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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by knrpick

  1. knrpick

    Day 3..... HUNGER!

    Yup, I had mine on the 13th as well. I can't stand isopure, but I've decided to add more protein to my day, we will see what happens.
  2. knrpick

    Day 4..... getting better

    Wow, I woke up today and felt great! Gas is still there, but I'm walking straighter. I got up and had some grits. I then walked 15 min on the treadmill. Not like normal, I usually walk a mile in 18 min. I walked 1/2 mile in 15 min. 2 miles per hour. Ouch! Guess I still have a ways to go, but atleast I walked! Tried doing the elliptical, nope, not yet. Too much movement in the arms, hurts my stomach. I'm so glad I see a difference every day! I think I have actually lost all my water weight from surgery, too! Now we will wait and see how my hunger does for today!:smile2: It's evening now and I did a stupid thing. I had chicken, very moist, and only a couple bites and mashed potatoes. No nothing hurt, but talking to you all, I've learned my lesson and let my body heal. I have found a savior food!!!! sugar free fudgecycles! OMG I think I will live!!!!! I drove for the first time today, didn't remember how much ab muscles you use when you drive. OVER ALL, I feel great today. Now, like my c-sections, I need to remember not to do too much too soon. I just want life to get back to normal and I want to take care of my family not the other way around. Thanks for everyones posts on the site, it helped me a lot today when I screwed up!
  3. knrpick

    Day 4..... getting better

    Wow, I woke up today and felt great! Gas is still there, but I'm walking straighter. I got up and had some grits. I then walked 15 min on the treadmill. Not like normal, I usually walk a mile in 18 min. I walked 1/2 mile in 15 min. 2 miles per hour. Ouch! Guess I still have a ways to go, but atleast I walked! Tried doing the elliptical, nope, not yet. Too much movement in the arms, hurts my stomach. I'm so glad I see a difference every day! I think I have actually lost all my water weight from surgery, too! Now we will wait and see how my hunger does for today! It's evening now and I did a stupid thing. I had chicken, very moist, and only a couple bites and mashed potatoes. No nothing hurt, but talking to you all, I've learned my lesson and let my body heal. I have found a savior food!!!! sugar free fudgecycles! OMG I think I will live!!!!! I drove for the first time today, didn't remember how much ab muscles you use when you drive. OVER ALL, I feel great today. Now, like my c-sections, I need to remember not to do too much too soon. I just want life to get back to normal and I want to take care of my family not the other way around. Thanks for everyones posts on the site, it helped me a lot today when I screwed up!
  4. knrpick


    I did the realize! I also liked how it hooked in. Guess we will wait and see. You can do this! WE are in this together. Arb was banded today by Pitt. Everything went well. My problem is I'm freaking starving!!!! Go figure huh? Get the band to stop hunger and I'm the hungriest I've ever been! lol oh well!
  5. knrpick

    The First Day of the Rest of my Life!

    oh my gosh you are so funny! I told my husband what you said about the elephant on your chest needs lap band. He was laughing so hard, he almost peed his pants! Congrats! We are bandsta brothas! hahahahaha it does sound better! Talk to you soon. Sleep well!
  6. knrpick

    Day 3..... HUNGER!

