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Everything posted by knrpick

  1. knrpick

    I Laughed Out Loud

    Wow I am so proud of you!!!!! Keep going
  2. knrpick

    First fill

    Well, I just gotmy first fill! What a relief. I have only lost 6 lbs since surgery 4 wks ago! No pain at all, just him pushing to find my port. He only put 2 cc of fluids in. Saw the dietitian and I'm now on solid foods. I can have 2 oz protein, 1 oz of veggies or starch and 1 oz of fruit. So I'm on 1/2 c per meal. I pray this works!!!! Love to all!
  3. knrpick

    First fill

    luckydog, thanks so much! I sure hope it kicks in. I'm still hungry, but it's the first day!Thanks for the encouragement!
  4. knrpick

    First fill

    Well, I just gotmy first fill! What a relief. I have only lost 6 lbs since surgery 4 wks ago! No pain at all, just him pushing to find my port. He only put 2 cc of fluids in. Saw the dietitian and I'm now on solid foods. I can have 2 oz protein, 1 oz of veggies or starch and 1 oz of fruit. So I'm on 1/2 c per meal. I pray this works!!!! Love to all!
  5. knrpick

    5 Weeks Post Op

    I don't know why we can't control ourselves. It's a brain thing, but I think you are now more awake about your body. I know I am!
  6. knrpick

    I'm BACK!

    What a weekend! We started out Thursday morning waking up at 2:30 AM so we could leave by 4 to get to the airport by 6. The flight went fine, but then in Salt lake we had to rent a van and drive up to Idaho Falls, which was another 3 hours. We got to my parents house by 2 PM. So it was already a long day. Friday, I took my kids to the best 2 places of my memories. We went to the Temple and falls and fed the ducks and geese. The kids had a blast. Mom and dad even came. We then went out to the Sand Dunes. I have such fond memories going there. They have shrunk so much because of the Teton Damn, but they were still big enough that the kids had a blast. Saturday was the big day. The Guise we told dad, was that mom wanted pictures of our family at the church and then dad would take us out for lunch. We left first and warned everyone else. We drove up and there was a HUGE banner saying happy 80th on it. Behind the sign was all the kids, grand kids and great grand kids. Dad finally drove up and stopped at the sign and just cried. He was so not expecting this! We hired someone to take family pictures. Ok, so there are 7 kids, 32 grandkids and 4 great great grand kids! It was so good to see everyone. I am the youngest out of the 7 and I'm the only one who is far away, so i haven't seen anyone in 2 yrs! We then went inside where mom had a cater serve the dinner. ( I was so good, I had chicken and baked potato and that's all). We then had Joni, my sister, and Kent, my brother, pay tribute to dad. We then went into another room, and Steve, the oldest boy, has been working on this for over a year, he had a DVD presentation of Dad's life and posterity. We saw us growing up, mom and dad growing up, us on vacations, us and our marriges and kids we had. It was all set to music. It was so well put together. He even had mom and dad talking on the DVD so they could describe the pictures. It was just breath taking. Anyway, it was a great day. Sunday, we drove back to Salt Lake City and flew home to St. Louis and then Drove to Rolla. We finally got home at midnight. We walk inside and the stench was so bad. We walked in and there was poop and pee everywhere. We got Iluq and Shila out of the cage and the pee was literally 1/2 inch thick. I had to bathe those 2, clean the floors and carpets. I finally get upstairs and my bed is covered with pee, cat pee! Seriously could it get any worse? Yes! We finally get to bed. The next morning, I wake up to rain, which is fine. We pup the pups outside in the kennel and they ALL have diareah!!!!! They were covered in it an they were wet from the rain. So, today, we had to line up the pups and I washed, with Toriann, and the kids just lined up and took each pup and dried them off. I'm so freaking furious at my friend who was supposed to take care of the house! i promised my husband i wouldn't talk to her till I have calmed down. That's so not going to happen. The house still stinks. I have mopped 3 times, we have wood floors on the main floor. I'm getting rid of the cats, kill them most likely. I had such a busy day besides that. I had to register my son in highschool because we were in Idaho when it happened. Then had to go school shopping for CRAP that my 2 little ones needed. Then the high school called and said Logan need his tetnus shot before he can go to school, so we went to the health department and got that, which took hours! Got home and left again to take Toriann to volleyball practice. Came home, and that's when I had to clean the puppies! Oh and inbetween all this, I cleaned every room from poop and pee! Oh and the worst, I got on the scale and I gained 2 lbs. Seriously, how the hell do you gain weight when you are freaking busy and running all freaking day!!!! Tomorrow, I go for my first fill. I'm so excited because I can eat and drink anything. I can guzzle water, and just feel like normal. I am freaking hungry trying to stay within the calorie limit. LESSON LEARNED? Never leave 16 dogs alone for 4 days with a friend you thought could handle it!:sad: Tomorrow sure as hell better be better than today!
  7. knrpick

    I'm BACK!

