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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by knrpick

  1. knrpick

    Another day of puppy hell

    Well, I have sold 2 puppies! That's the good part. You know we were treating them for diareah because of a stupid friend. Anyway, just as we were getting the 2 pups ready........ yup...... more diarreah! I'm so sick and tired of this! I called them back and said don't come. They weren't happy, and if they don't want the pups ,I don't blame them! Now we need to make another trip to the vet tomorrow and get more meds and shots. I'm seriously thinking of sending Lorrie, my friend who watched the dogs, my vet bill! I'm now losing money off of these pups because of high vet bills! So I'm treating my pups with pumpkin, I come in and Spirit, my mom husky has gotten on my counter and eaten my cake that my son made last night. That actually was a good thing so I wouldn't eat it, but in the process she broke my pan and glass went everywhere. So I take a break from puppy hell to go to the doctor for me. I sometimes get.....uh..... I'm so imbarrassed...... pimples on my breasts. Yup, ok, so I'm going through puberty again, but whatever!:ohmy: Anyway, I got this pimple 1 month ago, it popped but never went away. It got red, bigger, and infamed! It even had a knot underneath. I kinda worried becasue breast cancer runs on both sides of family. So I went in and no cancer! PHEW! buuuuuuuuut, I have MRSA! :eek::thumbup::eek: It's not severe and open, but still! So antibiotics for me, the puppies, who else wants some?!:ohmy: I was so pissed, oh..... and I haven't lost any weight in a week since my fill. I thought I had, but guess not! I was so pissed, you know what I did? Yup, I ate a burger. :eek::cursing::cursing: Whatever, so I know I eat to sooth my feelings. I'm pissed, but I'm more pissed about all the freaking money I spent on puppies! Lesson 1- Never leave home for more than a day when you have a billion puppies. Lesson 2- Never ask your looney friend if she will watch the puppies when you know she is looney! Lesson 3- kill your friend for making your puppies sick! Lesson 4- don't eat when your pissed or upset! ALL IN ALL IT'S BEEN A SHITY DAY........... AGAIN! This is the puppy that couldn't go home today!
  2. knrpick

    Feeling Good Without Brownies

    You are so good! Last night my son made a yummy cake and I caved and had a piece! I think if you're happy without a fill, don't get it. Let us know!
  3. knrpick

    Solids Stage Recipes

    Pad, sorry I haven't responded to you, I forgot about this thread. Anyway, I will try yours too! Thanks a bunch!
  4. knrpick

    Solids Stage Recipes

    mmmmm, Amy, that sounds good! I will try that today!!!!
  5. knrpick

    New dew!

    I decided to go get my hair cut today! My poor husband came home and about had a heart attack! I love short hair! All 4 of my kids hate it too! Great! I actually like it, but what do I know! I haven't lost any weight in a week. I'm going for my 2nd fill next week, thank goodness. I have no restriction....... still! Anyways, you guys be the ones to decide if you like my new hair or not! love to all!
  6. knrpick

    HELP No weight loss

    Just a suggestion, but go back to basics. Start on your protein shakes for a couple days, then move to mushies then after that, weigh your food! I find that my eyes are bigger then I think. Weighing food is the key!
  7. knrpick

    First time to get stuck

    Thanks everyone! I hope that never happens again!
  8. knrpick


    You 2 will be fine! It's not that bad, really. I have had 4 c-sections and the pain is soooooo not that bad! It definately is a life changing surgery though!
  9. knrpick

    never had fill

    You are never alone here! I would call your doc and ask him what he thinks. In the meantime, I would go back to basics, do your protein shakes instead of a meal, you can do this!
  10. knrpick

    Just call me a probie...

    Courtney, You have come to the right place! Everyone is soooooo helpful, you will find ALL your questions answered here. Everyone has or is where you are, so we can all relate! Good luck on your journey, it's a bumpy one, but it's worth it!
  11. knrpick

    We can do it!

    I'm proud of you for starting your new life! You've only just begun!
  12. knrpick

    First time to get stuck

    I ate all day long, just fine. Unfortunately I can eat normal and drink pretty normal. I haven't lost weight in a week! I'm drinking tons of water and eating the right amount, I think! Anyway, last night I made ham and cheese hot pockets and I ate one. About 3 bites down, I stupididly ate a normal bite and didn't chew. Holy crap! I thought I was going to pass out. I panicked! I tried to sip water, but it wouldn't go down. I just stood with my head over the sink trying to calm down! :thumbup: Finally about 15 min. later the feeling left my throat. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER again! That seriously sucked!:wub:
  13. knrpick

    New dew!