    This morning I woke up feeling so much better. I was able to get up without too much discomfort and I only had to get up once during the night. So funny, I forgot to add that I came home from surgery and gained 9 lbs. My sweet husband, who is a nurse anesthetist, reminded me that I had 4 bags of IV during the day so I had a lot of water weight on me. I'm down a couple pounds, so I'm not worried. I'm extremely worried by my hunger today! Yikes! My doc has me on 4 oz of full liquids ex: pudding, soup, milk, etc. Then snack 4 oz of protein shake. Lunch 4 oz full liquids, snack 4 oz protein shake. Dinner 4 oz full liquids. Holy crap, I'm freaking starving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did find people who had my problem, so I guess it's normal, but, I THOUGHT the band was supposed to supress hunger!!!! oh well, this too shall pass...... right? Rhonda(Arb) is out of hospital and doing fine. She had surgery today.
  7. Actually i was banded on the 13th. I had phlem in post op also. They finally had to give me a breathing treatment, no I'm not asthmatic. I STill have phlem as well, my husband who is a nurse anesthetist says to keep using your spirometer, so it will inflate your lungs. It's been helping me a little!!!
  8. boy I can relate! I was band the 13th, and today, day 2, I'm starving. I'm on full liquids, so I can have grits, tomato soup, pudding etc. But I'm starving!!!! We will stick together! You can do it!!!!!
  9. OMG!!!! I'm so glad I'm not alone! I was banded the 13th. 2 days ago. Today I'm finally feeling good, but man oh man, I'm STARVING!!!!!!! I guess we just need to stick together! We can do this! I'm also having a hard time getting my water in. Just sipping all day I get 32 oz in, but I know i need more! Hang in there!!!!!!
  10. I also was on the 13th! The 2nd day was the WORST! Gas was horrible. My gas was in the back and stomach, not in the shoulder. Couldn't get comfortable! But today, 15th, I'm feeling great! I still have gas, but it's not horrible, and I'm moving a lot easier! Hang in there, it does get better!
  11. give her my best as well. I had mine yesterday also! Day 2 I feel like a train hit me, but it's worth it........ I think! :-)
  12. knrpick

    Wow, the 2nd day is worse!

    Boy what a couple of days! Kevin and I had to drive 1 1/2 hrs to get to Columbia. We had to be there by 715 AM. They got me in and the CRNA couldn't get my IV. They never do. anyway, surgery went well, but in the recovery room I started Wheezing and coughing. The nurse ordered a breathing treatment and 2 hrs later it finally came. Right before that, Kevin had had enough and he went to get my inhalor so I had both. It helped but I'm still coughing and my stomach hurts from so much coughing. Anyway, the drive home wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Oy vey! The night was horrible. They gave me 4 liters of fluids, so I was up every hour peeing! Then, I can't lay on my sides, only my back, so my back is killing me and my head! That's actually the worst pain. I think the back pain is my gas. I'm not having gas pain like most people say is in their shoulder. Mine, is in my stomach and back! Oh and did I say it hurts to stand up straight! I forgot about that! I had my gall bladder out 17 hrs ago and it hurt like hell to stand up straight!!! My house is mess, my kids are doing and eating whatever they want and I sore, sore sore! I honestly didn't think it would be this bad! I have had 4 c-sections, and it's pretty much like that except that the pain is higher. I never had this much gas with my babies either! I know I'm gripeing and groaning, but I can do that since it's my blog, right? Rhonda is having her surgery tomorrow by Dr Pitt also. I hope she does well. Then Stacey is on the 22nd! Everyone is in my prayers!!!!!
  13. Well I'm home the hospital. It took longer than I thought, but everything went fine. Surgery was good, but I woke up wheezing, so I was coughing for hours. Finally they gave me a breathing treatment. I don't have asthma but for some reason....oh I don't know. Anyway, we stayed longer because every time I fell asleep my O2 stats fell to 80%. We also had a long drive home, hour and a half. I have gas, not in my shoulder, but in my back, yuck!!! I kept telling myself that this is the start of the rest of my life! I can't wait till tomorrow when I can have tomato soup, grits and cream of wheat. Small things make me happy after 10 days on protein diet!
  14. knrpick

    I can't believe it's tomorrow!

    I don't know if I will be able to sleep tonight. I have to be there at 7:15, but we have to leave at 5:30 to get there on time. I have been on clear liquids all day today and I can't stand watching food commercials! I'm STARVING!!!!!!!! The biggest thing I'm scared about is food! Can I know when I'm full? Can I stop eating when I am full? Can I actually lose weight AND keep it off? I have failed at every diet I've ever been on because i reverted back to bad habits. Will I revert? I want so desperately to succeed at this. I'm self pay and $12,500 is a butt load to come out on my own. I don't want to dissapoint my kids or worse, my husband!:cursing: Wish me luck! I will post ASAP! Thanks also for everyones comments!
  15. knrpick

    I can't believe it's tomorrow!

