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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nawlinzlady

  1. nawlinzlady

    I'm here to help...

    Eva, good luck with the dieting. I don't think there is anything wrong with dieting as a "short term" solution. Everyone here has been able to lose weight in the short term at one time or another. Just don't let yourself feel too deprived, stick to the basics and you will be just fine! After the wedding, treat yourself for your effort!
  2. nawlinzlady

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    yesterday B-choc protein shake S- 1 egg,2T egg whites (soft scrambled) L-3oz tuna , 1 egg, some mayo (leftover frm yesterday) S-peach yogurt D-a couple bites of stew, i ate the mushrooms, the carrots, some slivers of potato and i chewed a couple bites of meat then spit it into my napkin. It was sooooo good
  3. How did your first fill go? How much did your doctor put in? Hope your doing ok!

  4. nawlinzlady

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    yesterday B-choc protein shake S- 1 egg,2T egg whites (soft scrambled) L-3oz tuna , 1 egg, some mayo (need to buy lite) S-popsicle D-a couple bites of meat from a taco (spit out most after chewing the hell outa it)
  5. You are a wonderful inspiration to all of us banders!

  6. nawlinzlady

    I just hit the 100lb lost mark

    Congrats! Celebrate! Treat yourself today! Non food treats only of course!
  7. nawlinzlady

    I'm here to help...

    I was banded 09/15/09 and as of today, I am 4 lbs shy of my Turkey Day Challenge goal of 20 lbs! I am very excited.. I am trying to work out a Non-food reward system for myself as I reach these little goals. (ie shoes or a manicure) Here is my question: Do you reward yourself for your weightloss accomplishments? What type of rewards ? I don't want to do clothes since I do not intend to fit in them very long
  8. GOOD LUCK TO THE LAST OF OUR SEXY SEPTEMBERS BEING BANDED TODAY! Soexcited 9/30/09 ShrinkingV (Vickie) 9/30/09 Katlynn 9/30/09
  9. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    As of today, I am 4 lbs shy of my Turkey Day Challenge goal of 20 lbs! whoohoo! I am very excited. Although I felt like I could probably lose more by Turkey Day, I am determined to keep myself to smaller one because I will have 3 week vacation before Turkey Day that will be challenging and I won't get my first fill until 8 wks post op because of my trip. I am trying to work out a Non-food reward system for myself as I reach these little goals. (ie shoes or a manicure) Here is my question: Do you reward yourself for your weightloss accomplishments? What type of rewards ? I don't want to do clothes since I do not intend to fit in them very long GOOD LUCK TO THE LAST OF OUR SEXY SEPTEMBERS BEING BANDED TODAY! Soexcited 9/30/09 ShrinkingV (Vickie) 9/30/09 Katlynn 9/30/09 waynes6 (jodi) 9/30/09
  10. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Where are you going? my cruise will be 14 days, I hope to stick to seafood and veggies and stay away from red meat. Last cruise I did had some great classes and gym equipment. My husband enjoys walking with me and we hope to do a walk each morning. We usually try to do it at sunrise, its sooo peaceful!
  11. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    I am drinking a protein drink called PrescriptFit,its pretty good, I have added mushies now, cottage cheese,scrambled eggs and tuna with a little light mayo. I have some tightness @ port site but its less and less each day. My doctor wont allow anything but low impact cardio, I have slowly increased my walking and now do 90 mins. I asked about the foilage because we are leaving on a cruise from boston-new orleans in 3 wks.
  12. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    goto tickerfactory.com and create your ticker, copy the html goto USER CP edit signature paste html code and save make sure you use a pin so you wont have to redo the ticker as you adjust it!
  13. hey annie, are you doing any better now? I am 2wks post op today so you are a little ahead of me. How long do you have to wait for your first fill?