    Thanks guys, I needed it, my poor hubby just sighs now every time he looks at me!
  14. knrpick

    Merrily, Merrily, Merrily Life is but a DREAM!!!!

    You go girl! I can still eat normal, it sucks! I am going in for my 2nd fill on the 26th also! Thanks for the compliments on my hair. My poor husband just sighs. He likes long flowing, and culy hair. Well, we aren't in the 80's anymore, but he's stuck there! lol
  15. knrpick

    New dew!

    I decided to go get my hair cut today! My poor husband came home and about had a heart attack! I love short hair! All 4 of my kids hate it too! Great! I actually like it, but what do I know! I haven't lost any weight in a week. I'm going for my 2nd fill next week, thank goodness. I have no restriction....... still! Anyways, you guys be the ones to decide if you like my new hair or not! love to all!
  16. Boy! I'm in the same boat! I was banded July 13th and just had my first fill last week. I still have no restriction, and STARVING all the time. I literally have to eat every 2 hrs in order to survive. I find snacking on my protein shakes helps me a lot. I was hoping that at least 1 fill would help a little and it didn't! Oh well, everyone is different. Atleast I haven't had a PB since surgery! Probably because I can eat anything still
  17. knrpick

    is it posible?

    Erin, do you like the wii fit? I want one and so does my daughter
  18. knrpick

    I showed her!!!

    You go girl! I hate people like that! Congrats!
  19. knrpick

    1st fill today

    Start shopping for a new doc NOW! I just had my first fill Wednesday and I didn't lose much weight after surgery either! Once the swelling goes down, you have no restriction. I only lost 6 lbs since surgery! I would call the nurse and ask her how much he put in, then start shoppin around!
  20. knrpick

    In need of support

    wow! that was harsh! She needs support not ragging! All of us have fallen off the wagon, that''s why we are where we are now! I would go back to basics, do the protein shakes for a couple days then go to mushies for a couple more. Get your body back to where it goes..... "hey, this is where I want to be". You can do this! We ALL have been there. Head hunger is the hardest! No one said it would be easy, but it's definately worth it! Hang in there!
  21. knrpick

    is it posible?

    I love the elliptical! I did this after 1 wk of surgery! I so want the wii fit!!!!!
  22. knrpick

    Help! I have some questions.

    you are still recovering. Slow and steady wins the race!
  23. knrpick

    My dad's 80th birthday

    FINALLY! I have about 15 min. before kids get home from school! Man, where did my day go? The weekend was so perfect, except I had to get up at 2:30 AM. We left at 4 AM to get to the airport. Flew into Salt lake city, and then drove up to Idaho Falls because flying into IF almost doubled the airfare. So, the poor kids sat all day. Anyway, we got there at 2:30 PM and we were all so happy. The next day I wanted to keep dad busy, so I told him I wanted to visit 2 of my favorite places growing up. We drove to the Falls where the LDS temple is and we fed the geese and ducks. There were hundreds of them! Mom said that they just keep multiplying because everyone feeds them. The kids had a blast, I even got dad to walk around with us for awhile. We then drove out to the Sand Dunes we have there. I was sooooo shocked that they are almost gone. Dad said that when the Teton Damn broke in the 70's, they took almost half for sand bagging. I barely remember that, but I do remember going to the river where we fed the ducks and sitting on my dad's shoulders and seeing the river just rise and rise. Anyway, the kids haven't seen dunes before so we played and played. Mom and dad sat in the car and just laughed. We barryed everyone, rolled, jumped and even slid down the dunes. It was a blast! That pretty much took up the day. Saturday Kevin took the 2 older kids and left early, as the disguise of going to barnes and nobles, and they went to the church to help set up. Mom set up the guise that she wanted to get my families picture taken since we were here, but her yard she didn't like, so she wanted pictures at the church. Then after that dad wanted to take us out to dinner. So my family left a few min. early and told them we would meet them there. We got there and as we turned into the parking lot there was a huge yellow banner that said "happy 80th birthday" with everyone standing behind it. We got out and said our hellos. OMG it was so cold, we didn't bring jackets or shoes, just flip flops. Anyway, all 7 kids, spouses, grandkids, their spouses and their kids made it except for 3 boys who were serving a 2 yr mission for our church! It was amazing, we counted 58 people! So anyway, when mom drove up with dad, she went slow so he could see everyone, he smiled and said, "oh look, theres a church activity for the kids going on" and then he saw everyone and was shocked. He started to cry and so did mom! It was perfect! We had a nice dinner, cake and a program. Then, my oldest brother, Steve, put together a compilation of DVDS with pictures of mom and dad growing up and then all of us. He has worked on this for over a year. He even got mom and dads voices in the background explaining all the pictures! It was so beautiful! He did it by Weddings, families, Redfish lake(our families favorite camping spot in the Sawtooth mountains), dads family, moms family and so much more. Steve said it took over 5 DVDs to get all it done. He's going to make copies for all the families for Christmas! My kids thought it was so much fun seeing me as a kid growing up. I shortly got to visit with all my family. It's hard to see 6 brothers and sisters in just one days visit. 3 brother's lives right in IF but Joni and Steve live in Utah and Leslie lives in Seattle, so it's hard to all get together anymore. All in all, it was so beautiful to see dad just get teary eyed over all his prosperity! Great weekend! Plus I only gained 1 lb!!!!!!!!!
  24. knrpick

