when I can get to my computer at home. Good Luck, I will keep in touch!

  3. nawlinzlady

    Can 15 or 17 year olds have lapband surgery?

    My first thoughts on this were. OMG if I could have had this done when I was obese in my senior year of high school, I would have had a much happier life today. I wish I had the lapband back them. My second thoughts were of me as a teenager back them... ~Part of the lapband lifestyle is exercise and healthier eating habits. Can they handle both of these? If these were my kids I would want to see them begin both of these parts first. Let them eat as much VOLUME of food as them want but the healthier parts and begin some type of exercise regiment. If they do these two things, I would do this for my children rather than let them suffer the life that I lived.
  4. nawlinzlady

    Filet Mignon 5 days after first fill?

    Before I answer your question, let me just say that everyone is different with restriction. Some people have trouble with steak and no problems with Pasta and for others it could be both or the opposite. It also depends on whether your doctor believes in aggressive fills are tends to me on the cautious side. My doctor is on the cautious side. My first two fills were 1.5cc and I could eat everything until my fourth fill. Even now I can eat steak but do remember to cut very teeny tiny pieces and chew, chew, chew. Since it is a social event, try to pay attention to when you first start feeling full and consider stopping sooner than later. Have fun!:thumbup:
  5. nawlinzlady


    I have been blogging and documenting my road down to a healthier me since day one. By all means! blog, there is a whole community of ranging from very experienced to newbies. We support each other and praise each others acccomplishments. My biggest advise along with blogging is to do measurements and pictures. Even if you are not ready to share them with anyone but yourself. You will be sooo glad you did it! Good luck!:thumbup:
  6. nawlinzlady

    How Do You Know Your Sweet Spot?

    The recipe for cajun gumbo is different for every cook, the same is applies to the ever elusive "Sweet Spot". Everyone's idea is different. For me, my sweet spot is when I can stay full and satisfied on 1 to 1-1/2 cups of food for 4 or more hours, which is were I am been for several months now. This allows me 3 small meals a day. I can tell when my restriction starts to loosen because I find myself wanting Snacks in between. Hope this helps!:thumbup:
  7. nawlinzlady

    Going on a Cruise.. help!

    I'm sorry if I sound like I am preaching here...... When I made the decision to be banded, I knew this was a lifetime committment. That means I am banded during summer, fall, winter & spring. I am banded during birthdays, holidays, baby & wedding showers AND VACATIONS. This is my new healthy lifestyle and I have to live my life within the restraints of my band. First, I have an absolutely fabulous doctor and there is no way he would agree to unfill me just so I could go on a cruise and gorge myself. He would tell me to find another doctor, which I am sure I could find who is willing to take my money to do it. Second, You would miss one of the best benefits of being banded. Being banded means you can live your life just like everyone else. You will be able to eat meals on your cruise like everyone else; just smaller, healthier portions. You will return from your cruise with a smile because you did not gain or if you do it will very little. I go on several cruises a year and have a great time, the fun doesn't come from eating until I pop, there are so many other activities that I doubt you will have time to think about grazing or head hunger issues. Go on your cruise with any worries, your band will not hamper your fun.:thumbup:
  8. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    100 lbs, WOW, that would be amazing. I am so happy for you!:thumbup:
  9. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Hi everyone, Just wanted to say Happy 4th of July! Here were are right at the middle of 2010. Now is a good time to dust off those new years resolutions, maybe tweak them or add to them. I have been doing just that. I am very please with my weightloss so far. I would love to lose the rest before the end of 2010. It would be the first New Years eve when losing weight will NOT be one of my resolutions How is everyone else doing?
  10. nawlinzlady

    How much have you lost?

    I am very pleased with my results. I was told from the very beginning that my losses would be sloooow and I was prepared for it. I am losing at my own pace and very optimistic that I will be reach my goal by the end of 2010.
  11. nawlinzlady

    45 lbs gone!

    From the album: before and 9 mos after

  12. nawlinzlady

    before and 9 mos after

  13. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Good for you, we need to keep checking in. I truly believe that those of us still posting have a much better chance at success. We are all making great progress!
  14. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Don't give up, keep at it. We started out with so many people in our Sexy Septembers group and look how few are posting now. People stop posting for various reason, but I don't think its ever a good sign when people disappear. Those of us who are checking in will make it because we lift each other up
  15. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Sorry your having pain. I haven't experienced any port pain. I can't believe we have been banded 9 months already! I am very pleased with my results so far.
  16. nawlinzlady

    Going on a Cruise.. help!

    Maggie, do you journal or blog? I started one with my pre-op diet. It keeps me focused. This link, is my first post during my vacation, we spent a week exploring the Northeast before we got on the ship. This link,is from when I returned. Like you, I did not get my first fill until I returned from a 3 wk vacation. I gained a couple pounds, but lost it in no time with the band. I took another 3wk vacations this past April, I gained a couple pounds in lost it in the first week I returned. I really think the weight gain is from all the extra salt in the foods.:thumbup:
  17. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    I had a couple of times with the night cough, I find that I just have to eat light in the evenings or stay up later. If I tried to go to sleep to soon after supper it will do that. Once I realized that, I have had no further problems.
  18. Thank you very much for the comment on my picture. I was skeptical when I had the surgery, wondering if it was worth it @ 50yrs old, now I feel exactly the same as you, wish I had done it sooner.

  19. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Amanda that is a lot of fill! Let us know how your doing with it. I haven't needed a fills since March and I am quite satisfied, don't want to be too tight.
  20. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    You didn't say what type of trip you are taking but I will share my experience with traveling. I went on a 3wk vacation in October, 4 wks after being banded. I didn't get my first fill appt until 2 months after banding which put me a lil behind most of the sexy septembers. I did not have a single problem and 12 days of the trip was a cruise. Until you get fills in your band, it really was like I didn't have the surgery at all LOL
  21. Hi Greg,. 1) it doesn't get rid of your "head" hunger or grazing habits because those are not physical eating habits. It does get rid of your hunger between meals. I stay full 4-5 hrs with only eating a cup of food.2) here are some foods that I can no longer eat, some are healthy like fresh pineapple, kiwi, soft breads (I have to toast my bread) I can only eat 1/2 of one slice. 3) I like the fact that I don't have to weigh my food, count calories or eat special foods. I just have to eat tiny bites and chew chew chew! Lapband is a slow weightloss, i know people who have been on 18 mos trying to lose the weight. The bypass seems to happen much quicker and you don't have to worry about food getting stuck. Sometimes with the band a piece of food will get stuck and OMG it hurts so badly, sometimes for days. read my blog if you like, i wrote the whole experience.

  22. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    I don't know your doctor but I find the NP's much easier to talk with than my own surgeon, as surgeons go, he was excellent but his understanding through the fill process left alot to be desired. The key WAS indeed restriction for me. I am @ 7.4 of 10cc band and it took several fills and lots of frustration to get to this point. Now my band will not let me overeat, it took PBng a few times for it to sink into my head that I cannot eat like before. Go back, play their games and get your fills until you are no longer hungry and cannot eat more than 1 cup of food. It truly is amazing once you get there!
  23. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    How are all the Sexy Septembers doing? I am 20 lbs from my goal and very optimistic that I will reach it by my one year bandiversary :thumbup:

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