    I don't know if I will be able to sleep tonight. I have to be there at 7:15, but we have to leave at 5:30 to get there on time. I have been on clear liquids all day today and I can't stand watching food commercials! I'm STARVING!!!!!!!! The biggest thing I'm scared about is food! Can I know when I'm full? Can I stop eating when I am full? Can I actually lose weight AND keep it off? I have failed at every diet I've ever been on because i reverted back to bad habits. Will I revert? I want so desperately to succeed at this. I'm self pay and $12,500 is a butt load to come out on my own. I don't want to dissapoint my kids or worse, my husband! Wish me luck! I will post ASAP! Thanks also for everyones comments!
  16. knrpick

    July 2009 Dates

    I'm also on the 13th! I'm not scared about the gas, well, maybe a little. I'm scared that I won't know how much I should eat, or I won't know when I'm full. I've always overeaten. I'm also scared of eating, wondering if I won't take small enough bites, or eat foods that won't sit well. Guess we will see tomorrow! Wish me luck!
  17. Wow, I can't believe tomorrow is the date!!!! I never thought the day would come!
  18. knrpick

    looking for lapband buddies :)

    the peeps on this site are amazing and wonderful listeners. I just joined a little while ago, and everyone is so nice, and i love everyones stories!
  19. knrpick

    New Member

    Welcome Leah! Everyone is there with you! It is tough and exciting at the same time. I'm being banded on the 13th of July and people here on the site are very helpful and wonderful to talk too! You can do this! We are in this together!
  20. knrpick

    July 2009 Dates

    July 13th here! I'm more than ready!!!! I want to start my new life!
  21. knrpick

    Here goes nothing!

    Today is my first day of my blog. There are a lot of feelings going on right now. I feel good that I have lost 11 lbs on this protein diet thing and my surgery is Monday the 13th. I hate the constant thought of food, food, food. :biggrin: We have 2 female siberian huskies who had pups 1 wk apart. No, it wasn't planned! My re/white husky just killed another of Spirits pups last night. I'm so depressed and over-whelmed and don't know what to do. Poor Spirit is still looking for her pup! I have Sasha shut away with her pups in the garage, so I pray nothing else happens. I know this 10 day pre diet is worth it, but I'm so tired of worrying about what my family is eating, or can I cook for them. I did make one nice meal for them and spent the entire dinner torturing myself by sitting with them as a family. I finally got up, took my shake upstairs and watched tv in my room. I didn't want to smell or look at the food. Since then, I have make them do their own dinners, which I feel horrible over!!!! My kids are 15, 14, 9, 8 so they still need their mommy!
  22. I just started my 10 day liquid diet. My surgery is the 13th of July! :smile2: I'm so excited, but very weak from just drinking shakes and crystal light etc. Anyone have any suggestions on what they did for their 10 days? HELP!!!!!!!!!
  23. knrpick

    Here goes nothing!

    Today is my first day of my blog. There are a lot of feelings going on right now. I feel good that I have lost 11 lbs on this protein diet thing and my surgery is Monday the 13th. I hate the constant thought of food, food, food. We have 2 female siberian huskies who had pups 1 wk apart. No, it wasn't planned! My re/white husky just killed another of Spirits pups last night. I'm so depressed and over-whelmed and don't know what to do. Poor Spirit is still looking for her pup! I have Sasha shut away with her pups in the garage, so I pray nothing else happens. I know this 10 day pre diet is worth it, but I'm so tired of worrying about what my family is eating, or can I cook for them. I did make one nice meal for them and spent the entire dinner torturing myself by sitting with them as a family. I finally got up, took my shake upstairs and watched tv in my room. I didn't want to smell or look at the food. Since then, I have make them do their own dinners, which I feel horrible over!!!! My kids are 15, 14, 9, 8 so they still need their mommy!
  24. Ok, need help with the stupid weight ticker. I've lost 5 lbs and want to change my ticker, but can't find my original ticker on the website. What do I do? I know, I'm lame!
  25. knrpick

    My family

    Kevin my husband, Logan is 15, Toriann is 14, Morgan is 9, Rylan is 8

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