    My dad's 80th birthday

    FINALLY! I have about 15 min. before kids get home from school! Man, where did my day go? The weekend was so perfect, except I had to get up at 2:30 AM. We left at 4 AM to get to the airport. Flew into Salt lake city, and then drove up to Idaho Falls because flying into IF almost doubled the airfare. So, the poor kids sat all day. Anyway, we got there at 2:30 PM and we were all so happy. The next day I wanted to keep dad busy, so I told him I wanted to visit 2 of my favorite places growing up. We drove to the Falls where the LDS temple is and we fed the geese and ducks. There were hundreds of them! Mom said that they just keep multiplying because everyone feeds them. The kids had a blast, I even got dad to walk around with us for awhile. We then drove out to the Sand Dunes we have there. I was sooooo shocked that they are almost gone. Dad said that when the Teton Damn broke in the 70's, they took almost half for sand bagging. I barely remember that, but I do remember going to the river where we fed the ducks and sitting on my dad's shoulders and seeing the river just rise and rise. Anyway, the kids haven't seen dunes before so we played and played. Mom and dad sat in the car and just laughed. We barryed everyone, rolled, jumped and even slid down the dunes. It was a blast! That pretty much took up the day. Saturday Kevin took the 2 older kids and left early, as the disguise of going to barnes and nobles, and they went to the church to help set up. Mom set up the guise that she wanted to get my families picture taken since we were here, but her yard she didn't like, so she wanted pictures at the church. Then after that dad wanted to take us out to dinner. So my family left a few min. early and told them we would meet them there. We got there and as we turned into the parking lot there was a huge yellow banner that said "happy 80th birthday" with everyone standing behind it. We got out and said our hellos. OMG it was so cold, we didn't bring jackets or shoes, just flip flops. Anyway, all 7 kids, spouses, grandkids, their spouses and their kids made it except for 3 boys who were serving a 2 yr mission for our church! It was amazing, we counted 58 people! So anyway, when mom drove up with dad, she went slow so he could see everyone, he smiled and said, "oh look, theres a church activity for the kids going on" and then he saw everyone and was shocked. He started to cry and so did mom! It was perfect! We had a nice dinner, cake and a program. Then, my oldest brother, Steve, put together a compilation of DVDS with pictures of mom and dad growing up and then all of us. He has worked on this for over a year. He even got mom and dads voices in the background explaining all the pictures! It was so beautiful! He did it by Weddings, families, Redfish lake(our families favorite camping spot in the Sawtooth mountains), dads family, moms family and so much more. Steve said it took over 5 DVDs to get all it done. He's going to make copies for all the families for Christmas! My kids thought it was so much fun seeing me as a kid growing up. I shortly got to visit with all my family. It's hard to see 6 brothers and sisters in just one days visit. 3 brother's lives right in IF but Joni and Steve live in Utah and Leslie lives in Seattle, so it's hard to all get together anymore. All in all, it was so beautiful to see dad just get teary eyed over all his prosperity! Great weekend! Plus I only gained 1 lb!!!!!!!!!

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