    What a weekend! We started out Thursday morning waking up at 2:30 AM so we could leave by 4 to get to the airport by 6. The flight went fine, but then in Salt lake we had to rent a van and drive up to Idaho Falls, which was another 3 hours. We got to my parents house by 2 PM. So it was already a long day. Friday, I took my kids to the best 2 places of my memories. We went to the Temple and falls and fed the ducks and geese. The kids had a blast. Mom and dad even came. We then went out to the Sand Dunes. I have such fond memories going there. They have shrunk so much because of the Teton Damn, but they were still big enough that the kids had a blast. Saturday was the big day. The Guise we told dad, was that mom wanted pictures of our family at the church and then dad would take us out for lunch. We left first and warned everyone else. We drove up and there was a HUGE banner saying happy 80th on it. Behind the sign was all the kids, grand kids and great grand kids. Dad finally drove up and stopped at the sign and just cried. He was so not expecting this! We hired someone to take family pictures. Ok, so there are 7 kids, 32 grandkids and 4 great great grand kids! It was so good to see everyone. I am the youngest out of the 7 and I'm the only one who is far away, so i haven't seen anyone in 2 yrs! We then went inside where mom had a cater serve the dinner. ( I was so good, I had chicken and baked potato and that's all). We then had Joni, my sister, and Kent, my brother, pay tribute to dad. We then went into another room, and Steve, the oldest boy, has been working on this for over a year, he had a DVD presentation of Dad's life and posterity. We saw us growing up, mom and dad growing up, us on vacations, us and our marriges and kids we had. It was all set to music. It was so well put together. He even had mom and dad talking on the DVD so they could describe the pictures. It was just breath taking. Anyway, it was a great day. Sunday, we drove back to Salt Lake City and flew home to St. Louis and then Drove to Rolla. We finally got home at midnight. We walk inside and the stench was so bad. We walked in and there was poop and pee everywhere. We got Iluq and Shila out of the cage and the pee was literally 1/2 inch thick. I had to bathe those 2, clean the floors and carpets. I finally get upstairs and my bed is covered with pee, cat pee! Seriously could it get any worse? Yes! We finally get to bed. The next morning, I wake up to rain, which is fine. We pup the pups outside in the kennel and they ALL have diareah!!!!! They were covered in it an they were wet from the rain. So, today, we had to line up the pups and I washed, with Toriann, and the kids just lined up and took each pup and dried them off. I'm so freaking furious at my friend who was supposed to take care of the house! i promised my husband i wouldn't talk to her till I have calmed down. That's so not going to happen. The house still stinks. I have mopped 3 times, we have wood floors on the main floor. I'm getting rid of the cats, kill them most likely. I had such a busy day besides that. I had to register my son in highschool because we were in Idaho when it happened. Then had to go school shopping for CRAP that my 2 little ones needed. Then the high school called and said Logan need his tetnus shot before he can go to school, so we went to the health department and got that, which took hours! Got home and left again to take Toriann to volleyball practice. Came home, and that's when I had to clean the puppies! Oh and inbetween all this, I cleaned every room from poop and pee! Oh and the worst, I got on the scale and I gained 2 lbs. Seriously, how the hell do you gain weight when you are freaking busy and running all freaking day!!!! Tomorrow, I go for my first fill. I'm so excited because I can eat and drink anything. I can guzzle water, and just feel like normal. I am freaking hungry trying to stay within the calorie limit. LESSON LEARNED? Never leave 16 dogs alone for 4 days with a friend you thought could handle it! Tomorrow sure as hell better be better than today!
  8. knrpick

    First fill

    I'm so glad someone else hasn't lost a lot of weight since surgery. I'm 3 wks out and I'm gaining weight. My first fill is Aug 11th! Hopefully it's as good as yours!!!!
  9. knrpick

    My Trip to the most frustrating doctor's office ever!

    GET A NEW DOC ASAP!!!!! What a jerk!
  10. knrpick

    Over did it ...Note to self...DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!!

    do i can lust from afar!!!!
  11. knrpick

    I'm in puppy hell!

