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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by knrpick

  1. knrpick

    What a week

    **SIGH** Let's start at the beginning. We got a new puppy on Saturday. We are going to start breeding pomeranians. Monday, I took him to the elementary school to show. He did fantastic! His name is Chai Tea. In the afternoon, we take all of our dogs to get their shots. We get home and let them run out back! Well, kids came home and we forgot about them. My son who is out front came in and said ALL the dogs are running in the front yard! Sasha had dug out of the yard. Well, Kevin goes running and our new puppy, Iluq (EEluck) got hit by a car! Ran him to a vet and he was in shock, so they couldn't do surgery. The next day they did exrays and he dislocated his hip, and fractured where his growth plate is. Not Good. They had to anesthetize him to suture him up. His entire pad of his paw and been almost torn off. We finally got him home Tuesday evening. Wednesday we drove to Lebanon to look at a new pup, and it will be a couple weeks before we can have her. Anyway, Kevin came with me and he got a cold that morning. By 3:00 PM I have a full blown cold. Thursday, my cold has completely taken over my entire head. I have gone through an entire box of kleenex in 1 day! This entire week I haven't lost any weight. I go for a fill next Tuesday and I won't have lost any! I'm very discouraged! I haven't been able to exercise all week due to the puppy and me being sick. I'm just ticked at myself for not eating correctly. I journal every day and stay within my limits for the most part. I don't know what to do! The pictures are of my new little Chai and iluq who got hit by a car!
  2. knrpick


    I had the same thing happen! It's the IV fluids they gave you. My husband is a doctor , anesthetist, and he told me they gave me 4 bags of IV. That equals out to be about 9 lbs. Yup, I gained 9 lbs. I lost it within a week! Hang in there! I was so upset, but when my hubby explained, it made sense. You will do fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. knrpick

    Week 5

    Wow! Fabulous! I had surgery July 13, I love eggs, grits, lunchmeat with string cheese, greek yogurt, i gag down cottage cheese because of high protein...... Good luck in your journey!
  4. knrpick


    Don't fear, losing weight is near! No, pain is not normal! No, I don't want to switch to bypass, and I don't know anyone who wants that. You will do great!!!!
  5. knrpick

    Exhuasting day

    Yesterday, I decided to do a run to St. Louis and shop by myself. I never get to do that. Got a call from a girl who wants my pup, so I said I would drop him off in Fenton on my way to St. Louis. Well right as I was ready to leave, the school called and my 10 yr old girl has a fever!:redface: So I picked her up, gave her tylanol, and went to Fenton. We dropped the pup off and starting to drive. Morgan started to shake uncontrollably and started to cry. Well, my shopping trip sucked as you can imagine, didn't make it. Went home and took her temp. It took us an hour and a half to get home, so by this time she is crying uncontrollably. Took her temp and it was 104.5. Ok, so I'm going to taking her after hours clinic. They took us right back because of her symptoms. She has a stiff neck (menagitis!) They wanted to do blood work, but they don't do that there so they said because of her stiff neck they would feel more comfortable with us going to the ER. We get there and she gets a blanket and motrin while we wait. It's a long time and they finally get her to triage. Get her symptoms, temp and weight. They said it would atleast be another hour. I told her I was taking her in my car to wait so she can lay down and they can call my cell phone when they are ready. So Morgan finally sleeps, poor thing. They call me in 1 hr later. Take us to a room and they leave..... just leave. Ok?........... Finally a sweet man nurse came in and took her temp and talked to her...... and left. Another hour goes by, her temp is not falling! They give her some tylonal and leave. :thumbup: Finally they come take her blood. I ask, why is the doctor doing this without even seeing my daughter???:smile2: Protocol was all she said. Nurse comes in with strep test, flu test and urine test and leaves. We wait another hour, literally!:wink2: By this time the meds and kicked in finally and she is bored.:eek: I'd rather her be sick cuz of the wait and she was sleeping. She keeps asking every 2 min. when the doc would be in. Finally he comes in and goes through all the bloodwork and such. Everything was fine except urine. She has UTI but it's in the kidneys, so kidney infection. HIgh fever and stiff neck very typical. He then asks me if My visit was satisfactory! WHAT??????????? SATISFACTORY? HELL NOOOOOOO it wasn't!:wub: told him I was pissed with waiting. He said I can't do anyting about that, 2 docs with 28 rooms filled and 17 people waiting to be seen. Not his fault. Oh ok, so we spent hours in the Er, with hundreds of dollars being spent to have the doctor say he can't do anything, kidney infection, and a perscription. Oh, ok! I'm joyously happy with my service!:sad: NOT!!!!!!!!!! TOO BOOT, I wanted and intented to drive to Columbia for a lap band support meeting and I missed it. I was too exhausted to go and we didn't get out of ER till 9:30 PM:cursing::crying: Ok, my husband is an anesthetist, I understand hospital protocol, but last night was rediculous! She is fine today, kept her home, her fever has broke but she still has aching muscles. She will be fine! Thank goodness! I guess that's all that matters! I ate the worst yesterday with being gone all day. Fast food twice! At this point today I don't care! I'm eating good today and that's all that matters, right?
  6. knrpick

