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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by knrpick

  1. knrpick

    God's Gift of Music

    I too, love music. I have my degree in music and I just feel at peace with music! You go girl!
  2. knrpick

    First time blog post

    How long since your last fill. If it was a little while ago then that could be why. After a fill, it can take up to 10 days to feel the whole restriction. You might need an unfill! Keep it up, you have done awesome!
  3. knrpick

    I am not longer OBESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WOOOOOOOOOOOT! congrats! I'm proud of you! Now if I could just get there!
  4. knrpick

    More puppies sold!

    I know you all are sick and tired of hearing about my puppies, but right now, they are my life. If I could just sell the little buggers, life would be much easier! Yesterday we went to the Farmers market to try to sell the pups. No such luck. We then we to St. Roberts where we have seen people sell pups before and we had a ton of people come by. The cops then came and shooed us away because we don't have a vendors liscense. Soooooo, we wasted an entire day for nothing. Today though, I had 1 girl come pick up her pup and another girl call and she 's picking up her pup tomorrow. I then had another lady call who wants one of my white huskies..... so life is looking up!!!!! I just have 3 more to sell! Food........... well now there's a story, well a non story! I eat, I'm hungry and I'm praying faithfully to find my sweet spot on Thursday when i get my 2nd fill! I hope He's listening!!!!!!!!!!! I just want to get full on small amounts! I hear horror stories on here that people won't lose weight in a year! Give me a break, seriously! I will freaking slit my wrists if that happens! $12,500 for surgery and I won't lose weight!!!! I'm going to get pissed if I don't start soon. I have lost in 2 wks. Still stuck and the 272-271 number! love to all!
  5. knrpick

    Day 7 Realize Band

    You are still healing! Your gaining because of swelling and the IV fluids you had in the hospital! It will come off, I promise! You are swollen, so water and food are difficult. The swelling will go down and all of a sudden you can drink and eat again! Good luck! Ruth
  6. knrpick

    After my 5th fill I am missing food.

    a 1/2 c is about all you should be eating! I am where you were! I can eat whatever and as much as I want! It sucks, i'm not losing at all. I need a fill so bad, going in thursday! If you needed an unfill, you wouldn't be able to keep food or water down and you wouldn't be losing weight. Sounds to me like you hit your sweet spot. The missing food thing is hard. I think it's head hunger, I'm definately there! I hate head hunger! Hang in there!!!!! Ruth
  7. knrpick

    Step Away From The Box - will I ever learn

    OMG I soooooo hate the dentist also. i never get numb, they have to shoot me up like 5 or 6 times. I can't have novacaine anymore because my heart races and i get a cold sweat! I have THE worst teeth on the planet, very sensative and soft. Anyway, I can relate! And good for you for stepping back and realizing what you did!!!!!! Take care, Ruth
  8. knrpick

    A major step closer..the good, the bad and the ugly..

    I too haven had the battle with depression meds. Some have made me gain weight, some made me a woman from hell! Others just didn't work! You will do fine! I hated my shrink too! Take care! Ruth
  9. knrpick

    1yr 5 mo...

    Lucy, 60 lbs is no crying matter! I'm proud of you! Good job! The reflux could be a sign of too tight of band, and it could also be causing your not being able to lose weight! Ask your doc, maybe he has some advice or he could take a little out of your band! Take care! Ruth
  10. knrpick

    8/21/09 Scale Whores Anonymous- Semi-Annual Meeting

    Hi, I'm knrpick (Ruth) and I am SOOOO a scale whore, and proud of it! I get on every day!
  11. knrpick

    I Weigh NOTHING!

    LMAO!!!!!! That is so funny I almost peed my pants! Good job!
  12. knrpick

    My Replacement for Stress Eating

    Wow that is beautiful! I love to quilt also, and that helps me keep my mind off food too! Good job!!!
  13. knrpick

    Week 37 Post Op

    HOLY CRAP! You are amazing! Keep up the good work!
  14. knrpick


    Wow! your doing great! Hang in there!!!!!
  15. knrpick

    Pre Op nightmares.

    They love for you to spend money and time! Don't sweat it, really! You'll do great!!!!
  16. Phew! I'm glad I'm not the only one who would like more interesting sex with my sweetheart! Thanks!!!!

