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LAP-BAND Patients
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About robinbare

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 12/14/1966
  1. I had lapband 7 years ago and have maintained pretty well. I am now 51 and i know I am not getting the right nutrition. I feel very tired most of the time, I am now starting to bruise really easy. I hate to admit it but I havent had anything green in probably three months!! I always try to get my protein and then I cant eat anything else much. Im just wondering how do you get your greens and nutrients etc.??
  2. Happy 46th Birthday robinbare!

  3. robinbare

    Feel Like Such A Lap Band Failure!

    I am so thankful for all the advice I have gotten here. I made it back to the doctor yesterday and I was shocked to realize I had not had a fill in almost a year! That is what I get for hiding in shame! Wel I decided to go face the music. I was up 8 pounds. My doctor gave me 1 cc. I was on liquids last night and have been on mushies today. I can really tell a difference. I have really felt full today only eating a small amount. I have missed this feeling. I would recommend for anyone putting off the dreaded trip back to the doctor....GO! This was just what I needed. I am also seeing the psychologist on Thursday. I want to make sure my head is on straight. I am the only one that can make this work. Thanks for all the support. You guys are great. Keep your fingers crossed. One thing I have realized is teh lap band is a learning process. You cant figure out all this stuff over night. It takes time.
  4. robinbare

    Emotional Eater - Lap Band

    I am an emotional eater also. I have struggled the last 6 months with the band. I am comforted so much by food which really sucks. I have started my journey again. I am back to liquids. This is my second day. I am hoping if I start all over I can conquer this thing. I am also considering counceling. Its all a mind thing and I know this. Good luck on your journey. One thing I have figured out is its a never ending journey...
  5. robinbare

    Feel Like Such A Lap Band Failure!

    After seeing some of the post I decided to try the start all over again method. I have been on liquids the past 2 days. The first day was hard but I have a pretty good day today. I have noticed I got a burst of energy today which has boosted my confidence. I have done lots more around the house. I guess getting the sugar out of my system has helped. I am not a coffee drinker but did purchase a coffee pot and have liked it so far. I am praying this will jump starte me. I kind of had a light bulb moment when one of you posted that the band doesnt stop hunger. I think that is correct. I think we have to be in control of that. I do wish I could get better at distinguishing between head hunger and being full! I have the illusion that I have to feel bloated to be full. Thanks for all your help going to try to start mushies tomorrow. Hope this do over was what I needed. You folks are great!
  6. robinbare

    Feel Like Such A Lap Band Failure!

    Thanks for all the advice. I havent had a fill in a while. Now that I have gained 15 pounds I am ashamed to go the dr right now. I want to lose this first. I am confused I think about the hunger part and the "full" part. Im not recognizing the fullness. I have to work on this. I have cleaned all the christmas left overs out of my fridge and I am trying to get back on the wagon.
  7. robinbare

    Feel Like Such A Lap Band Failure!

    Thanks for all the advice. I havent had a fill in a while. Now that I have gained 15 pounds I am ashamed to go the dr right now. I want to lose this first. I am confused I think about the hunger part and the "full" part. Im not recognizing the fullness. I have to work on this. I have cleaned all the christmas left overs out of my fridge and I am trying to get back on the wagon.
  8. I had the lap band surgery in June 2010. I lost 50 pounds in the first year. Well the last 6 months I have gained 15 and have been like a runaway train. I have learned to eat around the band. I really dont even know when or how this happened. I guess I just slowly picked up the bad habits again and the emotional eating seems to have taken over. I have been eating like crazy and selecting the foods I know will slde thru. I feel like such a failure. Everyone went from commenting me on weight lose to avoiding the whole subject. I am trying to figure out what my next move is. I didnt have this done not to succeed. Any advice will be taken.
  9. Happy 45th Birthday robinbare!

  10. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary robinbare!

  11. robinbare

    Am I too tight?

    I just received my 3rd fill. Before the fill I only had pbing if I ate too much or ate too fast. Since the fill it seems any meet I try to eat ends up making me sick. Is this normal? Is this the restriction I should have had all along? Chicken, pork chops etc. I cant seem to eat but a couple of bites now at best. Thanks
  12. robinbare

    Am I too tight?

    I just received my 3rd fill. Before the fill I only had pbing if I ate too much or ate too fast. Since the fill it seems any meet I try to eat ends up making me sick. Is this normal? Is this the restriction I should have had all along? Chicken, pork chops etc. I cant seem to eat but a couple of bites now at best. Thanks
  13. robinbare

    First Fill tomorrow!

    I have my first fill tomorrow. I am so nervous. Can anyone give me any pointers????
  14. robinbare

    Strange question...

    I hear so many people talking about all these foods getting stuck. Well I have been banded 23 days and have not had anything get stuck yet. I have been wondering if the band is right?? I have lost 21 pounds but I can seem to eat anything but just not as much. Maybe when I get a 1st fill this will change but I hope not. I have 3 ccs now.

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