    Exhuasting day

    Yesterday, I decided to do a run to St. Louis and shop by myself. I never get to do that. Got a call from a girl who wants my pup, so I said I would drop him off in Fenton on my way to St. Louis. Well right as I was ready to leave, the school called and my 10 yr old girl has a fever!:thumbdown: So I picked her up, gave her tylanol, and went to Fenton. We dropped the pup off and starting to drive. Morgan started to shake uncontrollably and started to cry. Well, my shopping trip sucked as you can imagine, didn't make it. Went home and took her temp. It took us an hour and a half to get home, so by this time she is crying uncontrollably. Took her temp and it was 104.5. Ok, so I'm going to taking her after hours clinic. They took us right back because of her symptoms. She has a stiff neck (menagitis!) They wanted to do blood work, but they don't do that there so they said because of her stiff neck they would feel more comfortable with us going to the ER. We get there and she gets a blanket and motrin while we wait. It's a long time and they finally get her to triage. Get her symptoms, temp and weight. They said it would atleast be another hour. I told her I was taking her in my car to wait so she can lay down and they can call my cell phone when they are ready. So Morgan finally sleeps, poor thing. They call me in 1 hr later. Take us to a room and they leave..... just leave. Ok?........... Finally a sweet man nurse came in and took her temp and talked to her...... and left. Another hour goes by, her temp is not falling! They give her some tylonal and leave. :smile2: Finally they come take her blood. I ask, why is the doctor doing this without even seeing my daughter???:cursing: Protocol was all she said. Nurse comes in with strep test, flu test and urine test and leaves. We wait another hour, literally!:cursing: By this time the meds and kicked in finally and she is bored.:eek: I'd rather her be sick cuz of the wait and she was sleeping. She keeps asking every 2 min. when the doc would be in. Finally he comes in and goes through all the bloodwork and such. Everything was fine except urine. She has UTI but it's in the kidneys, so kidney infection. HIgh fever and stiff neck very typical. He then asks me if My visit was satisfactory! WHAT??????????? SATISFACTORY? HELL NOOOOOOO it wasn't!:cursing: told him I was pissed with waiting. He said I can't do anyting about that, 2 docs with 28 rooms filled and 17 people waiting to be seen. Not his fault. :cursing: Oh ok, so we spent hours in the Er, with hundreds of dollars being spent to have the doctor say he can't do anything, kidney infection, and a perscription. Oh, ok! I'm joyously happy with my service!:thumbup: NOT!!!!!!!!!! TOO BOOT, I wanted and intented to drive to Columbia for a lap band support meeting and I missed it. I was too exhausted to go and we didn't get out of ER till 9:30 PM:cursing::cursing: Ok, my husband is an anesthetist, I understand hospital protocol, but last night was rediculous! She is fine today, kept her home, her fever has broke but she still has aching muscles. She will be fine! Thank goodness! I guess that's all that matters! I ate the worst yesterday with being gone all day. Fast food twice! At this point today I don't care! I'm eating good today and that's all that matters, right?
  7. knrpick

    I'm down 40 pounds!

    congrats! You deserve 2 thumbs up!!!
  8. knrpick

    I am a new guy here so bear with me.....