    UG, what a day! I come home from church to check on the puppies, who are in my garage. We have 11 of the little rascals. Well, Spirit, one of the moms, has diareah!!!!!!!!! In the playpen and out! My family hadn't gotten home yet, but I had to do something! I got the puppies out of the playpen and put them on the grass. I then moved the playpen on the grass and put the puppies back in the playpen. By the way, they are ALL covered in poop and pee! So I get my power washer out, had to lug it clear up the steps from the back yard, and i couldn't get it started! Ok, slow down Ruth, you can do this! So I went in and washed my hands. Took a drink of water, by the way, moving puppies several different times is GREAT exercise! No need for a treadmill today!!!:biggrin: Anyway, I came out and filled the power washer with gas! Well don't you know, we all need gas now don't we!!!!!!:thumbup: It started right up! Well, while I was washing out the garage, I accidently sprayed the wall of the garage, and wouldn't you know it, poop went spraying all over me, the wall, Kevin's motorcycle and who knows where else!:thumbup: OK RUTH, YET AGAIN, YOU CAN DO THIS! By this time the puppies are crying because they have never been on grass before and they are miserable with all the poop on them. So I decided to take a break from washing the garage and I stood far away and started power washing my puppies!!!!!:sad::tt2: Yup you can guess what happened! They all just looked at me like I was crazy. Then, all of a sudden, they were sprinting over to be the one in the water! I was laughing so hard I ACTUALLY peed my pants! Yup, I didn't think it would happen, but I guess the phenomina does happen! Well, so I felt better, the puppies were somewhat washed, and I could go back into the garage. Well, I forgot that my new Yukon Denali was infront of the garage! Yup, you guessed it! SHIT everywhere! Plus, my car is white! Ok by this time, I just couldn't help laughing. By this time, my girlfriend drives up and is wondering what is going on. She looks at the car and thinks outloud why the hell am I laughing at shit on my car! I just kept laughing and power washed my car. Well, so it's too hot outside for the pups, so we decide to move the pups in the backyard in the shade. No one would touch them because they are wet and still a little poopy. So, yup, you guessed it, I had to take all 11 puppies out by myself while my hubby took the playpen out for me. I think I burned 5000 calories today!:eek: The funniest thing, well actually not, but to me it is. While the pups were still out front, I had 2 people drive up and want to buy a puppy!!!!!!!:thumbup::thumbup: I told them they couldn't go for a couple more wks, so they will be back. Maybe I should keep them in the front of the house with a big sign saying, "AKC SIBERIAN HUSKIES FOR SALE $350 EACH". What do you think! lol Anyway, I hope this brings a smile to your face when you read this. Have a good day! Hope you like the pictures. I just took these last night of the babies to put on puppyfind and rollanet.
  12. knrpick

    Over did it ...Note to self...DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!!

    wish i had a kick ass hot trainer!!!!!1
  13. knrpick

    Here I am; now what?

    I was banded on the 13th of July. It really is worth it, though I'm also at a standstill. I just keep reminding myself that I lost 11 lbs post up and 8 in the 2 wks after. Do you know how amazing that is! You lost 17 lbs! Seriously, that is a ton of weight! You should be proud! I too am hungry and can't get a fill until the 11th of August. After the first wk I was up doing whatever I wanted. I just didn't lift heavy or bend over a ton. But you will get better, and this will sooooooo be worth it! hang in there, you have a friend in me!
  14. knrpick

    The Ups and Downs

    Rhonda, you are going to do great! You have been so much better at this than I am! Look at how much you have lost!!!! You are a wonderful person! Love you!
  15. knrpick

    I'm in puppy hell!