  14. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    I was banded week before you, the weightloss is awesome, congrats! p.s. any fall foilage in boston area yet?:tongue2:
  15. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    We welcome you to the Sexy Septembers! Scroll back to our list and add your name if you like I am 2wks post op today, everyday your soreness will be less and so will the gas. 24 pounds is amazing, don't minimize your accomplishment! I set myself mini goals, 10 lbs each, something to help keep that feeling of accomplishment fresh!:tongue2:
  16. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Aww I am sooo sorry your not feeling well. As badly as you want your band, you don't want to have it put in until you are feeling better. Your liquid diet will continue afterwards. Good Luck!
  17. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    They call this time "bandster hell" lol. It is the time between when you are healed and start to feel the hunger and when you get your fill. It is very common. I havent got there yet, but I expect it to hit me very soon too. Just eat and try to make good choices. It's like dieting on your own again. I well be out of town and won't get my first fill until my 8th week so I hope I can hangon to my willpower for a couple weeks. That's why I am trying to make the most of this time when my hunger is not back yet.
  18. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Amanda, You, soco and Gen were are our first September bandsters. It's wonderful how much weight you three have lost. Do you have to do clear liquids before and after your fill? Let us know how it goes! I only had leakage the first couple days it was bright red blood but still scary and yuck! You were banded day before me and I am almost completely healed, i have only 2 tiny scabs left. That seroma sounds terrible, did he say how long it will last? Pickles, My walking has really helped keep my energy. Plus my doctor told me to increase my protein which made a big difference. I agree about staying with the liquids as long as you feel satisfied, it does help your weight loss. But don't let yourself feel too hungry, it will eventually lead to poor choices. It is better to add some mushies if your not feeling satisfied by the liquids.:smile2:
  19. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    good morning everyone:biggrin: Since yesterday, I woke up and realized almost all of my soreness is gone, tuesday I will be 2wk postop. The gas has gotten tons better, strange how that seemed to happen overnight, and I lost another pound! God is great!:smile2: GOOD LUCK TO THOSE BEING BANDED TODAY! Chickychoo (Jill) 09/28/09 Kinzie 09/28/09 QMOM 9/28/09
  20. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    welcome to our group and good luck on your journey.
  21. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    I still have gas and spending a fortune on the gasX (it does help) and I walk alot which is also helping with the gas. Although my doctor has given me the ok to add a few foods, i havent moved on yet, because everytime i try the gas is worst. so just be patient, each of us is different and I think that gas will be part of our lives now and then. My port site is sore, i can feel pulls when i bend a certain way, or sleep on that side. But it feels better each day. My husband has been a prince through all of this and I have only told a very select few members of my family. I just didn't want anyone looking at me like some sort of science project in a test tube LOL. I have gotten my support from this website and all of you guys going through the same problems and feelings. As far as being tired, force yourself to walk. I never feel like doing it, but i make myself get out there every morning and I feel so much better afterwards. Are you taking a multi vitamin? B vitamins?
  22. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Don't throw in the towel yet. My port site is still sore to the touch. You don't have a fever, maybe it is just taking longer to heal, everyone heals at their own rate. I hope you can keep you band, your doing so well with your weightloss!:scared2:
  23. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Amanda, I am soo skeered of this happening. I ate some chicken last night and I swear a must of spent about 15 mins chewing one little bit, overkill I'm sure. Peppers are gassy and fiberous, they probably require more chewing than most, i would think. Gen ~I agree! We are already eating such low calories, I don't think any of us can cut anymore calories, the only thing we can do to expedite weight loss is EXERCISE. I am walking but only 10 days post op and I don't think I want to try running just yet, think I will try to add some light jogging next week. Leigna~ I am so glad you are doing well. Like Amanda said, try the popcicles, they helped me too! Pookie~I get that tightness/pain if I drink/eat too much too fast. Have to sip very slowly and wait a little while between sips. I am still having gas pains with all the walking I'm doing and the GasX is definately helping. HAPPY TGIF EVERYONE!
  24. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    Hang in there everyone is different. But try not to give up on the walking, you really need it!
  25. nawlinzlady

    September 2009 Band Date

    I LOVE the www.sparkpeople.com emails as well! They are so inspirational! They don't bombard you will pages of info at one time. They send you daily emails with little inspirational type tips and educational, but very uplifting. I have learned so much from them. GOOD LUCK TO THOSE BEING BANDED TODAY! leigna 09/24/09 srsextonrn 09/24/09 Celestial 9/24/09

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