    YOU ROCK! This will so change your life, like it has for everyone else. Men are so lucky! You guys loose so much weight a lot easier than us women! Be grateful, and good luck!!!
  9. knrpick

    3rd fill 4 cc

    Well today was a great day. I finally had my 3rd fill. I can't really tell if I'm more restricted, I still can eat more than I should. But, I do have to eat slower, which is a plus! I had my last diatitian apt, thank goodness! What a pain, I totally lied my way through and told them what they wanted to hear and all was good. The trainer was way good! I kicked his butt!!!! The fill nurse was happy with my loss, 3 lbs. I'm not, I was bad over the weekend, thus the little loss. But I need to think of it as 3 lost not gained. I'm loving my new life. I get compliments everywhere I turn! I don't have a double chin anymore, so I'm no turkey chin! Big plus!!!!:thumbdown: I have more energy level, so we are having more sex!:cool: yup, I said the S word. My ultimate goal is to have sex standing up ( if you remember my earlier blog) I might actually get there, which is giving me hot flashes just thinking about it. Kevin, sweet man that he is, is just drooooooling, thinking about my goal! :ohmy: Phew, had to close the blog, my daughter was sitting here. Now that's imbarrassing! Ok, where was I......... I was bad, bad, bad over the weekend, thus the bad loss. My daugters 10th birthday party was this weekend, long story short ,she had 2 parties, 2 cakes, and both really, really, really, oooooooooohhhhhhhhh REALLLLLY GOOD! Yeah I know, spank me, HARD!!! Isn't it interesting, well, it is to me, that when my family is home..... we eat! We played hand and foot card game on Sunday, which is a family favorite, and what did we have? Treats, cake, yummies! ARRRRGGGGG! It's so hard to say no, when they are passing it around! I need to just say no, but my will power is.... well, not good right now! Oh I learned some new exercise ideas from my trainer. I told him I hated running on cement, it hurt. Well, dummmmyyyy, of course it hurts, your a horse right now. Anywho, he suggested walking on the treadmill, and during commercials.... run. Holy crap, didn't think commercials lasted that long! Did the first one fine, but the 2nd set of commercials killed me, I totally didn't make it. MY NEW GOAL!!!!!!!!! MAKE IT THROUGH ALL THE COMMERCIALS RUNNING! It will take a while, but I will get there! He said that running then walking and running again is a fabulous and best kind of work out. It builds up your endurance. If you never challenge yourself, you will never get to a higher level. Totally makes sense. We also worked on a exercise ball and kettle weights. Totally cool. It gives me more options to add to my exercise. Going to the trainer was actually a lot of fun. OMG!!!! DID I JUST SAY THAT???????? have a fabulous day everyone, and remember, WE CAN DO THIS, IF WE DO IT TOGETHER!!!!1
  10. knrpick

    3rd fill 4 cc

    u 2 are tooooo kind :-)
  11. knrpick

    A Sigh of Relief

    congrats on the job! And clothes that fall off!!!!!
  12. knrpick

    weight loss ticker

    the easiest way is to click on someones ticker. That will bring you to the ticker home page. Then create your own and save. I can't remember if you copy your ticker and paste on your signiture. I think that's it. hope it helps!
  13. knrpick

    Head hunger, real hunger, or habit hunger...HG update

    just one comment. YOU ARE SO WORTH HOT GREG!!!! See you thursday!!!!!!
  14. knrpick

    9/9/09 Fourth Fill

    I love all the pictures you put in! They crack me up, you are very inventive! Just got my 3rd fill yesterday! We are getting there..... slowly, but still getting there! Good luck
  15. knrpick

