Hi Beth,
I am right there with you! I have only lost a total of 21 pounds in over a year. I started out well (losing about 30, but put some back with fill troubles). I have not been able to tolerate fills.
I have never been able to get to the restriction that others talk about. I can either eat a lot OR the band is so tight I cannot even keep liquids down.
My first few fills went okay -- no complications, but no restriction. I was hungry all the time and could eat most anything. Then, I was at a pretty good place with my fills -- not losing, but not gaining either. I was able to tolerate lean meats but very few veggies. About 3 weeks in this 'stage' I developed a gas bubble and became occluded and had to have an unfill.
We slowly worked my fills up, but then my allergies interfered. I had so much thick drainage that it blocked my stomach and I had to have another unfill.
I has slowly filled (.2cc's at a time) and reached a point of no losing/no gaining again. However, I am now starting a slow gain, and am afraid to get a fill.
I eat correctly, but can still get a fair amount of food down, ie... 4 -5 oz grilled chicken, 1/2 c. veggies and rice or potatoes.
I can say that at least I have been able to maintain my weight loss of 21 pounds, but I need to lose more.
For some people it just doesn't work as well -- even if we do what we are supposed to do.