  17. Tuz, what would you like to know! Name it, I'm so not shy, as you can tell! lol



  18. knrpick

    Same old story

    Ok, I have realized my worst fear and I'm actually going to say it out loud! I have gotten to the point that I have gotten to in every diet. I hit 270-271 and I don't lose anymore! My greatest fear is that with this band I won't lose anymore, like before. I've lost 20 odd lbs, which makes me happy, but now I'm yo-yoing up and down. I'm hungry all the time. I drink, drink, drink. I haven't been perfect, but I now am going to go day by day, hour by hour if need be. I AM going to break this cycle. When I reach 268 you will see rockets in the air, there will be a CBS Special Report! You will hear an orgasmic scream from miles around:tt2::eek: I'm so sick and tired of letting the scale rule my life! I'm going to conquer! So struggles come and go, but you only have 1 body. I want to be proud to be seen with my husband and I want him to be proud of me too. I want my kids to not hide and say, "uh, yeah that's my mom". They don't, but..... you know what I mean. :thumbup: I want to go to the park with my kids and NOT just sit and watch, I want to play on the jungle gym with them. My secret fantasy..... ok don't laugh...... I want to have sex with my husband standing up! Yup, I said it out loud! That is my goal in life. A worthy goal if you ask me! :ohmy:
  19. knrpick

    Day 14 of the pre op liquid diet

    I was numb too! Yes it passes an yes, you will be FABULOUS! Hang in there!
  20. knrpick

    Same old story

    Ok, I have realized my worst fear and I'm actually going to say it out loud! I have gotten to the point that I have gotten to in every diet. I hit 270-271 and I don't lose anymore! My greatest fear is that with this band I won't lose anymore, like before. I've lost 20 odd lbs, which makes me happy, but now I'm yo-yoing up and down. I'm hungry all the time. I drink, drink, drink. I haven't been perfect, but I now am going to go day by day, hour by hour if need be. I AM going to break this cycle. When I reach 268 you will see rockets in the air, there will be a CBS Special Report! You will hear an orgasmic scream from miles around:tt2::thumbup: I'm so sick and tired of letting the scale rule my life! I'm going to conquer! So struggles come and go, but you only have 1 body. I want to be proud to be seen with my husband and I want him to be proud of me too. I want my kids to not hide and say, "uh, yeah that's my mom". They don't, but..... you know what I mean. I want to go to the park with my kids and NOT just sit and watch, I want to play on the jungle gym with them. My secret fantasy..... ok don't laugh...... I want to have sex with my husband standing up! Yup, I said it out loud! That is my goal in life. A worthy goal if you ask me! :wub:
  21. knrpick

    First real food test

    I'm excited to hear what Pitt has to say. Jennifer is mean, don't listen to her! lol
  22. knrpick

    Just one day out of hospital

    Congrats! This site is amazing. I have learned so much on here, and everyone is so wonderful! Keep it up!
  23. knrpick

    Is it finally working???

    It's working! Congrats!!!!!!
  24. You are feeling what I feel. When you have surgery, you have swelling. After awhile, your swelling goes down and your band loosens up. I haven't lost weight in like 2 wks. Hang in there! You can do this, I promise!
  25. knrpick

    Another day of puppy hell

    Well, I have sold 2 puppies! That's the good part. You know we were treating them for diareah because of a stupid friend. Anyway, just as we were getting the 2 pups ready........ yup...... more diarreah! I'm so sick and tired of this! I called them back and said don't come. They weren't happy, and if they don't want the pups ,I don't blame them! Now we need to make another trip to the vet tomorrow and get more meds and shots. I'm seriously thinking of sending Lorrie, my friend who watched the dogs, my vet bill! I'm now losing money off of these pups because of high vet bills! So I'm treating my pups with pumpkin, I come in and Spirit, my mom husky has gotten on my counter and eaten my cake that my son made last night. That actually was a good thing so I wouldn't eat it, but in the process she broke my pan and glass went everywhere. So I take a break from puppy hell to go to the doctor for me. I sometimes get.....uh..... I'm so imbarrassed...... pimples on my breasts. Yup, ok, so I'm going through puberty again, but whatever!:wub: Anyway, I got this pimple 1 month ago, it popped but never went away. It got red, bigger, and infamed! It even had a knot underneath. I kinda worried becasue breast cancer runs on both sides of family. So I went in and no cancer! PHEW! buuuuuuuuut, I have MRSA! :eek::thumbup: It's not severe and open, but still! So antibiotics for me, the puppies, who else wants some?!:ohmy: I was so pissed, oh..... and I haven't lost any weight in a week since my fill. I thought I had, but guess not! I was so pissed, you know what I did? Yup, I ate a burger. :thumbup::cursing::cursing: Whatever, so I know I eat to sooth my feelings. I'm pissed, but I'm more pissed about all the freaking money I spent on puppies! Lesson 1- Never leave home for more than a day when you have a billion puppies. Lesson 2- Never ask your looney friend if she will watch the puppies when you know she is looney! Lesson 3- kill your friend for making your puppies sick! Lesson 4- don't eat when your pissed or upset! ALL IN ALL IT'S BEEN A SHITY DAY........... AGAIN! This is the puppy that couldn't go home today!

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