    3rd fill 4 cc

    Well today was a great day. I finally had my 3rd fill. I can't really tell if I'm more restricted, I still can eat more than I should. But, I do have to eat slower, which is a plus! I had my last diatitian apt, thank goodness! What a pain, I totally lied my way through and told them what they wanted to hear and all was good. The trainer was way good! I kicked his butt!!!! The fill nurse was happy with my loss, 3 lbs. I'm not, I was bad over the weekend, thus the little loss. But I need to think of it as 3 lost not gained. I'm loving my new life. I get compliments everywhere I turn! I don't have a double chin anymore, so I'm no turkey chin! Big plus!!!!:redface: I have more energy level, so we are having more sex!:smile2: yup, I said the S word. My ultimate goal is to have sex standing up ( if you remember my earlier blog) I might actually get there, which is giving me hot flashes just thinking about it. Kevin, sweet man that he is, is just drooooooling, thinking about my goal! :thumbup: Phew, had to close the blog, my daughter was sitting here. Now that's imbarrassing! Ok, where was I......... I was bad, bad, bad over the weekend, thus the bad loss. My daugters 10th birthday party was this weekend, long story short ,she had 2 parties, 2 cakes, and both really, really, really, oooooooooohhhhhhhhh REALLLLLY GOOD! Yeah I know, spank me, HARD!!! Isn't it interesting, well, it is to me, that when my family is home..... we eat! We played hand and foot card game on Sunday, which is a family favorite, and what did we have? Treats, cake, yummies! ARRRRGGGGG! It's so hard to say no, when they are passing it around! I need to just say no, but my will power is.... well, not good right now! Oh I learned some new exercise ideas from my trainer. I told him I hated running on cement, it hurt. Well, dummmmyyyy, of course it hurts, your a horse right now. Anywho, he suggested walking on the treadmill, and during commercials.... run. Holy crap, didn't think commercials lasted that long! Did the first one fine, but the 2nd set of commercials killed me, I totally didn't make it. MY NEW GOAL!!!!!!!!! MAKE IT THROUGH ALL THE COMMERCIALS RUNNING! It will take a while, but I will get there! He said that running then walking and running again is a fabulous and best kind of work out. It builds up your endurance. If you never challenge yourself, you will never get to a higher level. Totally makes sense. We also worked on a exercise ball and kettle weights. Totally cool. It gives me more options to add to my exercise. Going to the trainer was actually a lot of fun. OMG!!!! DID I JUST SAY THAT???????? have a fabulous day everyone, and remember, WE CAN DO THIS, IF WE DO IT TOGETHER!!!!1
  16. knrpick

    Day 9

    Be proud! I'm a scale whore too! I had severe withdrawls when I had my tonsils out 5 months ago, but I actually had mild to no pain with my band! Hope you get feeling better!
  17. knrpick

    Diagnosed as being anemic following lap band installation

    I'm so sorry! Keep us informed!
  18. knrpick

    Its almost time!!!

    you've only just begun your journey! Congrats! You will NEVER, EVER, EVER regret it!
  19. knrpick

    The wedding

    flu ontop of wedding! YUCK!!! I forgot that you were married once upon a time! I'm totally jealous of the fitting into old clothes thing! Congrats on that and on the wedding being over!!!!!!!!!
  20. knrpick

    Greek Food and Monkey Bars!

    that's my goal! To play on the jungle gym with my kids! You go girl!
  21. knrpick

    Dad's 80th birthday

    that is so funny! I don't think anyone looks like me except my oldest daughter. But I guess Kevin and I look a lot alike. I always tease that I'm just in incibator!
  22. knrpick

    Dad's 80th birthday

    Mom and dad sent me the pictures from my dad's 80th birthday. What a fabulous posterity they have. It was amazing to actually get everyone there. 3 are missing. Those three are on missions for our church. I posted more pictures in my photos. ok pictures wouldn't load. If you want to see them go to my photos!
  23. knrpick


    Wow, my family and I walked 90 min. with my dogs. I've never walked that long. I'm freaking exhausted!!!!!
  24. knrpick


    Wow, my family and I walked 90 min. with my dogs. I've never walked that long. I'm freaking exhausted!!!!!

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