    UG, what a day! I come home from church to check on the puppies, who are in my garage. We have 11 of the little rascals. Well, Spirit, one of the moms, has diareah!!!!!!!!! In the playpen and out! My family hadn't gotten home yet, but I had to do something! I got the puppies out of the playpen and put them on the grass. I then moved the playpen on the grass and put the puppies back in the playpen. By the way, they are ALL covered in poop and pee! So I get my power washer out, had to lug it clear up the steps from the back yard, and i couldn't get it started! Ok, slow down Ruth, you can do this! So I went in and washed my hands. Took a drink of water, by the way, moving puppies several different times is GREAT exercise! No need for a treadmill today!!!:sneaky: Anyway, I came out and filled the power washer with gas! Well don't you know, we all need gas now don't we!!!!!!:thumbup: It started right up! Well, while I was washing out the garage, I accidently sprayed the wall of the garage, and wouldn't you know it, poop went spraying all over me, the wall, Kevin's motorcycle and who knows where else!:thumbup: OK RUTH, YET AGAIN, YOU CAN DO THIS! By this time the puppies are crying because they have never been on grass before and they are miserable with all the poop on them. So I decided to take a break from washing the garage and I stood far away and started power washing my puppies!!!!!:sad::tt2: Yup you can guess what happened! They all just looked at me like I was crazy. Then, all of a sudden, they were sprinting over to be the one in the water! I was laughing so hard I ACTUALLY peed my pants! Yup, I didn't think it would happen, but I guess the phenomina does happen! Well, so I felt better, the puppies were somewhat washed, and I could go back into the garage. Well, I forgot that my new Yukon Denali was infront of the garage! Yup, you guessed it! SHIT everywhere! Plus, my car is white! Ok by this time, I just couldn't help laughing. By this time, my girlfriend drives up and is wondering what is going on. She looks at the car and thinks outloud why the hell am I laughing at shit on my car! I just kept laughing and power washed my car. Well, so it's too hot outside for the pups, so we decide to move the pups in the backyard in the shade. No one would touch them because they are wet and still a little poopy. So, yup, you guessed it, I had to take all 11 puppies out by myself while my hubby took the playpen out for me. I think I burned 5000 calories today!:tt1: The funniest thing, well actually not, but to me it is. While the pups were still out front, I had 2 people drive up and want to buy a puppy!!!!!!!:thumbup: I told them they couldn't go for a couple more wks, so they will be back. Maybe I should keep them in the front of the house with a big sign saying, "AKC SIBERIAN HUSKIES FOR SALE $350 EACH". What do you think! lol Anyway, I hope this brings a smile to your face when you read this. Have a good day! Hope you like the pictures. I just took these last night of the babies to put on puppyfind and rollanet.
  16. I was just going to say the same as everyone else. My advice would be go back to your protein shakes like pre-op! Change it up a bit! Have you talked to your doc? And what does he say? Good luck, let us know how you are doing!
  17. Ha ha ARB, I was jsut going to suggest you talk to her. She had the exact same problem! She is a great source to go to! Good luck!
  18. knrpick

    No restriction

    24 wks?! HOLY CRAP! I'm so sorry! I had surgery on the 13th and I, unfortunatly, feel the same way you all do! My mushies are really good though, so it's not bad, but I can only have 1 1/2 oz of protein and 1 oz of other stuff. I can't stay with that because I'm freaking starving! Literally getting migraines with this. I'm getting tons of water, my kids laugh and ask if my pee is clear. Yup! I just think it's going to be a struggle till we get our first fill. Mine is on the 11th of August, thank Goodness!!!!!! I haven't been fantastic, so therefore, I have only lost 8 lbs since surgery. But I also have to look at it this way. When was the last time I lost 8 lbs in 3 wks?! Come on! You can do this! We are all obviously struggling right now! HANG IN THERE! They do tell me it gets better, but I want proof! lol
  19. knrpick

    Just need some encouragement....

    I took 3 strips at a time! Yes it's normal, but I found taking extra strips REALLY, REALLY helped! That first day, I walked on my treadmill, it was 1 mph, and I felt it was too fast, but I did it. Even just walk around your house really helps! Hang in there, it does get better!
  20. knrpick


    I would never get gastric bipass! You literally starve yourself! With the band you still get all your nutriants. You lose slower, but it's at a safe pace. The fluid bags are not part of this surgery, infact, Recovery is much easier! Good luck!
  21. knrpick

    Kinda worried

    You are perfectly normal! You are still swollen. In a couple days you will all of a sudden be able to drink all your water! It's completely fin!
  22. knrpick

    7/30/09 Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

    AHHHHHHHH there is hope! I'm freaking furious with my body. I'm hungry all the time, and can eat ANYTHING! Thank you for posting that it won't last forever!!! I'm 2 1/2 wks post surgery. Thanks a lot!!!!!
  23. knrpick

    ICK!!! Feeling Drained and grouchy

    What did Tom do this time? Was it a week yesterday???? I completely forgot! I'm so sorry! HAPPY BANDIVERSARY!!!!! It's just going to get better from here on out! I actually think you are exercising too much! I know that seems weird, but you need to let your body rest after surgery!
  24. knrpick

    After Surgery Diet Plans?

    follow your nutritionist diet plan. She knows what you need!
  25. knrpick

    I lost texas!!!!!!

    HA HA made you look! Sorry, had to say it! Anyway, me and Kevin took a trip to texas over the weekend. I gained 5 lbs. Anyway, we got home Monday, today is Thursday and I'm back down to my pre-Texas weight!!!!:thumbup::tt1::sneaky: HAPPY DAYS!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, have a good day everyone! I sure as hell will Side note, I actually exercised today. I walked a mile in 20 min, not as fast as I used to be, but I did it!

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