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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nawlinzlady

  1. nawlinzlady

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hi everyone, I'm Dee and I used to run 5k/10k even did a 1/2 marathon and then.......i stopped......bad move, gain all sorts of weight. I'm getting banded next week and then I plan to get back to my running. Right now I have been walking 60-90 mins a day. Reading your posts really inspire me! I plan continue reading your posts until I'm healed and ready to run! lol
  2. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Ready, add yourself to our list! Congrats!
  3. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Good Luck, we will be cheering for you!
  4. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Good Luck to both of you! Check in with us when you can and let us know how you do!
  5. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Motivation! I have entered the TURKEY DAY Challenge 2009. I think it will help me to obtain a mini goal and keep me focused during the holiday. Anyone else want to try it with me?
  6. nawlinzlady

    TURKEY DAY Challenge 2009

    Count me in ! I'm going on a 2wk cruise 6wks after my banding on the 15th, and I really need this to keep me motivated during my bandster hell weeks!
  7. nawlinzlady

    I'm here to help...

    Janet, I noticed your photo's from a cruise. I am leaving on a 2 week cruise 6wks after being banded. I won't have my fill till I get back. I would wondering if you have some hints on how you handled it. Cruises seem to have food & alcohol everywhere you turn. I would appreciate input from anyone who did a cruise after being banded .
  8. Catherine, your blog is an inspiration to me. I am being banded next week and I really enjoyed reading it!

  9. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Our List is growing so big! Have we chosen a name for our September group yet?
  10. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    CONGRATS! To all the banders from yesterday/today! I wish you all a speedy recovery and I hope your scales moves down quickly!
  11. nawlinzlady

    I'm here to help...

    pda? Does anyone use a food diary/calorie counter program with their smartphone? I have to use a palm with work so its with me all the time, id love to find a log to go with it so i can easily write things down. The sparkle online log is great, but i am not readily at a computer most of the day and forget stuff when i finally get a chance to log it.
  12. I will be banded on 09-15th, starting out @ 209. We are close to same weight and date. I hope that we can continue to give each other inspiration. My surgeon only tells us to walk walk walk for gas, guess we are not going to get much help there :(

  13. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    WoW Jules! Good luck!
  14. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    good luck with your surgery tomorrow! Let us know how you do!
  15. nawlinzlady

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Thank you, I need something like that!
  16. nawlinzlady

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Thank you Corliss, you are an inspiration yourself! as long as I don't have to live the rest of my life on liquids, its kewl....Unless they count my Gumbo has a liquid, which my surgeon has already answered absolutely no! LOL
  17. nawlinzlady

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    The DailyPlate? what is that?
  18. nawlinzlady

    I'm here to help...

    Happy Labor Day everyone:) Well, I have been on this liquid Protein post op diet for one week now. It really hasn't been too bad. I have my preop tests tomorrow morning so nothing after midnight and then my surgery on 9/15. I have to switch to Clear liquids day before surgery. The sweet drinks in the mornings are the worst part for me......yuck How long did you guys have to wait after your surgeries before you do any strength training like on arms/legs?
  19. Jes, you and i started off at same weight,your an inspiration to me, you have done very well!

  20. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    OUR SURGERY LIST Soco 9/01/09 Nawlinzlady (Dee) 9/15/09
  21. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Pre-op, I have to do liquid protein shakes,popsicles,jello but I gotta say I'm having a tough time, not because its liquid so much as with all the sweets, my weight problem didnt come from eating sweets, it's all this cajun food. :tongue_smilie:My doctor also added a multivitamin & an extra B Complex supplement. Post Op, is just two days of clear liquids the 2 wks full liquids, then i can start adding lean meats & veggies.
  22. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    I think that was a good decision. You will have plenty opportunities for parties to show off the new you very soon!
  23. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    I started off in the august group and we made a little list of surgery dates so we could encourage those going into surgery and those recovering. It so would help me, I'm Ms.Forgetful! I don't think I have time to post to more than one group. I like this one:tongue2: We are band-mates, my surgery is scheduled day before:)
  24. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Your surgery is day before me! We should start a list, screen names with dates. What do yawl think?
  25. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    I think I am going to try those campbell soups, my doctors has me on protein shakes too and i am just sick of all the sweet stuff. My surgery is on 15th and I have do the shakes until 14th and then just Clear Liquids. Dee

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
